This repository contains Python code to carry out some computational experiments with an ecosystem model (the DALEC of Mat Williams in Edinburgh) using a particle filter. The particular flavour of particle filter that's being used is the sequential Metropolis-Hastings filter, described in Dowd (2007). You can fidn the Python code files, but also an IPython notebook with a lab on exploring this DA frameweork. An HTML-rendered version of the IPython notebook is available here, or you can see it in nbviewer.
Also some introductory slides.
Note that in order to use the notebook, we need to do the following:
source activate ipy3
This lets you use the IPython notebook version 3.0.0. To have access to the notebooks etc, you can change the directory to your data storage (typically ~/DATA
), and
git clone
If you're running this on a computer without git
, you can just download the zipfile. Note that the only dependencies here are
- IPython notebook (>= v 3.0.0)
- Matplotlib
- Numpy
- Scipy
These are all available from e.g. Anaconda standard distributions.