- create a "header" and "cookie" object with "render" and "devour" methods
- write a burp interface ** should repr and iter as a list, in order based on the seq field ** should have contains that checks header names *** e.g.: "Content-Length" in headers ** should be possible to access as a dictionary ** should have "add" "set" (add or update) and "delete" methods to add, update, or delete keys *** parent should have a way to use "replace" on headers and cookies
- go through the code and find anything that needs to be fixed
- write unit tests (write a unit test to verify docs are in line with code)
- run lint/pep8 checks
- Continue to look for a HTTP parsing library so I don't have to parse all this myself.
- Add a "add_child" method that will add a child to the correct parent and instantiate any intermediate objects needed. e.g.: hc.add_child(request) on an empty container should create a log, create a new entry, and add the request to that entry.
- write har validator