awesome-alfresco is a curated list of awesome Alfresco add-ons, libraries, tutorials, scripts and much more.
- Content
- Auditing and Reporting
- Authentication and Authorization
- Backup and Restore
- Benchmark
- Content Management Systems
- Content Management System Integrations
- Content Stores
- Classification and OCR
- Clustering and Multitenancy
- Command Line Interfaces and Management Tools
- Custom Builds
- Data List Management
- Desktop Sync
- Development
- Development Tools
- Deployment and Installation
- Docker Based Deployment
- Digital Signatures
- Documents
- Encryption
- Events
- External App Development
- External Clients and Applications
- Filesystem Integrations
- Form Controls and Document Library Components
- Integrations
- Language Packs
- Localisation Tools
- Maintenance
- Management
- Mobile Clients
- Monitoring
- Online Editing
- Permissions
- Records Management
- Share Add-ons
- Share
- Share Dashlets
- Transformers and Previewers
- Tutorials
- Visualisations
- Wiki and Documentation
- Workflow
- Other
- Community Resources
- Commercial Add-ons
- Contributing and License
Alfresco Audit Analysis and Reporting - A.A.A.R. – Alfresco Audit Analysis and Reporting
Alfresco Audit Dashlet - Dashlet to view Alfresco audit logs
AuditShare for Alfresco - Alfresco Share free and open-source statistics module
Form4 Audit Report - Form4 audit report
Peltas - A friendly, smart and ready-to-use BI tool for Alfresco Content Services
alfresco-agreement-filter - This extension adds a must read page for every user before starting to use Alfresco.
Share oAuth - Spring Surf extension allowing remote endpoints to be easily set up against OAuth 1.0 and OAuth 2.0 services
Share oAuth SSO - Alfresco Share OAuth SSO Support
Alfresco BART - Backup and Recovery Tool - Alfresco BART is a tool written in shell script on top of Duplicity for doing Alfresco backups and restore from a local file system, FTP, SCP or Amazon S3.
Alfresco Benchmark - Alfresco Benchmark framework, utilities and load tests: a scalable load test suite
Crafter CMS - A web CMS built on top of Alfresco as the repository
Drupal Alfresco - Alfresco module provides integration between Drupal and Alfresco Enterprise Content Management System.
AlfrescoDoc for Joomla - A Joomla module to display document from alfresco.
AlfrescoDoc for Wordpress - A WordPress Plugin to display document from alfresco.
Alfresco JCR Support - Adds JCR support back to Alfresco
Alfresco Cloud Store - Migrated from Google Code
alfresco-s3-adapter - Alfresco AMP Module for S3 Backed Storage
Compressing Content Store for Alfresco - An Alfresco ContentStore implementation, which compresses certain mime types (but not others)
Object Storage Connectors for Alfresco - This project provides connectors to use Alfresco with Content Store based on Software Defined Storage. Currently 3 connectors for: Red Hat Ceph Storage, OpenIO and Openstack Swift
Simple Content Stores - Addon to provide a set of common content store implementations and easy-to-use configuration (no Spring config)
Alfresco GCS Connector - Google cloud storage connector for Alfresco
Alfresco Google Vision - Google Vision API integration in Alfresco
Alfresco Simple OCR - Simple OCR action for Alfresco
Uploader Plus - An Alfresco uploader that prompts for metadata
Alfresco Cluster Probe - Cluster probe addon for Alfresco. Enables cluster members to be removed from the cluster at runtime.
alfresco-mt-support - Adding missing multi-tenancy support for various subsystems and features
Kafka Alfresco Module - Add support for Apache Kafka to Alfresco.
Alfresco CLI - Command line interface for Alfresco with navigation and information listing.
Alfresco Shell Tools - Command line tools to admin Alfresco. Migrated from Google Code
LXCommunity ECM - Open source custom build of Alfresco Community with commercial support and built-in Swedish language pack
Alfresco Datalists - Datalist Extensions for Alfresco Share
alfresco-datalist-constraints - Use datalists to maintain Alfresco model constraints
AlfrescoDataListDownload - Download as Spreadsheet support for Alfresco DataLists
Alfresco List Manager - Component used to manage custom list of values used in metadata forms.
CMISSync - Synchronize content between a CMIS repository and your desktop. Like Dropbox for Enterprise Content Management!
Aikau - Aikau UI Framework
Alfresco SDK - The Alfresco SDK based on Apache Maven, includes support for rapid and standard development, testing, packaging, versioning and release of your Alfresco integration and extension projects
Alfresco Enhanced Script Environment - Provide additional functionality for the server-side JavaScript environments of both the Alfresco Repository and Alfresco Share tier.
Alfresco JavaScript Batch Executer- Alfresco easy bulk processing with JavaScript
Alfresco Javascript Console - Administration Console component for Alfresco Share, that enables the execution of arbitrary JavaScript code against the repository
alfresco-jscript-extensions - Alfresco repository module with helpful javascript root object extensions which are helpful in much scenarios.
Alfresco Maven - Base Maven setup of parent POM, common definitions and plugins for building Alfresco modules without Alfresco SDK (except for a single plugin mojo)
Alfresco @mvc - Enables the usage of Spring @MVC within Alfresco.
alfresco-ng2-components - Alfresco Angular 2 components
Dynamic Extensions for Alfresco - Rapid development of Alfresco repository extensions in Java. Deploy your code in seconds, not minutes. Life is too short for endless server restarts.
Enables Cors support for an Alfresco repository - Enables Cors support for an Alfresco repository
generator-alfresco - A Yeomen generator based on the Alfresco all-in-one Maven archetype with some generators and an opinionated project structure.
Alfresco Share ReactJS - An Alfresco AIO starter kit to start creating Alfresco Share widgets with ReactJS
Alfresco Utility - Project to consolidate abstract utility features that may be reused across functional Alfresco modules
upgrade-assist - Help identifying what to do when upgrading a war overlay project
alfresco-swagger-gen - OpenAPI (Swagger) Document generator for Alfresco Webscripts
intellij-http-rest-client-for-alfresco-rest-api - Alfresco HTTP REST Client for IntelliJ IDEA
Ansible Alfresco - Ansible Recipes for Alfresco
Alfresco MVC Actuators - Spring Boot like Actuators for Alfresco Content Services
Alfresco Docker - Docker images for Alfresco provided by Loftux AB
Alfresco Ubuntu Install - Install a production ready Alfresco on Ubuntu 14.04 onwards.
Alfresco SPK - Design, run, integrate Alfresco stacks
Chef Alfresco - A build automation tool that provides a modular, configurable and extensible way to install an Alfresco architecture
Puppet Alfresco - Puppet Build Script for Alfresco
Vagrant Alfresco - Project for starting up an Alfresco instance inside a Vagrant VM
Alfresco Docker - Docker images for Alfresco provided by Loftux AB
Alfresco Docker Template - Alfresco Docker Templates by Keensoft
Docker Alfresco - Containerised Alfresco
Docker Alfresco - Docker image for Alfresco Community Edition
Docker Alfresco - Ubuntu based docker image for Alfresco Community v5.2.0
Alfresco eSign Cert - Provides an Alfresco Share action for signing PDF files (PAdES-BES format) and any other file (CAdES-BES format detached) via java applet and more.
CounterSign - A digital signature solution for Alfresco
Alfresco PDF Toolkit - Migrated project from Google Code
Alfresco PDF Toolkit - Loftux maintained fork - Maintained fork of Alfresco PDF Toolkit
Alfresco PDF Toolkit - OOTB Maintained fork - OOTB Maintained fork of Alfresco PDF Toolkit
Alfresco Discussions - Send an email to all site members whenever a discussion topic is created/updated. This extension also allows you to reply to the notification via email
Alfresco RFC822/EML tweaks - Alfresco RFC822/EML tweaks
Inbound Invites - Send calendar invitations to an Alfresco Share site and have those events show up on the Share calendar
Alfresco Ciphering - Alfresco Action to cipher & decipher the content of the files by using a password
Alfresco Encryption Module - Extends features of Alfresco system, which allows users to encrypt and decrypt their data on repository.
Alfresco Kafka - An add-on that publishes events to a Kafka topic when nodes are created, updated, or deleted.
Alfresco JS API - Alfresco API for JavaScript in the browser and Node.js
CMIS JS - A CMIS javascript library for node and browser
Spring Social Alfresco - Spring Social plugin for Alfresco.
arkivujo.alfresco.api - Alfresco REST API Client libraries in C#. Mostly autogenerated.
acs-feign-client - An OpenFEIGN client for Alfresco Content Services (ACS)
Alfrescian CMIS Browser - Simple CMIS Repository Browser using CMIS 1.1
Alfresco HTML5 Client - A simple alfresco client written only in HTML5 and Javascript. Browser Binding based AngularJS and Bootstrap.
Bootfresco - Twitter Bootstrap client for Alfresco
ALFFS - FUSE filesystem for the Alfresco DMS.
alfresco-colleagues-picker-form-control - Limits the people picker to show only users members of the same groups the current logged in user is member
alfresco-value-assistance - Configurable value assistance module for Alfresco Share that allows picklists to be managed using datalists.
Alvex Datagrid - Can be used in place of Alfresco default datagrid with additional features
Alvex Masterdata - Extends default Alfresco content model LIST constraints to use dynamic and external lists of values.
Alvex Orgchart - Extends standard Alfresco users and groups functionality by adding complete organizational chart that is more convenient for business users than flat groups.
alfresco-localisation-tools - Localisation tools for Alfresco
Alfresco Deleted Content Store Cleaner - Provides a job to remove abandoned files in Deleted Content Store.
Alfresco Trashcan Cleaner - This Alfresco module periodically purges old content from the Alfresco trashcan.
Alfresco JMX - Add JMX functionality to Alfresco Community Edition
Alfresco Share Import Export - This extension allows you to import and export ACP files from Share UI
Alfresco Bulk Import - Alfresco Bulk Import Tool v2.x - for Alfresco v5.0 and up
Alfresco Bulk Export - Migrated from Google Code
Alfresco ETL Connector - The ETL Connector extension for Alfresco allows to import documents in an Alfresco repository by using compatible ETL Tools.
Alfresco Max Version Policy - Alfresco Max Version Policy limits the number of versions that are created for a versioned node.
Alfresco My Files Quota - Define quota policies on My Files folder for each user
AuditShare for Alfresco - displays sites and repository usage info.
AuditSurf - AuditSurf is a SURF app displaying repository usage info
FileSynchronizer - Small tool for synchronizing local files with remote server (based on ssh) or Alfresco (based on http)
MassiveDelete - A simple Alfresco massive deletion batch.
OOTBEE Support Tools - "Liberated" variant of the Alfresco Support Tools addon
Share Announcements - Alfresco add-on that allows system announcements to be managed in the Data Dictionary and displayed on the login page.
Share Import/Export Tools - A collection of Python scripts which can be used to import and export sites and users from Alfresco Share.
Alfresco iOS App - Alfresco Official iOS app
Alfresco Android App - Alfresco Official Android App
Ionic Alfresco - Alfresco ADF bindings for Ionic 2 and Angular 2
alfresco-javamelody - JavaMelody plugin for Alfresco
alfresco-nagios-and-icinga-plugin - Nagios/Icinga Java plugin to check via JMX values to Alfresco One 3.2 and newer. Migrated from Google Code
Alfresco SOLR Monitoring - Monitoring Alfresco SOLR with Prometheus and Grafana
nagios-plugin-alfresco - Nagios plugins for Alfresco Solr and JBOSS
Alfresco Etherpad Integration - Alfresco to Etherpad integration
Alfresco Google Docs - Alfresco Google Docs integration
Alfresco LibreOffice Online Editing - A LibreOffice Online Edit Module for Alfresco
Alfresco OnlyOffice Integration - This Share plugin enables users to edit Office documents within ONLYOFFICE from Alfresco Share.
Online edition with Libreoffice in Alfresco Share - Online edition with Libreoffice in Alfresco Share
Alfresco ACL Templates - An add-on that can be used to add ACL template functionality to the repository.
Alfresco Records Management - Offical Alfresco Records Management Community Source Code
Alfresco Permission Labels - Displays user permission levels in Document Library Views as a label
alfresco-site-hierarchy - Addon that allows creating hierarchies of sites as secondary structures and provides some common automatisms for site hierarchies
Alfresco Default User Avatars - Alfresco module that creates color coded avatars for users without a personal profile picture
Alfresco Mention - An Alfresco add-on that enables users to notify each other using @mentions.
Alfresco Share Clipboard - This extensions adds a Clipboard to the Alfresco Share document library that allows collecting documents.
Alfresco Share Site Creators - An Alfresco add-on that limits site creation to those in a specific group.
Alfresco Share Site Logo Customization - This addon will allow you to set a different logo for each Alfresco Site
Alfresco Unzip Action - This extension allows you to add "Unzip" action in Alfresco Share Document Library web tier (available in both Document Library site and repository).
Geo Views add-on for Alfresco Share - Map-based views of geotagged content items in Share, plus support for adding/modifying geotags via a map interface
Send Link by email action - Alfresco Share action for copying an Alfresco Link directly in email client.
Share Announcements - Alfresco Share add-on that makes it easy to display announcements on the Share login page.
Share Site Space Templates - An Alfresco add-on that makes it easy to bootstrap Share sites with a default directory structure.
Alfresco Favorite Folders Dashlet - Adds favorite folder dashlet to Alfresco Share
Event Scheduling Dashlet - This extension allows you to plan events directly from a Share dashlet (the dashlet can be added, either on a user or on a site dashboard).
Notice Dashlet - Dashlet to display a user-defined piece of content on a user or a site dashboard
Alfresco Markdown Transformer - Transforms markdown to HTML using Flexmark
Alfresco Vector Transformations Module - Adding support for vector file transformations in Alfresco including DWG and SVG
Loftux Media Viewers for Alfresco Share - Loftux maintained fork of Alfresco Media Viewers add-on with additional viewers
MD Preview - Markdown Previews and Editing for Alfresco Share
Media Viewers - Enhanced document previews for a range of different document and media types, plus a dashlet allowing any content item to be displayed on a site dashboard.
Pandoc Transformer for Alfresco - An Alfresco transformer for pandoc
STL Previewer - Enables Share previews of STL 3d Model files
Remote JODConverter - Remote JOD Converter
Docker Image for Remote JODConverter - Docker Image for the Remote JODConverter
Alfresco Developer Series - Source code from Alfresco Developer Series tutorials by Jeff Potts
Alfresco Tutorials - Source for Alfresco Tutorials written by Ole Hejlskov.
Alfresco API Java Examples - Examples showing how to hit the Alfresco Public API using Java.
Alfresco Visualization Tools - Includes dashlets to view and visualize content within Alfresco repositories using D3.js and Simile Project.
ContentCraft - ContentCraft is a Bukkit style plugin for Minecraft that connects, via CMIS, to an Alfresco repository.
Manual Manager for Alfresco - Create documentation and manuals system based on markdown inside your Alfresco
Alfresco Photoanalyzer - Alfresco add-on to analyze people photos and extract information about the gender, the age, face expressions, emotions and others using Microsoft Cognitive API.
Alfresco Rule Management - Alfresco add-on that establishes a REST API for working with folder rules.
Alfresco Tooling - Common Alfresco tooling, scripts and test setups.
Slack Bot for Alfresco - a simple chatbot for Slack that connects to your Alfresco instance and provides some handy functionality
Alfresco Discord Channel - Discord channel mirroring #alfresco on FreeNode.
Since Alfresco has discontinued the, this page will now include links to top Alfresco commercial add-ons. When it returns, this section will cease to be updated.
Alfresco Two Factor Authentication - Alfresco Two Factor (2FA) Authentication Module with support for SMS, TOTP and Call based two factor login with Authy and Google Authenticator with TOTP.
Sharebox for Alfresco - Sharebox for Alfresco enables sharing Alfresco content with external users with support for nested folders, thumbnail previews, auditing and zip downloads.
Share Themes Pack - High quality swatch based visual templates for Alfresco.
Zoomable for Alfresco - A zoomable tile generator with Microsoft DeepZoom and previewer for viewing tiled high resolution images.
The classification will change with time. Currently, it’s used as a basic categorisation based on the description of each repository. |