a web paginate control, follow the bootstarp style. the effect is shown below
Do not rely on third-party libraries. But requirement the follow features in browser :
- Promise Object(if you use ajax model)
- Flex layout(css)
- Scripts reference
<script src="/dist/Paginate.min.js"></script>
<link href="/dist/paginate.css" rel="stylesheet" />
<script src="/dist/Paginate.js"></script>
- Npm install
$ npm install --save-dev web-paginate
var p = new Paginate(options); // type1
var p = new Paginate(options,function(data){console.log(data)}); // type2
first, let's take a look at the settings of the public field
var options = {
omittString: '···', // public field
preString: 'Pre', // public field
nextString: 'Next', // public field
displayCount: 5, // public field
cursorPosition: 3, // public field
leftCount: 1, // public field
rightCount: 1, // public field
itemsCount: null, // public field, set the number of pages to display the item, can not be ignored
totalPages: null, // public field
onClick: null, // public field, will invoke if user click any page number, the same as the second parameter in constructor function
contanier: null, // public field, which element to contanier Paginate
currentSelect: 1 // public field, when init, which page number should be select first
in addition to that. there are three other ways to set up private field:
- use local data
- use ajax data
- customize
- use local data
var options = {
data:[1,2,3,4...], // local data
- use ajax data
var options = {
ajax: 'http://localhost/demo?pageindex={num}&pagecount={count}', // set ajax link, {num} means current select index, {count} equals itemsCount
ajaxMethod: 'GET', // request method
ajaxData: null, // request data, support object
ajaxTotalPagesName: 'totalPages', // in ajax return value, which key specify the totalPages
ajaxDataName: 'data', // in ajax return value, which key specify the data
onAjaxFail: null, // when request fail
onAjaxRequestting: null // before invoke the ajax send function
// note: just support json dataType
- customize
var options = {
dataHandle: function(index, options, callBack, http){
// index: current page number
// options: current options
// callBack: when you get the data, please invoke it as: callBack(data)
// http: the tool for ajax
// use like:
var promiseHttp = http(method:string, url:string, data:string|object, header:object);
promiseHttp.then(function(data){}); // when succes
promiseHttp.fail(function(msg){}); // when fail
// or you can use other ajax tool, like jQuery.ajax
demo: click to see demo
var p = new Paginate(options);
p.dom // the paginate dom
p.preDom // the pre flag dom
p.nextDom // the next flag dom
p.options // options
p.optionsSet() // set the new options
p.adjustment() // adjustment layout