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yatl is an imperative, statically typed, lexically scoped and memory-unsafe language. It supports simple control-flow constructs, recursion, forward declarations of functions, global variables, handy syntax for multi-dimensional arrays, ternary operators and more. Sample code can be found in the /examples directory.

Every translation unit must have a main function.


Basic Data Types

yatl has 12 basic data types: unit (similar to C's void), bool, signed and unsigned integers (i8, i16, i32, i64, u8, u16, u32 and u64) and floating-point numbers (single precision float and double precision double). Integers can be written either in decimal, binary (0b...), octal (0o...) or hexadecimal (0x...) format. Strings are represented as array of u8: [-]u8.

Relational Operators

Bools and numbers can be compared using <, <=, >, >=, == or != (false < true == true). Units can be tested only for equality and inequality as well but are always equal.

Relational operators can be chained together: 10 < 12 > 11 == 10 + 1 == true.

Unary and Binary Operators

Unary operator - changes the sign of a number and ! performs bitwise negation of a number. Unary not negates a boolean.

Traditional binary arithmetical operators +, -, *, / and % are supported for numbers as well as bitshifts >>, << and bitwise operators &, ^, |, which can be used for booleans as well.

Binary and and or for booleans. Additionally, && and || are their lazy equivalents.

Corresponding assignemnt operators: =, +=, -=, *=, /=, %=, >>=, <<=, &=, |=, ^=, &&=, ||=.


Arrays can be allocated either explicitely on stack or on a heap (see Buitlin Functions for more information). yatl also offers neat way to index multidimensional arrays.

// Construct one-dimensional array on stack
@[-]u8 array = @[-]u8 [97, 98, 99];

// Arrays can be indexed as usual
u8 result = array[0];
// result == 97

// Construct two-dimensional array on stack
@[-,-]u8 array2D = @[-,-]u8 [
    @[-]u8 [10, 20, 30],
    @[-]u8 [40, 50, 60],
    @[-]u8 [70, 80, 90]

u8 result2D = array3D[0,1];
// result2D == 20

Pointers are just zero-dimensional arrays, e.g []u8.


yatl performs implicit conversions only when no data loss can occur, e.g. from u8 to i16, but not from i64 to u64. Arrays cannot be implicitely converted to other arrays.

Programmer can perform explicit type conversions via special syntax @<to_type>(<expression>):

i64 signed = 123;
u32 unsigned = @u32(signed);


yatl offers loops, if statements, ternary operators and function calls as control-flow constructs.


// Traditional 3-part for-loop separated by `,`
for (i32 i = 0, i < 10, i++) { ... }

// More complex expressions can be used in a for-loop
for (
    i32 i = 0; i32 j = 10,
    i < j,
    i++; j--
    ) { ... }

// Traditional while and do-while loops.
while (true) { ... }
do { ... } while (true)

If Statements, Ternary Operators

// Condition must be of type bool.
if (false) { ... } else { ... }

// Else branch can be omitted.
if (true) { ... }
// ?: is lazily evaluated, first argument must be of type bool.
i32 answer = true ? 30 : 42;
// answer == 30

// ??: is strictly evaluated, first argument must be of type bool.
i32 answerTwo = false ?? 30 : 42;
// answerTwo == 42


u8 add(u8 fst, u8 snd) { return fst + snd; }

// Implict returns are also supported; no `return` statement is needed and the trailing `;` is omitted.
u8 addImplicitReturn(u8 fst, u8 snd) { fst + snd }

i32 main() {
    return @i32(add(10, 32) == addImplicitReturn(32, 10));

Forward function declaration is also supported, since function declaration must be known when a function is called. This is needed when mutual recursion is used. Recursive functions which call just itself do not need to use forward function declaration.

// Forward function declaration.
bool isEven(u32 n);

// Forward function declaration with unnamed arguments.
bool isOdd(u32);

bool isEven(u32 n) {
    if (n == 0) { return true; }
    return isOdd(n-1);

bool isOdd(u32 n) {
    if (n == 0) { return false; }
    return isEven(n-1);

Builtin Functions

yatl provides 10 builtin functions, following the same syntax as type conversions: @<builtinName>.

  • @alloc
  • @malloc
  • @realloc
  • @free
  • @sizeof
  • @len
  • @print
  • @readln
  • @bitcast
  • @exit