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MongoDB Quickstart

This guide is meant to help you get started with MongoDB. First install MongoDB on your local machine, run it, and try a few queries in from the turorial below. We will use the same queries in the back-end.

Set up MongoDB locally

Install MongoDB

Example: Mac installation

These steps are pulled directly from the guide above.

Prepare for install.

xcode-select --install
brew update


brew tap mongodb/brew
brew install [email protected]

Start the mongodb service.

brew services start [email protected]

Tutorial: Basic database commands

Run mongo to connect to the db. Inside the mongo shell run use test to switch to the test DB. Then add some test data.

Insert One

    "name" : "Tigerlilly",
    "animal" : "cat",
    "sound" : "meow",
    "tags" : ["mammal"],
    "features" : {
      "color": "orange",
      "eyes": "green"

Find all

myCursor = db.inventory.find({})

Insert Many

  { "name": "Dr. Cat", "animal" : "cat", "sound" : "meow", "tags" : ["mammal"], "features" : { "color": "grey", "eyes": "brown" }},
  { "name": "Vader", "animal" : "cat", "sound" : "meow", "tags" : ["mammal"], "features" : { "color": "black", "eyes": "yellow" }},
  { "name": "Jadis", "animal" : "cat", "sound" : "meow", "tags" : ["mammal"], "features" : { "color": "black & white", "eyes": "yellow" }},

Find subset

myCursor = db.inventory.find({ name: "Vader" })

And for nested values

myCursor = db.inventory.find({ "features.color": "black" })

There are 20 items per "page" of results. To fetch multiple pages.

while (myCursor.hasNext()) {

Query Operations

myCursor = db.inventory.find({ "features.color": { "$in": ["black", "orange"] } })

There are numerical filters too.

myCursor = db.inventory.find({ "numberValue": { "$lt": 5 } })

Here is the full list of query operators

Update records

Updates follow this format

   { ...query },
   { ...update}

For example

   { name: "Dr. Cat" },
     $set: { "features.color": "grey stripes" }

You can update multiple records using updateMany instead.

Delete records

Deletes follow this format


For example

  name: "Dr. Cat".

You can target one record using deleteOne as well.