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Docker Swarm monitoring with Prometheus, Grafana, cAdvisor, Node Exporter, Alert Manager

Dereived from stefanprodan/swarmprom with added support for multi architecture Docker images (amd64, arm64, and arm/v7). This implementation also eliminates the need to custom build Prometheus, Grafana, and AlertManager images.


Clone this repository and run the monitoring stack:

$ git clone
$ cd prometheus

docker stack deploy -c docker-compose.yml mon


  • Docker CE 17.09.0-ce or Docker EE 17.06.2-ee-3
  • Swarm cluster with one manager and a worker node
  • Docker engine experimental enabled and metrics address set to


  • prometheus (metrics database) http://<swarm-ip>:9090
  • grafana (visualize metrics) http://<swarm-ip>:3000
  • node-exporter (host metrics collector)
  • cadvisor (containers metrics collector)
  • dockerd-exporter (Docker daemon metrics collector, requires Docker experimental metrics-addr to be enabled)
  • alertmanager (alerts dispatcher) http://<swarm-ip>:9093

custom multiarch node-exporter

When a node-exporter container starts node-meta.prom is generated with the following content:

"node_meta{node_id=\"$NODE_ID\", node_name=\"$NODE_NAME\"} 1"

The node ID value is supplied via {{.Node.ID}} and the node name is extracted from the /etc/hostname file that is mounted inside the node-exporter container.

    image: jmb12686/swarmprom-node-exporter
      - NODE_ID={{.Node.ID}}
      - /etc/hostname:/etc/nodename
      - ''

Using the textfile command, you can instruct node-exporter to collect the node_meta metric. Now that you have a metric containing the Docker Swarm node ID and name, you can use it in promql queries.

Let's say you want to find the available memory on each node, normally you would write something like this:

sum(node_memory_MemAvailable) by (instance)

{instance=""} 889450496
{instance=""} 1404162048
{instance=""} 1406574592

The above result is not very helpful since you can't tell what Swarm node is behind the instance IP. So let's write that query taking into account the node_meta metric:

sum(node_memory_MemAvailable * on(instance) group_left(node_id, node_name) node_meta) by (node_id, node_name)

{node_id="wrdvtftteo0uaekmdq4dxrn14",node_name="swarm-manager-1"} 889450496
{node_id="moggm3uaq8tax9ptr1if89pi7",node_name="swarm-worker-1"} 1404162048
{node_id="vkdfx99mm5u4xl2drqhnwtnsv",node_name="swarm-worker-2"} 1406574592

This is much better. Instead of overlay IPs, now I can see the actual Docker Swarm nodes ID and hostname. Knowing the hostname of your nodes is useful for alerting as well.

You can define an alert when available memory reaches 10%. You also will receive the hostname in the alert message and not some overlay IP that you can't correlate to a infrastructure item.

Maybe you are wondering why you need the node ID if you have the hostname. The node ID will help you match node-exporter instances to cAdvisor instances. All metrics exported by cAdvisor have a label named container_label_com_docker_swarm_node_id, and this label can be used to filter containers metrics by Swarm nodes.

Let's write a query to find out how many containers are running on a Swarm node. Knowing from the node_meta metric all the nodes IDs you can define a filter with them in Grafana. Assuming the filter is $node_id the container count query should look like this:


Updating Configs in already deployed Stack

This Prometheus stack utilizes many Docker Configs which are immutable. To support hot deployment and updating of the stack with updates to config files, a versioning mechanism has been added to the Compose file:

    name: prometheus-${CONFIG_VERSION:-0}
    file: ./prometheus/conf/prometheus.yml  

Without the CONFIG_VERSION env variable set, compose defaults the config file "version" to 0.

Deploying the stack with CONFIG_VERSION=1:

$ export CONFIG_VERSION=1 
$ sudo -E bash -c 'docker stack deploy -c docker-compose.yml mon'
Creating config prometheus-1
Creating config alert_manager-1
Updating service mon_prometheus (id: 2mdy9h720iofyaqort1qx1qu2)
Updating service mon_alertmanager (id: 68sxctatkw7kwg1ywt4zcik4v)

Removing the Docker stack will dispose of all configs created, but there is currently no prune for Docker Configs, so maintenance / cleanup to remove unused configs should be periodically performed.