diff --git a/app/controllers/subregions_controller.rb b/app/controllers/subregions_controller.rb
index 0f9f4ee..889f17d 100644
--- a/app/controllers/subregions_controller.rb
+++ b/app/controllers/subregions_controller.rb
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
class SubregionsController < ApplicationController
def show
- @forecasts ||= Spot.connection.select_all <<-SQL
+ forecasts ||= Spot.connection.select_all <<-SQL
@@ -49,16 +49,18 @@ def show
- @forecasts.each(&:symbolize_keys!)
- @forecasts.each do |forecast|
- forecast[:time] = helpers.format_timestamp(Time.zone.parse("#{forecast[:timestamp]} UTC").in_time_zone(subregion.timezone))
+ @max = 0.0
+ forecasts.each(&:symbolize_keys!)
+ forecasts.each_with_index do |forecast, _index|
+ forecast[:timestamp] = Time.zone.parse("#{forecast[:timestamp]} UTC").in_time_zone(subregion.timezone)
+ forecast[:time] = helpers.format_timestamp(forecast[:timestamp])
%i[max min avg_delta max_delta].each do |field|
forecast[field] = forecast[field].to_f
+ @max = [forecast[:max], @max].max
forecast[:avg_rating] = forecast[:avg_rating].to_i
- @max = @forecasts.collect { |f| f[:max] }.max
- @forecasts = @forecasts.group_by { |s| { id: s[:id], name: s[:name], slug: s[:slug], lat: s[:lat], lon: s[:lon], msw_id: s[:msw_id], msw_slug: s[:msw_slug], spitcast_id: s[:spitcast_id], spitcast_slug: s[:spitcast_slug], surfline_id: s[:surfline_id], surfline_slug: s[:surfline_slug] } }
+ @spots = forecasts.group_by { |s| { id: s[:id], name: s[:name], slug: s[:slug], lat: s[:lat], lon: s[:lon], msw_id: s[:msw_id], msw_slug: s[:msw_slug], spitcast_id: s[:spitcast_id], spitcast_slug: s[:spitcast_slug], surfline_id: s[:surfline_id], surfline_slug: s[:surfline_slug] } }
diff --git a/app/javascript/components/SpotChart.jsx b/app/javascript/components/SpotChart.jsx
index f75408c..44efed0 100644
--- a/app/javascript/components/SpotChart.jsx
+++ b/app/javascript/components/SpotChart.jsx
@@ -47,7 +47,9 @@ const SpotChart = props => {
let rating
let min = 0
let avg = 0
- let tooltip = `${this.x}`
+ let timestamp = new Date(this.points[0].point.timestamp)
+ let time_parts = this.x.split(' ')
+ let tooltip = `${time_parts[0]} ${timestamp.toLocaleString('en-US', {month: 'short'})} ${timestamp.getDate()}, ${time_parts[1]}m`
for (const point of this.points.reverse()) {
tooltip += `
${point.series.name}: ${(min + avg + point.y).toPrecision(2)} ft`
if (point.series.name === 'Min') {
@@ -63,6 +65,7 @@ const SpotChart = props => {
xAxis: {
categories: props.xLabels,
+ plotBands: props.plotBands,
title: {
text: null,
diff --git a/app/views/subregions/show.html.slim b/app/views/subregions/show.html.slim
index e516efa..c6e7ee0 100644
--- a/app/views/subregions/show.html.slim
+++ b/app/views/subregions/show.html.slim
@@ -11,19 +11,27 @@
- region.subregions.each do |subregion|
option value=subregion_path(region, subregion) selected=('selected' if subregion == @subregion) =subregion.name
- - @forecasts.each do |data, forecast|
- h2.font-weight-light.spot-header id=data[:slug]
- span= link_to data[:name], spot_path(@region, @subregion, data[:slug])
- = map_link(Spot.map_url(data[:lat], data[:lon]))
- = spitcast_link(Spot.spitcast_url(data[:spitcast_slug])) if data[:spitcast_slug]
- = msw_link(Spot.msw_url(data[:msw_slug], data[:msw_id])) if data[:msw_id]
- = surfline_link(Spot.surfline_url(data[:surfline_id])) if data[:surfline_id]
+ - @spots.each do |meta, forecasts|
+ - from = forecasts.find_index { |p| p[:timestamp].monday? && p[:timestamp].hour < 3 }
+ - from && to = forecasts[from..-1].find_index { |p| p[:timestamp].sunday? && p[:timestamp].hour > 20 }
+ - to ? to += from : to = forecasts.size
+ h2.font-weight-light.spot-header id=meta[:slug]
+ span= link_to meta[:name], spot_path(@region, @subregion, meta[:slug])
+ = map_link(Spot.map_url(meta[:lat], meta[:lon]))
+ = spitcast_link(Spot.spitcast_url(meta[:spitcast_slug])) if meta[:spitcast_slug]
+ = msw_link(Spot.msw_url(meta[:msw_slug], meta[:msw_id])) if meta[:msw_id]
+ = surfline_link(Spot.surfline_url(meta[:surfline_id])) if meta[:surfline_id]
= react_component 'SpotChart', {\
data: [\
- { name: 'Max', data: forecast.collect { |point| { y: point[:max_delta], color: rating_color(point[:avg_rating], :max) } }, stack: 'All' },
- { name: 'Avg', data: forecast.collect { |point| { y: point[:avg_delta], color: rating_color(point[:avg_rating], :avg) } }, stack: 'All'},
- { name: 'Min', data: forecast.collect { |point| { y: point[:min], color: rating_color(point[:avg_rating], :min), rating: rating_text(point[:avg_rating]) } }, stack: 'All' },
+ { name: 'Max', data: forecasts.collect { |point| { y: point[:max_delta], color: rating_color(point[:avg_rating], :max), timestamp: point[:timestamp] } }, stack: 'All' },
+ { name: 'Avg', data: forecasts.collect { |point| { y: point[:avg_delta], color: rating_color(point[:avg_rating], :avg) } }, stack: 'All'},
+ { name: 'Min', data: forecasts.collect { |point| { y: point[:min], color: rating_color(point[:avg_rating], :min), rating: rating_text(point[:avg_rating]) } }, stack: 'All' },
- xLabels: forecast.collect { |point| point[:time] },
- max: @max\
+ max: @max,
+ plotBands: from && to && [{\
+ color: '#F2F2F2',
+ from: from - 0.5,
+ to: to + 0.5,
+ }],
+ xLabels: forecasts.collect { |point| point[:time] }\