yatl is an imperative, statically typed, lexically scoped and memory-unsafe language.
It supports simple control-flow constructs, recursion, forward declarations of functions,
global variables, handy syntax for multi-dimensional arrays, ternary operators and more.
Sample code can be found in the /examples
Every translation unit must have a main function.
yatl has 12 basic data types: unit (similar to C's void), bool, signed and unsigned integers
(i8, i16, i32, i64, u8, u16, u32 and u64) and floating-point numbers (single precision
float and double precision double). Integers can be written either in decimal, binary (0b...
octal (0o...
) or hexadecimal (0x...
) format. Strings are represented as array of u8: [-]u8
Bools and numbers can be compared using <
, <=
, >
, >=
, ==
or !=
(false < true == true
Units can be tested only for equality and inequality as well but are always equal.
Relational operators can be chained together: 10 < 12 > 11 == 10 + 1 == true
Unary operator -
changes the sign of a number and !
performs bitwise negation of a number.
Unary not
negates a boolean.
Traditional binary arithmetical operators +
, -
, *
, /
and %
are supported for numbers as well as
bitshifts >>
, <<
and bitwise operators &
, ^
, |
, which can be used for booleans as well.
Binary and
and or
for booleans. Additionally, &&
and ||
are their lazy equivalents.
Corresponding assignemnt operators: =
, +=
, -=
, *=
, /=
, %=
, >>=
, <<=
, &=
, |=
, ^=
, &&=
, ||=
Arrays can be allocated either explicitely on stack or on a heap (see Buitlin Functions for more information). yatl also offers neat way to index multidimensional arrays.
// Construct one-dimensional array on stack
@[-]u8 array = @[-]u8 [97, 98, 99];
// Arrays can be indexed as usual
u8 result = array[0];
// result == 97
// Construct two-dimensional array on stack
@[-,-]u8 array2D = @[-,-]u8 [
@[-]u8 [10, 20, 30],
@[-]u8 [40, 50, 60],
@[-]u8 [70, 80, 90]
u8 result2D = array3D[0,1];
// result2D == 20
Pointers are just zero-dimensional arrays, e.g []u8
yatl performs implicit conversions only when no data loss can occur, e.g. from u8
to i16
but not from i64
to u64
. Arrays cannot be implicitely converted to other arrays.
Programmer can perform explicit type conversions via special syntax @<to_type>(<expression>)
i64 signed = 123;
u32 unsigned = @u32(signed);
yatl offers loops, if statements, ternary operators and function calls as control-flow constructs.
// Traditional 3-part for-loop separated by `,`
for (i32 i = 0, i < 10, i++) { ... }
// More complex expressions can be used in a for-loop
for (
i32 i = 0; i32 j = 10,
i < j,
i++; j--
) { ... }
// Traditional while and do-while loops.
while (true) { ... }
do { ... } while (true)
// Condition must be of type bool.
if (false) { ... } else { ... }
// Else branch can be omitted.
if (true) { ... }
// ?: is lazily evaluated, first argument must be of type bool.
i32 answer = true ? 30 : 42;
// answer == 30
// ??: is strictly evaluated, first argument must be of type bool.
i32 answerTwo = false ?? 30 : 42;
// answerTwo == 42
u8 add(u8 fst, u8 snd) { return fst + snd; }
// Implict returns are also supported; no `return` statement is needed and the trailing `;` is omitted.
u8 addImplicitReturn(u8 fst, u8 snd) { fst + snd }
i32 main() {
return @i32(add(10, 32) == addImplicitReturn(32, 10));
Forward function declaration is also supported, since function declaration must be known when a function is called. This is needed when mutual recursion is used. Recursive functions which call just itself do not need to use forward function declaration.
// Forward function declaration.
bool isEven(u32 n);
// Forward function declaration with unnamed arguments.
bool isOdd(u32);
bool isEven(u32 n) {
if (n == 0) { return true; }
return isOdd(n-1);
bool isOdd(u32 n) {
if (n == 0) { return false; }
return isEven(n-1);
yatl provides 10 builtin functions, following the same syntax as type conversions: @<builtinName>