index 523faff3e..411dfd930 100644
@@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
=== master
+* Support json_table on PostgreSQL 17+ in the pg_json_ops extension (jeremyevans)
* Make Dataset#get and #first without argument not create intermediate datasets if receiver uses raw SQL (jeremyevans)
* Add dataset_run extension, for building SQL using datasets, and running with Database#run (jeremyevans)
diff --git a/lib/sequel/extensions/pg_json_ops.rb b/lib/sequel/extensions/pg_json_ops.rb
index b7d1855b3..24ee99753 100644
--- a/lib/sequel/extensions/pg_json_ops.rb
+++ b/lib/sequel/extensions/pg_json_ops.rb
@@ -88,6 +88,12 @@
# j.path_query_array('$.foo') # jsonb_path_query_array(jsonb_column, '$.foo')
# j.path_query_first('$.foo') # jsonb_path_query_first(jsonb_column, '$.foo')
+# For the PostgreSQL 12+ SQL/JSON path functions, one argument is required (+path+) and
+# two more arguments are optional (+vars+ and +silent+). +path+ specifies the JSON path.
+# +vars+ specifies a hash or a string in JSON format of named variables to be
+# substituted in +path+. +silent+ specifies whether errors are suppressed. By default,
+# errors are not suppressed.
# On PostgreSQL 13+ timezone-aware SQL/JSON path functions and operators are supported:
# j.path_exists_tz!('$.foo') # jsonb_path_exists_tz(jsonb_column, '$.foo')
@@ -96,12 +102,6 @@
# j.path_query_array_tz('$.foo') # jsonb_path_query_array_tz(jsonb_column, '$.foo')
# j.path_query_first_tz('$.foo') # jsonb_path_query_first_tz(jsonb_column, '$.foo')
-# For the PostgreSQL 12+ SQL/JSON path functions, one argument is required (+path+) and
-# two more arguments are optional (+vars+ and +silent+). +path+ specifies the JSON path.
-# +vars+ specifies a hash or a string in JSON format of named variables to be
-# substituted in +path+. +silent+ specifies whether errors are suppressed. By default,
-# errors are not suppressed.
# On PostgreSQL 14+, The JSONB [] method will use subscripts instead of being
# the same as +get+, if the value being wrapped is an identifer:
@@ -129,8 +129,8 @@
# j.is_json(type: :object) # j IS JSON OBJECT
# j.is_json(type: :object, unique: true) # j IS JSON OBJECT WITH UNIQUE
# j.is_not_json # j IS NOT JSON
-# j.is_not_json(type: :array) # j IS NOT JSON ARRAY
-# j.is_not_json(unique: true) # j IS NOT JSON WITH UNIQUE
+# j.is_not_json(type: :array) # j IS NOT JSON ARRAY
+# j.is_not_json(unique: true) # j IS NOT JSON WITH UNIQUE
# On PostgreSQL 17+, the additional JSON functions are supported (see method documentation
# for additional options):
@@ -143,6 +143,29 @@
# j.value('$.foo', returning: Time) # json_value(jsonb_column, '$.foo' RETURNING timestamp)
# j.query('$.foo', wrapper: true) # json_query(jsonb_column, '$.foo' WITH WRAPPER)
+# j.table('$.foo') do
+# String :bar
+# Integer :baz
+# end
+# # json_table('$.foo' COLUMNS(bar text, baz integer))
+# j.table('$.foo', passing: {a: 1}) do
+# ordinality :id
+# String :bar, format: :json, on_error: :empty_object
+# nested '$.baz' do
+# Integer :q, path: '$.quux', on_empty: :error
+# end
+# exists :x, on_error: false
+# end
+# # json_table("j", '$.foo' PASSING 1 AS a COLUMNS(
+# # NESTED '$.baz' COLUMNS(
+# # "q" integer PATH '$.quux' ERROR ON EMPTY
+# # ),
+# # ))
# If you are also using the pg_json extension, you should load it before
# loading this extension. Doing so will allow you to use the #op method on
# JSONHash, JSONHarray, JSONBHash, and JSONBArray, allowing you to perform json/jsonb operations
@@ -364,6 +387,72 @@ def strip_nulls
+ # Returns json_table SQL function expression, querying JSON data and returning
+ # the results as a relational view, which can be accessed similarly to a regular
+ # SQL table. This accepts a block that is handled in a similar manner to
+ # Database#create_table, though it operates differently.
+ #
+ # Table level options:
+ #
+ # :on_error :: How to handle errors when evaluating the JSON path expression.
+ # :empty_array :: Return an empty array/result set
+ # :error :: raise a DatabaseError
+ # :passing :: Variables to pass to the JSON path expression. Keys are variable
+ # names, values are the values of the variable.
+ #
+ # Inside the block, the following methods can be used:
+ #
+ # ordinality(name) :: Include a FOR ORDINALITY column, which operates similar to an
+ # autoincrementing primary key.
+ # column(name, type, opts={}) :: Return a normal column that uses the given type.
+ # exists(name, type, opts={}) :: Return a boolean column for whether the JSON path yields any values.
+ # nested(path, &block) :: Extract nested data from the result set at the given path.
+ # This block is treated the same as a json_table block, and
+ # arbitrary levels of nesting are supported.
+ #
+ # The +column+ method supports the following options:
+ #
+ # :path :: JSON path to the object (the default is $.NAME, where +NAME+ is the
+ # name of the column).
+ # :format :: Set to +:json+ to use FORMAT JSON, when you expect the value to be a
+ # valid JSON object.
+ # :on_empty, :on_error :: How to handle case where JSON path evaluation is empty or
+ # results in an error. Values supported are:
+ # :empty_array :: Return empty array (requires format: :json)
+ # :empty_object :: Return empty object (requires format: :json)
+ # :error :: Raise a DatabaseError
+ # :null :: Return nil (NULL)
+ # :wrapper :: How to wrap returned values:
+ # true, :unconditional :: Always wrap returning values in an array
+ # :conditional :: Only wrap multiple return values in an array
+ # :keep_quotes :: Wrap scalar strings in quotes
+ # :omit_quotes :: Do not wrap scalar strings in quotes
+ #
+ # The +exists+ method supports the following options:
+ #
+ # :path :: JSON path to the object (same as +column+ option)
+ # :on_error :: How to handle case where JSON path evaluation results in an error.
+ # Values supported are:
+ # :error :: Raise a DatabaseError
+ # true :: Return true
+ # false :: Return false
+ # :null :: Return nil (NULL)
+ #
+ # Inside the block, methods for Ruby class names are also supported, allowing you
+ # to use syntax such as:
+ #
+ # json_op.table('$.a') do
+ # String :b
+ # Integer :c, path: '$.d'
+ # end
+ #
+ # One difference between this method and Database#create_table is that method_missing
+ # is not supported inside the block. Use the +column+ method for PostgreSQL types
+ # that are not mapped to Ruby classes.
+ def table(path, opts=OPTS, &block)
+ JSONTableOp.new(self, path, opts, &block)
+ end
# Builds arbitrary record from json object. You need to define the
# structure of the record using #as on the resulting object:
@@ -1032,6 +1121,223 @@ def on_sql_value(value)
+ # Object representing json_table calls
+ class JSONTableOp < SQL::Expression
+ :error => ' ERROR ON ERROR',
+ :empty_array => ' EMPTY ARRAY ON ERROR',
+ }.freeze
+ private_constant :TABLE_ON_ERROR_SQL
+ :null => ' NULL',
+ :error => ' ERROR',
+ :empty_array => ' EMPTY ARRAY',
+ :empty_object => ' EMPTY OBJECT',
+ }.freeze
+ private_constant :COLUMN_ON_SQL
+ :error => ' ERROR',
+ true => ' TRUE',
+ false => ' FALSE',
+ :null => ' UNKNOWN',
+ }.freeze
+ private_constant :EXISTS_ON_ERROR_SQL
+ :conditional => ' WITH CONDITIONAL WRAPPER',
+ :unconditional => ' WITH WRAPPER',
+ :omit_quotes => ' OMIT QUOTES',
+ :keep_quotes => ' KEEP QUOTES',
+ }
+ WRAPPER[true] = WRAPPER[:unconditional]
+ WRAPPER.freeze
+ private_constant :WRAPPER
+ # Class used to evaluate json_table blocks and nested blocks
+ class ColumnDSL
+ # Return array of column information recorded for the instance
+ attr_reader :columns
+ def self.columns(&block)
+ new(&block).columns.freeze
+ end
+ def initialize(&block)
+ @columns = []
+ instance_exec(&block)
+ end
+ # Include a FOR ORDINALITY column
+ def ordinality(name)
+ @columns << [:ordinality, name].freeze
+ end
+ # Include a regular column with the given type
+ def column(name, type, opts=OPTS)
+ @columns << [:column, name, type, opts].freeze
+ end
+ # Include an EXISTS column with the given type
+ def exists(name, type, opts=OPTS)
+ @columns << [:exists, name, type, opts].freeze
+ end
+ # Include a nested set of columns at the given path.
+ def nested(path, &block)
+ @columns << [:nested, path, ColumnDSL.columns(&block)].freeze
+ end
+ # Include a bigint column
+ def Bignum(name, opts=OPTS)
+ @columns << [:column, name, :Bignum, opts].freeze
+ end
+ # Define methods for handling other generic types
+ %w'String Integer Float Numeric BigDecimal Date DateTime Time File TrueClass FalseClass'.each do |meth|
+ klass = Object.const_get(meth)
+ define_method(meth) do |name, opts=OPTS|
+ @columns << [:column, name, klass, opts].freeze
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ private_constant :ColumnDSL
+ # See JSONBaseOp#table for documentation on the options.
+ def initialize(expr, path, opts=OPTS, &block)
+ @expr = expr
+ @path = path
+ @passing = opts[:passing]
+ @on_error = opts[:on_error]
+ @columns = opts[:_columns] || ColumnDSL.columns(&block)
+ freeze
+ end
+ # Append the json_table function call expression to the SQL
+ def to_s_append(ds, sql)
+ sql << 'json_table('
+ ds.literal_append(sql, @expr)
+ sql << ', '
+ default_literal_append(ds, sql, @path)
+ if (passing = @passing) && !passing.empty?
+ sql << ' PASSING '
+ comma = false
+ passing.each do |k, v|
+ if comma
+ sql << ', '
+ else
+ comma = true
+ end
+ ds.literal_append(sql, v)
+ sql << " AS " << k.to_s
+ end
+ end
+ to_s_append_columns(ds, sql, @columns)
+ sql << TABLE_ON_ERROR_SQL.fetch(@on_error) if @on_error
+ sql << ')'
+ end
+ # Support transforming of json_table expression
+ def sequel_ast_transform(transformer)
+ opts = {:on_error=>@on_error, :_columns=>@columns}
+ if @passing
+ passing = opts[:passing] = {}
+ @passing.each do |k, v|
+ passing[k] = transformer.call(v)
+ end
+ end
+ self.class.new(transformer.call(@expr), @path, opts)
+ end
+ private
+ # Append the set of column information to the SQL. Separated to handle
+ # nested sets of columns.
+ def to_s_append_columns(ds, sql, columns)
+ sql << ' COLUMNS('
+ comma = nil
+ columns.each do |column|
+ if comma
+ sql << comma
+ else
+ comma = ', '
+ end
+ to_s_append_column(ds, sql, column)
+ end
+ sql << ')'
+ end
+ # Append the column information to the SQL. Handles the various
+ # types of json_table columns.
+ def to_s_append_column(ds, sql, column)
+ case column[0]
+ when :column
+ _, name, type, opts = column
+ ds.literal_append(sql, name)
+ sql << ' ' << ds.db.send(:type_literal, opts.merge(:type=>type)).to_s
+ sql << ' FORMAT JSON' if opts[:format] == :json
+ to_s_append_path(ds, sql, opts[:path])
+ sql << WRAPPER.fetch(opts[:wrapper]) if opts[:wrapper]
+ to_s_append_on_value(ds, sql, opts[:on_empty], " ON EMPTY")
+ to_s_append_on_value(ds, sql, opts[:on_error], " ON ERROR")
+ when :ordinality
+ ds.literal_append(sql, column[1])
+ sql << ' FOR ORDINALITY'
+ when :exists
+ _, name, type, opts = column
+ ds.literal_append(sql, name)
+ sql << ' ' << ds.db.send(:type_literal, opts.merge(:type=>type)).to_s
+ sql << ' EXISTS'
+ to_s_append_path(ds, sql, opts[:path])
+ unless (on_error = opts[:on_error]).nil?
+ sql << EXISTS_ON_ERROR_SQL.fetch(on_error) << " ON ERROR"
+ end
+ else # when :nested
+ _, path, columns = column
+ sql << 'NESTED '
+ default_literal_append(ds, sql, path)
+ to_s_append_columns(ds, sql, columns)
+ end
+ end
+ # Handle DEFAULT values in ON EMPTY/ON ERROR fragments
+ def to_s_append_on_value(ds, sql, value, cond)
+ if value
+ if v = COLUMN_ON_SQL[value]
+ sql << v
+ else
+ sql << ' DEFAULT '
+ default_literal_append(ds, sql, value)
+ end
+ sql << cond
+ end
+ end
+ # Append path caluse to the SQL
+ def to_s_append_path(ds, sql, path)
+ if path
+ sql << ' PATH '
+ default_literal_append(ds, sql, path)
+ end
+ end
+ # Do not auto paramterize default value or path value, as PostgreSQL doesn't allow it.
+ def default_literal_append(ds, sql, v)
+ if sql.respond_to?(:skip_auto_param)
+ sql.skip_auto_param do
+ ds.literal_append(sql, v)
+ end
+ else
+ ds.literal_append(sql, v)
+ end
+ end
+ end
module JSONOpMethods
# Wrap the receiver in an JSONOp so you can easily use the PostgreSQL
# json functions and operators with it.
diff --git a/spec/adapters/postgres_spec.rb b/spec/adapters/postgres_spec.rb
index 9110209f7..4d120aa61 100644
--- a/spec/adapters/postgres_spec.rb
+++ b/spec/adapters/postgres_spec.rb
@@ -4366,6 +4366,194 @@ def left_item_id
@db.get(j.query('$.n[1]', :wrapper=>:conditional)).must_equal [3]
@db.get(j.query('$.s', returning: String)).must_equal '"t"'
@db.get(j.query('$.s', returning: String, :wrapper=>:omit_quotes)).must_equal "t"
+ j = Sequel.send(:"pg_#{json_type}_op", (<true
+ String :director, path: '$.films[*].director', :wrapper=>true
+ end).all.must_equal [
+ {:id=>1, :kind=>"comedy", :title=>'["Bananas", "The Dinner Game"]', :director=>'["Woody Allen", "Francis Veber"]'},
+ {:id=>2, :kind=>"horror", :title=>'["Psycho"]', :director=>'["Alfred Hitchcock"]'},
+ {:id=>3, :kind=>"thriller", :title=>'["Vertigo"]', :director=>'["Alfred Hitchcock"]'},
+ {:id=>4, :kind=>"drama", :title=>'["Yojimbo"]', :director=>'["Akira Kurosawa"]'}
+ ]
+ @db.from(j.table('$.favorites[*] ? (@.films[*].director == $filter)', :passing=>{:filter=>'Alfred Hitchcock'}) do
+ ordinality :id
+ String :kind, path: '$.kind'
+ String :title, path: '$.films[*].title', :wrapper=>:omit_quotes, :format=>:json
+ String :director, path: '$.films[*].director', :wrapper=>:keep_quotes
+ end).all.must_equal [
+ {:id=>1, :kind=>"horror", :title=>'Psycho', :director=>'"Alfred Hitchcock"'},
+ {:id=>2, :kind=>"thriller", :title=>'Vertigo', :director=>'"Alfred Hitchcock"'},
+ ]
+ @db.from(j.table('$.favorites[*] ? (@.films[*].director == $filter)', :passing=>{:filter=>'Alfred Hitchcock'}) do
+ ordinality :id
+ String :kind, path: '$.kind'
+ nested '$.films[*]' do
+ String :title, path: '$.title', :wrapper=>:omit_quotes, :format=>:json
+ String :director, path: '$.director', :wrapper=>:keep_quotes
+ end
+ end).all.must_equal [
+ {:id=>1, :kind=>"horror", :title=>'Psycho', :director=>'"Alfred Hitchcock"'},
+ {:id=>2, :kind=>"thriller", :title=>'Vertigo', :director=>'"Alfred Hitchcock"'},
+ ]
+ @db.from(j.table('$.favorites[*]') do
+ ordinality :id
+ String :kind, path: '$.kind'
+ nested '$.films[*]' do
+ String :title, path: '$.title', :wrapper=>:omit_quotes, :format=>:json
+ String :director, path: '$.director', :wrapper=>:keep_quotes
+ end
+ end).all.must_equal [
+ {:id=>1, :kind=>"comedy", :title=>'Bananas', :director=>'"Woody Allen"'},
+ {:id=>1, :kind=>"comedy", :title=>'The Dinner Game', :director=>'"Francis Veber"'},
+ {:id=>2, :kind=>"horror", :title=>'Psycho', :director=>'"Alfred Hitchcock"'},
+ {:id=>3, :kind=>"thriller", :title=>'Vertigo', :director=>'"Alfred Hitchcock"'},
+ {:id=>4, :kind=>"drama", :title=>'Yojimbo', :director=>'"Akira Kurosawa"'}
+ ]
+ j = Sequel.send(:"pg_#{json_type}_op", (<1, :movie_id=>1, :mname=>"One", :director=>"John Doe", :book_id=>nil, :bname=>nil, :author_id=>nil, :author_name=>nil},
+ {:user_id=>1, :movie_id=>2, :mname=>"Two", :director=>"Don Joe", :book_id=>nil, :bname=>nil, :author_id=>nil, :author_name=>nil},
+ {:user_id=>1, :movie_id=>nil, :mname=>nil, :director=>nil, :book_id=>1, :bname=>"Mystery", :author_id=>1, :author_name=>"Brown Dan"},
+ {:user_id=>1, :movie_id=>nil, :mname=>nil, :director=>nil, :book_id=>2, :bname=>"Wonder", :author_id=>1, :author_name=>"Jun Murakami"},
+ {:user_id=>1, :movie_id=>nil, :mname=>nil, :director=>nil, :book_id=>2, :bname=>"Wonder", :author_id=>2, :author_name=>"Craig Doe"}
+ ]
+ proc do
+ @db.from(j.table('strict $.x[0].y', :on_error=>:error) do
+ ordinality :id
+ end).all
+ end.must_raise Sequel::DatabaseError
+ @db.from(j.table('strict $.x[0].y', :on_error=>:empty_array) do
+ ordinality :id
+ end).all.must_equal []
+ @db.from(j.table('strict $.x[0].y') do
+ ordinality :id
+ end).all.must_equal []
+ proc do
+ @db.from(j.table('$.favorites[*]') do
+ String :foo, path: 'strict $.foo', :on_error=>:error
+ end).all.must_equal []
+ end.must_raise Sequel::DatabaseError
+ @db.from(j.table('$.favorites[*]') do
+ String :foo, path: 'strict $.foo', :on_error=>:null
+ end).all.must_equal [{:foo=>nil}]
+ @db.from(j.table('$.favorites[*]') do
+ column :foo, json_type, path: 'strict $.foo', :on_error=>:empty_object, :format=>:json, :wrapper=>:conditional
+ end).all.must_equal [{:foo=>{}}]
+ @db.from(j.table('$.favorites[*]') do
+ column :foo, json_type, path: 'strict $.foo', :on_error=>:empty_array, :format=>:json
+ end).all.must_equal [{:foo=>[]}]
+ @db.from(j.table('$.favorites[*]') do
+ Integer :foo, path: 'strict $.foo', :on_error=>42
+ end).all.must_equal [{:foo=>42}]
+ proc do
+ @db.from(j.table('$.favorites[*]') do
+ String :foo, path: '$.foo', :on_empty=>:error
+ end).all.must_equal []
+ end.must_raise Sequel::DatabaseError
+ @db.from(j.table('$.favorites[*]') do
+ String :foo, path: '$.foo', :on_empty=>:null
+ end).all.must_equal [{:foo=>nil}]
+ @db.from(j.table('$.favorites[*]') do
+ column :foo, json_type, path: '$.foo', :on_empty=>:empty_object, :format=>:json
+ end).all.must_equal [{:foo=>{}}]
+ @db.from(j.table('$.favorites[*]') do
+ column :foo, json_type, path: '$.foo', :on_empty=>:empty_array, :format=>:json
+ end).all.must_equal [{:foo=>[]}]
+ @db.from(j.table('$.favorites[*]') do
+ Integer :foo, path: '$.foo', :on_empty=>42
+ end).all.must_equal [{:foo=>42}]
+ @db.from(j.table('$.favorites[*]') do
+ exists :foo, TrueClass
+ end).all.must_equal [{:foo=>false}]
+ @db.from(j.table('$.favorites[*]') do
+ exists :foo, TrueClass, path: 'strict $.foo', :on_error=>true
+ end).all.must_equal [{:foo=>true}]
+ @db.from(j.table('$.favorites[*]') do
+ exists :foo, TrueClass, path: 'strict $.foo', :on_error=>false
+ end).all.must_equal [{:foo=>false}]
+ @db.from(j.table('$.favorites[*]') do
+ exists :foo, String, path: 'strict $.foo', :on_error=>:null
+ end).all.must_equal [{:foo=>nil}]
+ proc do
+ @db.from(j.table('$.favorites[*]') do
+ exists :foo, String, path: 'strict $.foo', :on_error=>:error
+ end).all.must_equal [{:foo=>true}]
+ end.must_raise Sequel::DatabaseError
+ j = Sequel.send(:"pg_#{json_type}_op", '{"a":{"n": [{"b": 3}]}}')
+ @db.from(j.table('$.a'){column :j, json_type, :path=>'$.n[0]', :format=>:json, :wrapper=>true}).all.must_equal [{:j=>[{"b"=>3}]}]
+ @db.from(j.table('$.a'){column :j, json_type, :path=>'$.n[0]', :format=>:json, :wrapper=>:conditional}).all.must_equal [{:j=>{"b"=>3}}]
+ @db.from(j.table(Sequel['$.a.n'].as(:foo)){Integer :b}).all.must_equal [{:b=>3}]
+ @db.from(j.table(Sequel['$.a'].as(:foo)){nested(Sequel['$.n'].as(:c)){Integer :b}}).all.must_equal [{:b=>3}]
end if DB.server_version >= 170000
end if DB.server_version >= 90200
diff --git a/spec/extensions/pg_json_ops_spec.rb b/spec/extensions/pg_json_ops_spec.rb
index 84633b133..181eedc21 100644
--- a/spec/extensions/pg_json_ops_spec.rb
+++ b/spec/extensions/pg_json_ops_spec.rb
@@ -621,4 +621,116 @@ def @db.server_version(*); 130000; end
it "#path_query_first result should be a JSONBOp" do
@l[@jb.path_query_first_tz('$').path_query_first_tz('$')].must_equal "jsonb_path_query_first_tz(jsonb_path_query_first_tz(j, '$'), '$')"
+ it "#table should use the json_table function" do
+ @l[@j.table('$'){String :a}].must_equal "json_table(j, '$' COLUMNS(a text))"
+ @l[@j.table('$'){String :a; Integer :b}].must_equal "json_table(j, '$' COLUMNS(a text, b integer))"
+ end
+ it "#table should json_path_name via SQL::AliasedExpression" do
+ @l[@j.table(Sequel['$'].as(:foo)){String :a}].must_equal "json_table(j, '$' AS foo COLUMNS(a text))"
+ end
+ it "#table should support :passing option" do
+ @l[@j.table('$', :passing=>{}){String :a}].must_equal "json_table(j, '$' COLUMNS(a text))"
+ @l[@j.table('$', :passing=>{a: 1}){String :a}].must_equal "json_table(j, '$' PASSING 1 AS a COLUMNS(a text))"
+ @l[@j.table('$', :passing=>{a: 1, b: "2"}){String :a}].must_equal "json_table(j, '$' PASSING 1 AS a, '2' AS b COLUMNS(a text))"
+ end
+ it "#table should support :on_error option " do
+ @l[@j.table('$', :on_error=>:error){String :a}].must_equal "json_table(j, '$' COLUMNS(a text) ERROR ON ERROR)"
+ @l[@j.table('$', :on_error=>:empty_array){String :a}].must_equal "json_table(j, '$' COLUMNS(a text) EMPTY ARRAY ON ERROR)"
+ end
+ it "#table block should support #ordinality" do
+ @l[@j.table('$'){ordinality :a}].must_equal "json_table(j, '$' COLUMNS(a FOR ORDINALITY))"
+ end
+ it "#table block should support #exists" do
+ @l[@j.table('$'){exists :a, String}].must_equal "json_table(j, '$' COLUMNS(a text EXISTS))"
+ end
+ it "#table block #exists should support :path option" do
+ @l[@j.table('$'){exists :a, String, path: '$'}].must_equal "json_table(j, '$' COLUMNS(a text EXISTS PATH '$'))"
+ end
+ it "#table block #exists should support :on_error option" do
+ @l[@j.table('$'){exists :a, String, on_error: :error}].must_equal "json_table(j, '$' COLUMNS(a text EXISTS ERROR ON ERROR))"
+ @l[@j.table('$'){exists :a, String, on_error: true}].must_equal "json_table(j, '$' COLUMNS(a text EXISTS TRUE ON ERROR))"
+ @l[@j.table('$'){exists :a, String, on_error: false}].must_equal "json_table(j, '$' COLUMNS(a text EXISTS FALSE ON ERROR))"
+ @l[@j.table('$'){exists :a, String, on_error: :null}].must_equal "json_table(j, '$' COLUMNS(a text EXISTS UNKNOWN ON ERROR))"
+ end
+ it "#table block should support #column" do
+ @l[@j.table('$'){column :a, String}].must_equal "json_table(j, '$' COLUMNS(a text))"
+ end
+ it "#table block #column should support format: :json option" do
+ @l[@j.table('$'){column :a, String, format: :json}].must_equal "json_table(j, '$' COLUMNS(a text FORMAT JSON))"
+ end
+ it "#table block #column should support :path option" do
+ @l[@j.table('$'){column :a, String, path: '$'}].must_equal "json_table(j, '$' COLUMNS(a text PATH '$'))"
+ end
+ it "#table block #column should support :wrapper option" do
+ @l[@j.table('$'){column :a, String, :wrapper=>true}].must_equal "json_table(j, '$' COLUMNS(a text WITH WRAPPER))"
+ @l[@j.table('$'){column :a, String, :wrapper=>:conditional}].must_equal "json_table(j, '$' COLUMNS(a text WITH CONDITIONAL WRAPPER))"
+ @l[@j.table('$'){column :a, String, :wrapper=>:unconditional}].must_equal "json_table(j, '$' COLUMNS(a text WITH WRAPPER))"
+ @l[@j.table('$'){column :a, String, :wrapper=>:keep_quotes}].must_equal "json_table(j, '$' COLUMNS(a text KEEP QUOTES))"
+ @l[@j.table('$'){column :a, String, :wrapper=>:omit_quotes}].must_equal "json_table(j, '$' COLUMNS(a text OMIT QUOTES))"
+ end
+ it "#table block #column should support :on_empty option" do
+ @l[@j.table('$'){column :a, String, on_empty: :error}].must_equal "json_table(j, '$' COLUMNS(a text ERROR ON EMPTY))"
+ @l[@j.table('$'){column :a, String, on_empty: :null}].must_equal "json_table(j, '$' COLUMNS(a text NULL ON EMPTY))"
+ @l[@j.table('$'){column :a, String, on_empty: :empty_array, format: :json}].must_equal "json_table(j, '$' COLUMNS(a text FORMAT JSON EMPTY ARRAY ON EMPTY))"
+ @l[@j.table('$'){column :a, String, on_empty: :empty_object, format: :json}].must_equal "json_table(j, '$' COLUMNS(a text FORMAT JSON EMPTY OBJECT ON EMPTY))"
+ @l[@j.table('$'){column :a, String, on_empty: 42}].must_equal "json_table(j, '$' COLUMNS(a text DEFAULT 42 ON EMPTY))"
+ end
+ it "#table block #column should support :on_error option" do
+ @l[@j.table('$'){column :a, String, on_error: :error}].must_equal "json_table(j, '$' COLUMNS(a text ERROR ON ERROR))"
+ @l[@j.table('$'){column :a, String, on_error: :null}].must_equal "json_table(j, '$' COLUMNS(a text NULL ON ERROR))"
+ @l[@j.table('$'){column :a, String, on_error: :empty_array, format: :json}].must_equal "json_table(j, '$' COLUMNS(a text FORMAT JSON EMPTY ARRAY ON ERROR))"
+ @l[@j.table('$'){column :a, String, on_error: :empty_object, format: :json}].must_equal "json_table(j, '$' COLUMNS(a text FORMAT JSON EMPTY OBJECT ON ERROR))"
+ @l[@j.table('$'){column :a, String, on_error: 42}].must_equal "json_table(j, '$' COLUMNS(a text DEFAULT 42 ON ERROR))"
+ end
+ it "#table block should support #nested" do
+ @l[@j.table('$.a'){nested("$.b"){String :a}}].must_equal "json_table(j, '$.a' COLUMNS(NESTED '$.b' COLUMNS(a text)))"
+ end
+ it "#table block #nested should support json_path_name via SQL::AliasedExpression" do
+ @l[@j.table('$.a'){nested(Sequel["$.b"].as(:b)){String :a}}].must_equal "json_table(j, '$.a' COLUMNS(NESTED '$.b' AS b COLUMNS(a text)))"
+ end
+ it "#table block #nested should support arbitrary levels of nesting" do
+ @l[@j.table('$.a'){nested("$.b"){nested("$.c"){nested("$.d"){String :a}}}}].must_equal "json_table(j, '$.a' COLUMNS(NESTED '$.b' COLUMNS(NESTED '$.c' COLUMNS(NESTED '$.d' COLUMNS(a text)))))"
+ end
+ it "#table block should support Ruby class methods for generic types" do
+ @l[@j.table('$'){Bignum :a}].must_equal "json_table(j, '$' COLUMNS(a bigint))"
+ @l[@j.table('$'){Integer :a}].must_equal "json_table(j, '$' COLUMNS(a integer))"
+ @l[@j.table('$'){Float :a}].must_equal "json_table(j, '$' COLUMNS(a double precision))"
+ @l[@j.table('$'){Numeric :a}].must_equal "json_table(j, '$' COLUMNS(a numeric))"
+ @l[@j.table('$'){BigDecimal :a, :size=>[10, 2]}].must_equal "json_table(j, '$' COLUMNS(a numeric(10, 2)))"
+ @l[@j.table('$'){Date :a}].must_equal "json_table(j, '$' COLUMNS(a date))"
+ @l[@j.table('$'){DateTime :a}].must_equal "json_table(j, '$' COLUMNS(a timestamp))"
+ @l[@j.table('$'){Time :a}].must_equal "json_table(j, '$' COLUMNS(a timestamp))"
+ @l[@j.table('$'){Time :a, :only_time=>true}].must_equal "json_table(j, '$' COLUMNS(a time))"
+ @l[@j.table('$'){File :a}].must_equal "json_table(j, '$' COLUMNS(a bytea))"
+ @l[@j.table('$'){TrueClass :a}].must_equal "json_table(j, '$' COLUMNS(a boolean))"
+ @l[@j.table('$'){FalseClass :a}].must_equal "json_table(j, '$' COLUMNS(a boolean))"
+ end
+ it "#table should support AST transformations" do
+ @db.select(@j.table('$'){String :a}).qualify(:t).sql.must_equal "SELECT json_table(t.j, '$' COLUMNS(a text))"
+ @db.select(@j.table('$', :passing=>{a: :b}){String :a}).qualify(:t).sql.must_equal "SELECT json_table(t.j, '$' PASSING t.b AS a COLUMNS(a text))"
+ end
+ it "#table should not parameterize :on_empty/:on_error default option or any path options" do
+ @db.extension :pg_auto_parameterize
+ @db.select(@jb.table('$.a'){nested('$.b'){String :a, :path=>'$.c', on_empty: 1, on_error: 2}}).sql.must_equal "SELECT json_table(j, '$.a' COLUMNS(NESTED '$.b' COLUMNS(a text PATH '$.c' DEFAULT 1 ON EMPTY DEFAULT 2 ON ERROR)))"
+ end