Releases: jmvanel/semantic_forms
Releases · jmvanel/semantic_forms
FIX I18N for property labels, POST /update
- FIX I18N for property labels in /display , /form-data , /create
- FIX POST /update
- /form-data : add JSON keys "valueLabel" & "thumbnail"
- set cardinality in form spec ( in service /form-data )
- in /create , /create-data , add HTTP param. subjecturi to control the subject URI created
- add RDFS Label & Comment only if no form specif.
- When there a form specification, do not add the properties inferred from classes ( only the properties from data if any )
- CSVImporter: do not add sindice:rows triples
- FIX /sparql when there is no Accept: header
- Add image & type field (rdf:type) in /lookup results
- improve log: log user ID, IP, timestamp with seconds and milliseconds for HTTP requests
Fixes for user named graph; Jena Version 3.2.0
FIX "user form is saved in 2 named graphs"
FIX graph associated to user: ensure it is an absolute URI;
FIX /sparql when there is no Accept: header
Jena Version 3.2.0
Create foaf:OnlineAccount for each user
optimizations after passing YourKit: Store the compiled query in InstanceLabelsFromLabelProperty
Added a button to access an ontologies view (WebVOWL)
zoom thumbnails
Upgrade to Play! 2.5.2, Log4j 2.8
- Upgrade to Play! framework 2.5.2
- Upgrade to Log4j 2.8, reduce logging a lot by default
- fallback in autocompletion when the DBPedia service is unavailable. In this case, local service /lookup is exploited
- Loading pure HTML URL: accept them as foaf:Document
- #131 Fields not filled are not visible in Display mode
- "Design logging" #123
- #129 Added a button to access an ontologies view (WebVOWL)
- Loading pure HTML URL: accept them as foaf:Document #132
- zoom a image (with magnific-popups )
- Show user on top of page in /display , /create
- type(s) class in statistics /display
Binary download will be here in a few days ! Thu Feb 9 09:50:14 UTC 2017
Thumbnails, multi-type in form, service /form-sparql, fixes, etc
Generic application
- issue #113 multi-type in form generation
- show a thumbnail image for triples ?S foaf:img ?IMAGE , etc
- in Tools page, add link to YASGui SPARQL client
- better logging for RDF download failures
- Provide draggable icon hyperlinks to form's fields, suitable to drop in social media like Facebook
- In form header, show URI of form subject, if any.
- /create service: uri parameter normally an owl:Class, but can be also a form:specification
- using Expires HTTP header field for re-donwloading
- Group Fields in view in tabs by super-classes recursively when groupFields=true in configuration
- in /history page, URI labels for hyperlinks were missing
- the "+" button on Chrome was submitting the form: indeed this is the default HTML5 behaviour
- service /sparql : give priority to requested MIME type
- avoid downloading twice an RDF document in /display (when RDF URL has no Etag)
- minor fixes of commit a64a689
- issue #115, service /form-sparql from a SPARQL CONSTRUCT query, get a naked HTML form
- issue #115, service /sparql-data from a SPARQL CONSTRUCT query, get form data in JSON
- service /create-data , like /create but creation form as raw JSON data
- service /form-data : add database argument; outputs new fields: cardinality , better WidgetType values, etc ; cf
- issue #117: service /form-data : add database argument
- Basic Selenium tests
- tested with dbPedia mirror
- modular architecture in progress: Configuration is now an abstract field
SPARQL 1.1 Update and SPARQL query SELECT fully conforming
- new conforming SPARQL Update service at /update?update=
- SPARQL service /sparql now accepts SELECT queries and returns JSON, RDF/XML or Turtle via content negotiation
- Use specified Object or Datatype Property's for computing displayed labels.
Takes into account such annotations:
<someClass> form:labelProperty <someProperty> .
- FIX boolean widget: HTML5 solution does not work; tested with
http://localhost:9000/create?uri=... - /lookup now accepts clas= HTTP parameter, and can spit JSON
- group Fields by super-classes recursively, under control of groupFields in Configuration
- display an RDF list in HTML
- Upgrade jena to 3.1.1
Upgrade to Jena 3.1.0
- Upgrade to Jena 3.1.0 & Banana-RDF 0.9-SNAPSHOT
- Lookup & String Search by SPARQL now order by counting the triples from each URI from text search
- Extended Search: looking 2 step by RDF triples
- in "Create" & "Display" fields, possible to type abbreviated Turtle term, e.g. foaf:Person, schema:Event, foaf:Person, dbpedia:Paris
- enhance SPARQL SELECT results Web page
- rdfviewer link (the 3 cherries!) opens in a new tab
- now use URL or IP from request in URI creation and LDP GET
- FIX : search string including apostrophe '
- form specification for skos:Concept, biological-collections.owl.ttl
- in
service : case when only formURI HTTP parameter is given, then take the RDF class of newly created instance from form specification; example: http://localhost:9000/create?
/create with only formURI given, dbPedia mirroring, etc
- /create : when only formURI is given from HTTP, take class from form specification
- Add statistics in display page, e.g.:
3 subjects, 98 triples, 24 predicates, 92 objects, 85 objects from page URI, type foaf:Person - Editing: do not show an empty pulldown menu when there is no possible values in TDB
- FIX dbPedia mirroring; tested with Lucene
- Add title saying "creating a new XXX"
- more scripts in zip distribution
When Graph at given URL could not be downloaded, try in local TDB
New features:
- redirect to URI querried before login
- when Graph at given URI could not be downloaded, try in local TDB, use case:
- load an RDF document refering to a non-downloadable URI
- display
- textarea for SPARQL are resizable
- CSVImporter: cell content can be a Prefixed URI
Login, Lucene, create applications from the zip release, ...
GUI (front)
- login is activated by default (user email not verified)
- Lucene is now activated by default
- add rdfviewer, a Javascript graph view
- add icons in forms
- I18N for placeholders
- New field appear automatically when user has chosen an URI in completion
- dbpedia completion with jquery autocomplete: now works on all browsers
Algorithms and framework
- create applications from the zip release, without recompiling the Play! app.
- SPARQL service at /sparql
- new app. CSVImporterApp (enhanced from Any23)
- Duplicate merging
- replace given subClassOf for given classes with ordinary properties
- LDP feature: URI's created by forms are now available as LDP GET URL's; LDP GET service returns the same data as the web HTML /display service
editing + dashboard + LDP
This relase is ready for production, but:
- no login yet
- options are only configurable in source code, not when deploying the pre-compiled zip
- LDP feature: URI's created by forms are not yet available as LDP GET URL's
- Lucene is not activated by default