- Target recent Android SDK
- Allow setting current date as end of dose schedule
- Make time of taken/missed doses visible again
- Fix crash during database upgrades
- Upgrade third-party libraries
- Display notifications on Wear OS
- Fix backup mechanism
- App now requires Android >= Lollipop
- Target Android 13
- Make Notifications respect DND
- Fix crash on first boot
- Use native date formats.
- Allow backup creation if external storage is read-only
- Fix issue in TimePeriodPreference
- Correctly display empty doses
- Target Android 10
- Fix notification issues
- Fix landscape mode
- Update translations
- Update icon
- Fix notification issues
- Fix notification issues on some devices
- Fix crash on startup
- Fix crash on older Android versions
- Customizable notifications on >= Oreo
- Fix notifications on >= Oreo
- Fix some crashes on >= Nougat
- Minor design fix for >= Nougat notifications
- Improve Notification design on Nougat
- Fix crashes on Samsung ROMs
- Fix alarm issues on Marshmallow
- Fix crashes on Android < 4.2 (this time for real)
- Fix late notifications on some (Samsung) devices
- Fix crashes on Android < 4.2
- Fix crashes on Android < 4.2
- Make app compatible with Marshmallow
- Fix crashes
- Fix missing menu on certain LG devices
- Fix notification issues
- Fix crash on ancient Android versions
- Fix crash
- Added option to specify an end date for drug schedules
- Better Wear notifications
- New translation: Turkish (Kudret Emre)
- Fixed bugs and crashes
- Disabled "Cloud backup" option
- Fixed crash related to snoozing refill reminders
- Fixed crash when editing a medication
- Fixed translations for French, Japanese, Polish and Finnish
- Fixed French translation
- Added French and Polish translation
- Some bugs fixed
- Fix crash when pressing the menu key on certain (LG) devices
- Minor bug fixes
- Fix "Remind tomorrow" bug
- Bug fixes
- Create backup before database upgrade
- Fix crash on certain (Samsung) devices
- UI design changes using new Material theme
- Improved app loading time for large databases
- Bug fixes
- New translations: Finnish, Japanese, Ukrainian
- Notifications should now be compatible with Android Wear
- Add option to create/restore backups (requires permission to read/write external storage!)
- Swipe/clear notifications on pre-JellyBean to 'take all'
- Add 'Eye dropper' icon
- Bug fixes
- Fixes bug where doses were marked as taken even though supply was at zero
- Fixes bug where times were erroneously suffixed with + in the dose log
- Fix date calculation error for 'Every N days' mode
- Added option for smart-sorting based on importance entries
- After an update, notifications will be refreshed immediately
- The currently active doses are highlighted
- More compat layout for non-active medications
- Several smaller bugs fixed
- Medication names are now scrambled in notifications too
- The app now honors system-wide rotation settings
- Fixed autostart issues on some HTC devices
- Fixed some minor layout issues
- Fixed database errors when upgrading from previous versions
- Fixed issue of missing notifications when changing date, time or timezone.
- Added missing German translation
- Added help overlays
- Added option to show pretty fractions
- The "take all" button will now mark all doses mentioned in the current notification as taken. If supplies are insufficient, they are marked as skipped.
- Fixed launcher icons on ldpi devices
- Fixed bug in 21 days on / 7 days off repeat mode
- Fixed notification title bug
- Added Greek translation
- Added capsule and inhaler icon
- Extended notifications for >= JellyBean
- Begin and end of a time specification can no longer be equal
- App now behaves as expected when switching between time zones
- When adding drugs, doses in the past no longer show up as missed
- Added option to reset time specs
- Doses of inactive drugs are no longer marked as taken when using the "take all" button.
- Bug fixes
- Fixed crash when opening menu in main view
- Black theme is back
- Unified theme - ActionBarSherlock is used for Android < 3.0
- Added option to skip dose dialog
- Added option to mark all due doses as taken
- Bug fixes
- Bug fixes
- Main view no longer scrolls to the top after a dose was taken
- Fixed crash in dose history
- New feature: dose history
- Minor bugs fixed
- Setting the refill reminder threshold to "0" effectively disables it.
- Disabled light theme on Android 3.x
- Bug fixes
- Fixed crash on Android 3.2
- Fixed bug that prevented setting the time intervals correctly when using 12-hour clock
- Updated Italian translation
- Times without a dose are now displayed as "-"
- New language: Italian
- App now uses backup frameworks such as Google's "Backup & Restore"
- Updated icons
- Minor bugs fixed
- Fixed a crash in "Preferences"
- LED color can now be customized (on devices that support it)
- Added a "Quiet hours" option to mute notification sound in a specific time interval
- The supply can now be edited by long-pressing the supply info in the main view
- Fixed a bug that caused notifications to be displayed at the wrong time