A minimalistic and extensible JSON logger. It offloads the actual log-writing task to writers.
The logger adds the following attributes to the logged data.
- logged_at: Timestamp of the log as ISO String
- running_on: Identifies where the logger was invoked from (server/browser)
- level: Logging level (error|warn|info|debug|trace)
The logged data is expected to be provided as an object. The attributes of the object are merged with the base attributes before sending it to the writer.
Below are some examples assuming that the logger has been called on the server side at 8 am on 2022-11-05. The logger does not do any validation on the data structure it receives. It is up to the developer to ensure that the LogWriter will be able to handle the data appropriately.
The context
attribute is used to store the context of the log. This is useful when you want to store some information that is common to all logs. For example, you might want to store some additional information say the package, module or method that the log was generated from. Since this can be nested, the getContextLogger method is provided to create a logger with the context already set.
Since this is an object it can contain any additional shared context information like request_id, user_id, etc.
const rootlogger = getLogger(writer, { context: { module: 'foo' } })
rootlogger.info('modules scope')
function bar() {
const logger = rootLogger.getContextLogger({ method: 'bar' })
logger.info('function scope')
rootlogger.info('modules scope again')
This will be sent to the writer as
"level": "info",
"running_on": "server",
"logged_at": "2022-11-05T08:00:00.000Z",
"message": "foo"
logger.info({ message: 'foo' })
This will be sent to the writer as
"level": "info",
"running_on": "server",
"logged_at": "2022-11-05T08:00:00.000Z",
"message": "foo"
logger.info({ message: 'foo', data: { path: 'bar' } })
This will be sent to the writer as
"level": "info",
"running_on": "server",
"logged_at": "2022-11-05T08:00:00.000Z",
"message": "foo",
"data": { "path": "bar" }
Depending on how you intend to send data to the logger
, create the appropriate data store.
For example, with the "supabase" writer you would need a table having the structure below:
create table if not exists public.logs(
id uuid default uuid_generate_v4()
, level varchar
, running_on varchar
, logged_at timestamp with time zone
, message varchar
, context jsonb
, data jsonb
, error jsonb
, written_at timestamp with time zone default now()
if you expect your data to contain additional attributes at same level as message, columns should be included to capture those attributes as well.