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861 lines (701 loc) · 26.1 KB


A playlist generator for streaming services like liquidsoap

This background data service generates automatically randomized playlists. I've been using it with liquidsoap for several years now.

The playlist generator has the following features:

  • Completely randomized song selection unattended 24/7
  • Based on NodeJS/Express technologies
  • Highly RESTful API
  • Can be accessed programmatically with HTTP requests (including with 'curl')
  • Supports multiple playlists (e.g. for multiple program streams)
  • Randomizes song playback with advanced features
    • Optimize randomization logic to insure maximum "fairness"
    • No song ever repeated until complete song list is gone through
    • Configurable deferral of duplicate song titles
    • Configurable deferral of duplicate song artists
  • Automatic songlist generation for a directory full of song files
  • New request feature allows a queue of specified song(s) to be unconditionally played next after the current song completes
  • Uses MySQL to store playlist options (the songs themselves are listed in text files)
  • Can be modified to fall back on JSON text file for playlist options in case DB is not used
  • I've not implemented HTTPS because I assume this will be used behind a firewall anyway. Feel free to make such an enhancement and submit a PR.

Not only does "playgen" provide robust random song selection for services like Liquidsoap, it also can provide song list and status information to other webapps as well. I have a web portal that shows me the full status of my Liquidsoap/Icecast system, including displays of all the playlists, song requests and histories, and "playgen" provides much of this data.


  • NodeJS (at least version 12 recommended)

  • MySQL (preferably running on localhost)

How the random selection works

A simple selection of a random song from a list has several problems:

  • The same song could get selected again while other songs are never selected at all.

  • If there are many songs of the same title (different performances of the same song), then the same song could occur again soon after it was already heard. Even if it was a different performance of the song, it is still an undesirable redundancy.

  • More than once song from the same artist could be selected close to one another, which is also an undesirable redundancy.

  • There is no guarantee that all songs in the list get an equally fair chance to be selected.

Playgen uses an algorithm for random song selection that overcomes all these problems. The following steps are taken:

  1. Each song in the playlist is assigned a random number index between 0.0 and 1.0.

  2. The list is sorted according to the randomly-generated index numbers, enabling all the songs to now be accessed in a uniquely random sequence.

  3. By iterating through the list according to the random indices, every song now can be selected with "equal fairness of selection opportunity".

  4. The playlist can be configured to have a "redundant title threshold", which is how many songs you wish to hear before another song of the same title is allowed. If a song with matching title occurs before this threshold is reached, it will be moved to a later point in the list. This "postponement" of the song being selected can happen many times, depending on the contents of the playlist. However, in the end, it is unlikely that the postponed songs would lose their chance to get selected and played: they would simply get selected later on.

  5. The playlist can be configured to have a "redundant artist threshold", which is how many songs you wish to hear before another song from the same artist is allowed. If a song with matching artist occurs before this threshold is reached, it will be moved to a later point in the list. The behavior is very similar to the postponement of a redundant title described above.

  6. These random selection rules are bypassed if and only if song requests are added to the request queue. Then those songs will be selected first, whether their titles/artists were recently played or not. After the request queue is depleted, then the random selection will resume.

If "playgen" is allowed to run long enough, every single song in the playlist should get a chance to be selected and played before any songs are selected again. Redundant songs could be postponed, based on your configuration of the redundant title and artist thresholds, but it is very unlikely that this would prevent a song from ever getting played at all. Only in extreme cases (e.g. many redundancies and high thresholds in a small list) would a song never get selected (because it was postponed so often).

How to deploy this software

  • Install a reasonable new version of NodeJS. I recommend at least NodeJS version 12 (with npm version 6). Use older versions at your own risk.

  • git clone the software into a fresh new directory

  • Run npm install to download all the dependancy modules into node_modules

  • Edit config/default.js to configure your MySQL database (you can also customize development.js and production.js if desired). You can also change the port (default 3000).

  • Create the following table in your MySQL database, using the schema specified in config/default.js

  CREATE TABLE 'playlists' (
      'name' varchar(32) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
      'filePath' varchar(512) DEFAULT NULL,
      'description' varchar(128) DEFAULT NULL,
      'redundantTitleThreshold' int(10) unsigned DEFAULT NULL,
      'partialTitleDelimiters' varchar(16) DEFAULT NULL,
      'redundantArtistThreshold' int(10) unsigned DEFAULT NULL,
      PRIMARY KEY ('name')

Playlist Configuration

In the 'playlists' table, each row describes a different playlist. For each playlist you wish to have, you must add one row to this table describing that playlist. The following columns are required in each row:

  • name: the id for the playlist

  • filePath: the absolute path to a text file naming all the songs in the playlist, sample files are in the "playlists" directory

  • description: a human-readable description of the playlist

  • redundantTitleThreshold: the number of songs selected before another song with an identical name is allowed, unused if set to 0

  • partialTitleDelimiters: a collection of characters that will be treated as delimiters when comparing for duplicate titles. For example, if set to "(,", the the titles "Sing Along", "Sing Along (live)", and "Sing Along, Sing With Me (medley)" would all be treated as identical titles because their first delimited sections are identical.

  • redundantArtistThreshold: the number of songs selected before another song with an identical artist is allowed, unused if set to 0

Playlist Filenames

For "playgen" to use your song files, they must be named in a very specific way. Details about the songs are embedded into the songs filenames. By having this metadata in the filenames, the song files themselves can be treated as totally content-agnostic, and there is no need for time-consuming parsing through the song files for any other information. This avoids the complication of extracting metadata from MP3 tags (or whatever you might use for other file formats).

The following fields are placed in the name of the song file, separated by dashes:

  • Song Title
  • Artist Name
  • Album Title
  • Record Label
  • Year of Release

For example: your MP3 file contains the song "Pearline" by "Son House", from an album "The Original Delta Blues" released by "Columbia Legacy" in 1965:

title: Pearline
artist: Son House
album: The Original Delta Blues
label: Columbia Legacy
year: 1965

The filename should be:

Pearline-Son House-The Original Delta Blues-Columbia Legacy-1965.mp3

You'll probably want to make some automated shell script program to take new song files and convert them to this exact filename nomenclature. That will save you a lot of bother over time.

In future versions, I might add support for reading MP3 tags, but this filename nomenclature will still remain the main way of parsing out song data for the sake of speed and simplicity.

Liquidsoap Usage

The "playgen" playlist generator service can be used with pretty much any software that plays one song after another. However, it was designed specifically with Liquidsoap in mind, so here is an example of a Liquidsoap configuration that uses "playgen" for song selections.

The system command 'curl' is used to call the "playgen" API, the "?format=text" returns simple text instead of JSON for easier consumption by Liquidsoap. There may be a more elegant way to call the API from Liquidsoap, feel free to inform me if you know a better way.

This example is a partial excerpt of the total configuration file.

playlistJingles = audio_to_stereo(playlist("~liquidsoap/playlists/jingles-playlist.txt"))

def retro_request_function() =
  result = get_process_output("curl 'http://localhost:3000/api/v1/playlists/retro/nextsong?format=text'")
  log("Next song "^result)

# ... more similar request functions here for other sources ...

# Create the sources
plr = request.dynamic(retro_request_function) # <-- this is where we call playgen
# Play a station ID jingle after every fourth song
plr = rotate(weights=[1,4], [playlistJingles, plr])

# ... more sources created here ...

        %mp3(bitrate=48, id3v2=true),
        host="localhost", port=8000, password="some-password",
        mount="/retro", genre="Old Pre-War Blues",
        description="Retro Pre-war blues all the time",

# ... more sources connected to icecast here ...

REST API Reference

Given: a host named somehost and port 3000.


  • Returns a list of all playlists

Sample response body

  "status": "OK",
  "result": [
      "name": "johnson",
      "filePath": "/usr/local/nodeapps/playgen/playlists/johnson-playlist.txt",
      "description": "Songs by Robert Johnson",
      "redundantTitleThreshold": 0,
      "partialTitleDelimiters": "",
      "redundantArtistThreshold": 0,
      "songCount": 29,
      "uri": ""
    ... etc etc etc ...
      "name": "mod",
      "filePath": "/usr2/MOD/mp3-96kbps",
      "description": "Cool MOD Songs",
      "redundantTitleThreshold": 10,
      "partialTitleDelimiters": null,
      "redundantArtistThreshold": 5,
      "songCount": 59,
      "uri": ""
  "count": 6
  • Returns metadata for the collection of playlists

Sample response headers

"X-Count": "6"
"Content-Type": "application/json; charset=utf-8"
"Content-Length": "1759"
  • Creates a new playlist

Sample request body

Sample request body
  "name": "sample",
  "filePath": "/usr/local/nodeapps/playgen/playlists/sample-playlist.txt",
  "description": "My playlist of cool songs",
  "partialTitleDelimiters": "(,/"

Sample response body

  "status": "OK",
  "uri": "",
  "message": "Playlist \"sample\" created"
  • Returns the supported command verbs for playlists

Sample response headers

"Allow": "GET,HEAD,POST"
  • Returns info about the specified playlist (except for song details)

Sample response body

  "status": "OK",
  "result": {
    "name": "sample",
    "filePath": "/usr/local/nodeapps/playgen/playlists/sample-playlist.txt",
    "description": "My playlist of cool songs",
    "redundantTitleThreshold": null,
    "partialTitleDelimiters": "(,/",
    "redundantArtistThreshold": null,
    "songCount": 29
  • Returns metadata for the specified playlist

Sample response headers

"X-Count": "29"
"Content-Type": "application/json; charset=utf-8"
"Content-Length": "250"
  • Commits a complete update of the playlist data (except for song details). Any fields not given will be cleared.

Sample request body

  "name": "sample",
  "filePath": "/usr/local/nodeapps/playgen/playlists/other-playlist.txt",
  "description": "My altered playlist (modified)",
  "partialTitleDelimiters": "/(,",
  "redundantArtistThreshold": 5

Sample response body

  "status": "OK",
  "message": "Playlist \"sample\" updated"
  • Commits a partial update of the playlist data (except for song details). Any fields not given will be left unchanged.

Sample request body

    "description": "My altered playlist (modified again)",
    "redundantTitleThreshold": 10

Sample response body

  "status": "OK",
  "message": "Playlist \"sample\" updated"
  • Deletes the specified playlist (the song files are unaffected and not removed)

Sample response body

  "status": "OK",
  "message": "Playlist \"sample\" deleted"
  • Returns the supported command verbs for the specified playlist

Sample response headers


Songs within a playlist

  • Returns a list of all the songs in the specified playlist

Sample response body

  "status": "OK",
  "result": {
    "playlist": "crimson",
    "songs": [
        "file": "/usr2/Blues/mp3-96kbps/Ain't No Grave-Crimson Blues-Just The Way We Roll (Then)-T4P-2013.mp3",
        "index": 0,
        "title": "Ain't No Grave",
        "artist": "Crimson Blues",
        "album": "Just The Way We Roll (Then)",
        "label": "T4P",
        "year": "2013",
        "uri": ""
      ... etc etc etc ...
        "file": "/usr2/Blues/mp3-96kbps/You're Gonna Need Somebody On Your Bond-Crimson Blues-Live at Higher Power-T4P Music-2014.mp3",
        "index": 204,
        "title": "You're Gonna Need Somebody On Your Bond",
        "artist": "Crimson Blues",
        "album": "Live at Higher Power",
        "label": "T4P Music",
        "year": "2014",
        "uri": ""
    "count": 205
  • Returns metadata for the songs in the specified playlist

Sample response headers

"X-Count": "205"
"X-Total-Count": "205"
"Content-Type": "application/json; charset=utf-8"
"Content-Length": "61418"
  • Returns the supported command verbs for the songs in the specified playlist

Sample response headers

"Allow": "GET,HEAD"
  • Returns a specified song in the specified playlist

Sample response body

  "status": "OK",
  "result": {
    "file": "/usr2/Blues/mp3-96kbps/Amazing Grace-M24 Bluez Band-Don't You Know-Kingdom Voice-2017.mp3",
    "index": 2,
    "title": "Amazing Grace",
    "artist": "M24 Bluez Band",
    "album": "Don't You Know",
    "label": "Kingdom Voice",
    "year": "2017",
    "playlist": "crimson"
  • Returns the supported command verbs for a specified song in the specified playlist

Sample response headers

"Allow": "GET"

Song requests within a playlist

  • Creates a new song request for the specified playlist

Sample request body

    "songIndex": 22

Sample response body

  "status": "OK",
  "totalCount": 1,
  "song": {
    "file": "/usr2/Blues/mp3-96kbps/Come On Home-Crimson Blues-Unpublished-T4P-2013.mp3",
    "index": 22,
    "title": "Come On Home",
    "artist": "Crimson Blues",
    "album": "Unpublished",
    "label": "T4P",
    "year": "2013"
  "uri": ""
  • Returns a list of all the song requests for the specified playlist

Sample response body

  "status": "OK",
  "result": {
  "playlist": "crimson",
  "requests": [
      "songIndex": 22,
      "song": {
        "file": "/usr2/Blues/mp3-96kbps/Come On Home-Crimson Blues-Unpublished-T4P-2013.mp3",
        "index": 22,
        "title": "Come On Home",
        "artist": "Crimson Blues",
        "album": "Unpublished",
        "label": "T4P",
        "year": "2013"
      "timestamp": 1622794948929,
      "uri": ""
    ... etc etc etc ...
      "songIndex": 12,
      "song": {
        "file": "/usr2/Blues/mp3-96kbps/Cat's In The Microwave-Mark Jeghers-The Bluez Projekt-T4P Music-2005.mp3",
        "index": 12,
        "title": "Cat's In The Microwave",
        "artist": "Mark Jeghers",
        "album": "The Bluez Projekt",
        "label": "T4P Music",
        "year": "2005"
      "timestamp": 1622794955161,
      "uri": ""
  "count": 5
  • Returns metadata for the song requests for the specified playlist

Sample response headers

"X-Count": "5"
"Content-Type": "application/json; charset=utf-8"
"Content-Length": "1242"
  • Returns the supported command verbs for the song requests for the specified playlist

Sample response headers

"Allow": "POST,GET,HEAD"
  • Returns the specified song request for the specified playlist

Sample response body

  "status": "OK",
  "result": {
    "song": {
      "file": "/usr2/Blues/mp3-96kbps/Cat's In The Microwave-Mark Jeghers-The Bluez Projekt-T4P Music-2005.mp3",
      "index": 12,
      "title": "Cat's In The Microwave",
      "artist": "Mark Jeghers",
      "album": "The Bluez Projekt",
      "label": "T4P Music",
      "year": "2005"
    "playlist": "crimson",
    "songIndex": 12,
    "timestamp": 1622794955161,
    "uri": ""
  • Deletes the specified song request for the specified playlist

Sample response body

  "status": "OK",
  "message": "Playlist \"crimson\" song request 3 deleted"

Next/current song in a playlist

  • Returns the next song selection for the specified playlist. The song selection will either be a randomly-generated song selection, or, if the request queue is not empty, the first song request will be selected and removed from the request queue.

Sample response body

  "status": "OK",
  "result": {
    "index": 107,
    "song": {
      "file": "/usr2/Blues/mp3-96kbps/Nothin' But The Blood-Salinas-2013-Crimson Blues-Unpublished-T4P-2013.mp3",
      "index": 107,
      "title": "Nothin' But The Blood",
      "artist": "Salinas",
      "album": "2013",
      "label": "Crimson Blues",
      "year": "Unpublished",
      "uri": ""
    "playlist": "crimson"

Instead of returning the normal JSON data, the option ?format=text can be used to return simple text:

Sample response body using simple text format

[root@linux liquidsoap]# curl http://localhost:3000/api/v1/playlists/retro/nextsong?format=text
/usr2/Blues/mp3-96kbps/Mind Reader Blues-Bertha Lee-Complete Recordings 1929 to 1934 (1930 to 1934)-JSP Records-2002.mp3
[root@linux liquidsoap]# _

While JSON is normally the best format most of the time, simple text is quite handy for returning data to Liquidsoap (see the example above). The simple text option is only provided for this one API endpoint.

  • Returns the supported command verbs for the next song selection

Sample response headers

"Allow": "GET"
  • Returns the latest song selection for the specified playlist. This does not cause any new song selection to occur, it simply reports what the most recent song selection was.

Sample response body

  "status": "OK",
  "result": {
    "index": 107,
    "song": {
      "file": "/usr2/Blues/mp3-96kbps/Nothin' But The Blood-Salinas-2013-Crimson Blues-Unpublished-T4P-2013.mp3",
      "index": 107,
      "title": "Nothin' But The Blood",
      "artist": "Salinas",
      "album": "2013",
      "label": "Crimson Blues",
      "year": "Unpublished",
      "uri": ""
    "playlist": "crimson"
  • Returns the supported command verbs for the current song selection

Sample response headers

"Allow": "GET"

Song history within a playlist

  • Returns the history list of all the songs selected for the specified playlist. The history list remembers all songs selected or requested for this playlist since the playgen service started running, up to a maximum limit coded in the config source files.

Sample response body

  "status": "OK",
  "result": {
    "playlist": "crimson",
    "history": [
        "index": 107,
        "song": {
          "file": "/usr2/Blues/mp3-96kbps/Nothin' But The Blood-Salinas-2013-Crimson Blues-Unpublished-T4P-2013.mp3",
          "index": 107,
          "title": "Nothin' But The Blood",
          "artist": "Salinas",
          "album": "2013",
          "label": "Crimson Blues",
          "year": "Unpublished",
          "uri": ""
        "timestamp": 1622795620170,
        "historyIndex": 0,
        "uri": ""
      ... etc etc etc ...
        "index": 168,
        "song": {
          "file": "/usr2/Blues/mp3-96kbps/The Hand Of God-Crimson Blues-KSAR 15 TV Studio-T4P Music-2014.mp3",
          "index": 168,
          "title": "The Hand Of God",
          "artist": "Crimson Blues",
          "album": "KSAR 15 TV Studio",
          "label": "T4P Music",
          "year": "2014",
          "uri": ""
        "timestamp": 1622634924268,
        "historyIndex": 499,
        "uri": ""
    "count": 500
  • Returns metadata for the history of all the songs selected for the specified playlist

Sample response headers

"X-Count": "500"
"X-Total-Count": "500"
"Content-Type": "application/json; charset=utf-8"
"Content-Length": "217640"
  • Returns the supported command verbs for the history list for the specified playlist

Sample response headers

"Allow": "GET,HEAD"
  • Returns the specified song in the history list for the specified playlist

Sample response body

  "status": "OK",
  "result": {
    "index": 71,
    "song": {
      "file": "/usr2/Blues/mp3-96kbps/I Know, I Know, I Know-Crimson Blues-Live at Higher Power-T4P Music-2014.mp3",
      "index": 71,
      "title": "I Know, I Know, I Know",
      "artist": "Crimson Blues",
      "album": "Live at Higher Power",
      "label": "T4P Music",
      "year": "2014",
      "uri": ""
    "timestamp": 1622795553553,
    "playlist": "crimson"
  • Returns the supported command verbs for the specified song in the history list for the specified playlist

Sample response headers

"Allow": "GET"