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474 lines (310 loc) · 15.9 KB


Most recent releases are shown at the top. Each release shows:

  • New: New classes, methods, functions, etc
  • Changed: Additional paramaters, changes to inputs or outputs, etc
  • Fixed: Bug fixes that don't change documented behaviour

Note that the top-most release is changes in the unreleased master branch on Github. Parentheses after an item show the name or github id of the contributor of that change.

1.0.31.dev0 (Work In Progress)


  • SequentialResBlock to easily create resnet blocks


  • ImageItemList now takes optional convert_mode
  • now uses defaults.cmap if no cmap passed


1.0.30 (2018-11-28)


  • Learner.summary
  • add_datepart
  • method to get a copy of a DeviceDataLoader while changing an attribute
  • DataBunch.batch_size allows to change the batch size of all the dataloaders

1.0.29 (2018-11-27)

Breaking changes:

  • ImageDataBunch.single_from_classes has been removed
  • Learner.create_unet is now called unet_learner


  • Every type of items now has a reconstruct method that does the opposite of taking the tensor data and creating the object back
  • Learner.show_results now works across applications
  • DataBunch.export: saves the internal information (classes, vocab in text, processors in tabular etc) need for inference in a file named 'export.pkl'. You can then create an empty_data object by using DataBunch.load_empty(path) (where path points to where this 'export.pkl' file is). This also works across applications
  • GAN and CycleGAN
  • parallel: Run a function on every element of an array, using multiple processes
  • icnr initializes a weight matrix with ICNR
  • PixelShuffle_ICNR layer that combines PixelShuffle, a suitable conv2d, plus optional weightnorm and (scale,scale) blurring
  • Learner.clip_grad convenience function for GradientClipping callback
  • plot_flat, plot_multi, show_multi, show_all: simple functions for showing images on subplots
  • ItemList.to_text to save items to a text file
  • ItemList.filter_by_rand to randomly sample items
  • LabelList.transform_y to use different transformation params for y (thanks for Fred Monroe)
  • LabelList.{to_df,to_csv} to save items including labels
  • DataBunch convenience properties: test_ds and single_ds
  • DataBunch.single_item to convert an ItemBase in to a batch (tensor + dummy y)
  • Learner.pred_batch() can now take an optional batch to predict, rather than grabbing its own
  • introduce EmptyLabel and EmptyLabelList


  • lr_range now divides non-final layer LRs by 10, instead of 3, when called with slice(lr)
  • Learner.load now has a strict argument like Pytorch's load_state_dict
  • 1cycle training now uses cosine reverse annealing instead of linear
  • conv2d and conv_linear now initialize weights/bias by default
  • core.to_detach now moves data to CPU
  • vision.models.unet now uses PixelShuffle_ICNR for upsampling, with optional weightnorm and blurring
  • vision.models.unet final layer now has twice as many activations
  • one_batch moved to DataBunch, and can detach and denorm if requested
  • Hooks and Hook can now be used as context managers
  • Moved some non-image-specific functions from vision.image to torch_core
  • Change grid_sample to downsample smoothly
  • Reduce the number of hooked modules to just those required in vision.models.unet
  • hook_output(s) can also hook the backward/grad now
  • bn_final param in TabularModel and create_cnn to add batchnorm after final affine layer


  • factory methods of TextDataBunch accept max_vocab (thanks to jfilter)
  • vision.models.unet now uses eval correctly when building model
  • classes are sorted when created to avoid having them change when restarting the notebook
  • fix loading issues with the test set in TextDataBunch
  • fix random bug in TextDataBunch.from_ids (thanks to PiotrCzapla)

1.0.28 (2018-11-19)

Breaking changes:

  • get_files and get_image_files now return Paths relative to path, instead of relative to .
  • ItemList.items are also relative to path where relevant, since get_files is called internally
  • create_func is removed in the data API; subclass and change the get method instead (in vision, you can subclass the open method if you want to change how the images are opened)


  • Vocab and TabularTransform can now be saved
  • Each application has its method to create an inference learner
  • model_summary function for standard models (thanks to @noklam)
  • Added pca to torch.Tensor
  • Add methods to get embeddings from CollabLearner


  • verify_image - now fixes files with corrupt EXIF data

1.0.27 (2018-11-17)


  • We can add transform to y in the data block API
  • metric fbeta for single classification (thanks to wy-q)


  • ItemLists can now set self.filter_missing_y to automatically remove items from LabelLists training set that can't be labeled
  • revert xxmaj token and deal_caps rule


1.0.26 (2018-11-16)


  • xxmaj token and new deal_caps rule


  • Tokenizer has pre_rules and post_rules now (for before and after tokenization)
  • mark_fields is now default to False

1.0.25 (2018-11-16)


  • FloatList to do regression
  • Use of real neural nets in collab


  • Remove TextFilesList as you can now use TextList instead
  • Consistent use of cols / col in the data block API depending on if you can pass multiple columns or not
  • Collab is refactored with the data block API behind the scene
  • get_collab_learner and get_tabular_learner become collab_learner and tabular_learner for name harmonization accross applications
  • get_embedding becomes embedding
  • ImageDeleter and ImageRelabeler are merged into ImageCleaner


  • show_batch works with rows=1
  • Pretrained language models are saved in the correct folder (.fastai/models/)
  • Splitting too slow in the data block API
  • Mixup losses work with predict and TTA (thanks to bharadwaj6)
  • Wrong size for the added test set in the data block API (thanks to wdhorton)
  • Fix to the QRNN (thanks to PiotrCzapla)

1.0.24 (2018-11-13)

  • No changes

1.0.23 (2018-11-13)


  • Learner.predict works accross applications
  • Learner.show_batch works accross applications


  • tools/build-docs and tools/update-nbs scripts combined into one script
  • Big refactor of the data block API


  • download_images works with different kind of suffixes (thanks to fpingham)

1.0.22 (2018-11-09)

Breaking changes:

  • We no longer import submodule names automatically with import *
  • Callbacks are now inside the callbacks namespace if you from fastai import *


  • All the DataBunch factory method use the data block API, the factory method of Datasets are deprecated and will be removed in a future version


  • learn.predict fixed
  • wrong dimension in dice (thanks to noklam)

1.0.21 (2018-11-08)


  • CSVLogger callback (thanks to devorfu)
  • Initial support for image regression problems
  • If a dataset class has learner_type then create_cnn uses that type to create the Learner
  • Introduce TaskType in DatasetBase to deal with single/multi-class or regression problems accross applications


  • datasets() now can automatically figure out what class to use in many situations
  • download_images() now saves images with their original extensions

1.0.20 (2018-11-07)


  • DataBunch.dl replaces the various holdout, is_test, and is_train approaches with a single consistent enum
  • fastai.text is fully compatible with the data block API


  • download_url reads the get request with iter_content which is robust to 'content-length' errors. (thanks to Francisco Ingham and Zach Caceres)
  • download_url has a timeout


  • create_cnn correctly calculates # features in body correctly for more architectures
  • TextDataset has now two subclasses for the preprocessing steps and doesn't do that preprocesing automatically
  • TextDataBunch doesn't save the result of preprocessing automatically, you have to use
  • RNNLearner.classifier is now text_classifier_learner and RNN_Learner.language_model is now language_model_learner
  • pil2tensor is faster and works on more image types (thanks to kasparlund)
  • Imports in the file picker widget (thanks to Hiromi)
  • Batches of size 1 will be removed during training because of the issue with BatchNorm1d
  • Confusion matrix show ints if normalize=False (default)
  • RNNLearner.get_preds return the preds in the right order (thanks to StatisticDean)
  • num_features_model now works with any model
  • resize_method wasn't properly set when passed to ImageDataBunch
  • reset the RNNs at the beginning of each epoch in RNNTrainer

1.0.19 (2018-11-03)


  • add an argument resize_method that tells apply_tfms how to resize the image to the desired size (crop, pad, squish or no)
  • all the image dataset have an image_opener attribute (default open_image) that can be changed. The SegmentationDataset has a mask_opener attribute
  • add_test and add_test_folder in data block API


  • jupyter et al no longer forced dependencies
  • verify_images can now resize images on top of checking they're not broken
  • LR finder plot now uses python scientific notation instead of math superset notation


  • ImageDataBunch.from_df doesn't change the dataframe

1.0.18 (2018-10-30)


  • Fix jupyter dep version

1.0.17 (2018-10-30)


  • Add tiny datasets


  • remove wrong Fbeta


  • fix implementation of fbeta

1.0.16 (2018-10-30)


  • ImageDataBunch.single_from_classes to allow single image predictions
  • DatasetBase has set_item and clear_item to force it to always return item
  • DatasetBase uses abstract _get_x and _get_y
  • batch_size property in DeviceDataLoader
  • ClassificationLearner.predict to get prediction on a single item
  • Monkey-patched torch.Tensor so matplotlib works
  • Learner.create_unet
  • Data block API


  • validate now takes optional n_batch
  • create_cnn now returns a ClassificationLearner
  • return_path flag to
  • ImageDataBunch.show_batch() now works for every type of dataset, removes show_images and show_xy_images as a result
  • Monkey-patched to create a passthrough to the dataset
  • max_workers for download_images
  • Change the arguments of ObjectDetectDataset to make it consistent with the rest of the API, changes the return of get_annotations to go with it


  • remove empty classes in ImageDataBunch.from_folder

1.0.15 (2018-10-28)

Breaking changes:

  • ConvLearner ctor is replaced by a function called create_cnn


  • Learner objects now determine from the loss function if there is something to add on top of the models to get the true predictions


  • Add recurse flag to get_image_files
  • show_xy_images takes tensors instead of Image
  • Add classes to SegmentationDataset
  • get_preds now return the true probabilities
  • TTA averages the probabilities and not the last activations of the model
  • ClassificationInterpretation has been changed accordingly and the sigmoid argument has been deprecated


  • Make pred_batch faster and remove redundent *
  • Bug in Learner.pred_batch
  • Bug in model_sizes (thanks to dienhoa)
  • Bug in RNNLearner.classifier when used on a multilabel dataset

1.0.14 (2018-10-25)


  • download_images: multi-process download of a file or URLs
  • verify_images: multi-process verification of directory of images with optional deletion


  • ImageDataBunch.from_folder now takes valid_pct
  • master bar support in download_url
  • various fixes to support the latest of fastprogress
  • Learner.normalize() (without args) stores calculated stats in Learner.stats
  • pred_batch moved to basic_train and fixed for multiple inputs
  • lr_find() prints the next step to type when completed
  • New version of fastprogress used; doesn't require ipywidgets
  • Removed cifar_norm,cifar_denorm,imagenet_norm,imagenet_denorm


1.0.13 (2018-10-24)


  • pretrained language model is now downloaded directly in the .fastai/models/ folder. Use pretrained_model=URLs.WT103
  • add an argument stop_div to Learner.lr_find() to prevent early stopping, useful for negative losses
  • add an argument convert_mode to open_mask and SegmentationDataset to choose the PIL conversion mode of the masks


  • URLs.download_wt103() has been removed

1.0.12 (2018-10-23)


  • change TextDataBunchClass method [from_ids_files, from_tokens, from_df, from_csv, from_folder] so that classes argument is passed to the call to TextDataset
  • Strip space from file name when CSV has spaces
  • Handle missing loss_func attr
  • Pass on the use_bn parameter in get_tabular_learner
  • Bad handling when final batch has size of 1
  • rolled back numpy dependency to >=1.12 (anaconda package has a upper pin on it) and to pip>=9.0.1, the old version are buggy but should be ok for fastai

1.0.11 (2018-10-20)


  • Added missing pyyaml dependency to conda too


  • Use spacy.blank instead of spacy.load to avoid having to download english model

1.0.10 (2018-10-20)


  • Added missing pyyaml dependency

1.0.9 (2018-10-20)


  • EarlyStoppingCallback, SaveModelCallback, TerminateOnNaNCallback (initial draft: fredguth)
  • datapath4file(filename) returns suitable path to store or find data file called filename, using config file ~/.fastai/config.yml, and default data directory ~/.fastai/data, unless ./data exists and contains that file
  • MSELossFlat() loss function
  • Simple integration tests for all applications


  • data is now called basic_data to avoid weird conflicts when naming our data objects data
  • datasets.untar_data and datasets.download_data will now download to fastai home directory ~/.fastai/data if the dataset does not already exist locally ./data


  • add dep_var column in test_df if it doesn't exists (Kevin Bird)
  • backwards=True when creating a LanguageModelLoader (mboyanov)

1.0.8 (2018-10-20)

  • Not released

1.0.7 (2018-10-19)


  • New class ImagePoints for targets that are a set of point coordinates
  • New function Image.predict(learn:Learner) to get the activations of the model in Learner for an image
  • New function Learner.validate to validate on a given dl (default valid_dl), with maybe new metrics or callbacks
  • New function error_rate which is just 1-accuracy()


  • All vision models are now in the models module, including torchvision models (where tested and supported). So use models instead of tvm now. If your preferred torchvision model isn't imported, feel free to test it out and tell us on the forum if it works. And if it doesn't, a PR with a test and a fix would be appreciated!
  • ImageBBox is now a subclass of ImagePoints
  • All metrics are now Callback. You can pass a regular function like accuracy that will get averaged over batch or a full Callback that can do more complex things
  • All datasets convenience functions and paths are inside the URLs class
  • URLs that are a sample have name now suffixed with _SAMPLE


  • Fix WeightDropout in RNNs when p=0
  • pad_collate gets its kwargs from TextClasDataBunch
  • Add small eps to std in TabularDataset to avoid division by zero
  • fit_one_cycle doesn't take other callbacks
  • Many broken docs links fixed

1.0.6 (2018-10-01)

  • Last release without CHANGES updates