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Client that [[oauth-roles#User|users]] use to make operations against [[oauth-roles#API Resource|API]] Example: Web Application, Native application(iOS, Android, WIndows, Linux, MacOS)
- confidential(has both
) - public(has only
API that contains data about [[oauth-roles#User|users]](email, phone number, hash_pasword, photo, etc) Logins [[oauth-roles#User|users]] and pass they [[oauth-access-token]], [[oauth-id-token]], etc. to [[oauth-roles#Application|applications]] Manages tokens lifetime, invalidation, etc
A device that [[oauth-roles#User|users]] use to access they data. Example: Browser, CLI, etc
User is a resource owner, real people
Backend service that allows [[oauth-roles#User|users]] make operations against it To make operations [[oauth-roles#User|users]] use [[oauth-roles#Application|applications]] in most cases Example: Web Server