This is a DevCon 2019 Hack-a-Thon project aimed at automating the upgrade of Alfresco SDK 3.0.1 projects to SDK 4.0.0.
From the root of the alfresco-sdk-upgrader directory, run ./ When prompted, specify the directory where your 3.0.1 project lives. The script will then begin the upgrade process.
The group ID, artifact ID, and version of your existing project will be maintained. However, if your project includes third-party dependencies or other pom.xml changes, you will have to manually merge those pom.xml files (see To Do).
The script backs up your old project to a hidden backup directory relative to the root of the alfresco-sdk-upgrader project. If you need to recover the state of your project as it was before the upgrade, check there.
The script also generates a pristine 4.0.0 project in a hidden directory that is used as a source to grab files from.
- Add windows support. The script currently runs on Linux and MacOS. It uses no native libraries so it should be relatively straightforward to write an upgrade.bat script for Windows.
- Maintain original dependencies. Currently, if the project being upgraded has its own dependencies, the script will not bring them over. It would be nice to bring those over so they don't have to be merged manually.
- Add support for repo-only or Share-only projects. Currently, the script only supports the all-in-one project. It would be nice to add support for projects created from other archetypes.