Git & GitHub: 2 days
- Basic Command Line navigation:
- Command Line Git:
- Branching and merging
- GitHub pull request UX, how to converse on a PR
- Learning outcome: Put simple personal site on GitHub, push to GitHub pages using GitBot.co
- Learning outcome: Can talk shop about PRs, commits, branches, and sound informed in an interview setting
- Basic Command Line navigation:
Scope & Closures: 2 day
Investigating the scope chain, the true power of the
keyword -
What are closures and how/when/why to create them
Learning outcome: Be able to answer common "what does this code output" tricky JS questions involving hoisting, scope. Examples can be seen here: https://www.sitepoint.com/5-typical-javascript-interview-exercises/
Learning outcome: Solve tricky problems involving closures, Examples here
- What HTTP is, headers, content, envelope metaphor
- CSS Layouts crash course: display flex, flex-direction, align-items, justify-content, etc
- External libraries and stylesheets (bootstrap)
CS Fundamentals
- What is a program, what is an algorithm?
Debugging using Chrome developer tools: 1 day
- Breakpoints and stepping through code
- Parsing call stack and watched variables
- Learning outcome: Given a broken JavaScript program in a js file, use the Chrome Developer tools to identify where the bug is, and how to fix it