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Geolocalization features

Jean-Marc Vanel edited this page Jul 14, 2017 · 3 revisions

Input data with GPS

When there are geo:long and / or geo:lat in a form, the values are filled in real time from GPS device. Example: http://localhost:9000/create?uri=nature%3AObservation

Computing path length

Getting path length statistics

PREFIX geoloc: <>
PREFIX vehman: <>

  ?TravelStatistic a geoloc:TravelStatistic ;
  geoloc:begin ?begin ; #  xsd.dateTime
  geoloc:end ?end ; #  xsd.dateTime
  geoloc:distance ?dist ; #  xsd.float
  geoloc:mobile ?MOBILE .
  ?MOBILE vehman:internalNumber ?NUM.
  { GRAPH ?GR {
  ?TravelStatistic a geoloc:TravelStatistic ;
  geoloc:begin ?begin ; #  xsd.dateTime
  geoloc:end ?end ; #  xsd.dateTime
  geoloc:distance ?dist ; #  xsd.float
  geoloc:mobile ?MOBILE .
  } }
  GRAPH ?GR1 {
    ?MOBILE a geoloc:Mobile.
} }
  GRAPH ?GR2 {
            ?MOBILE vehman:vehicle ?VEHICULE.
            ?VEHICULE vehman:internalNumber ?NUM.
    } }

Getting geographical maps

When there are geo:long and / or geo:lat triples in data, the subject URI's are shown on the geographical maps view: use the Map button in /tools page . Example query:

Prefix geo: <>
  ?sub geo:long ?LON .
  ?sub geo:lat ?LAT .
  ?sub rdfs:label ?LAB.}
  ?sub geo:long ?LON .
  ?sub geo:lat ?LAT .
  ?sub rdfs:label ?LAB.  } }
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