A video describing our work can be found here.
Demonstrations of our method in three different simulation environments:
We also benchmark our method against the orthogonal multisine method proposed by Morelli:
Morelli, Eugene A. "Optimal input design for aircraft stability and control flight testing." Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications 191.2 (2021): 415-439.
Navigate to path/to/InputOptimization
] activate .
using InputOptimization
To run the experiments with the Aerobench simulator:
julia> InputOptimization.run_f16_experiments()
To run the experiments with WaterLily.jl:
julia> InputOptimization.run_cylinder_experiments()
To run X-Plane, first open X-Plane and load a new flight. Then
julia --threads 1,8
] activate .
using InputOptimization
julia> InputOptimization.run_xplane()
and follow instructions in the terminal. Make sure you have the relevant .sit
file loaded in /path/to/X-Plane 11/Output/situations/short_cessna.sit
. You can find the one used in the paper here.