diff --git a/.Rbuildignore b/.Rbuildignore
index d8213028..e4e5d139 100644
--- a/.Rbuildignore
+++ b/.Rbuildignore
@@ -2,3 +2,4 @@
diff --git a/R/abtestbayesian.R b/R/abtestbayesian.R
index 70107247..207d6b4e 100644
--- a/R/abtestbayesian.R
+++ b/R/abtestbayesian.R
@@ -36,23 +36,23 @@ ABTestBayesian <- function(jaspResults, dataset = NULL, options) {
.abTestBayesianTableMain(jaspResults, ab_obj, options, ready, position = 1)
- if (options$descriptives)
+ if (options$descriptivesTable)
.abTestBayesianDescriptivesTable(jaspResults, dataset, options, ready, position = 2)
- if (options$plotPriorAndPosterior)
+ if (options$priorPosteriorPlot)
.abTestPlotPriorPosterior(jaspResults, ab_obj, options, ready, position = 3)
- if (options$plotSequentialAnalysis)
+ if (options$bfSequentialPlot)
.abTestPlotSequential(jaspResults, ab_obj, ready, position = 4)
- if (options$plotRobustness)
+ if (options$bfRobustnessPlot)
.abTestPlotRobustness(jaspResults, ab_obj, options, ready, position = 5)
### PRIOR PLOT ###
- if (options$plotPriorOnly)
+ if (options$priorPlot)
.abTestPlotPriorOnly(jaspResults, options, position = 6)
@@ -119,11 +119,11 @@ ABTestBayesian <- function(jaspResults, dataset = NULL, options) {
.abTestBayesianFillTableMain <- function(abTestBayesianTable, ab_obj, options) {
# Normalize prior probabilities
- sum_logor <- options$orGreaterThan1Prob + options$orLessThan1Prob + options$orEqualTo1Prob + options$orNotEqualTo1Prob
- orGreaterThan1Prob <- options$orGreaterThan1Prob / sum_logor
- orLessThan1Prob <- options$orLessThan1Prob / sum_logor
- orEqualTo1Prob <- options$orEqualTo1Prob / sum_logor
- orNotEqualTo1Prob <- options$orNotEqualTo1Prob / sum_logor
+ sum_logor <- options$priorModelProbabilityGreater + options$priorModelProbabilityLess + options$priorModelProbabilityEqual + options$priorModelProbabilityTwoSided
+ priorModelProbabilityGreater <- options$priorModelProbabilityGreater / sum_logor
+ priorModelProbabilityLess <- options$priorModelProbabilityLess / sum_logor
+ priorModelProbabilityEqual <- options$priorModelProbabilityEqual / sum_logor
+ priorModelProbabilityTwoSided <- options$priorModelProbabilityTwoSided / sum_logor
if (inherits(ab_obj, "try-error")) {
errorMessage <- as.character(ab_obj)
@@ -135,43 +135,43 @@ ABTestBayesian <- function(jaspResults, dataset = NULL, options) {
output.rows <- list()
rowCount <- 0
- if (orEqualTo1Prob > 0) {
+ if (priorModelProbabilityEqual > 0) {
rowCount = rowCount + 1
output.rows[[rowCount]] <- list(
"Models" = gettext("Log odds ratio = 0"),
"BF" = 1.00,
"P(M|data)" = ab_obj$post_prob[["H0"]],
- "P(M)" = orEqualTo1Prob
+ "P(M)" = priorModelProbabilityEqual
- if (orGreaterThan1Prob > 0) {
+ if (priorModelProbabilityGreater > 0) {
rowCount = rowCount + 1
output.rows[[rowCount]] <- list(
"Models" = gettext("Log odds ratio > 0"),
"BF" = ab_obj$bf[["bfplus0"]],
"P(M|data)" = ab_obj$post_prob[["H+"]],
- "P(M)" = orGreaterThan1Prob
+ "P(M)" = priorModelProbabilityGreater
- if (orLessThan1Prob > 0) {
+ if (priorModelProbabilityLess > 0) {
rowCount = rowCount + 1
output.rows[[rowCount]] <- list(
"Models" = gettext("Log odds ratio < 0"),
"BF" = ab_obj$bf[["bfminus0"]],
"P(M|data)" = ab_obj$post_prob[["H-"]],
- "P(M)" = orLessThan1Prob
+ "P(M)" = priorModelProbabilityLess
- if (orNotEqualTo1Prob > 0) {
+ if (priorModelProbabilityTwoSided > 0) {
rowCount = rowCount + 1
output.rows[[rowCount]] <- list(
"Models" = gettextf("Log odds ratio %s 0","\u2260"),
"BF" = ab_obj$bf[["bf10"]],
"P(M|data)" = ab_obj$post_prob[["H1"]],
- "P(M)" = orNotEqualTo1Prob
+ "P(M)" = priorModelProbabilityTwoSided
@@ -205,27 +205,27 @@ ABTestBayesian <- function(jaspResults, dataset = NULL, options) {
# we copy dependencies from this state object in a few places, so it must always exist
jaspResults[["model"]] <- createJaspState()
- jaspResults[["model"]]$dependOn(c("n1", "y1", "n2", "y2", "normal_mu", "normal_sigma", "orEqualTo1Prob",
- "orLessThan1Prob", "orGreaterThan1Prob", "orNotEqualTo1Prob", "numSamples", "setSeed", "seed"))
+ jaspResults[["model"]]$dependOn(c("n1", "y1", "n2", "y2", "normalPriorMean", "normalPriorSd", "priorModelProbabilityEqual",
+ "priorModelProbabilityLess", "priorModelProbabilityGreater", "priorModelProbabilityTwoSided", "samples", "setSeed", "seed"))
if (!ready)
- prior_par <- list(mu_psi = options$normal_mu, sigma_psi = options$normal_sigma, mu_beta = 0, sigma_beta = 1)
+ prior_par <- list(mu_psi = options$normalPriorMean, sigma_psi = options$normalPriorSd, mu_beta = 0, sigma_beta = 1)
# Normalize prior probabilities
- sum_logor <- options$orGreaterThan1Prob + options$orLessThan1Prob + options$orEqualTo1Prob + options$orNotEqualTo1Prob
- orGreaterThan1Prob <- options$orGreaterThan1Prob / sum_logor
- orLessThan1Prob <- options$orLessThan1Prob / sum_logor
- orEqualTo1Prob <- options$orEqualTo1Prob / sum_logor
- orNotEqualTo1Prob <- options$orNotEqualTo1Prob / sum_logor
+ sum_logor <- options$priorModelProbabilityGreater + options$priorModelProbabilityLess + options$priorModelProbabilityEqual + options$priorModelProbabilityTwoSided
+ priorModelProbabilityGreater <- options$priorModelProbabilityGreater / sum_logor
+ priorModelProbabilityLess <- options$priorModelProbabilityLess / sum_logor
+ priorModelProbabilityEqual <- options$priorModelProbabilityEqual / sum_logor
+ priorModelProbabilityTwoSided <- options$priorModelProbabilityTwoSided / sum_logor
- prior_prob <- c(orNotEqualTo1Prob, orGreaterThan1Prob, orLessThan1Prob, orEqualTo1Prob)
+ prior_prob <- c(priorModelProbabilityTwoSided, priorModelProbabilityGreater, priorModelProbabilityLess, priorModelProbabilityEqual)
names(prior_prob) <- c("H1", "H+", "H-", "H0")
ab <- try(abtest::ab_test(data = dataset, prior_par = prior_par, prior_prob = prior_prob,
- posterior = TRUE, nsamples = options$numSamples))
+ posterior = TRUE, nsamples = options$samples))
jaspResults[["model"]]$object <- ab
@@ -240,7 +240,7 @@ ABTestBayesian <- function(jaspResults, dataset = NULL, options) {
abTestBayesianDescriptivesTable <- createJaspTable(title = gettext("Descriptives"))
- abTestBayesianDescriptivesTable$dependOn(c("n1", "y1", "n2", "y2", "descriptives"))
+ abTestBayesianDescriptivesTable$dependOn(c("n1", "y1", "n2", "y2", "descriptivesTable"))
abTestBayesianDescriptivesTable$position <- position
abTestBayesianDescriptivesTable$addColumnInfo(name = "group", title = "", type = "string")
@@ -279,7 +279,7 @@ ABTestBayesian <- function(jaspResults, dataset = NULL, options) {
.abTestPlotPriorPosterior <- function(jaspResults, ab_obj, options, ready, position) {
abTestPriorAndPosteriorPlot <- createJaspPlot(title = gettext("Prior and Posterior"), width = 530, height = 400)
- abTestPriorAndPosteriorPlot$dependOn(c("n1", "y1", "n2", "y2", "normal_mu", "normal_sigma", "numSamples", "plotPosteriorType", "plotPriorAndPosterior",
+ abTestPriorAndPosteriorPlot$dependOn(c("n1", "y1", "n2", "y2", "normalPriorMean", "normalPriorSd", "samples", "priorPosteriorPlotType", "priorPosteriorPlot",
"setSeed", "seed"))
abTestPriorAndPosteriorPlot$position <- position
@@ -288,7 +288,7 @@ ABTestBayesian <- function(jaspResults, dataset = NULL, options) {
if (!ready)
- abTestPriorAndPosteriorPlot$plotObject <- .plotPosterior.abTest(ab_obj, options$plotPosteriorType)
+ abTestPriorAndPosteriorPlot$plotObject <- .plotPosterior.abTest(ab_obj, options$priorPosteriorPlotType)
@@ -300,11 +300,11 @@ ABTestBayesian <- function(jaspResults, dataset = NULL, options) {
# posteriorPlotType
what <- switch(
- "LogOddsRatio" = "logor",
- "OddsRatio" = "or",
- "RelativeRisk" = "rrisk",
- "AbsoluteRisk" = "arisk",
- "p1&p2" = "p1p2"
+ "logOddsRatio" = "logor",
+ "oddsRatio" = "or",
+ "relativeRisk" = "rrisk",
+ "absoluteRisk" = "arisk",
+ "p1P2" = "p1p2"
plotFunc <- function() {
@@ -318,7 +318,7 @@ ABTestBayesian <- function(jaspResults, dataset = NULL, options) {
.abTestPlotSequential <- function(jaspResults, ab_obj, ready, position) {
abTestSequentialPlot <- createJaspPlot(title = gettext("Sequential Analysis"), width = 530, height = 400)
- abTestSequentialPlot$dependOn(options = "plotSequentialAnalysis", optionsFromObject = jaspResults[["model"]])
+ abTestSequentialPlot$dependOn(options = "bfSequentialPlot", optionsFromObject = jaspResults[["model"]])
abTestSequentialPlot$position <- position
jaspResults[["abTestSequentialPlot"]] <- abTestSequentialPlot
@@ -338,7 +338,7 @@ ABTestBayesian <- function(jaspResults, dataset = NULL, options) {
.abTestPlotRobustness <- function(jaspResults, ab_obj, options, ready, position) {
abTestRobustnessPlot <- createJaspPlot(title = gettext("Bayes Factor Robustness Check"), width = 530, height = 400)
- abTestRobustnessPlot$dependOn(c("n1", "y1", "n2", "y2", "normal_mu", "normal_sigma", "mu_stepsize", "sigma_stepsize", "mu_stepsize_lower", "mu_stepsize_upper", "sigma_stepsize_lower", "sigma_stepsize_upper", "plotRobustnessBFType", "numSamples", "plotRobustness", "setSeed", "seed"))
+ abTestRobustnessPlot$dependOn(c("n1", "y1", "n2", "y2", "normalPriorMean", "normalPriorSd", "bfRobustnessPlotStepsPriorMean", "bfRobustnessPlotStepsPriorSd", "bfRobustnessPlotLowerPriorMean", "bfRobustnessPlotUpperPriorMean", "bfRobustnessPlotLowerPriorSd", "bfRobustnessPlotUpperPriorSd", "bfRobustnessPlotType", "samples", "bfRobustnessPlot", "setSeed", "seed"))
abTestRobustnessPlot$position <- position
jaspResults[["abTestRobustnessPlot"]] <- abTestRobustnessPlot
@@ -354,18 +354,18 @@ ABTestBayesian <- function(jaspResults, dataset = NULL, options) {
# Args:
# ab_obj: ab test object
- mu_range = c(options$mu_stepsize_lower, options$mu_stepsize_upper)
- sigma_range = c(options$sigma_stepsize_lower, options$sigma_stepsize_upper)
+ mu_range = c(options$bfRobustnessPlotLowerPriorMean, options$bfRobustnessPlotUpperPriorMean)
+ sigma_range = c(options$bfRobustnessPlotLowerPriorSd, options$bfRobustnessPlotUpperPriorSd)
plotFunc <- function() {
x = ab_obj,
- mu_steps = options$mu_stepsize,
- sigma_steps = options$sigma_stepsize,
+ mu_steps = options$bfRobustnessPlotStepsPriorMean,
+ sigma_steps = options$bfRobustnessPlotStepsPriorSd,
mu_range = mu_range,
sigma_range = sigma_range,
- bftype = options$plotRobustnessBFType
+ bftype = options$bfRobustnessPlotType
@@ -376,7 +376,7 @@ ABTestBayesian <- function(jaspResults, dataset = NULL, options) {
.abTestPlotPriorOnly <- function(jaspResults, options, position) {
abTestPriorPlot <- createJaspPlot(title = gettext("Prior"), width = 530, height = 400)
- abTestPriorPlot$dependOn(c("normal_mu", "normal_sigma", "plotPriorType", "plotPriorOnly"))
+ abTestPriorPlot$dependOn(c("normalPriorMean", "normalPriorSd", "priorPlotType", "priorPlot"))
abTestPriorPlot$position <- position
jaspResults[["abTestPriorPlot"]] <- abTestPriorPlot
@@ -391,15 +391,15 @@ ABTestBayesian <- function(jaspResults, dataset = NULL, options) {
# Args:
# options
- prior_par <- list(mu_psi = options$normal_mu, sigma_psi = options$normal_sigma, mu_beta = 0, sigma_beta = 1)
+ prior_par <- list(mu_psi = options$normalPriorMean, sigma_psi = options$normalPriorSd, mu_beta = 0, sigma_beta = 1)
what <- switch(
- options$plotPriorType,
- "LogOddsRatio" = "logor",
- "OddsRatio" = "or",
- "RelativeRisk" = "rrisk",
- "AbsoluteRisk" = "arisk",
- "p1&p2" = "p1p2",
+ options$priorPlotType,
+ "logOddsRatio" = "logor",
+ "oddsRatio" = "or",
+ "relativeRisk" = "rrisk",
+ "absoluteRisk" = "arisk",
+ "p1P2" = "p1p2",
"p1" = "p1",
"p2" = "p2"
diff --git a/R/binomialtest.R b/R/binomialtest.R
index bf2a8ae7..af6d5b5c 100644
--- a/R/binomialtest.R
+++ b/R/binomialtest.R
@@ -50,12 +50,12 @@ BinomialTest <- function(jaspResults, dataset = NULL, options, ...) {
# perform a check on the hypothesis
custom <- function() {
- if (options$testValue == 1 && options$hypothesis == "greaterThanTestValue")
+ if (options$testValue == 1 && options$alternative == "greater")
return(gettext("Cannot test the hypothesis that the test value is greater than 1."))
- else if (options$testValue == 0 && options$hypothesis == "lessThanTestValue")
+ else if (options$testValue == 0 && options$alternative == "less")
return(gettext("Cannot test the hypothesis that the test value is less than 0."))
# Error Check 1: Number of levels of the variables and the hypothesis
dataset = dataset,
@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ BinomialTest <- function(jaspResults, dataset = NULL, options, ...) {
# This will be the object that we fill with results
results <- list()
- hyp <- .binomTransformHypothesis(options$hypothesis)
+ hyp <- .binomTransformHypothesis(options$alternative)
for (variable in options$variables) {
@@ -84,14 +84,14 @@ BinomialTest <- function(jaspResults, dataset = NULL, options, ...) {
data <- na.omit(dataset[[.v(variable)]])
for (level in levels(data)) {
counts <- sum(data == level)
tableResults <- stats::binom.test(
x = counts,
n = length(data),
p = options$testValue,
alternative = hyp,
- conf.level = options$confidenceIntervalInterval
+ conf.level = options$ciLevel
# sometimes p.value becomes true or false, convert this to 1 or 0
@@ -105,19 +105,19 @@ BinomialTest <- function(jaspResults, dataset = NULL, options, ...) {
total = length(data),
proportion = counts / length(data),
p = p,
- VovkSellkeMPR = VovkSellkeMPR(p),
+ vovkSellke = VovkSellkeMPR(p),
lowerCI = tableResults$conf.int[1],
upperCI = tableResults$conf.int[2]
# Save results to state
jaspResults[["binomTableResults"]] <- createJaspState(results)
- c("variables", "testValue", "hypothesis", "confidenceIntervalInterval")
+ c("variables", "testValue", "alternative", "ciLevel")
# Return results object
@@ -129,7 +129,7 @@ BinomialTest <- function(jaspResults, dataset = NULL, options, ...) {
data <- na.omit(dataset[[.v(variable)]])
for (level in levels(data)) {
counts <- sum(data == level)
plotResults <- stats::binom.test(
x = counts,
@@ -146,19 +146,18 @@ BinomialTest <- function(jaspResults, dataset = NULL, options, ...) {
lowerCI = plotResults$conf.int[1],
upperCI = plotResults$conf.int[2]
-.binomTransformHypothesis <- function(hypothesis) {
- if (hypothesis == "greaterThanTestValue")
- return("greater")
- else if (hypothesis == "lessThanTestValue")
- return("less")
- else
+.binomTransformHypothesis <- function(alternative) {
+ if (alternative == "twoSided") {
+ } else {
+ return(alternative)
+ }
# Output functions ----
@@ -168,8 +167,8 @@ BinomialTest <- function(jaspResults, dataset = NULL, options, ...) {
# Create table
binomialTable <- createJaspTable(title = gettext("Binomial Test"))
- binomialTable$dependOn(c("variables", "testValue", "hypothesis", "confidenceInterval",
- "confidenceIntervalInterval", "VovkSellkeMPR"))
+ binomialTable$dependOn(c("variables", "testValue", "alternative", "ci",
+ "ciLevel", "vovkSellke"))
binomialTable$showSpecifiedColumnsOnly <- TRUE
@@ -181,37 +180,37 @@ BinomialTest <- function(jaspResults, dataset = NULL, options, ...) {
binomialTable$addColumnInfo(name = "proportion", title = gettext("Proportion"), type = "number")
binomialTable$addColumnInfo(name = "p", title = gettext("p"), type = "pvalue")
- if (options$VovkSellkeMPR)
- binomialTable$addColumnInfo(name = "VovkSellkeMPR", title = gettext("VS-MPR"), type = "number")
+ if (options$vovkSellke)
+ binomialTable$addColumnInfo(name = "vovkSellke", title = gettext("VS-MPR"), type = "number")
- if (options$confidenceInterval) {
+ if (options$ci) {
binomialTable$addColumnInfo(name = "lowerCI", title = gettext("Lower"), type = "number",
- overtitle = gettextf("%s%% CI for Proportion", 100 * options$confidenceIntervalInterval))
+ overtitle = gettextf("%s%% CI for Proportion", 100 * options$ciLevel))
binomialTable$addColumnInfo(name = "upperCI", title = gettext("Upper"), type = "number",
- overtitle = gettextf("%s%% CI for Proportion", 100 * options$confidenceIntervalInterval))
+ overtitle = gettextf("%s%% CI for Proportion", 100 * options$ciLevel))
# Add footnote: VovkSellkeMPR
- if (options$VovkSellkeMPR)
- binomialTable$addFootnote(message = .messages("footnote", "VovkSellkeMPR"), symbol = "\u002A", colNames="VovkSellkeMPR")
+ if (options$vovkSellke)
+ binomialTable$addFootnote(message = .messages("footnote", "VovkSellkeMPR"), symbol = "\u002A", colNames="vovkSellke")
# Add footnote: Alternative hypothesis
- if (options$hypothesis == "lessThanTestValue")
+ if (options$alternative == "less")
note <- gettextf("For all tests, the alternative hypothesis specifies that the proportion is less than %s.", options$testValueUnparsed)
- else if (options$hypothesis == "greaterThanTestValue")
+ else if (options$alternative == "greater")
note <- gettextf("For all tests, the alternative hypothesis specifies that the proportion is greater than %s.", options$testValueUnparsed)
note <- gettextf("Proportions tested against value: %s.", options$testValueUnparsed)
binomialTable$addFootnote(message = note)
jaspResults[["binomialTable"]] <- binomialTable
if (!ready)
binomialTable$setExpectedSize(sum(unlist(lapply(dataset, nlevels))))
# Compute the results and fill the table
binomResults <- .binomComputeTableResults(jaspResults, dataset, options)
.binomFillTableMain(binomialTable, binomResults)
@@ -219,7 +218,7 @@ BinomialTest <- function(jaspResults, dataset = NULL, options, ...) {
.binomFillTableMain <- function(binomialTable, binomResults) {
for (variable in names(binomResults)) {
isNewGroup <- TRUE
for (level in names(binomResults[[variable]])) {
row <- binomResults[[variable]][[level]]
@@ -227,21 +226,21 @@ BinomialTest <- function(jaspResults, dataset = NULL, options, ...) {
isNewGroup <- FALSE
-.binomPlotsDescriptive <- function(jaspResults, dataset, options, ready, ciName = "descriptivesPlotsConfidenceInterval") {
- if (!options$descriptivesPlots)
+.binomPlotsDescriptive <- function(jaspResults, dataset, options, ready, ciName = "descriptivesPlotCiLevel") {
+ if (!options$descriptivesPlot)
if (is.null(jaspResults[["containerPlots"]])) {
jaspResults[["containerPlots"]] <- createJaspContainer(gettext("Descriptives Plots"))
- jaspResults[["containerPlots"]]$dependOn(c("descriptivesPlots", "testValue", ciName))
+ jaspResults[["containerPlots"]]$dependOn(c("descriptivesPlot", "testValue", ciName))
plotContainer <- jaspResults[["containerPlots"]]
if (!ready) {
# show a placeholder plot if someone says he wants a plot but does not enter any variables
plotContainer[["placeholder"]] <- createJaspPlot(width = 320, height = 320, dependencies = "variables")
@@ -259,7 +258,7 @@ BinomialTest <- function(jaspResults, dataset = NULL, options, ...) {
plotContainer[[variable]]$dependOn(optionContainsValue = list(variables=variable))
plotResults <- .binomComputePlotResults(variable, dataset, options[["testValue"]], options[[ciName]])
for (level in names(plotResults)) {
plot <- createJaspPlot(title = level, width = 160, height = 320)
plotContainer[[variable]][[level]] <- plot
diff --git a/R/binomialtestbayesian.R b/R/binomialtestbayesian.R
index 81142413..61384988 100644
--- a/R/binomialtestbayesian.R
+++ b/R/binomialtestbayesian.R
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ BinomialTestBayesian <- function(jaspResults, dataset = NULL, options, ...) {
# Output tables and plots
.bayesBinomTableMain( jaspResults, dataset, options, ready)
.bayesBinomInferentialPlots(jaspResults, dataset, options, ready)
- .binomPlotsDescriptive( jaspResults, dataset, options, ready, ciName = "descriptivesPlotsCredibleInterval")
+ .binomPlotsDescriptive( jaspResults, dataset, options, ready, ciName = "descriptivesPlotCiLevel")
# Results function ----
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ BinomialTestBayesian <- function(jaspResults, dataset = NULL, options, ...) {
# This will be the object that we fill with results
results <- list()
- hyp <- .binomTransformHypothesis(options$hypothesis)
+ hyp <- .binomTransformHypothesis(options$alternative)
for (variable in options$variables) {
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ BinomialTestBayesian <- function(jaspResults, dataset = NULL, options, ...) {
for (level in levels(data)) {
counts <- sum(data == level)
- BF10 <- .bayesBinomialTest(counts, length(data), theta0=options$testValue, hypothesis = hyp, a = options$priorA, b = options$priorB)
+ BF10 <- .bayesBinomialTest(counts, length(data), theta0=options$testValue, alternative = hyp, a = options$priorA, b = options$priorB)
# Add results for each level of each variable to results object
results[[variable]][[level]] <- list(
@@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ BinomialTestBayesian <- function(jaspResults, dataset = NULL, options, ...) {
# Save results to state
jaspResults[["binomResults"]] <- createJaspState(results)
- c("variables", "testValue", "hypothesis", "priorA", "priorB")
+ c("variables", "testValue", "alternative", "priorA", "priorB")
# Return results object
@@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ BinomialTestBayesian <- function(jaspResults, dataset = NULL, options, ...) {
binomTable <- createJaspTable(gettext("Bayesian Binomial Test"))
- binomTable$dependOn(c("variables", "testValue", "hypothesis", "bayesFactorType", "priorA", "priorB"))
+ binomTable$dependOn(c("variables", "testValue", "alternative", "bayesFactorType", "priorA", "priorB"))
binomTable$position <- 1
binomTable$showSpecifiedColumnsOnly <- TRUE
@@ -95,11 +95,11 @@ BinomialTestBayesian <- function(jaspResults, dataset = NULL, options, ...) {
bfTitleSpec <- list(null="\u2080")
- if (options$hypothesis == "notEqualToTestValue")
+ if (options$alternative == "twoSided")
bfTitleSpec[["other"]] <- "\u2081"
- else if (options$hypothesis == "greaterThanTestValue")
+ else if (options$alternative == "greater")
bfTitleSpec[["other"]] <- "\u208A"
- else if (options$hypothesis == "lessThanTestValue")
+ else if (options$alternative == "less")
bfTitleSpec[["other"]] <- "\u208B"
bfType <- options$bayesFactorType
@@ -118,9 +118,9 @@ BinomialTestBayesian <- function(jaspResults, dataset = NULL, options, ...) {
binomTable$addColumnInfo(name = "proportion", title = gettext("Proportion"), type = "number")
binomTable$addColumnInfo(name = bfType, title = bfTitle, type = "number")
- if (options$hypothesis == "lessThanTestValue")
+ if (options$alternative == "less")
note <- gettextf("For all tests, the alternative hypothesis specifies that the proportion is less than %s.", options$testValueUnparsed)
- else if (options$hypothesis == "greaterThanTestValue")
+ else if (options$alternative == "greater")
note <- gettextf("For all tests, the alternative hypothesis specifies that the proportion is greater than %s.", options$testValueUnparsed)
note <- gettextf("Proportions tested against value: %s.", options$testValueUnparsed)
@@ -168,13 +168,13 @@ BinomialTestBayesian <- function(jaspResults, dataset = NULL, options, ...) {
-.bayesBinomialTest.oneSided <- function(counts, n, theta0, a, b, hypothesis) {
+.bayesBinomialTest.oneSided <- function(counts, n, theta0, a, b, alternative) {
- if (hypothesis == "less") {
+ if (alternative == "less") {
lowerTail <- TRUE
- } else if (hypothesis == "greater") {
+ } else if (alternative == "greater") {
lowerTail <- FALSE
@@ -206,9 +206,9 @@ BinomialTestBayesian <- function(jaspResults, dataset = NULL, options, ...) {
-.bayesBinomialTest <- function(counts, n, theta0, hypothesis, a, b) {
+.bayesBinomialTest <- function(counts, n, theta0, alternative, a, b) {
- if (hypothesis == "two.sided") {
+ if (alternative == "two.sided") {
BF10 <- try(.bayesBinomialTest.twoSided(counts, n, theta0, a, b), silent = TRUE)
@@ -220,7 +220,7 @@ BinomialTestBayesian <- function(jaspResults, dataset = NULL, options, ...) {
#} else {
- BF10 <- try(.bayesBinomialTest.oneSided(counts, n, theta0, a, b, hypothesis), silent = TRUE)
+ BF10 <- try(.bayesBinomialTest.oneSided(counts, n, theta0, a, b, alternative), silent = TRUE)
@@ -232,10 +232,10 @@ BinomialTestBayesian <- function(jaspResults, dataset = NULL, options, ...) {
-.bayesBinomGetSubscript <- function(hypothesis) {
- if (hypothesis == "notEqualToTestValue")
+.bayesBinomGetSubscript <- function(alternative) {
+ if (alternative == "twoSided")
- else if (hypothesis == "greaterThanTestValue")
+ else if (alternative == "greater")
@@ -243,12 +243,12 @@ BinomialTestBayesian <- function(jaspResults, dataset = NULL, options, ...) {
#plots ----
.bayesBinomInferentialPlots <- function(jaspResults, dataset, options, ready) {
- if (!options$plotPriorAndPosterior && !options$plotSequentialAnalysis)
+ if (!options$priorPosteriorPlot && !options$bfSequentialPlot)
if (is.null(jaspResults[["inferentialPlots"]])) {
inferentialPlots <- createJaspContainer(gettext("Inferential Plots"))
- inferentialPlots$dependOn(c("testValue", "priorA", "priorB", "hypothesis"))
+ inferentialPlots$dependOn(c("testValue", "priorA", "priorB", "alternative"))
inferentialPlots$position <- 2
jaspResults[["inferentialPlots"]] <- inferentialPlots
} else {
@@ -261,7 +261,7 @@ BinomialTestBayesian <- function(jaspResults, dataset = NULL, options, ...) {
- hyp <- .binomTransformHypothesis(options$hypothesis)
+ hyp <- .binomTransformHypothesis(options$alternative)
for (var in options$variables) {
@@ -281,7 +281,7 @@ BinomialTestBayesian <- function(jaspResults, dataset = NULL, options, ...) {
counts <- sum(data == level)
- BF10 <- .bayesBinomialTest(counts, length(data), options$testValue, hypothesis = hyp, a = options$priorA, b = options$priorB)
+ BF10 <- .bayesBinomialTest(counts, length(data), options$testValue, alternative = hyp, a = options$priorA, b = options$priorB)
plotName <- paste0(var, level, "priorposterior")
.bayesBinomPriorPosteriorPlot(levelPlotContainer, plotName, options, BF10, counts, length(data), hyp)
@@ -294,23 +294,23 @@ BinomialTestBayesian <- function(jaspResults, dataset = NULL, options, ...) {
.bayesBinomPriorPosteriorPlot <- function(container, plotName, options, BF10, counts, n, hyp) {
- if (!options$plotPriorAndPosterior || !is.null(container[[plotName]]))
+ if (!options$priorPosteriorPlot || !is.null(container[[plotName]]))
plot <- createJaspPlot(title = gettext("Prior and Posterior"), width = 530, height = 400, aspectRatio = 0.7)
- plot$dependOn(c("plotPriorAndPosterior", "plotPriorAndPosteriorAdditionalInfo"))
+ plot$dependOn(c("priorPosteriorPlot", "priorPosteriorPlotAdditionalInfo"))
container[[plotName]] <- plot
- bfSubscripts <- .bayesBinomGetSubscript(options$hypothesis)
- quantiles <- .credibleIntervalPlusMedian(credibleIntervalInterval = .95, options$priorA, options$priorB, counts, n, hypothesis=hyp, theta0 = options$testValue)
+ bfSubscripts <- .bayesBinomGetSubscript(options$alternative)
+ quantiles <- .credibleIntervalPlusMedian(credibleIntervalInterval = .95, options$priorA, options$priorB, counts, n, alternative=hyp, theta0 = options$testValue)
dfLinesPP <- .dfLinesPP(a=options$priorA, b=options$priorB, hyp = hyp, theta0 = options$testValue, counts = counts, n = n)
dfPointsPP <- .dfPointsPP(a=options$priorA, b=options$priorB, hyp = hyp, theta0 = options$testValue, counts = counts, n = n)
xName <- bquote(paste(.(gettext("Population proportion")), ~theta))
hypForPlots <- .binomHypothesisForPlots(hyp)
- if (!options$plotPriorAndPosteriorAdditionalInfo)
+ if (!options$priorPosteriorPlotAdditionalInfo)
p <- jaspGraphs::PlotPriorAndPosterior(dfLines = dfLinesPP, dfPoints = dfPointsPP, xName = xName)
p <- jaspGraphs::PlotPriorAndPosterior(dfLines = dfLinesPP, dfPoints = dfPointsPP, xName = xName, BF = BF10, bfType = "BF10",
@@ -320,11 +320,11 @@ BinomialTestBayesian <- function(jaspResults, dataset = NULL, options, ...) {
.bayesBinomSequentialPlot <- function(container, plotName, options, BF10, counts, n, hyp, var, data, level) {
- if (!options$plotSequentialAnalysis || !is.null(container[[plotName]]))
+ if (!options$bfSequentialPlot || !is.null(container[[plotName]]))
plot <- createJaspPlot(title = gettext("Sequential Analysis"), width = 530, height = 400, aspectRatio = 0.7)
- plot$dependOn(c("plotSequentialAnalysis", "bayesFactorType"))
+ plot$dependOn(c("bfSequentialPlot", "bayesFactorType"))
container[[plotName]] <- plot
@@ -333,7 +333,7 @@ BinomialTestBayesian <- function(jaspResults, dataset = NULL, options, ...) {
p <- try({
bfTypeIgnoreLog <- if(options[["bayesFactorType"]] == "BF01") "BF01" else "BF10" # see https://github.com/jasp-stats/INTERNAL-jasp/issues/1101
bf <- if(bfTypeIgnoreLog == "BF01") 1 / BF10 else BF10
- bfSubscripts <- .bayesBinomGetSubscript(options$hypothesis)
+ bfSubscripts <- .bayesBinomGetSubscript(options$alternative)
dfLinesSR <- .dfLinesSR(d = data, var = var, split = level, a = options$priorA, b = options$priorB, hyp = hyp, theta0 = options$testValue, bfType = bfTypeIgnoreLog)
jaspGraphs::PlotRobustnessSequential(dfLines = dfLinesSR, xName = "n", BF = bf, bfType = bfTypeIgnoreLog, hypothesis = hypForPlots)
@@ -427,22 +427,22 @@ BinomialTestBayesian <- function(jaspResults, dataset = NULL, options, ...) {
#CRI and Median ----
-.credibleIntervalPlusMedian <- function(credibleIntervalInterval = .95, a = 1, b = 1, counts = 10, n = 20, hypothesis = "two.sided", theta0 = .5) {
+.credibleIntervalPlusMedian <- function(credibleIntervalInterval = .95, a = 1, b = 1, counts = 10, n = 20, alternative = "two.sided", theta0 = .5) {
lower <- (1 - credibleIntervalInterval) / 2
upper <- 1 - lower
- if (hypothesis == "two.sided") {
+ if (alternative == "two.sided") {
quantiles <- qbeta(c(lower, .5, upper), a + counts , b + n - counts)
- } else if (hypothesis == "greater") {
+ } else if (alternative == "greater") {
rightArea <- pbeta(theta0, a + counts , b + n - counts, lower.tail = FALSE)
leftArea <- 1 - rightArea
quantiles <- qbeta(leftArea + rightArea * c(lower, .5, upper), a + counts , b + n - counts)
- } else if (hypothesis == "less") {
+ } else if (alternative == "less") {
leftArea <- pbeta(theta0, a + counts , b + n - counts)
quantiles <- qbeta(leftArea * c(lower, .5, upper), a + counts , b + n - counts)
diff --git a/R/contingencytables.R b/R/contingencytables.R
index 7b0a988d..4d1b5514 100644
--- a/R/contingencytables.R
+++ b/R/contingencytables.R
@@ -198,7 +198,7 @@ ContingencyTables <- function(jaspResults, dataset, options, ...) {
# Create table
crossTabChisq <- createJaspTable(title = gettext("Chi-Squared Tests"))
- crossTabChisq$dependOn(c("chiSquared", "chiSquaredContinuityCorrection", "likelihoodRatio", "VovkSellkeMPR"))
+ crossTabChisq$dependOn(c("chiSquared", "chiSquaredContinuityCorrection", "likelihoodRatio", "vovkSellke"))
crossTabChisq$showSpecifiedColumnsOnly <- TRUE
crossTabChisq$position <- 2
@@ -212,7 +212,7 @@ ContingencyTables <- function(jaspResults, dataset, options, ...) {
if (options$likelihoodRatio) .crossTabChisqAddColInfo(fold = "likelihood", crossTabChisq, options)
.crossTabChisqAddColInfo(fold = "N", crossTabChisq, options, counts.fp)
- if(options$VovkSellkeMPR){
+ if(options$vovkSellke){
message <- gettextf("Vovk-Sellke Maximum p-Ratio: Based the p-value,
the maximum possible odds in favor of H%1$s over H%2$s equals %3$s
(Sellke, Bayarri, & Berger, 2001).", "\u2081", "\u2080", "1/(-e p log(p)) for p \u2264 .37")
@@ -239,14 +239,14 @@ ContingencyTables <- function(jaspResults, dataset, options, ...) {
# Create table
- title <- if (options[["LogOdds"]]) gettext("Log Odds Ratio") else gettext("Odds Ratio")
+ title <- if (options[["oddsRatioAsLogOdds"]]) gettext("Log Odds Ratio") else gettext("Odds Ratio")
crossTabOdds <- createJaspTable(title = title)
- crossTabOdds$dependOn(c("LogOdds","oddsRatio", "oddsRatioConfidenceIntervalInterval",
- "oddsRatioHypothesis", "rowOrder", "columnOrder"))
+ crossTabOdds$dependOn(c("oddsRatioAsLogOdds","oddsRatio", "oddsRatioCiLevel",
+ "oddsRatioAlternative", "rowOrder", "columnOrder"))
crossTabOdds$showSpecifiedColumnsOnly <- TRUE
crossTabOdds$position <- 3
- ci.label <- gettextf("%.0f%% Confidence Intervals", 100*options$oddsRatioConfidenceIntervalInterval)
+ ci.label <- gettextf("%.0f%% Confidence Intervals", 100*options$oddsRatioCiLevel)
# Add columns to table
.crossTabLayersColumns( crossTabOdds, analysis)
@@ -352,7 +352,7 @@ ContingencyTables <- function(jaspResults, dataset, options, ...) {
# Create table
crossTabKendallTau <- createJaspTable(title = "Kendall's Tau")
- crossTabKendallTau$dependOn(c("kendallsTauB", "VovkSellkeMPR", "rowOrder", "columnOrder"))
+ crossTabKendallTau$dependOn(c("kendallsTauB", "vovkSellke", "rowOrder", "columnOrder"))
crossTabKendallTau$showSpecifiedColumnsOnly <- TRUE
crossTabKendallTau$position <- 6
@@ -361,7 +361,7 @@ ContingencyTables <- function(jaspResults, dataset, options, ...) {
crossTabKendallTau$addColumnInfo(name = "value[kTauB]", title = gettext("Kendall's Tau-b "), type = "number")
crossTabKendallTau$addColumnInfo(name = "statistic[kTauB]", title = gettext("Z"), type = "number", format = "dp:3")
crossTabKendallTau$addColumnInfo(name = "p[kTauB]", title = gettext("p"), type = "pvalue")
- if (options$VovkSellkeMPR) crossTabKendallTau$addColumnInfo(name = "MPR[kTauB]", title = gettextf("VS-MPR%s", "\u002A"), type = "number")
+ if (options$vovkSellke) crossTabKendallTau$addColumnInfo(name = "MPR[kTauB]", title = gettextf("VS-MPR%s", "\u002A"), type = "number")
analysisContainer[["crossTabKendallTau"]] <- crossTabKendallTau
analysis <- as.list(analysis)
@@ -440,7 +440,7 @@ ContingencyTables <- function(jaspResults, dataset, options, ...) {
table$addColumnInfo(name = paste0("value[", fold, "]"), title = gettext("Value"), type = valueFoldType)
table$addColumnInfo(name = paste0("df[", fold, "]"), title = gettext("df"), type = "integer")
table$addColumnInfo(name = paste0("p[", fold, "]"), title = gettext("p"), type = "pvalue")
- if (options$VovkSellkeMPR) table$addColumnInfo(name = paste0("MPR[", fold, "]"), title = gettextf("VS-MPR%s", "\u002A"), type = "number")
+ if (options$vovkSellke) table$addColumnInfo(name = paste0("MPR[", fold, "]"), title = gettextf("VS-MPR%s", "\u002A"), type = "number")
.crossTabOddsAddColInfo <- function(table, fold, ci.label, oddsTitle) {
@@ -690,12 +690,12 @@ ContingencyTables <- function(jaspResults, dataset, options, ...) {
.crossTabOddsNote <- function(crossTabOdds, groupList, options, ready){
- if(length(groupList$group.matrices) >= 1 & options[["oddsRatioHypothesis"]] != "two.sided"){
+ if(length(groupList$group.matrices) >= 1 & options[["oddsRatioAlternative"]] != "twoSided"){
gp1 <- dimnames(groupList$group.matrices[[1]])[[1]][1]
gp2 <- dimnames(groupList$group.matrices[[1]])[[1]][2]
- if(options[["oddsRatioHypothesis"]] == "less") lessIsMore <- gettext("is less than")
+ if(options[["oddsRatioAlternative"]] == "less") lessIsMore <- gettext("is less than")
else lessIsMore <- gettext("is greater than")
message <- gettextf("For all tests, the alternative hypothesis specifies that group %1$s %2$s %3$s.", gp1, lessIsMore, gp2)
@@ -1096,14 +1096,14 @@ ContingencyTables <- function(jaspResults, dataset, options, ...) {
row[["value[likelihood]"]] <- NaN
row[["df[likelihood]"]] <- ""
row[["p[likelihood]"]] <- ""
- if (options$VovkSellkeMPR)
+ if (options$vovkSellke)
row[["MPR[likelihood]"]] <- ""
} else {
row[["value[likelihood]"]] <- chi.result$chisq_tests[1]
row[["df[likelihood]"]] <- chi.result$chisq_tests[3]
pVal <- chi.result$chisq_tests[5]
row[["p[likelihood]"]] <- pVal
- if (options$VovkSellkeMPR)
+ if (options$vovkSellke)
row[["MPR[likelihood]"]] <- VovkSellkeMPR(pVal)
} else
@@ -1140,9 +1140,9 @@ ContingencyTables <- function(jaspResults, dataset, options, ...) {
} else {
chi.result <- try({
chi.result <- vcd::oddsratio(counts.matrix)
- level <- options$oddsRatioConfidenceIntervalInterval
+ level <- options$oddsRatioCiLevel
CI <- stats::confint(chi.result, level = level)
- if (options[["LogOdds"]]){
+ if (options[["oddsRatioAsLogOdds"]]){
OR <- unname(chi.result$coefficients)
CI.low <- CI[1]
CI.high <- CI[2]
@@ -1180,10 +1180,10 @@ ContingencyTables <- function(jaspResults, dataset, options, ...) {
row[["p[FisherTest]"]] <- ""
} else {
chi.result <- try({
- conf.level <- options$oddsRatioConfidenceIntervalInterval
- chi.result <- stats::fisher.test(counts.matrix, conf.level = conf.level,
- alternative = options$oddsRatioHypothesis)
- if (options[["LogOdds"]]){
+ conf.level <- options$oddsRatioCiLevel
+ alternative <- if(options[["oddsRatioAlternative"]] == "twoSided") "two.sided" else options[["oddsRatioAlternative"]]
+ chi.result <- stats::fisher.test(counts.matrix, conf.level = conf.level, alternative = alternative)
+ if (options[["oddsRatioAsLogOdds"]]){
OR <- log(unname(chi.result$estimate))
CI.low <- log(chi.result$conf.int[1])
CI.high <- log(chi.result$conf.int[2])
@@ -1315,13 +1315,13 @@ ContingencyTables <- function(jaspResults, dataset, options, ...) {
else {
row[["value[kTauB]"]] <- unname(chi.result$estimate)
row[["p[kTauB]"]] <- chi.result$p.value
- if (options$VovkSellkeMPR) row[["MPR[kTauB]"]] <- VovkSellkeMPR(row[["p[kTauB]"]])
+ if (options$vovkSellke) row[["MPR[kTauB]"]] <- VovkSellkeMPR(row[["p[kTauB]"]])
row[["statistic[kTauB]"]] <- unname(chi.result$statistic)
} else {
row[["value[kTauB]"]] <- "."
row[["p[kTauB]"]] <- "."
- if (options$VovkSellkeMPR) row[["MPR[kTauB]"]] <- "."
+ if (options$vovkSellke) row[["MPR[kTauB]"]] <- "."
row[["statistic[kTauB]"]] <- "."
diff --git a/R/contingencytablesbayesian.R b/R/contingencytablesbayesian.R
index 0fb07f40..91f9b207 100644
--- a/R/contingencytablesbayesian.R
+++ b/R/contingencytablesbayesian.R
@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ ContingencyTablesBayesian <- function(jaspResults, dataset = NULL, options, ...)
# Create table
contTabBasBF <- createJaspTable(title = gettext("Bayesian Contingency Tables Tests"))
- dependList <- c("samplingModel", "hypothesis", "bayesFactorType", "priorConcentration", "setSeed", "seed")
+ dependList <- c("samplingModel", "alternative", "bayesFactorType", "priorConcentration", "setSeed", "seed")
contTabBasBF$showSpecifiedColumnsOnly <- TRUE
contTabBasBF$position <- 2
@@ -83,12 +83,12 @@ ContingencyTablesBayesian <- function(jaspResults, dataset = NULL, options, ...)
# Create table
contTabBasLogOdds <- createJaspTable(title = gettext("Log Odds Ratio"))
- dependList <- c("oddsRatio", "oddsRatioCredibleIntervalInterval", "hypothesis", "samplingModel", "priorConcentration", "setSeed", "seed")
+ dependList <- c("oddsRatio", "oddsRatioCiLevel", "alternative", "samplingModel", "priorConcentration", "setSeed", "seed")
contTabBasLogOdds$showSpecifiedColumnsOnly <- TRUE
contTabBasLogOdds$position <- 3
- ci.label <- gettextf("%.0f%% Credible Interval", 100*options$oddsRatioCredibleIntervalInterval)
+ ci.label <- gettextf("%.0f%% Credible Interval", 100*options$oddsRatioCiLevel)
# Add columns to table
.crossTabLayersColumns(contTabBasLogOdds, analysis)
@@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ ContingencyTablesBayesian <- function(jaspResults, dataset = NULL, options, ...)
.contTabBasCramersV <- function(jaspResults, options, analyses, ready) {
- if(!options$effectSize)
+ if(!options$cramersV)
for (i in 1:nrow(analyses)){
@@ -121,11 +121,11 @@ ContingencyTablesBayesian <- function(jaspResults, dataset = NULL, options, ...)
# Create table
- contTabBasCramersV <- createJaspTable(title = gettext("Cramer's V"), dependencies="effectSize")
+ contTabBasCramersV <- createJaspTable(title = gettext("Cramer's V"), dependencies="cramersV")
contTabBasCramersV$showSpecifiedColumnsOnly <- TRUE
contTabBasCramersV$position <- 4
- ci <- gettextf("%.0f%% Credible Interval", 100 * options$effectSizeCredibleIntervalInterval)
+ ci <- gettextf("%.0f%% Credible Interval", 100 * options$cramersVCiLevel)
# Add columns to table
.crossTabLayersColumns(contTabBasCramersV, analysis)
@@ -147,13 +147,13 @@ ContingencyTablesBayesian <- function(jaspResults, dataset = NULL, options, ...)
# Log Odds Plot
.contTabBasLogOddsPlot <- function(jaspResults, options, analyses, ready) {
- if(!options$plotPosteriorOddsRatio)
+ if(!options$posteriorOddsRatioPlot)
if (is.null(jaspResults[["oddsRatioPlots"]])) {
oddsRatioPlots <- createJaspContainer(gettext("Log Odds Ratio Plots"))
- oddsRatioPlots$dependOn(c("layers", "counts", "plotPosteriorOddsRatio", "hypothesis", "samplingModel",
- "plotPosteriorOddsRatioAdditionalInfo", "priorConcentration",
+ oddsRatioPlots$dependOn(c("layers", "counts", "posteriorOddsRatioPlot", "alternative", "samplingModel",
+ "posteriorOddsRatioPlotAdditionalInfo", "priorConcentration",
"counts", "layers", "setSeed", "seed"))
oddsRatioPlots$position <- 2
@@ -222,16 +222,16 @@ ContingencyTablesBayesian <- function(jaspResults, dataset = NULL, options, ...)
else if (is.infinite(BF10)) stop(gettext("The Bayes factor is infinite"))
- switch(options$hypothesis,
- groupTwoGreater = {
+ switch(options$alternative,
+ less = {
oneSided <- "left"
bfSubscripts <- c("BF['-'][0]", "BF[0]['-']")
- groupOneGreater = {
+ greater = {
oneSided <- "right"
bfSubscripts <- c("BF['+'][0]", "BF[0]['+']")
- groupsNotEqual = {
+ twoSided = {
oneSided <- "notABoolean"
bfSubscripts <- c("BF[1][0]", "BF[0][1]")
@@ -260,13 +260,13 @@ ContingencyTablesBayesian <- function(jaspResults, dataset = NULL, options, ...)
logOR <- seq(min(xticks), max(xticks),length.out = 10000)
dfLines <- .dposteriorOR(logOR, mean(samples), sd(samples), oneSided)
ppCri <- c(result$lower.ci, result$upper.ci)
- CriInterval <- options$oddsRatioCredibleIntervalInterval # todo: need this implemented
+ CriInterval <- options$oddsRatioCiLevel # todo: need this implemented
CRItxt <- paste0(100*CriInterval, "% CI: ")
median <- result$median
medianTxt <- gettext("median Log OR = ")
xName <- gettext("Log Odds Ratio")
- if(options$plotPosteriorOddsRatioAdditionalInfo)
+ if(options$posteriorOddsRatioPlotAdditionalInfo)
p <- jaspGraphs::PlotPriorAndPosterior(dfLines = dfLines, xName = xName, BF = BF10, bfType = "BF10",
CRI = ppCri, median = median, bfSubscripts = bfSubscripts,
CRItxt = CRItxt, medianTxt = medianTxt)
@@ -305,7 +305,7 @@ ContingencyTablesBayesian <- function(jaspResults, dataset = NULL, options, ...)
bfList[[g]] <- .contTabBasComputeBF(options, grp.mat[[g]], ready)
analysisContainer[["bfList"]] <- createJaspState(bfList)
analysisContainer[["bfList"]]$dependOn(c("samplingModel", "priorConcentration",
- "hypothesis", "bayesFactorType", "setSeed", "seed"))
+ "alternative", "bayesFactorType", "setSeed", "seed"))
@@ -356,13 +356,13 @@ ContingencyTablesBayesian <- function(jaspResults, dataset = NULL, options, ...)
- if(options$hypothesis %in% c("groupOneGreater", "groupTwoGreater")){
+ if(options$alternative %in% c("greater", "less")){
if(options$samplingModel %in% c("poisson", "jointMultinomial")){
theta <- as.data.frame(ch.result)
odds.ratio <- (theta[,1]*theta[,4])/(theta[,2]*theta[,3])
logOR <- log(odds.ratio)
- if(options$hypothesis == "groupOneGreater") prop.consistent <- 1 - mean(logOR < 0)
+ if(options$alternative == "greater") prop.consistent <- 1 - mean(logOR < 0)
else prop.consistent <- mean(logOR < 0)
} else if(options$samplingModel %in% rowsOrCols) {
@@ -371,11 +371,11 @@ ContingencyTablesBayesian <- function(jaspResults, dataset = NULL, options, ...)
independentMultinomialRowsFixed = {
- if(options$hypothesis == "groupOneGreater") prop.consistent <- mean(theta[,1] > theta[,2])
+ if(options$alternative == "greater") prop.consistent <- mean(theta[,1] > theta[,2])
else prop.consistent <- mean(theta[,1] < theta[,2])
independentMultinomialColumnsFixed = {
- if(options$hypothesis == "groupOneGreater") prop.consistent <- mean(theta[,1] > theta[,3])
+ if(options$alternative == "greater") prop.consistent <- mean(theta[,1] > theta[,3])
else prop.consistent <- mean(theta[,1] < theta[,3])
@@ -386,10 +386,10 @@ ContingencyTablesBayesian <- function(jaspResults, dataset = NULL, options, ...)
- switch(options$hypothesis,
- groupOneGreater = { bfTitleUniquePart <- "\u208A" }, #On my system these code points seem to be rendered as B+0, B0+ etc. Probably wrong then?
- groupTwoGreater = { bfTitleUniquePart <- "\u208B" },
- groupsNotEqual = { bfTitleUniquePart <- "\u2081" }) # || options$samplingModel == "hypergeometric" used to be added here, but because it was an if - else if - else if covering all possibilities this was quite pointless. Maybe there is a bug here as well. I don't know about that.
+ switch(options$alternative,
+ greater = { bfTitleUniquePart <- "\u208A" }, #On my system these code points seem to be rendered as B+0, B0+ etc. Probably wrong then?
+ less = { bfTitleUniquePart <- "\u208B" },
+ twoSided = { bfTitleUniquePart <- "\u2081" }) # || options$samplingModel == "hypergeometric" used to be added here, but because it was an if - else if - else if covering all possibilities this was quite pointless. Maybe there is a bug here as well. I don't know about that.
#I am not adding the following bfTitle's to the translation strings because there is not a lot to translate and it would be neigh incomprehensible if all those unicode chars were %s...
@@ -442,10 +442,10 @@ ContingencyTablesBayesian <- function(jaspResults, dataset = NULL, options, ...)
gp2 <- colnames(counts.matrix)[2]
- switch(options$hypothesis,
- groupOneGreater = { equality <- gettext("is greater than") },
- groupTwoGreater = { equality <- gettext("is less than") },
- groupsNotEqual = { equality <- gettext("is not equal to") },
+ switch(options$alternative,
+ greater = { equality <- gettext("is greater than") },
+ less = { equality <- gettext("is less than") },
+ twoSided = { equality <- gettext("is not equal to") },
message <- gettextf("For all tests, the alternative hypothesis specifies that group %1$s %2$s %3$s.", gp1, equality, gp2)
@@ -492,11 +492,11 @@ ContingencyTablesBayesian <- function(jaspResults, dataset = NULL, options, ...)
stop(gettext("Invalid sampling model selected"))
samples <- log(odds.ratio.samples)
- sig <- options$oddsRatioCredibleIntervalInterval
+ sig <- options$oddsRatioCiLevel
alpha <- (1 - sig) / 2
quantiles <- .crossTabCIPlusMedian(credibleIntervalInterval = sig,
mean = mean(samples), sd = sd(samples),
- hypothesis = options$hypothesis)
+ alternative = options$alternative)
median <- quantiles$ci.median
lower <- quantiles$ci.lower
upper <- quantiles$ci.upper
@@ -654,7 +654,7 @@ ContingencyTablesBayesian <- function(jaspResults, dataset = NULL, options, ...)
CramersV.samples <- Cramer
CramersV.median <- stats::median(CramersV.samples)
- sig <- options$effectSizeCredibleIntervalInterval
+ sig <- options$cramersVCiLevel
alpha <- (1 - sig) / 2
lower <- unname(stats::quantile(Cramer, p = alpha))
upper <- unname(stats::quantile(Cramer, p = (1-alpha)))
@@ -703,21 +703,21 @@ ContingencyTablesBayesian <- function(jaspResults, dataset = NULL, options, ...)
#CRI and Median
-.crossTabCIPlusMedian <- function(credibleIntervalInterval = .95, mean, sd, hypothesis = "groupsNotEqual") {
+.crossTabCIPlusMedian <- function(credibleIntervalInterval = .95, mean, sd, alternative = "twoSided") {
lower <- (1 - credibleIntervalInterval) / 2
upper <- 1 - lower
- switch(hypothesis,
- groupsNotEqual={
+ switch(alternative,
+ twoSided={
quantiles <- qnorm(c(lower, .5, upper), mean, sd)
- groupOneGreater = {
+ greater = {
rightArea <- pnorm(0, mean, sd, lower.tail = FALSE)
leftArea <- 1 - rightArea
quantiles <- qnorm(leftArea + rightArea * c(lower, .5, upper), mean, sd)
- groupTwoGreater = {
+ less = {
leftArea <- pnorm(0, mean, sd)
quantiles <- qnorm(leftArea * c(lower, .5, upper), mean, sd)
diff --git a/R/multinomialtest.R b/R/multinomialtest.R
index 2f9898a6..f9c8d5c0 100644
--- a/R/multinomialtest.R
+++ b/R/multinomialtest.R
@@ -37,10 +37,10 @@ MultinomialTest <- function(jaspResults, dataset, options, ...) {
fact <- asnum <- NULL
if (options$factor != "") {
fact <- options$factor
- if (options$counts != "") {
- asnum <- options$counts
- if (options$exProbVar != "")
- asnum <- c(asnum, options$exProbVar)
+ if (options$count != "") {
+ asnum <- options$count
+ if (options$expectedCount != "")
+ asnum <- c(asnum, options$expectedCount)
@@ -53,21 +53,21 @@ MultinomialTest <- function(jaspResults, dataset, options, ...) {
# Reorder the rows of the factor and the counts (and expected probabilities) if the user changes the factor level order in JASP.
# This ensures the ordering in tables and plots also changes appropriately.
- if (options$factor != "" && options$counts != "") {
+ if (options$factor != "" && options$count != "") {
factLevelOrder <- as.character(dataset[[.v(options$factor)]])
- # the following condition holds when `counts` are specified but the data set is not in aggregated form
+ # the following condition holds when `count` are specified but the data set is not in aggregated form
# the error is subsequently caught in .multinomCheckErrors
# we need to escape this function early because the operations under this check assume that the data set is already in aggregated form
if(length(unique(factLevelOrder)) != length(factLevelOrder)) return(dataset)
- levelOrderUserWants <- options$tableWidget[[1]]$levels
+ levelOrderUserWants <- options$testValuesCustom[[1]]$levels
whatUserWantsToWhatIs <- match(levelOrderUserWants, factLevelOrder)
if (!identical(sort(whatUserWantsToWhatIs), whatUserWantsToWhatIs))
dataset[seq_along(factLevelOrder), ] <- dataset[whatUserWantsToWhatIs, ]
- # For syntax mode the analysis will be called from RStudio and the factor levels may not match the tableWidget.
+ # For syntax mode the analysis will be called from RStudio and the factor levels may not match the testValuesCustom.
factValues <- as.character(dataset[[.v(options$factor)]])
facLevels <- levels(dataset[[.v(options$factor)]])
if (length(facLevels) == length(factValues) && !identical(factValues, facLevels))
@@ -83,26 +83,26 @@ MultinomialTest <- function(jaspResults, dataset, options, ...) {
customChecks <- list(
checkExpecAndObs = function() {
- if (options$exProbVar != "" && options$counts == "")
+ if (options$expectedCount != "" && options$count == "")
return(gettext("Expected counts not supported without observed counts."))
checkExpecNeeded = function() {
- if (options$exProbVar != "" || options$hypothesis != "multinomialTest")
- if (options$exProbVar == "" && length(options$tableWidget) == 0)
+ if (options$expectedCount != "" || options$testValues != "equal")
+ if (options$expectedCount == "" && length(options$testValuesCustom) == 0)
return(gettext("No expected counts entered."))
checkCounts = function() {
- if (options$counts != "") {
+ if (options$count != "") {
dataset <- na.omit(dataset)
nlevels <- nlevels(as.factor(dataset[[.v(options$factor)]]))
- counts <- dataset[[.v(options$counts)]]
+ counts <- dataset[[.v(options$count)]]
if (nlevels != length(counts))
return(gettext("Invalid counts: variable does not match the number of levels of the factor. When counts are specified, each row of the data set must represent a unique level of the factor."))
- if (options$exProbVar != "" && nlevels != length(dataset[[.v(options$exProbVar)]]))
+ if (options$expectedCount != "" && nlevels != length(dataset[[.v(options$expectedCount)]]))
return(gettext("Invalid expected counts: variable does not match the number of levels of the factor."))
# only applies for observed counts, expected counts can be proportions
@@ -117,8 +117,8 @@ MultinomialTest <- function(jaspResults, dataset, options, ...) {
type = c("factorLevels", "negativeValues", "infinity"),
- negativeValues.target = c(options$counts, options$exProbVar),
- infinity.target = c(options$counts, options$exProbVar),
+ negativeValues.target = c(options$count, options$expectedCount),
+ infinity.target = c(options$count, options$expectedCount),
factorLevels.target = options$factor,
factorLevels.amount = "< 1",
custom = customChecks,
@@ -151,11 +151,11 @@ MultinomialTest <- function(jaspResults, dataset, options, ...) {
factorVariable <- as.factor(factorVariable)
nlev <- nlevels(factorVariable)
- if (options$counts != "") {
- counts <- dataset[[.v(options$counts)]]
+ if (options$count != "") {
+ counts <- dataset[[.v(options$count)]]
# omit count entries for which factor variable is NA
counts <- counts[!is.na(factorVariable)]
- c <- dataset[[.v(options$counts)]]
+ c <- dataset[[.v(options$count)]]
factorVariable <- factor(rep(factorVariable, c),
levels = levels(factorVariable))
@@ -171,7 +171,7 @@ MultinomialTest <- function(jaspResults, dataset, options, ...) {
# need to improve this try statement
csr <- withCallingHandlers(
chisq.test(x = dataTable, p = h, rescale.p = TRUE,
- simulate.p.value = options$simulatepval),
+ simulate.p.value = FALSE),
warning = function(w) warn <<- w$message
csr[["warn"]] <- warn
@@ -180,8 +180,8 @@ MultinomialTest <- function(jaspResults, dataset, options, ...) {
# Save results to state
jaspResults[["stateChisqResults"]] <- createJaspState(chisqResults)
- jaspResults[["stateChisqResults"]]$dependOn(c("factor", "counts", "hypothesis",
- "exProbVar", "tableWidget", "simulatepval"))
+ jaspResults[["stateChisqResults"]]$dependOn(c("factor", "count", "testValues",
+ "expectedCount", "testValuesCustom"))
@@ -211,8 +211,8 @@ MultinomialTest <- function(jaspResults, dataset, options, ...) {
colnames(dataframe) <- c("chisquare", "df", "p")
dataframe <- cbind(case = names(chisqResults), dataframe)
- if (options$VovkSellkeMPR)
- dataframe <- cbind(dataframe, VovkSellkeMPR = VovkSellkeMPR(dataframe$p))
+ if (options$vovkSellke)
+ dataframe <- cbind(dataframe, vovkSellke = VovkSellkeMPR(dataframe$p))
@@ -239,7 +239,7 @@ MultinomialTest <- function(jaspResults, dataset, options, ...) {
footnotes <- list()
observed <- chisqResults[[1]][["observed"]]
- if (options$countProp == "descCounts")
+ if (options$descriptivesType == "counts")
observed <- as.integer(observed)
observed <- as.numeric(observed)/sum(observed)
@@ -250,7 +250,7 @@ MultinomialTest <- function(jaspResults, dataset, options, ...) {
observed = observed,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE
- if (options$countProp == "descCounts")
+ if (options$descriptivesType == "counts")
for (r in chisqResults)
tableFrame <- cbind(tableFrame, r[["expected"]])
@@ -265,10 +265,10 @@ MultinomialTest <- function(jaspResults, dataset, options, ...) {
colnames(tableFrame)[-(1:2)] <- nms
# Add confidenceInterval to the tableFrame
- if (options$confidenceInterval){
+ if (options$descriptivesTableCi){
ciDf <- .multComputeCIs(chisqResults[[1]][["observed"]],
- options$confidenceIntervalInterval,
- scale = options$countProp)
+ options$descriptivesTableCiLevel,
+ scale = options$descriptivesType)
tableFrame <- cbind(tableFrame, ciDf)
message <- gettext("Confidence intervals are based on independent binomial distributions.")
results[["footnotes"]][["CImessage"]] <- message
@@ -298,8 +298,8 @@ MultinomialTest <- function(jaspResults, dataset, options, ...) {
# Create table
chisqTable <- createJaspTable(title = "Multinomial Test")
- chisqTable$dependOn(c("factor", "counts", "exProbVar", "tableWidget",
- "VovkSellkeMPR", "hypothesis"))
+ chisqTable$dependOn(c("factor", "count", "expectedCount", "testValuesCustom",
+ "vovkSellke", "testValues"))
chisqTable$showSpecifiedColumnsOnly <- TRUE
# Add columns to table
@@ -309,8 +309,8 @@ MultinomialTest <- function(jaspResults, dataset, options, ...) {
chisqTable$addColumnInfo(name = "p", title = gettext("p"), type = "pvalue")
# include Vovk-Selke p-ratio as columns
- if (options$VovkSellkeMPR) {
- chisqTable$addColumnInfo(name = "VovkSellkeMPR", title = gettextf("VS-MPR%s", "\u002A"), type = "number")
+ if (options$vovkSellke) {
+ chisqTable$addColumnInfo(name = "vovkSellke", title = gettextf("VS-MPR%s", "\u002A"), type = "number")
chisqTable$addFootnote(.messages("footnote", "VovkSellkeMPR"), symbol = "\u002A")
@@ -332,25 +332,25 @@ MultinomialTest <- function(jaspResults, dataset, options, ...) {
# Return:
# Descriptives table
- if(!options$descriptives || !is.null(jaspResults[["descriptivesTable"]]))
+ if(!options$descriptivesTable || !is.null(jaspResults[["descriptivesTable"]]))
# Compute/get Results
chisqResults <- .chisquareTest(jaspResults, dataset, options)
descriptivesTable <- createJaspTable(title = gettext("Descriptives"))
- descriptivesTable$dependOn(c("factor", "counts", "exProbVar", "hypothesis", "countProp", "descriptives",
- "confidenceInterval", "tableWidget", "confidenceIntervalInterval"))
+ descriptivesTable$dependOn(c("factor", "count", "expectedCount", "testValues", "descriptivesType", "descriptivesTable",
+ "descriptivesTableCi", "testValuesCustom", "descriptivesTableCiLevel"))
if(options$factor == ""){
descriptivesTable$addColumnInfo(name = "factor", title = gettext("Factor"), type = "string")
- if (options$countProp == "descCounts")
+ if (options$descriptivesType == "counts")
descriptivesTable$addColumnInfo(name = "observed", title = gettext("Observed"), type = "integer")
descriptivesTable$addColumnInfo(name = "observed", title = gettext("Observed"), type = "number")
} else {
descriptivesTable$addColumnInfo(name = "factor", title = options$factor, type = "string")
- if (options$countProp == "descCounts")
+ if (options$descriptivesType == "counts")
descriptivesTable$addColumnInfo(name = "observed", title = gettext("Observed"), type = "integer")
descriptivesTable$addColumnInfo(name = "observed", title = gettext("Observed"), type = "number")
@@ -367,8 +367,8 @@ MultinomialTest <- function(jaspResults, dataset, options, ...) {
- if (options$confidenceInterval){
- interval <- 100 * options$confidenceIntervalInterval
+ if (options$descriptivesTableCi){
+ interval <- 100 * options$descriptivesTableCiLevel
title <- gettextf("%s%% Confidence Interval", interval)
descriptivesTable$addColumnInfo(name = "lowerCI", title = gettext("Lower"),
type = "number", overtitle = title)
@@ -380,7 +380,7 @@ MultinomialTest <- function(jaspResults, dataset, options, ...) {
res <- try(.multinomDescriptivesTableFill(jaspResults, options, chisqResults))
.multinomialSetError(res, descriptivesTable)
- if(options$confidenceInterval) {
+ if(options$descriptivesTableCi) {
message <- gettext("Confidence intervals are based on independent binomial distributions.")
if (anyNA(unlist(descriptivesTable[["data"]][, c('lowerCI', 'upperCI')]))){
@@ -395,8 +395,8 @@ MultinomialTest <- function(jaspResults, dataset, options, ...) {
descriptivesPlot <- createJaspPlot(title = gettext("Descriptives Plot"), width = 500, aspectRatio = 0.7)
- descriptivesPlot$dependOn(c("factor", "counts", "descriptivesPlotConfidenceInterval",
- "countProp", "descriptivesPlot"))
+ descriptivesPlot$dependOn(c("factor", "count", "descriptivesPlotCiLevel",
+ "descriptivesType", "descriptivesPlot"))
jaspResults[["descriptivesPlot"]] <- descriptivesPlot
@@ -415,7 +415,7 @@ MultinomialTest <- function(jaspResults, dataset, options, ...) {
f <- names(chisqResults[[1]][["observed"]])
plotFrame <- data.frame(factor = factor(f, levels = rev(f)))
# Counts or props
- if (options$countProp == "descCounts") {
+ if (options$descriptivesType == "counts") {
yname <- gettext("Observed counts")
obs <- as.integer(chisqResults[[1]][["observed"]])
} else {
@@ -426,10 +426,10 @@ MultinomialTest <- function(jaspResults, dataset, options, ...) {
plotFrame <- cbind(plotFrame, obs)
# Calculate confidence interval
- if (options$descriptivesPlotConfidenceInterval){
+ if (options$descriptivesPlotCiLevel){
ciDf <- .multComputeCIs(chisqResults[[1]][["observed"]],
- options$descriptivesPlotConfidenceInterval,
- ifErrorReturn = 0, scale = options$countProp)
+ options$descriptivesPlotCiLevel,
+ ifErrorReturn = 0, scale = options$descriptivesType)
plotFrame <- cbind(plotFrame, ciDf)
@@ -470,7 +470,7 @@ MultinomialTest <- function(jaspResults, dataset, options, ...) {
# hypotheses
hyps <- list()
- if (options$exProbVar == "" && options$hypothesis == "multinomialTest") {
+ if (options$expectedCount == "" && options$testValues == "equal") {
# Expected probabilities are simple now
hyps[["Multinomial"]] <- rep(1/nlevels, nlevels)
} else {
@@ -495,26 +495,26 @@ MultinomialTest <- function(jaspResults, dataset, options, ...) {
# Return:
# expected Probabilities
- if (options$exProbVar != "") {
- # use only exProbVar
+ if (options$expectedCount != "") {
+ # use only expectedCount
fact <- dataset[[.v(options$factor)]]
- eProps <- dataset[.v(options$exProbVar)]
- colnames(eProps) <- options$exProbVar
+ eProps <- dataset[.v(options$expectedCount)]
+ colnames(eProps) <- options$expectedCount
rownames(eProps) <- fact
- } else if (length(options$tableWidget) > 0) {
- eProps <- sapply(options$tableWidget, function(x) {
+ } else if (length(options$testValuesCustom) > 0) {
+ eProps <- sapply(options$testValuesCustom, function(x) {
vals <- unlist(x$values)
if (sum(vals) == 0)
vals <- rep(1, length(vals))
- colnames(eProps) <- sapply(seq_along(options$tableWidget),
+ colnames(eProps) <- sapply(seq_along(options$testValuesCustom),
function(x) paste0("H\u2080 (", letters[x], ")"))
- rownames(eProps) <- options$tableWidget[[1]]$levels
+ rownames(eProps) <- options$testValuesCustom[[1]]$levels
diff --git a/R/multinomialtestbayesian.R b/R/multinomialtestbayesian.R
index c6f88817..115f3d2d 100644
--- a/R/multinomialtestbayesian.R
+++ b/R/multinomialtestbayesian.R
@@ -65,8 +65,8 @@ MultinomialTestBayesian <- function(jaspResults, dataset, options, ...) {
a <- setNames(prior$values, prior$levels)
factNms <- levels(fact)
- if (options$counts != "") {
- counts <- dataset[[.v(options$counts)]]
+ if (options$count != "") {
+ counts <- dataset[[.v(options$count)]]
# omit count entries for which factor variable is NA
counts <- counts[!is.na(fact)]
dataTable <- counts
@@ -97,28 +97,28 @@ MultinomialTestBayesian <- function(jaspResults, dataset, options, ...) {
multinomialResults$mainTable[["nhyps"]] <- nhyps
# Results for descriptives plot
- multinomialResults$descriptivesPlot[["descProps"]] <- .multComputeCIs(dataTable, options$descriptivesPlotCredibleInterval, ifErrorReturn = 0, scale = 'descProbs')
- multinomialResults$descriptivesPlot[["descCounts"]] <- multinomialResults$descriptivesPlot[["descProps"]] * N
- multinomialResults$descriptivesPlot[["descProps"]][["observed"]] <- as.numeric(dataTable)/N
- multinomialResults$descriptivesPlot[["descCounts"]][["observed"]] <- as.numeric(dataTable)
- multinomialResults$descriptivesPlot[["descProps"]][["fact"]] <- factNms
- multinomialResults$descriptivesPlot[["descCounts"]][["fact"]] <- factNms
+ multinomialResults$descriptivesPlot[["proportions"]] <- .multComputeCIs(dataTable, options$descriptivesPlotCiLevel, ifErrorReturn = 0, scale = "proportions")
+ multinomialResults$descriptivesPlot[["counts"]] <- multinomialResults$descriptivesPlot[["proportions"]] * N
+ multinomialResults$descriptivesPlot[["proportions"]][["observed"]] <- as.numeric(dataTable)/N
+ multinomialResults$descriptivesPlot[["counts"]][["observed"]] <- as.numeric(dataTable)
+ multinomialResults$descriptivesPlot[["proportions"]][["fact"]] <- factNms
+ multinomialResults$descriptivesPlot[["counts"]][["fact"]] <- factNms
# Results for descriptives table
- multinomialResults$descriptivesTable[["descProps"]][["fact"]] <- factNms
- multinomialResults$descriptivesTable[["descCounts"]][["fact"]] <- factNms
- multinomialResults$descriptivesTable[["descProps"]][["observed"]] <- as.numeric(dataTable)/N
- multinomialResults$descriptivesTable[["descCounts"]][["observed"]] <- as.numeric(dataTable)
+ multinomialResults$descriptivesTable[["proportions"]][["fact"]] <- factNms
+ multinomialResults$descriptivesTable[["counts"]][["fact"]] <- factNms
+ multinomialResults$descriptivesTable[["proportions"]][["observed"]] <- as.numeric(dataTable)/N
+ multinomialResults$descriptivesTable[["counts"]][["observed"]] <- as.numeric(dataTable)
for(h in 1:nhyps) {
- multinomialResults$descriptivesTable[["descProps"]][[nms[h]]] <- multinomialResults$mainTable[[nms[h]]]$expected/N
- multinomialResults$descriptivesTable[["descCounts"]][[nms[h]]] <- multinomialResults$mainTable[[nms[h]]]$expected
+ multinomialResults$descriptivesTable[["proportions"]][[nms[h]]] <- multinomialResults$mainTable[[nms[h]]]$expected/N
+ multinomialResults$descriptivesTable[["counts"]][[nms[h]]] <- multinomialResults$mainTable[[nms[h]]]$expected
- multinomialResults$descriptivesTable[["descProps"]] <- setNames(as.data.frame(multinomialResults$descriptivesTable[["descProps"]]), c("fact", "observed", nms))
- multinomialResults$descriptivesTable[["descCounts"]] <- setNames(as.data.frame(multinomialResults$descriptivesTable[["descCounts"]]), c("fact", "observed", nms))
- multinomialResults$descriptivesTable[["descPropsCI"]] <- .multComputeCIs(dataTable, options$credibleIntervalInterval, scale = "descProbs")
- multinomialResults$descriptivesTable[["descCountsCI"]] <- .multComputeCIs(dataTable, options$credibleIntervalInterval, scale = "descCounts")
+ multinomialResults$descriptivesTable[["proportions"]] <- setNames(as.data.frame(multinomialResults$descriptivesTable[["proportions"]]), c("fact", "observed", nms))
+ multinomialResults$descriptivesTable[["counts"]] <- setNames(as.data.frame(multinomialResults$descriptivesTable[["counts"]]), c("fact", "observed", nms))
+ multinomialResults$descriptivesTable[["proportionsCI"]] <- .multComputeCIs(dataTable, options$descriptivesTableCiLevel, scale = "proportions")
+ multinomialResults$descriptivesTable[["countsCI"]] <- .multComputeCIs(dataTable, options$descriptivesTableCiLevel, scale = "counts")
# Save results to state
defaultOptions <- multinomialResults$specs$defaultOptions
@@ -185,7 +185,7 @@ MultinomialTestBayesian <- function(jaspResults, dataset, options, ...) {
#' @return descriptivesTable descriptives table
.createMultBayesDescriptivesTable <- function(jaspResults, options, multinomialResults, bayesianAnalysis = TRUE){
- if(!options[["descriptives"]])
+ if(!options[["descriptivesTable"]])
# Create table
@@ -193,17 +193,17 @@ MultinomialTestBayesian <- function(jaspResults, dataset, options, ...) {
# settings for Bayesian and frequentist analysis
- ciRequested <- options$credibleInterval
- ciInterval <- options$credibleIntervalInterval
+ ciRequested <- options$descriptivesTableCi
+ ciInterval <- options$descriptivesTableCiLevel
ciType <- gettext("Credible")
tableFootnote <- gettext("Credible intervals are based on independent binomial distributions with flat priors.")
- descriptivesTable$dependOn(c("countProp", "descriptives", "credibleIntervalInterval"))
+ descriptivesTable$dependOn(c("descriptivesType", "descriptivesTable", "descriptivesTableCiLevel"))
} else {
- ciRequested <- options$confidenceInterval
- ciInterval <- options$confidenceIntervalInterval
+ ciRequested <- options$descriptivesTableCi
+ ciInterval <- options$descriptivesTableCiLevel
ciType <- gettext("Confidence")
tableFootnote <- gettext("Confidence intervals are based on independent binomial distributions.")
- descriptivesTable$dependOn(c("countProp", "descriptives", "confidenceIntervalInterval"))
+ descriptivesTable$dependOn(c("descriptivesType", "descriptivesTable", "descriptivesTableCiLevel"))
descriptivesTable$showSpecifiedColumnsOnly <- TRUE
@@ -211,7 +211,7 @@ MultinomialTestBayesian <- function(jaspResults, dataset, options, ...) {
factorVariable <- multinomialResults[["specs"]][["factorVariable"]]
- if(options$countProp == "descCounts")
+ if(options$descriptivesType == "counts")
numberType <- "integer"
numberType <- "number"
@@ -249,10 +249,10 @@ MultinomialTestBayesian <- function(jaspResults, dataset, options, ...) {
# Add rows
- descDF <- multinomialResults[["descriptivesTable"]][[options$countProp]]
+ descDF <- multinomialResults[["descriptivesTable"]][[options$descriptivesType]]
- ciInfo <- multinomialResults[["descriptivesTable"]][[paste0(options$countProp, "CI")]]
+ ciInfo <- multinomialResults[["descriptivesTable"]][[paste0(options$descriptivesType, "CI")]]
descDF <- cbind(descDF, ciInfo)
@@ -280,7 +280,7 @@ MultinomialTestBayesian <- function(jaspResults, dataset, options, ...) {
descriptivesPlot <- .multBayesPlotHelper(factorVariable, options, multinomialResults)
jaspResults[["descriptivesPlot"]] <- createJaspPlot(plot = descriptivesPlot, title = gettext("Descriptives plot"), width = 480, height = 320)
- jaspResults[["descriptivesPlot"]]$dependOn(c("descriptivesPlot", "factor", "counts", "descriptivesPlotsCredibleInterval"))
+ jaspResults[["descriptivesPlot"]]$dependOn(c("descriptivesPlot", "factor", "count", "descriptivesPlotCiLevel"))
descriptivesPlot$position <- 2
@@ -296,7 +296,7 @@ MultinomialTestBayesian <- function(jaspResults, dataset, options, ...) {
# set function behaviour, if analysis crashes
errorReturn <- rep(ifErrorReturn, 2)
- div <- ifelse(scale == 'descCounts', sum(counts), 1)
+ div <- ifelse(scale == 'counts', sum(counts), 1)
N <- sum(counts)
ciDf <- data.frame(lowerCI = NA, upperCI = NA)
@@ -334,14 +334,14 @@ MultinomialTestBayesian <- function(jaspResults, dataset, options, ...) {
# Counts or props
- if (options$countProp == "descCounts") {
+ if (options$descriptivesType == "counts") {
yname <- gettext("Observed Counts")
} else {
yname <- gettext("Observed Proportions")
# Prepare data for plotting
- plotFrame <- multinomialResults[["descriptivesPlot"]][[options$countProp]]
+ plotFrame <- multinomialResults[["descriptivesPlot"]][[options$descriptivesType]]
# We need to reverse the factor's levels because of the coord_flip later
plotFrame$fact <- factor(plotFrame$fact, levels = rev(plotFrame$fact))
@@ -416,8 +416,8 @@ MultinomialTestBayesian <- function(jaspResults, dataset, options, ...) {
specs <- list()
# Default options
- specs$defaultOptions <- c("tableWidget", "priorCounts","factor", "counts", "exProbVar", "hypothesis",
- "credibleIntervalInterval")
+ specs$defaultOptions <- c("testValuesCustom", "priorCounts","factor", "count", "expectedCount", "testValues",
+ "descriptivesTableCiLevel")
# Ready statement
specs$ready <- options$factor != "" && !is.null(dataset)
@@ -429,20 +429,20 @@ MultinomialTestBayesian <- function(jaspResults, dataset, options, ...) {
if (options$factor != "") {
specs$factorVariable <- options$factor
# Specify count variable
- if (options$counts != "") {
- specs$countVariable <- options$counts
+ if (options$count != "") {
+ specs$countVariable <- options$count
- if (options$exProbVar != "") {
- specs$exProbVariable <- options$exProbVar
+ if (options$expectedCount != "") {
+ specs$exProbVariable <- options$expectedCount
- if(options$exProbVar != "") {
+ if(options$expectedCount != "") {
specs$hypNames <- specs$exProbVariable
- } else if(options$hypothesis == "multinomialTest") {
+ } else if(options$testValues == "equal") {
specs$hypNames <- "Multinomial"
- } else if(options$hypothesis == "expectedProbs") {
- specs$hypNames <- sapply(seq_along(options$tableWidget), function(x) paste0("H\u2080 (", letters[x], ")"))
+ } else if(options$testValues == "custom") {
+ specs$hypNames <- sapply(seq_along(options$testValuesCustom), function(x) paste0("H\u2080 (", letters[x], ")"))
} else if(!is.null(specs$exProbVariable)) {
specs$hypNames <- specs$exProbVariable
diff --git a/R/regressionloglinear.R b/R/regressionloglinear.R
index 2fc07146..62d0c615 100644
--- a/R/regressionloglinear.R
+++ b/R/regressionloglinear.R
@@ -35,8 +35,8 @@ RegressionLogLinear <- function(jaspResults, dataset = NULL , options, ...) {
else {
counts <- factors <- NULL
- if(options$counts != "")
- counts <- options$counts
+ if(options$count != "")
+ counts <- options$count
if(length(options$modelTerms) > 0)
factors <- options$modelTerms
return(.readDataSetToEnd(columns.as.factor = factors,
@@ -54,9 +54,9 @@ RegressionLogLinear <- function(jaspResults, dataset = NULL , options, ...) {
exitAnalysisIfErrors = TRUE
- if (options$counts != "") {
+ if (options$count != "") {
args$type <- c(args$type, "infinity", "negativeValues")
- args$missingValues.target <- c(options$counts, options$factors)
+ args$missingValues.target <- c(options$count, options$factors)
do.call(.hasErrors, args)
@@ -67,16 +67,16 @@ RegressionLogLinear <- function(jaspResults, dataset = NULL , options, ...) {
modelTerms <- unlist(options$modelTerms)
- if (options$counts == "")
+ if (options$count == "")
dataset <- plyr::count(dataset)
loglm.model <- list()
empty.model <- list(loglm.fit = NULL, variables = NULL)
- if (options$counts == "")
+ if (options$count == "")
dependent.variable <- "freq"
- dependent.variable <- unlist(options$counts)
+ dependent.variable <- unlist(options$count)
if (length(options$modelTerms) > 0) {
@@ -113,7 +113,7 @@ RegressionLogLinear <- function(jaspResults, dataset = NULL , options, ...) {
model.formula <- as.formula(model.definition)
- if (options$counts == "")
+ if (options$count == "")
names(dataset)[names(dataset) == "freq"] <- dependent.base64
loglm.fit <- try(stats::glm(model.formula, family = poisson(),
@@ -129,7 +129,7 @@ RegressionLogLinear <- function(jaspResults, dataset = NULL , options, ...) {
loglm.model <- empty.model
jaspResults[["Model"]] <- createJaspState(loglm.model)
- jaspResults[["Model"]]$dependOn(c("counts","modelTerms"))
+ jaspResults[["Model"]]$dependOn(c("count","modelTerms"))
@@ -161,16 +161,16 @@ RegressionLogLinear <- function(jaspResults, dataset = NULL , options, ...) {
results[[ len.logreg ]]$df <- " "
results[[ len.logreg ]]$dev <- " "
results[[ len.logreg ]]$p <- " "
- if (options$VovkSellkeMPR)
- results[[ len.logreg ]]$VovkSellkeMPR <- " "
+ if (options$vovkSellke)
+ results[[ len.logreg ]]$vovkSellke <- " "
} else {
results[[ len.logreg ]]$name <- model.name[var]
results[[ len.logreg ]]$df <- as.integer(loglm.estimates$Df[var])
results[[ len.logreg ]]$dev <- as.numeric(loglm.estimates$Deviance[var])
pVal <- as.numeric(loglm.estimates$"Pr(>Chi)"[var])
results[[ len.logreg ]]$p <- pVal
- if (options$VovkSellkeMPR)
- results[[ len.logreg ]]$VovkSellkeMPR <- VovkSellkeMPR(pVal)
+ if (options$vovkSellke)
+ results[[ len.logreg ]]$vovkSellke <- VovkSellkeMPR(pVal)
results[[ len.logreg ]]$resDf <- as.integer(loglm.estimates$"Resid. Df"[var])
res <- as.numeric(loglm.estimates$"Resid. Dev"[var])
@@ -198,7 +198,7 @@ RegressionLogLinear <- function(jaspResults, dataset = NULL , options, ...) {
loglm.estimates <- loglm.summary$coefficients
loglm.coeff <- loglm.estimates[,"Estimate"]
loglm.estimates.SE <- loglm.estimates[,"Std. Error"]
- sig <- options$regressionCoefficientsConfidenceIntervalsInterval
+ sig <- options$regressionCoefficientsCiLevel
alpha <- (1 - sig) / 2
lower <- loglm.coeff + stats::qnorm(alpha)*loglm.estimates.SE
upper <- loglm.coeff + stats::qnorm(1-alpha)*loglm.estimates.SE
@@ -226,21 +226,21 @@ RegressionLogLinear <- function(jaspResults, dataset = NULL , options, ...) {
Z <- as.numeric(loglm.estimates[i,3])
p <- as.numeric(loglm.estimates[i,4])
- if (options$VovkSellkeMPR)
- VovkSellkeMPR <- VovkSellkeMPR(p)
+ if (options$vovkSellke)
+ vovkSellke <- VovkSellkeMPR(p)
results[[len.logreg]] <- list(
name = name,
Coeff = Coefficient,
SE = sd
- if(options$regressionCoefficientsConfidenceIntervals){
+ if(options$regressionCoefficientsCi){
results[[len.logreg]]$Lower <- as.numeric(lower[i])
results[[len.logreg]]$Upper <- as.numeric(upper[i])
results[[len.logreg]]$Z <- Z
results[[len.logreg]]$p <- p
- if(options$VovkSellkeMPR)
- results[[len.logreg]]$VovkSellkeMPR <- VovkSellkeMPR
+ if(options$vovkSellke)
+ results[[len.logreg]]$vovkSellke <- vovkSellke
len.logreg <- len.logreg + 1
@@ -256,7 +256,7 @@ RegressionLogLinear <- function(jaspResults, dataset = NULL , options, ...) {
# Create table
anovaTable <- createJaspTable(title = gettext("ANOVA"))
- anovaTable$dependOn(c("counts", "modelTerms", "VovkSellkeMPR"))
+ anovaTable$dependOn(c("count", "modelTerms", "vovkSellke"))
anovaTable$showSpecifiedColumnsOnly <- TRUE
anovaTable$position <- 1
@@ -268,7 +268,7 @@ RegressionLogLinear <- function(jaspResults, dataset = NULL , options, ...) {
anovaTable$addColumnInfo(name = "resDf", title = gettext("Residual df"), type = "integer")
anovaTable$addColumnInfo(name = "resDev", title = gettext("Residual Deviance"), type = "number")
anovaTable$addColumnInfo(name = "p", title = gettext("p"), type = "pvalue")
- if (options$VovkSellkeMPR)
+ if (options$vovkSellke)
jaspResults[["AnovaTable"]] <- anovaTable
@@ -290,9 +290,9 @@ RegressionLogLinear <- function(jaspResults, dataset = NULL , options, ...) {
# Create table
coefficientsTable <- createJaspTable(title = gettext("Coefficients"))
- dependList <- c("counts", "modelTerms", "regressionCoefficientsEstimates",
- "VovkSellkeMPR", "regressionCoefficientsConfidenceIntervals",
- "regressionCoefficientsConfidenceIntervalsInterval")
+ dependList <- c("count", "modelTerms", "regressionCoefficientsEstimates",
+ "vovkSellke", "regressionCoefficientsCi",
+ "regressionCoefficientsCiLevel")
coefficientsTable$showSpecifiedColumnsOnly <- TRUE
@@ -302,16 +302,16 @@ RegressionLogLinear <- function(jaspResults, dataset = NULL , options, ...) {
coefficientsTable$addColumnInfo(name = "name", title = "", type = "string")
coefficientsTable$addColumnInfo(name = "Coeff", title = gettext("Estimate"), type = "number", format = "dp:3")
coefficientsTable$addColumnInfo(name = "SE", title = gettext("Standard Error"), type = "number", format = "dp:3")
- if(options$regressionCoefficientsConfidenceIntervals){
- confIntVal <- options$regressionCoefficientsConfidenceIntervalsInterval
+ if(options$regressionCoefficientsCi){
+ confIntVal <- options$regressionCoefficientsCiLevel
ci <- gettextf("%s%% Confidence Intervals",100*confIntVal)
coefficientsTable$addColumnInfo(name = "Lower", title = gettext("Lower"), type = "number", overtitle = ci)
coefficientsTable$addColumnInfo(name = "Upper", title = gettext("Upper"), type = "number", overtitle = ci)
coefficientsTable$addColumnInfo(name = "Z", title = gettext("Z"), type = "number")
coefficientsTable$addColumnInfo(name = "p", title = gettext("p"), type = "pvalue")
- if (options$VovkSellkeMPR)
- coefficientsTable$addColumnInfo(name = "VovkSellkeMPR", title = gettextf("VS-MPR%s", "\u002A"), type = "number")
+ if (options$vovkSellke)
+ coefficientsTable$addColumnInfo(name = "vovkSellke", title = gettextf("VS-MPR%s", "\u002A"), type = "number")
jaspResults[["CoefficientsTable"]] <- coefficientsTable
@@ -346,13 +346,15 @@ RegressionLogLinear <- function(jaspResults, dataset = NULL , options, ...) {
"resDf" = char,
"resDev" = char,
"p" = char)
- if (options$VovkSellkeMPR)
- line$VovkSellkeMPR <- char
+ if (options$vovkSellke)
+ line$vovkSellke <- char
.regLogLinAddVovkSellke <- function(table) {
- table$addColumnInfo(name = "VovkSellkeMPR", title = gettextf("VS-MPR%s","\u002A"), type = "number")
+ table$addColumnInfo(name = "vovkSellke", title = gettextf("VS-MPR%s","\u002A"), type = "number")
message <- gettextf("Vovk-Sellke Maximum p-Ratio: Based the p-value, \
the maximum possible odds in favor of H%1$s over H%2$s equals \
1/(-e p log(p)) for p %3$s .37 \
diff --git a/R/regressionloglinearbayesian.R b/R/regressionloglinearbayesian.R
index a75edd7a..c5e70ef0 100644
--- a/R/regressionloglinearbayesian.R
+++ b/R/regressionloglinearbayesian.R
@@ -38,8 +38,8 @@ RegressionLogLinearBayesian <- function(jaspResults, dataset = NULL, options, ..
else {
counts <- factors <- NULL
- if(options$counts != "")
- counts <- options$counts
+ if(options$count != "")
+ counts <- options$count
if(length(options$modelTerms) > 0)
factors <- options$factors
return(.readDataSetToEnd(columns.as.factor = factors,
@@ -57,9 +57,10 @@ RegressionLogLinearBayesian <- function(jaspResults, dataset = NULL, options, ..
exitAnalysisIfErrors = TRUE
- if (options$counts != "") {
+ if (options$count != "") {
args$type <- c(args$type, "infinity", "negativeValues")
- args$missingValues.target <- c(options$counts, options$factors)
+ args$missingValues.target <- c(options$count, options$factors)
do.call(.hasErrors, args)
@@ -80,14 +81,14 @@ RegressionLogLinearBayesian <- function(jaspResults, dataset = NULL, options, ..
numberOfModels <- length(options$modelTerms)
variablesInModel <- bcctObj <- NULL
- if (options$counts == "")
+ if (options$count == "")
dataset <- plyr::count(dataset)
# Extract models needed to be compared
- if (options$counts == "")
+ if (options$count == "")
dependentVariable <- "freq"
- dependentVariable <- unlist(options$counts)
+ dependentVariable <- unlist(options$count)
dependentBase64 <- .v(dependentVariable)
if (length(options$modelTerms) > 0) {
@@ -116,10 +117,11 @@ RegressionLogLinearBayesian <- function(jaspResults, dataset = NULL, options, ..
if (length(variablesInModel) == 0) {
variablesInModel <- c("...", "... ")
modelDefinition <- NULL #this model has no parameters
- } else if (length(variablesInModel) == 1 && options$counts == "") {
+ } else if (length(variablesInModel) == 1 && options$count == "") {
variablesInModel <- c(variablesInModel, "... ")
modelDefinition <- NULL #this model has only one parameter
- } else if (length(variablesInModel) > 1 || options$counts != "") {
+ } else if (length(variablesInModel) > 1 || options$count != "") {
modelDefinition <- paste(dependentBase64, "~",
paste(variablesInModelBase64, collapse = "+"))
} else {
@@ -134,7 +136,7 @@ RegressionLogLinearBayesian <- function(jaspResults, dataset = NULL, options, ..
if (!is.null(modelDefinition)) {
modelFormula <- as.formula(modelDefinition)
- if (options$counts == "")
+ if (options$count == "")
names(dataset)[names(dataset) == "freq"] <- dependentBase64
# Calculate here
#gives an object computed using Bayesian Analysis of Complete Contingency Tables
@@ -146,12 +148,12 @@ RegressionLogLinearBayesian <- function(jaspResults, dataset = NULL, options, ..
bfObject$nBurnIn <- 2000 * 0.2
# Always do auto and then manual adds additional samples
- if (options$sampleMode == "manual"){
+ if (options$samplingMethod == "manual"){
bcctObj <- try(conting::bcctu(object = bcctObj,
- n.sample = options$fixedSamplesNumber),
+ n.sample = options$samplingMethodManualSamples),
silent = TRUE)
- bfObject$nBurnIn <- (2000 + options$fixedSamplesNumber) * 0.2
+ bfObject$nBurnIn <- (2000 + options$samplingMethodManualSamples) * 0.2
# bcct object checking
@@ -173,7 +175,7 @@ RegressionLogLinearBayesian <- function(jaspResults, dataset = NULL, options, ..
# then nothing going on, resample
bcctSummary <- try(conting::mod_probs(bfObject$bcctObj, scale = 0,
- best = options$maxModels), silent = TRUE)
+ best = options$modelCutOffBestDisplayed), silent = TRUE)
if (inherits(bcctSummary, "modprobs")) {
# Good case
@@ -197,7 +199,7 @@ RegressionLogLinearBayesian <- function(jaspResults, dataset = NULL, options, ..
container[["bfObject"]] <- createJaspState(bfObject)
- container[["bfObject"]]$dependOn(c("fixedSamplesNumber", "sampleMode", "seed", "setSeed", "maxModels"))
+ container[["bfObject"]]$dependOn(c("samplingMethodManualSamples", "samplingMethod", "seed", "setSeed", "modelCutOffBestDisplayed"))
@@ -208,7 +210,7 @@ RegressionLogLinearBayesian <- function(jaspResults, dataset = NULL, options, ..
posteriorTableRows <- list()
results <- list()
- nModelsReport <- try(min(bfObject$nModelsVisited, options$maxModels))
+ nModelsReport <- try(min(bfObject$nModelsVisited, options$modelCutOffBestDisplayed))
if (!is.null(bfObject$modelNames))
reportNames <- .unvf(bfObject$modelNames)
else if (!is.null(bfObject$variables))
@@ -254,10 +256,10 @@ RegressionLogLinearBayesian <- function(jaspResults, dataset = NULL, options, ..
lookup.table[["(Intercept)"]] <- gettext("(Intercept)")
if(inherits(bfObject$bcctObj, "bcct")) {
- probLevel <- options$regressionCoefficientsCredibleIntervalsInterval
+ probLevel <- options$regressionCoefficientsCiLevel
logBlm.summary <- summary(bfObject$bcctObj,
n.burnin = bfObject$nBurnIn,
- cutoff = options$posteriorProbabilityCutOff,
+ cutoff = options$modelCutOffPosteriorProbability,
prob.level = probLevel)
logBlm.estimates <- logBlm.summary$int_stats
@@ -285,7 +287,7 @@ RegressionLogLinearBayesian <- function(jaspResults, dataset = NULL, options, ..
results[[ len.Blogreg ]]$"post_mean" <- as.numeric(logBlm.estimates$post_mean[var])
results[[ len.Blogreg ]]$"post_var" <- as.numeric(logBlm.estimates$post_var[var])
- if (options$regressionCoefficientsCredibleIntervals == TRUE){
+ if (options$regressionCoefficientsCi == TRUE){
results[[ len.Blogreg ]]$"lower_lim" <- as.numeric(logBlm.estimates$lower[var])
results[[ len.Blogreg ]]$"upper_lim" <- as.numeric(logBlm.estimates$upper[var])
@@ -336,7 +338,7 @@ RegressionLogLinearBayesian <- function(jaspResults, dataset = NULL, options, ..
lookup.table[["(Intercept)"]] <- gettext("(Intercept)")
if (!is.null(bfObject$bcctObj)) {
- probLevel <- options$regressionCoefficientsSubmodelCredibleIntervalsInterval
+ probLevel <- options$regressionCoefficientsSubmodelCiLevel
order <- options$regressionCoefficientsSubmodelNo
logBlm.subestimates = try(conting::sub_model(bfObject$bcctObj,
n.burnin = bfObject$nBurnIn,
@@ -377,7 +379,8 @@ RegressionLogLinearBayesian <- function(jaspResults, dataset = NULL, options, ..
results[[ len.Blogreg ]]$"post_mean" <- as.numeric(logBlm.subestimates$post_mean[var])
results[[ len.Blogreg ]]$"post_var" <- as.numeric(logBlm.subestimates$post_var[var])
- if (options$regressionCoefficientsSubmodelCredibleIntervals){
+ if (options$regressionCoefficientsSubmodelCi){
results[[ len.Blogreg ]]$"lower_lim" <- as.numeric(logBlm.subestimates$lower[var])
results[[ len.Blogreg ]]$"upper_lim" <- as.numeric(logBlm.subestimates$upper[var])
@@ -427,8 +430,8 @@ RegressionLogLinearBayesian <- function(jaspResults, dataset = NULL, options, ..
.basRegLogLinContainer <- function(jaspResults, dataset, options) {
if(is.null(jaspResults[["Container"]])) {
jaspResults[["Container"]] <- createJaspContainer()
- jaspResults[["Container"]]$dependOn(c("counts", "modelTerms", "priorShape",
- "priorScale", "sampleMode", "fixedSamplesNumber", "seed", "setSeed"))
+ jaspResults[["Container"]]$dependOn(c("count", "modelTerms", "priorShape",
+ "priorScale", "samplingMethod", "samplingMethodManualSamples", "seed", "setSeed"))
@@ -439,7 +442,7 @@ RegressionLogLinearBayesian <- function(jaspResults, dataset = NULL, options, ..
# Create table
mainTable <- createJaspTable(title = gettext("Model Comparison"))
- mainTable$dependOn(c("bayesFactorType", "maxModels", "posteriorProbabilityCutOff"))
+ mainTable$dependOn(c("bayesFactorType", "modelCutOffBestDisplayed", "modelCutOffPosteriorProbability"))
mainTable$showSpecifiedColumnsOnly <- TRUE
mainTable$position <- 1
@@ -471,8 +474,8 @@ RegressionLogLinearBayesian <- function(jaspResults, dataset = NULL, options, ..
# Create table
summaryTable <- createJaspTable(title = gettext("Posterior Summary Statistics"))
- "regressionCoefficientsCredibleIntervals",
- "regressionCoefficientsCredibleIntervalsInterval"))
+ "regressionCoefficientsCi",
+ "regressionCoefficientsCiLevel"))
summaryTable$showSpecifiedColumnsOnly <- TRUE
summaryTable$position <- 2
@@ -482,8 +485,8 @@ RegressionLogLinearBayesian <- function(jaspResults, dataset = NULL, options, ..
summaryTable$addColumnInfo(name = "post_prob", title = gettext("P(incl|data)"), type = "number", format = "dp:3")
summaryTable$addColumnInfo(name = "post_mean", title = gettext("Mean"), type = "number", format = "dp:3")
summaryTable$addColumnInfo(name = "post_var", title = gettext("Variance"), type = "number", format = "dp:3")
- if(options$regressionCoefficientsCredibleIntervals){
- ci.label <- gettextf("%s%% Credible intervals", 100*options$regressionCoefficientsCredibleIntervalsInterval)
+ if(options$regressionCoefficientsCi){
+ ci.label <- gettextf("%s%% Credible intervals", 100*options$regressionCoefficientsCiLevel)
summaryTable$addColumnInfo(name = "lower_lim", title = gettext("Lower"), type = "number", overtitle = ci.label)
summaryTable$addColumnInfo(name = "upper_lim", title = gettext("Upper"), type = "number", overtitle = ci.label)
@@ -508,8 +511,8 @@ RegressionLogLinearBayesian <- function(jaspResults, dataset = NULL, options, ..
subSummaryTable <- createJaspTable(title = title)
- "regressionCoefficientsSubmodelCredibleIntervals",
- "regressionCoefficientsSubmodelCredibleIntervalsInterval",
+ "regressionCoefficientsSubmodelCi",
+ "regressionCoefficientsSubmodelCiLevel",
subSummaryTable$showSpecifiedColumnsOnly <- TRUE
@@ -520,8 +523,8 @@ RegressionLogLinearBayesian <- function(jaspResults, dataset = NULL, options, ..
subSummaryTable$addColumnInfo(name = "post_mean", title = gettext("Mean"), type = "number", format = "dp:3")
subSummaryTable$addColumnInfo(name = "post_var", title = gettext("Variance"), type = "number", format = "dp:3")
- if(options$regressionCoefficientsSubmodelCredibleIntervals){
- ciVal <- options$regressionCoefficientsSubmodelCredibleIntervalsInterval
+ if(options$regressionCoefficientsSubmodelCi){
+ ciVal <- options$regressionCoefficientsSubmodelCiLevel
ci.label <- gettextf("%.0f%% Credible intervals", 100*ciVal)
subSummaryTable$addColumnInfo(name = "lower_lim", title = gettext("Lower"), type = "number", overtitle = ci.label)
diff --git a/inst/Upgrades.qml b/inst/Upgrades.qml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6e6aa6c9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/inst/Upgrades.qml
@@ -0,0 +1,285 @@
+import QtQuick 2.12
+import JASP.Module 1.0
+ Upgrade
+ {
+ functionName: "BinomialTest"
+ fromVersion: "0.16.4"
+ toVersion: "0.17.0"
+ ChangeRename{ from: "hypothesis"; to: "alternative" }
+ ChangeJS
+ {
+ name: "alternative"
+ jsFunction: function(options)
+ {
+ switch(options["alternative"])
+ {
+ case "notEqualToTestValue": return "twoSided";
+ case "greaterThanTestValue": return "greater";
+ case "lessThanTestValue": return "less";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ChangeRename{ from: "confidenceInterval"; to: "ci" }
+ ChangeRename{ from: "confidenceIntervalInterval"; to: "ciLevel" }
+ ChangeRename{ from: "VovkSellkeMPR"; to: "vovkSellke" }
+ ChangeRename{ from: "descriptivesPlots"; to: "descriptivesPlot" }
+ ChangeRename{ from: "descriptivesPlotsConfidenceInterval"; to: "descriptivesPlotCiLevel" }
+ }
+ Upgrade
+ {
+ functionName: "BinomialTestBayesian"
+ fromVersion: "0.16.4"
+ toVersion: "0.17.0"
+ ChangeRename{ from: "hypothesis"; to: "alternative" }
+ ChangeJS
+ {
+ name: "alternative"
+ jsFunction: function(options)
+ {
+ switch(options["alternative"])
+ {
+ case "notEqualToTestValue": return "twoSided";
+ case "greaterThanTestValue": return "greater";
+ case "lessThanTestValue": return "less";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ChangeRename{ from: "plotPriorAndPosterior"; to: "priorPosteriorPlot" }
+ ChangeRename{ from: "plotPriorAndPosteriorAdditionalInfo"; to: "priorPosteriorPlotAdditionalInfo" }
+ ChangeRename{ from: "plotSequentialAnalysis"; to: "bfSequentialPlot" }
+ ChangeRename{ from: "descriptivesPlots"; to: "descriptivesPlot" }
+ ChangeRename{ from: "descriptivesPlotsCredibleInterval"; to: "descriptivesPlotCiLevel" }
+ }
+ Upgrade
+ {
+ functionName: "MultinomialTest"
+ fromVersion: "0.16.4"
+ toVersion: "0.17.0"
+ // this option did not do anything and was always hidden so now it's removed
+ ChangeRemove{ name: "simulatepval" }
+ ChangeRename{ from: "counts"; to: "count" }
+ ChangeRename{ from: "exProbVar"; to: "expectedCount" }
+ ChangeRename{ from: "hypothesis"; to: "testValues" }
+ ChangeJS
+ {
+ name: "testValues"
+ jsFunction: function(options)
+ {
+ switch(options["testValues"])
+ {
+ case "multinomialTest": return "equal";
+ case "expectedProbs": return "custom";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ChangeRename{ from: "tableWidget"; to: "testValuesCustom" }
+ ChangeRename{ from: "VovkSellkeMPR"; to: "vovkSellke" }
+ ChangeRename{ from: "descriptives"; to: "descriptivesTable" }
+ ChangeRename{ from: "confidenceInterval"; to: "descriptivesTableCi" }
+ ChangeRename{ from: "confidenceIntervalInterval"; to: "descriptivesTableCiLevel" }
+ ChangeRename{ from: "countProp"; to: "descriptivesType" }
+ ChangeJS
+ {
+ name: "descriptivesType"
+ jsFunction: function(options)
+ {
+ switch(options["descriptivesType"])
+ {
+ case "descCounts": return "counts";
+ case "descProps": return "proportions";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ChangeRename{ from: "descriptivesPlotConfidenceInterval"; to: "descriptivesPlotCiLevel" }
+ }
+ Upgrade
+ {
+ functionName: "MultinomialTestBayesian"
+ fromVersion: "0.16.4"
+ toVersion: "0.17.0"
+ ChangeRename{ from: "counts"; to: "count" }
+ ChangeRename{ from: "exProbVar"; to: "expectedCount" }
+ ChangeRename{ from: "hypothesis"; to: "testValues" }
+ ChangeJS
+ {
+ name: "testValues"
+ jsFunction: function(options)
+ {
+ switch(options["testValues"])
+ {
+ case "multinomialTest": return "equal";
+ case "expectedProbs": return "custom";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ChangeRename{ from: "tableWidget"; to: "testValuesCustom" }
+ ChangeRename{ from: "descriptives"; to: "descriptivesTable" }
+ ChangeRename{ from: "credibleInterval"; to: "descriptivesTableCi" }
+ ChangeRename{ from: "credibleIntervalInterval"; to: "descriptivesTableCiLevel" }
+ ChangeRename{ from: "countProp"; to: "descriptivesType" }
+ ChangeJS
+ {
+ name: "descriptivesType"
+ jsFunction: function(options)
+ {
+ switch(options["descriptivesType"])
+ {
+ case "descCounts": return "counts";
+ case "descProps": return "proportions";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ChangeRename{ from: "descriptivesPlotCredibleInterval"; to: "descriptivesPlotCiLevel" }
+ }
+ Upgrade
+ {
+ functionName: "ContingencyTables"
+ fromVersion: "0.16.4"
+ toVersion: "0.17.0"
+ ChangeRename{ from: "VovkSellkeMPR"; to: "vovkSellke" }
+ ChangeRename{ from: "LogOdds"; to: "oddsRatioAsLogOdds" }
+ ChangeRename{ from: "oddsRatioConfidenceIntervalInterval"; to: "oddsRatioCiLevel" }
+ ChangeRename{ from: "oddsRatioHypothesis"; to: "oddsRatioAlternative" }
+ ChangeSetValue
+ {
+ name: "oddsRatioAlternative"
+ condition: function(options) { return options["oddsRatioAlternative"] === "two.sided" }
+ jsonValue: "twoSided"
+ }
+ ChangeRename{ from: "cochransAndMantel"; to: "cochranAndMantel" }
+ ChangeRename{ from: "testOddsRatioEquals"; to: "cochranAndMantelCommonOddsRatioTest" }
+ ChangeRename{ from: "hideSmallCounts"; to: "countsHiddenSmallCounts" }
+ ChangeRename{ from: "hideSmallCountsLessThan"; to: "countsHiddenSmallCountsThreshold" }
+ ChangeRename{ from: "zTestCompareColumns"; to: "zTestColumnComparison" }
+ ChangeRename{ from: "zTestAdjustPValues"; to: "zTestAdjustedPValues" }
+ }
+ Upgrade
+ {
+ functionName: "ContingencyTablesBayesian"
+ fromVersion: "0.16.4"
+ toVersion: "0.17.0"
+ ChangeRename{ from: "oddsRatioCredibleIntervalInterval"; to: "oddsRatioCiLevel" }
+ ChangeRename{ from: "effectSize"; to: "cramersV" }
+ ChangeRename{ from: "effectSizeCredibleIntervalInterval"; to: "cramersVCiLevel" }
+ ChangeRename{ from: "hypothesis"; to: "alternative" }
+ ChangeJS
+ {
+ name: "alternative"
+ jsFunction: function(options)
+ {
+ switch(options["alternative"])
+ {
+ case "groupsNotEqual": return "twoSided";
+ case "groupOneGreater": return "greater";
+ case "groupTwoGreater": return "less";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ChangeRename{ from: "plotPosteriorOddsRatio"; to: "posteriorOddsRatioPlot" }
+ ChangeRename{ from: "plotPosteriorOddsRatioAdditionalInfo"; to: "posteriorOddsRatioPlotAdditionalInfo" }
+ ChangeRename{ from: "plotPosteriorEffectSize"; to: "cramersVPlot" }
+ }
+ Upgrade
+ {
+ functionName: "RegressionLogLinear"
+ fromVersion: "0.16.4"
+ toVersion: "0.17.0"
+ ChangeRename{ from: "counts"; to: "count" }
+ ChangeRename{ from: "regressionCoefficientsConfidenceIntervals"; to: "regressionCoefficientsCi" }
+ ChangeRename{ from: "regressionCoefficientsConfidenceIntervalsInterval"; to: "regressionCoefficientsCiLevel" }
+ ChangeRename{ from: "VovkSellkeMPR"; to: "vovkSellke" }
+ }
+ Upgrade
+ {
+ functionName: "RegressionLogLinearBayesian"
+ fromVersion: "0.16.4"
+ toVersion: "0.17.0"
+ ChangeRename{ from: "counts"; to: "count" }
+ ChangeRename{ from: "maxModels"; to: "modelCutOffBestDisplayed" }
+ ChangeRename{ from: "posteriorProbabilityCutOff"; to: "modelCutOffPosteriorProbability" }
+ ChangeRename{ from: "regressionCoefficientsCredibleIntervals"; to: "regressionCoefficientsCi" }
+ ChangeRename{ from: "regressionCoefficientsCredibleIntervalsInterval"; to: "regressionCoefficientsCiLevel" }
+ ChangeRename{ from: "regressionCoefficientsSubmodelCredibleIntervals"; to: "regressionCoefficientsSubmodelCi" }
+ ChangeRename{ from: "regressionCoefficientsSubmodelCredibleIntervalsInterval"; to: "regressionCoefficientsSubmodelCiLevel" }
+ ChangeRename{ from: "sampleMode"; to: "samplingMethod" }
+ ChangeRename{ from: "fixedSamplesNumber"; to: "samplingMethodManualSamples" }
+ }
+ Upgrade
+ {
+ functionName: "ABTestBayesian"
+ fromVersion: "0.16.4"
+ toVersion: "0.17.0"
+ ChangeRename{ from: "normal_mu"; to: "normalPriorMean" }
+ ChangeRename{ from: "normal_sigma"; to: "normalPriorSd" }
+ ChangeRename{ from: "descriptives"; to: "descriptivesTable" }
+ ChangeRename{ from: "plotPriorAndPosterior"; to: "priorPosteriorPlot" }
+ ChangeRename{ from: "plotPosteriorType"; to: "priorPosteriorPlotType" }
+ ChangeJS
+ {
+ name: "priorPosteriorPlotType"
+ jsFunction: function(options)
+ {
+ switch(options["priorPosteriorPlotType"])
+ {
+ case "LogOddsRatio": return "logOddsRatio";
+ case "OddsRatio": return "oddsRatio";
+ case "RelativeRisk": return "relativeRisk";
+ case "AbsoluteRisk": return "absoluteRisk";
+ case "p1&p2": return "p1P2";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ChangeRename{ from: "plotSequentialAnalysis"; to: "bfSequentialPlot" }
+ ChangeRename{ from: "plotPriorOnly"; to: "priorPlot" }
+ ChangeRename{ from: "plotPriorType"; to: "priorPlotType" }
+ ChangeJS
+ {
+ name: "priorPlotType"
+ jsFunction: function(options)
+ {
+ switch(options["priorPlotType"])
+ {
+ case "LogOddsRatio": return "logOddsRatio";
+ case "OddsRatio": return "oddsRatio";
+ case "RelativeRisk": return "relativeRisk";
+ case "AbsoluteRisk": return "absoluteRisk";
+ case "p1&p2": return "p1P2";
+ default: return options["priorPlotType"];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ChangeRename{ from: "plotRobustness"; to: "bfRobustnessPlot" }
+ ChangeRename{ from: "plotRobustnessBFType"; to: "bfRobustnessPlotType" }
+ ChangeRename{ from: "orEqualTo1Prob"; to: "priorModelProbabilityEqual" }
+ ChangeRename{ from: "orGreaterThan1Prob"; to: "priorModelProbabilityGreater" }
+ ChangeRename{ from: "orLessThan1Prob"; to: "priorModelProbabilityLess" }
+ ChangeRename{ from: "orNotEqualTo1Prob"; to: "priorModelProbabilityTwoSided" }
+ ChangeRename{ from: "numSamples"; to: "samples" }
+ ChangeRename{ from: "mu_stepsize"; to: "bfRobustnessPlotStepsPriorMean" }
+ ChangeRename{ from: "sigma_stepsize"; to: "bfRobustnessPlotStepsPriorSd" }
+ ChangeRename{ from: "mu_stepsize_lower"; to: "bfRobustnessPlotLowerPriorMean" }
+ ChangeRename{ from: "mu_stepsize_upper"; to: "bfRobustnessPlotUpperPriorMean" }
+ ChangeRename{ from: "sigma_stepsize_lower"; to: "bfRobustnessPlotLowerPriorSd" }
+ ChangeRename{ from: "sigma_stepsize_upper"; to: "bfRobustnessPlotUpperPriorSd" }
+ }
diff --git a/inst/qml/ABTestBayesian.qml b/inst/qml/ABTestBayesian.qml
index 9d2f3654..ee79ae72 100644
--- a/inst/qml/ABTestBayesian.qml
+++ b/inst/qml/ABTestBayesian.qml
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ import JASP 1.0
@@ -47,13 +47,13 @@ Form
title : qsTr("Normal Prior on Log Odds Ratio")
- DoubleField { label: qsTr("\u03bc:"); name: "normal_mu"; defaultValue: 0; negativeValues: true}
- DoubleField { label: qsTr("\u03c3:"); name: "normal_sigma"; defaultValue: 1 }
+ DoubleField { label: qsTr("\u03bc:"); name: "normalPriorMean"; defaultValue: 0; negativeValues: true}
+ DoubleField { label: qsTr("\u03c3:"); name: "normalPriorSd"; defaultValue: 1 }
- name : "descriptives";
+ name : "descriptivesTable";
label : qsTr("Descriptives")
@@ -65,48 +65,64 @@ Form
title : qsTr("Plots")
- name : "plotPriorAndPosterior"
+ name : "priorPosteriorPlot"
label : qsTr("Prior and posterior")
childrenOnSameRow: true
id: plotPosteriorType
- name: "plotPosteriorType"
- values: [ "LogOddsRatio", "OddsRatio", "RelativeRisk", "AbsoluteRisk", "p1&p2" ]
+ name: "priorPosteriorPlotType"
+ values:
+ [
+ { value: "logOddsRatio", label: qsTr("Log Odds Ratio") },
+ { value: "oddsRatio", label: qsTr("Odds Ratio") },
+ { value: "relativeRisk", label: qsTr("Relative Risk") },
+ { value: "absoluteRisk", label: qsTr("Absolute Risk") },
+ { value: "p1P2", label: qsTr("p1 & p2") }
+ ]
- name : "plotSequentialAnalysis"
+ name : "bfSequentialPlot"
label : qsTr("Sequential analysis")
- name : "plotPriorOnly"
+ name : "priorPlot"
label : qsTr("Prior")
childrenOnSameRow: true
id: plotPriorType
- name: "plotPriorType"
- values: [ "LogOddsRatio", "OddsRatio", "RelativeRisk", "AbsoluteRisk", "p1&p2", "p1", "p2" ]
+ name: "priorPlotType"
+ values:
+ [
+ { value: "logOddsRatio", label: qsTr("Log Odds Ratio") },
+ { value: "oddsRatio", label: qsTr("Odds Ratio") },
+ { value: "relativeRisk", label: qsTr("Relative Risk") },
+ { value: "absoluteRisk", label: qsTr("Absolute Risk") },
+ { value: "p1P2", label: qsTr("p1 & p2") },
+ { value: "p1", label: qsTr("p1") },
+ { value: "p1", label: qsTr("p1") },
+ ]
- name : "plotRobustness"
+ name : "bfRobustnessPlot"
label : qsTr("Bayes factor robustness check")
childrenOnSameRow : true
id : plotRobustnessBFType
- name : "plotRobustnessBFType"
+ name : "bfRobustnessPlotType"
values : bayesFactorType.value == "BF01" ? ['BF01', 'BF0+', 'BF0-'] : ['BF10', 'BF+0', 'BF-0']
@@ -131,16 +147,16 @@ Form
title: qsTr("Prior Model Probability")
- DoubleField { name: "orEqualTo1Prob"; label: qsTr("Log odds ratio = 0"); defaultValue: 0.5; max: 1; min: 0; decimals: 3 }
- DoubleField { name: "orGreaterThan1Prob"; label: qsTr("Log odds ratio > 0"); defaultValue: 0.25; max: 1; min: 0; decimals: 3 }
- DoubleField { name: "orLessThan1Prob"; label: qsTr("Log odds ratio < 0"); defaultValue: 0.25; max: 1; min: 0; decimals: 3 }
- DoubleField { name: "orNotEqualTo1Prob"; label: qsTr("Log odds ratio \u2260 0"); defaultValue: 0; max: 1; min: 0; decimals: 3 }
+ DoubleField { name: "priorModelProbabilityEqual"; label: qsTr("Log odds ratio = 0"); defaultValue: 0.5; max: 1; min: 0; decimals: 3 }
+ DoubleField { name: "priorModelProbabilityGreater"; label: qsTr("Log odds ratio > 0"); defaultValue: 0.25; max: 1; min: 0; decimals: 3 }
+ DoubleField { name: "priorModelProbabilityLess"; label: qsTr("Log odds ratio < 0"); defaultValue: 0.25; max: 1; min: 0; decimals: 3 }
+ DoubleField { name: "priorModelProbabilityTwoSided"; label: qsTr("Log odds ratio \u2260 0"); defaultValue: 0; max: 1; min: 0; decimals: 3 }
title: qsTr("Sampling")
- IntegerField { name: "numSamples"; label: qsTr("No. samples"); defaultValue: 10000; min: 100; fieldWidth: 50; }
+ IntegerField { name: "samples"; label: qsTr("No. samples"); defaultValue: 10000; min: 100; fieldWidth: 50; }
SetSeed {}
@@ -155,8 +171,8 @@ Form
title : qsTr("No. Steps")
- IntegerField { label: qsTr("\u03bc:"); name: "mu_stepsize"; defaultValue: 5; min: 3 }
- IntegerField { label: qsTr("\u03c3:"); name: "sigma_stepsize"; defaultValue: 5; min: 3 }
+ IntegerField { label: qsTr("\u03bc:"); name: "bfRobustnessPlotStepsPriorMean"; defaultValue: 5; min: 3 }
+ IntegerField { label: qsTr("\u03c3:"); name: "bfRobustnessPlotStepsPriorSd"; defaultValue: 5; min: 3 }
@@ -169,7 +185,7 @@ Form
id : muLower
label : qsTr("lower:")
- name : "mu_stepsize_lower"
+ name : "bfRobustnessPlotLowerPriorMean"
defaultValue : plotRobustnessBFType.currentText == "BF+0" ? 0 : -0.5
max : muUpper.value
negativeValues : true
@@ -180,7 +196,7 @@ Form
id : muUpper
label : qsTr("upper:")
- name : "mu_stepsize_upper"
+ name : "bfRobustnessPlotUpperPriorMean"
defaultValue : plotRobustnessBFType.currentText == "BF-0" ? 0 : 0.5
min : muLower.value
negativeValues : true
@@ -192,7 +208,7 @@ Form
id : sigmaLower
label : qsTr("lower:")
- name : "sigma_stepsize_lower"
+ name : "bfRobustnessPlotLowerPriorSd"
defaultValue : 0.1
max : sigmaUpper.value
negativeValues : false
@@ -202,7 +218,7 @@ Form
id : sigmaUpper
label : qsTr("upper:")
- name : "sigma_stepsize_upper"
+ name : "bfRobustnessPlotUpperPriorSd"
defaultValue : 1.0
min : sigmaLower.value
negativeValues : false
diff --git a/inst/qml/BinomialTest.qml b/inst/qml/BinomialTest.qml
index 46f65f0f..a2411c67 100644
--- a/inst/qml/BinomialTest.qml
+++ b/inst/qml/BinomialTest.qml
@@ -36,10 +36,10 @@ Form
title: qsTr("Alt. Hypothesis")
- name: "hypothesis"
- RadioButton { value: "notEqualToTestValue"; label: qsTr("≠ Test value"); checked: true }
- RadioButton { value: "greaterThanTestValue"; label: qsTr("> Test value") }
- RadioButton { value: "lessThanTestValue"; label: qsTr("< Test value") }
+ name: "alternative"
+ RadioButton { value: "twoSided"; label: qsTr("≠ Test value"); checked: true }
+ RadioButton { value: "greater"; label: qsTr("> Test value") }
+ RadioButton { value: "less"; label: qsTr("< Test value") }
@@ -47,10 +47,11 @@ Form
title: qsTr("Additional Statisics")
- name: "confidenceInterval"; label: qsTr("Confidence interval")
- CIField { name: "confidenceIntervalInterval"; label: qsTr("Interval") }
+ name: "ci"
+ label: qsTr("Confidence interval")
+ CIField { name: "ciLevel"; label: qsTr("Interval") }
- CheckBox { name: "VovkSellkeMPR"; label: qsTr("Vovk-Sellke maximum p-ratio") }
+ CheckBox { name: "vovkSellke"; label: qsTr("Vovk-Sellke maximum p-ratio") }
@@ -58,9 +59,8 @@ Form
title: qsTr("Plots")
- name: "descriptivesPlots"; label: qsTr("Descriptive plots")
- CIField { name: "descriptivesPlotsConfidenceInterval"; label: qsTr("Confidence interval") }
+ name: "descriptivesPlot"; label: qsTr("Descriptive plots")
+ CIField { name: "descriptivesPlotCiLevel"; label: qsTr("Confidence interval") }
diff --git a/inst/qml/BinomialTestBayesian.qml b/inst/qml/BinomialTestBayesian.qml
index 0f956de5..c2bdf3ad 100644
--- a/inst/qml/BinomialTestBayesian.qml
+++ b/inst/qml/BinomialTestBayesian.qml
@@ -42,10 +42,10 @@ Form
title: qsTr("Direction")
- name: "hypothesis"
- RadioButton { value: "notEqualToTestValue"; label: qsTr("≠ Test value"); checked: true }
- RadioButton { value: "greaterThanTestValue"; label: qsTr("> Test value") }
- RadioButton { value: "lessThanTestValue"; label: qsTr("< Test value") }
+ name: "alternative"
+ RadioButton { value: "twoSided"; label: qsTr("≠ Test value"); checked: true }
+ RadioButton { value: "greater"; label: qsTr("> Test value") }
+ RadioButton { value: "less"; label: qsTr("< Test value") }
@@ -60,15 +60,17 @@ Form
title: qsTr("Plots")
- name: "plotPriorAndPosterior"; label: qsTr("Prior and posterior")
- CheckBox { name: "plotPriorAndPosteriorAdditionalInfo"; label: qsTr("Additional info"); checked: true }
+ name: "priorPosteriorPlot"
+ label: qsTr("Prior and posterior")
+ CheckBox { name: "priorPosteriorPlotAdditionalInfo"; label: qsTr("Additional info"); checked: true }
+ }
+ CheckBox { name: "bfSequentialPlot"; label: qsTr("Sequential analysis") }
+ CheckBox
+ {
+ name: "descriptivesPlot"
+ label: qsTr("Descriptive plots")
+ CIField { name: "descriptivesPlotCiLevel"; label: qsTr("Credible interval") }
- CheckBox { name: "plotSequentialAnalysis"; label: qsTr("Sequential analysis") }
- CheckBox
- {
- name: "descriptivesPlots"; label: qsTr("Descriptive plots")
- CIField { name: "descriptivesPlotsCredibleInterval"; label: qsTr("Credible interval") }
- }
BayesFactorType {}
diff --git a/inst/qml/ContingencyTables.qml b/inst/qml/ContingencyTables.qml
index 461fc2a2..957462e2 100644
--- a/inst/qml/ContingencyTables.qml
+++ b/inst/qml/ContingencyTables.qml
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ Form
CheckBox { name: "chiSquared"; label: qsTr("χ²"); checked: true }
CheckBox { name: "chiSquaredContinuityCorrection"; label: qsTr("χ² continuity correction") }
CheckBox { name: "likelihoodRatio"; label: qsTr("Likelihood ratio") }
- CheckBox { name: "VovkSellkeMPR"; label: qsTr("Vovk-Sellke maximum p-ratio") }
+ CheckBox { name: "vovkSellke"; label: qsTr("Vovk-Sellke maximum p-ratio") }
@@ -50,14 +50,14 @@ Form
name: "oddsRatio"; label: qsTr("Odds ratio (2x2 only)")
- name: "LogOdds"; label: qsTr("Log Odds Ratio"); checked: true
+ name: "oddsRatioAsLogOdds"; label: qsTr("Log Odds Ratio"); checked: true
- CIField { name: "oddsRatioConfidenceIntervalInterval"; label: qsTr("Confidence interval") }
+ CIField { name: "oddsRatioCiLevel"; label: qsTr("Confidence interval") }
title: qsTr("Alt. Hypothesis (Fisher's exact test)")
- name: "oddsRatioHypothesis"
- RadioButton { value: "two.sided"; label: qsTr("Group one ≠ Group two"); checked: true }
+ name: "oddsRatioAlternative"
+ RadioButton { value: "twoSided"; label: qsTr("Group one ≠ Group two"); checked: true }
RadioButton { value: "greater"; label: qsTr("Group one > Group two") }
RadioButton { value: "less"; label: qsTr("Group one < Group two") }
@@ -77,9 +77,9 @@ Form
title: qsTr("Ordinal")
CheckBox { name: "gamma"; label: qsTr("Gamma") }
- CheckBox { name: "somersD"; label: qsTr("Somers' d"); debug: true }
+ CheckBox { name: "somersD"; label: qsTr("Somers' d"); debug: true }
CheckBox { name: "kendallsTauB"; label: qsTr("Kendall's tau-b") }
- CheckBox { name: "kendallsTauC"; label: qsTr("Kendall's tau-c"); debug: true }
+ CheckBox { name: "kendallsTauC"; label: qsTr("Kendall's tau-c"); debug: true }
@@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ Form
Layout.columnSpan: 2
- name: "cochransAndMantel"; label: qsTr("Cochran's and Mantel-Haenszel statistics")
+ name: "cochranAndMantel"; label: qsTr("Cochran's and Mantel-Haenszel statistics")
DoubleField { name: "testOddsRatioEquals"; label: qsTr("Test common odds ratio equals"); defaultValue: 1 }
@@ -111,8 +111,8 @@ Form
CheckBox { name: "countsExpected"; label: qsTr("Expected") }
- name: "hideSmallCounts"; label: qsTr("Hide small counts"); debug: true
- IntegerField { name: "hideSmallCountsLessThan"; label: qsTr("Less than"); defaultValue: 5; debug: true }
+ name: "countsHiddenSmallCounts"; label: qsTr("Hide small counts"); debug: true
+ IntegerField { name: "countsHiddenSmallCountsThreshold"; label: qsTr("Less than"); defaultValue: 5; debug: true }
@@ -122,8 +122,8 @@ Form
debug: true
- name: "zTestCompareColumns"; label: qsTr("Compare column proportions")
- CheckBox { name: "zTestAdjustPValues"; label: qsTr("Adjust p-values") }
+ name: "zTestColumnComparison"; label: qsTr("Compare column proportions")
+ CheckBox { name: "zTestAdjustedPValues"; label: qsTr("Adjust p-values") }
diff --git a/inst/qml/ContingencyTablesBayesian.qml b/inst/qml/ContingencyTablesBayesian.qml
index 8b09afa8..15727921 100644
--- a/inst/qml/ContingencyTablesBayesian.qml
+++ b/inst/qml/ContingencyTablesBayesian.qml
@@ -27,17 +27,12 @@ Form
plotWidth: 320
plotHeight: 240
- CheckBox { visible: false ; name: "countsExpected"; checked: false }
- CheckBox { visible: false ; name: "residualsUnstandardized"; checked: false }
- CheckBox { visible: false ; name: "residualsPearson"; checked: false }
- CheckBox { visible: false ; name: "residualsStandardized"; checked: false }
AvailableVariablesList { name: "allVariablesList" }
AssignedVariablesList { name: "rows"; title: qsTr("Rows"); suggestedColumns: ["ordinal", "nominal"] }
AssignedVariablesList { name: "columns"; title: qsTr("Columns"); suggestedColumns: ["ordinal", "nominal"] }
- AssignedVariablesList { name: "counts"; title: qsTr("Counts"); suggestedColumns: ["scale", "ordinal"]; singleVariable: true }
+ AssignedVariablesList { name: "counts"; title: qsTr("Counts"); suggestedColumns: ["scale", "ordinal"]; singleVariable: true }
AssignedVariablesList { name: "layers"; title: qsTr("Layers"); suggestedColumns: ["ordinal", "nominal"]; listViewType: JASP.Layers; preferredHeight: 120 }
@@ -49,11 +44,11 @@ Form
name: "samplingModel"
title: qsTr("Sample")
- RadioButton { value: "poisson"; label: qsTr("Poisson") }
- RadioButton { value: "jointMultinomial"; label: qsTr("Joint multinomial") }
- RadioButton { value: "independentMultinomialRowsFixed"; label: qsTr("Indep. multinomial, rows fixed"); checked: true }
- RadioButton { value: "independentMultinomialColumnsFixed"; label: qsTr("Indep. multinomial, columns fixed") }
- RadioButton { value: "hypergeometric"; label: qsTr("Hypergeometric (2x2 only)"); id: hypergeometric }
+ RadioButton { value: "poisson"; label: qsTr("Poisson") }
+ RadioButton { value: "jointMultinomial"; label: qsTr("Joint multinomial") }
+ RadioButton { value: "independentMultinomialRowsFixed"; label: qsTr("Indep. multinomial, rows fixed"); checked: true }
+ RadioButton { value: "independentMultinomialColumnsFixed"; label: qsTr("Indep. multinomial, columns fixed") }
+ RadioButton { value: "hypergeometric"; label: qsTr("Hypergeometric (2x2 only)"); id: hypergeometric }
@@ -62,23 +57,23 @@ Form
name: "oddsRatio"; label: qsTr("Log odds ratio (2x2 only)")
- CIField { name: "oddsRatioCredibleIntervalInterval"; label: qsTr("Credible interval") }
+ CIField { name: "oddsRatioCiLevel"; label: qsTr("Credible interval") }
- name: "effectSize"; label: qsTr("Cramer's V"); debug: true
- CIField { name: "effectSizeCredibleIntervalInterval"; label: qsTr("Credible interval"); debug: true }
+ name: "cramersV"; label: qsTr("Cramer's V"); debug: true
+ CIField { name: "cramersVCiLevel"; label: qsTr("Credible interval"); debug: true }
title: qsTr("Alt. Hypothesis")
- name: "hypothesis"
+ name: "alternative"
enabled: !hypergeometric.checked
- RadioButton { value: "groupsNotEqual"; label: qsTr("Group one ≠ Group two"); checked: true }
- RadioButton { value: "groupOneGreater"; label: qsTr("Group one > Group two") }
- RadioButton { value: "groupTwoGreater"; label: qsTr("Group one < Group two") }
+ RadioButton { value: "twoSided"; label: qsTr("Group one ≠ Group two"); checked: true }
+ RadioButton { value: "greater"; label: qsTr("Group one > Group two") }
+ RadioButton { value: "less"; label: qsTr("Group one < Group two") }
@@ -86,10 +81,10 @@ Form
title: qsTr("Plots")
- name: "plotPosteriorOddsRatio"; label: qsTr("Log odds ratio (2x2 only)")
- CheckBox { name: "plotPosteriorOddsRatioAdditionalInfo"; label: qsTr("Additional info"); checked: true }
+ name: "posteriorOddsRatioPlot"; label: qsTr("Log odds ratio (2x2 only)")
+ CheckBox { name: "posteriorOddsRatioPlotAdditionalInfo"; label: qsTr("Additional info"); checked: true }
- CheckBox { name: "plotPosteriorEffectSize"; label: qsTr("Cramer's V"); debug: true }
+ CheckBox { name: "cramersVPlot"; label: qsTr("Cramer's V"); debug: true }
BayesFactorType {}
@@ -105,6 +100,22 @@ Form
title: qsTr("Cells")
+ Group
+ {
+ title: qsTr("Counts")
+ debug: true
+ CheckBox { name: "countsExpected"; label: qsTr("Expected") }
+ }
+ Group
+ {
+ title: qsTr("Residuals")
+ debug: true
+ CheckBox { name: "residualsUnstandardized"; label: qsTr("Unstandardized") }
+ CheckBox { name: "residualsPearson"; label: qsTr("Pearson") }
+ CheckBox { name: "residualsStandardized"; label: qsTr("Standardized") }
+ }
title: qsTr("Percentages")
diff --git a/inst/qml/MultinomialTest.qml b/inst/qml/MultinomialTest.qml
index 6a489ed3..1d4cb784 100644
--- a/inst/qml/MultinomialTest.qml
+++ b/inst/qml/MultinomialTest.qml
@@ -25,33 +25,32 @@ import JASP.Widgets 1.0
- CheckBox { name: "simulatepval"; checked: false; visible: false }
preferredHeight: 190 * preferencesModel.uiScale
marginBetweenVariablesLists: 15
AvailableVariablesList { name: "allVariablesList" }
- AssignedVariablesList { id: factors; name: "factor"; title: qsTr("Factor"); singleVariable: true; suggestedColumns: ["ordinal", "nominal"] }
- AssignedVariablesList { name: "counts"; title: qsTr("Counts"); singleVariable: true; suggestedColumns: ["scale", "ordinal"] }
- AssignedVariablesList { id: exProbVar; name: "exProbVar"; title: qsTr("Expected Counts"); singleVariable: true; suggestedColumns: ["scale", "ordinal"] }
+ AssignedVariablesList { id: factors; name: "factor"; title: qsTr("Factor"); singleVariable: true; suggestedColumns: ["ordinal", "nominal"] }
+ AssignedVariablesList { name: "count"; title: qsTr("Counts"); singleVariable: true; suggestedColumns: ["scale", "ordinal"] }
+ AssignedVariablesList { id: exProbVar; name: "expectedCount"; title: qsTr("Expected Counts"); singleVariable: true; suggestedColumns: ["scale", "ordinal"] }
id : hypothesisGroup
- name : "hypothesis"
+ name : "testValues"
title : qsTr("Test Values")
enabled : exProbVar.count == 0
Layout.columnSpan: 2
- RadioButton { value: "multinomialTest"; label: qsTr("Equal proportions (multinomial test)"); checked: true }
- RadioButton { id: expectedProbs; value: "expectedProbs"; label: qsTr("Expected proportions (χ² test)"); }
+ RadioButton { value: "equal"; label: qsTr("Equal proportions (multinomial test)"); checked: true }
+ RadioButton { id: expectedProbs; value: "custom"; label: qsTr("Custom expected proportions (χ² test)"); }
- name : "tableWidget"
+ name : "testValuesCustom"
preferredWidth : form.availableWidth - hypothesisGroup.leftPadding
visible : expectedProbs.checked && factors.count > 0
source : "factor"
@@ -65,28 +64,29 @@ Form
- name : "descriptives"; label: qsTr("Descriptives")
+ name : "descriptivesTable"; label: qsTr("Descriptives")
- name : "confidenceInterval"; label: qsTr("Confidence interval")
- childrenOnSameRow : true
+ name: "descriptivesTableCi"
+ label: qsTr("Confidence interval")
+ childrenOnSameRow : true
- CIField { name: "confidenceIntervalInterval" }
+ CIField { name: "descriptivesTableCiLevel" }
- CheckBox { name: "VovkSellkeMPR"; label: qsTr("Vovk-Sellke maximum p-ratio") }
+ CheckBox { name: "vovkSellke"; label: qsTr("Vovk-Sellke maximum p-ratio") }
- name : "countProp"
+ name : "descriptivesType"
title : qsTr("Display")
- RadioButton { value: "descCounts"; label: qsTr("Counts"); checked: true }
- RadioButton { value: "descProps"; label: qsTr("Proportions") }
+ RadioButton { value: "counts"; label: qsTr("Counts"); checked: true }
+ RadioButton { value: "proportions"; label: qsTr("Proportions") }
@@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ Form
name : "descriptivesPlot"
label : qsTr("Descriptives plot")
- CIField { name: "descriptivesPlotConfidenceInterval"; label: qsTr("Confidence interval") }
+ CIField { name: "descriptivesPlotCiLevel"; label: qsTr("Confidence interval") }
diff --git a/inst/qml/MultinomialTestBayesian.qml b/inst/qml/MultinomialTestBayesian.qml
index 582ff459..3f2f1a05 100644
--- a/inst/qml/MultinomialTestBayesian.qml
+++ b/inst/qml/MultinomialTestBayesian.qml
@@ -31,26 +31,26 @@ Form
preferredHeight: 190 * preferencesModel.uiScale
marginBetweenVariablesLists : 15
AvailableVariablesList { name: "allVariablesList" }
- AssignedVariablesList { id: factors; name: "factor"; title: qsTr("Factor"); singleVariable: true; suggestedColumns: ["ordinal", "nominal"] }
- AssignedVariablesList { name: "counts"; title: qsTr("Counts"); singleVariable: true; suggestedColumns: ["scale", "ordinal"] }
- AssignedVariablesList { id: exProbVar; name: "exProbVar"; title: qsTr("Expected Counts"); singleVariable: true; suggestedColumns: ["scale", "ordinal"] }
+ AssignedVariablesList { id: factors; name: "factor"; title: qsTr("Factor"); singleVariable: true; suggestedColumns: ["ordinal", "nominal"] }
+ AssignedVariablesList { name: "count"; title: qsTr("Counts"); singleVariable: true; suggestedColumns: ["scale", "ordinal"] }
+ AssignedVariablesList { id: exProbVar; name: "expectedCount"; title: qsTr("Expected Counts"); singleVariable: true; suggestedColumns: ["scale", "ordinal"] }
id : hypothesisGroup
- name : "hypothesis"
+ name : "testValues"
title : qsTr("Test Values")
enabled : exProbVar.count == 0
Layout.columnSpan: 2
- RadioButton { value: "multinomialTest"; label: qsTr("Equal proportions"); checked: true }
- RadioButton { value: "expectedProbs"; label: qsTr("Expected proportions"); id: expectedProbs }
+ RadioButton { value: "equal"; label: qsTr("Equal proportions"); checked: true }
+ RadioButton { value: "custom"; label: qsTr("Custom expected proportions"); id: expectedProbs }
- name : "tableWidget"
+ name : "testValuesCustom"
preferredWidth : form.availableWidth - hypothesisGroup.leftPadding
visible : expectedProbs.checked && factors.count > 0
source : "factor"
@@ -68,14 +68,14 @@ Form
title : qsTr("Additional Statistics")
- name : "descriptives"
+ name : "descriptivesTable"
label : qsTr("Descriptives")
- name : "credibleInterval"; label: qsTr("Credible interval")
+ name : "descriptivesTableCi"; label: qsTr("Credible interval")
childrenOnSameRow : true
- CIField { name: "credibleIntervalInterval" }
+ CIField { name: "descriptivesTableCiLevel" }
@@ -85,11 +85,11 @@ Form
- name : "countProp"
+ name : "descriptivesType"
title : qsTr("Display")
- RadioButton { value: "descCounts"; label: qsTr("Counts"); checked: true }
- RadioButton { value: "descProps"; label: qsTr("Proportions") }
+ RadioButton { value: "counts"; label: qsTr("Counts"); checked: true }
+ RadioButton { value: "proportions"; label: qsTr("Proportions") }
@@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ Form
name : "descriptivesPlot"
label : qsTr("Descriptives plot")
- CIField { name: "descriptivesPlotCredibleInterval"; label: qsTr("Credible interval") }
+ CIField { name: "descriptivesPlotCiLevel"; label: qsTr("Credible interval") }
diff --git a/inst/qml/RegressionLogLinear.qml b/inst/qml/RegressionLogLinear.qml
index 2386176e..eb63a285 100644
--- a/inst/qml/RegressionLogLinear.qml
+++ b/inst/qml/RegressionLogLinear.qml
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ Form
AvailableVariablesList { name: "allVariablesList" }
- AssignedVariablesList { name: "counts"; title: qsTr("Counts (optional)"); singleVariable: true; suggestedColumns: ["scale", "ordinal"] }
+ AssignedVariablesList { name: "count"; title: qsTr("Counts (optional)"); singleVariable: true; suggestedColumns: ["scale", "ordinal"] }
AssignedVariablesList { name: "factors"; title: qsTr("Factors"); itemType: "fixedFactors"; suggestedColumns: ["ordinal", "nominal"] }
@@ -48,16 +48,16 @@ Form
title: qsTr("Regression Coefficient")
- CheckBox
- {
- name: "regressionCoefficientsEstimates"; label: qsTr("Estimates")
- CheckBox
- {
- name: "regressionCoefficientsConfidenceIntervals"; label: qsTr("Confidence intervals")
- CIField { name: "regressionCoefficientsConfidenceIntervalsInterval"; label: qsTr("Interval") }
- }
- }
+ CheckBox
+ {
+ name: "regressionCoefficientsEstimates"; label: qsTr("Estimates")
+ CheckBox
+ {
+ name: "regressionCoefficientsCi"; label: qsTr("Confidence intervals")
+ CIField { name: "regressionCoefficientsCiLevel"; label: qsTr("Interval") }
+ }
+ }
- CheckBox { name: "VovkSellkeMPR"; label: qsTr("Vovk-Sellke maximum p-ratio") }
+ CheckBox { name: "vovkSellke"; label: qsTr("Vovk-Sellke maximum p-ratio") }
diff --git a/inst/qml/RegressionLogLinearBayesian.qml b/inst/qml/RegressionLogLinearBayesian.qml
index 240701cc..da599761 100644
--- a/inst/qml/RegressionLogLinearBayesian.qml
+++ b/inst/qml/RegressionLogLinearBayesian.qml
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ Form
AvailableVariablesList { name: "allVariablesList" }
- AssignedVariablesList { name: "counts"; title: qsTr("Counts (optional)"); singleVariable: true; suggestedColumns:["scale", "ordinal"]}
+ AssignedVariablesList { name: "count"; title: qsTr("Counts (optional)"); singleVariable: true; suggestedColumns:["scale", "ordinal"]}
AssignedVariablesList { name: "factors"; title: qsTr("Factors"); itemType: "fixedFactors"; suggestedColumns: ["ordinal", "nominal"] }
@@ -43,8 +43,8 @@ Form
title: qsTr("Model Cut-offs")
- IntegerField { name: "maxModels"; label: qsTr("Display best") ; defaultValue: 2; afterLabel: qsTr("models"); min: 2 }
- DoubleField { name: "posteriorProbabilityCutOff"; label: qsTr("Posterior prob."); defaultValue: 0.1 ; max: 0.5 }
+ IntegerField { name: "modelCutOffBestDisplayed"; label: qsTr("Display best") ; defaultValue: 2; afterLabel: qsTr("models"); min: 2 }
+ DoubleField { name: "modelCutOffPosteriorProbability"; label: qsTr("Posterior prob."); defaultValue: 0.1 ; max: 0.5 }
@@ -70,8 +70,8 @@ Form
CheckBox { name: "regressionCoefficientsEstimates"; label: qsTr("Estimates") }
- name: "regressionCoefficientsCredibleIntervals"; label: qsTr("Credible intervals")
- CIField { name: "regressionCoefficientsCredibleIntervalsInterval"; label: qsTr("Interval") }
+ name: "regressionCoefficientsCi"; label: qsTr("Credible intervals")
+ CIField { name: "regressionCoefficientsCiLevel"; label: qsTr("Interval") }
@@ -90,8 +90,8 @@ Form
enabled: regressionCoefficientsSubmodel.checked
- name: "regressionCoefficientsSubmodelCredibleIntervals"; label: qsTr("Credible intervals")
- CIField { name: "regressionCoefficientsSubmodelCredibleIntervalsInterval"; label: qsTr("Interval") }
+ name: "regressionCoefficientsSubmodelCi"; label: qsTr("Credible intervals")
+ CIField { name: "regressionCoefficientsSubmodelCiLevel"; label: qsTr("Interval") }
@@ -104,12 +104,12 @@ Form
title: qsTr("Samples")
- name: "sampleMode"
+ name: "samplingMethod"
RadioButton { value: "auto"; label: qsTr("Auto"); checked: true }
value: "manual"; label: qsTr("Manual")
- IntegerField { name: "fixedSamplesNumber"; label: qsTr("No. samples"); defaultValue: 10000; fieldWidth: 60 }
+ IntegerField { name: "samplingMethodManualSamples"; label: qsTr("No. samples"); defaultValue: 10000; fieldWidth: 60 }
diff --git a/tests/testthat/_snaps/abtestbayesian/sequential-subplot-1.svg b/tests/testthat/_snaps/abtestbayesian/sequential-subplot-1.svg
index 0190ae09..eb398975 100644
--- a/tests/testthat/_snaps/abtestbayesian/sequential-subplot-1.svg
+++ b/tests/testthat/_snaps/abtestbayesian/sequential-subplot-1.svg
@@ -36,8 +36,8 @@
diff --git a/tests/testthat/_snaps/abtestbayesian/sequential-subplot-4.svg b/tests/testthat/_snaps/abtestbayesian/sequential-subplot-4.svg
index 2677fae1..5ed63060 100644
--- a/tests/testthat/_snaps/abtestbayesian/sequential-subplot-4.svg
+++ b/tests/testthat/_snaps/abtestbayesian/sequential-subplot-4.svg
@@ -36,8 +36,8 @@
diff --git a/tests/testthat/_snaps/binomialtestbayesian/prior-posterior-1-subplot-2.svg b/tests/testthat/_snaps/binomialtestbayesian/prior-posterior-1-subplot-2.svg
index 110d54c6..9f012d67 100644
--- a/tests/testthat/_snaps/binomialtestbayesian/prior-posterior-1-subplot-2.svg
+++ b/tests/testthat/_snaps/binomialtestbayesian/prior-posterior-1-subplot-2.svg
@@ -36,8 +36,8 @@
data | H0
data | H1
diff --git a/tests/testthat/_snaps/binomialtestbayesian/prior-posterior-2-subplot-2.svg b/tests/testthat/_snaps/binomialtestbayesian/prior-posterior-2-subplot-2.svg
index e1f339af..0e1bacf6 100644
--- a/tests/testthat/_snaps/binomialtestbayesian/prior-posterior-2-subplot-2.svg
+++ b/tests/testthat/_snaps/binomialtestbayesian/prior-posterior-2-subplot-2.svg
@@ -36,8 +36,8 @@
data | H0
data | H1
diff --git a/tests/testthat/_snaps/binomialtestbayesian/sequential-analysis-1-subplot-2.svg b/tests/testthat/_snaps/binomialtestbayesian/sequential-analysis-1-subplot-2.svg
index f579a5e1..aed5075b 100644
--- a/tests/testthat/_snaps/binomialtestbayesian/sequential-analysis-1-subplot-2.svg
+++ b/tests/testthat/_snaps/binomialtestbayesian/sequential-analysis-1-subplot-2.svg
@@ -36,8 +36,8 @@
data | H0
data | H1
diff --git a/tests/testthat/_snaps/binomialtestbayesian/sequential-analysis-1-subplot-4.svg b/tests/testthat/_snaps/binomialtestbayesian/sequential-analysis-1-subplot-4.svg
index de174954..4b862d39 100644
--- a/tests/testthat/_snaps/binomialtestbayesian/sequential-analysis-1-subplot-4.svg
+++ b/tests/testthat/_snaps/binomialtestbayesian/sequential-analysis-1-subplot-4.svg
@@ -88,22 +88,22 @@
diff --git a/tests/testthat/_snaps/binomialtestbayesian/sequential-analysis-2-subplot-2.svg b/tests/testthat/_snaps/binomialtestbayesian/sequential-analysis-2-subplot-2.svg
index 8ca19413..8e74ac03 100644
--- a/tests/testthat/_snaps/binomialtestbayesian/sequential-analysis-2-subplot-2.svg
+++ b/tests/testthat/_snaps/binomialtestbayesian/sequential-analysis-2-subplot-2.svg
@@ -36,8 +36,8 @@
data | H0
data | H1
diff --git a/tests/testthat/_snaps/binomialtestbayesian/sequential-analysis-2-subplot-4.svg b/tests/testthat/_snaps/binomialtestbayesian/sequential-analysis-2-subplot-4.svg
index a7d3ce88..1e978280 100644
--- a/tests/testthat/_snaps/binomialtestbayesian/sequential-analysis-2-subplot-4.svg
+++ b/tests/testthat/_snaps/binomialtestbayesian/sequential-analysis-2-subplot-4.svg
@@ -88,22 +88,22 @@
diff --git a/tests/testthat/_snaps/binomialtestbayesian/sequential-analysis-3-subplot-2.svg b/tests/testthat/_snaps/binomialtestbayesian/sequential-analysis-3-subplot-2.svg
index a99d84b9..6e263f25 100644
--- a/tests/testthat/_snaps/binomialtestbayesian/sequential-analysis-3-subplot-2.svg
+++ b/tests/testthat/_snaps/binomialtestbayesian/sequential-analysis-3-subplot-2.svg
@@ -36,8 +36,8 @@
data | H0
data | H1
diff --git a/tests/testthat/_snaps/binomialtestbayesian/sequential-analysis-3-subplot-4.svg b/tests/testthat/_snaps/binomialtestbayesian/sequential-analysis-3-subplot-4.svg
index 43757d9b..24045f54 100644
--- a/tests/testthat/_snaps/binomialtestbayesian/sequential-analysis-3-subplot-4.svg
+++ b/tests/testthat/_snaps/binomialtestbayesian/sequential-analysis-3-subplot-4.svg
@@ -90,22 +90,22 @@
diff --git a/tests/testthat/_snaps/binomialtestbayesian/sequential-analysis-4-subplot-2.svg b/tests/testthat/_snaps/binomialtestbayesian/sequential-analysis-4-subplot-2.svg
index c819e77e..f74ccc7d 100644
--- a/tests/testthat/_snaps/binomialtestbayesian/sequential-analysis-4-subplot-2.svg
+++ b/tests/testthat/_snaps/binomialtestbayesian/sequential-analysis-4-subplot-2.svg
@@ -36,8 +36,8 @@
data | H0
data | H1
diff --git a/tests/testthat/_snaps/binomialtestbayesian/sequential-analysis-4-subplot-4.svg b/tests/testthat/_snaps/binomialtestbayesian/sequential-analysis-4-subplot-4.svg
index 9941a727..a6a11ab8 100644
--- a/tests/testthat/_snaps/binomialtestbayesian/sequential-analysis-4-subplot-4.svg
+++ b/tests/testthat/_snaps/binomialtestbayesian/sequential-analysis-4-subplot-4.svg
@@ -90,22 +90,22 @@
diff --git a/tests/testthat/_snaps/contingencytablesbayesian/log-odds-ratio-subplot-2.svg b/tests/testthat/_snaps/contingencytablesbayesian/log-odds-ratio-subplot-2.svg
index bbb8c255..b80d90bb 100644
--- a/tests/testthat/_snaps/contingencytablesbayesian/log-odds-ratio-subplot-2.svg
+++ b/tests/testthat/_snaps/contingencytablesbayesian/log-odds-ratio-subplot-2.svg
@@ -36,8 +36,8 @@
data | H0
data | H1
diff --git a/tests/testthat/_snaps/multinomialtest/descriptives-1.svg b/tests/testthat/_snaps/multinomialtest/descriptives-1.svg
index f3d5cbb1..93975c14 100644
--- a/tests/testthat/_snaps/multinomialtest/descriptives-1.svg
+++ b/tests/testthat/_snaps/multinomialtest/descriptives-1.svg
@@ -27,11 +27,11 @@
diff --git a/tests/testthat/_snaps/multinomialtestbayesian/multinomialbayesiandescriptivesplot.svg b/tests/testthat/_snaps/multinomialtestbayesian/multinomialbayesiandescriptivesplot.svg
index e2d963fa..a74a5404 100644
--- a/tests/testthat/_snaps/multinomialtestbayesian/multinomialbayesiandescriptivesplot.svg
+++ b/tests/testthat/_snaps/multinomialtestbayesian/multinomialbayesiandescriptivesplot.svg
@@ -27,8 +27,8 @@
diff --git a/tests/testthat/test-abtestbayesian.R b/tests/testthat/test-abtestbayesian.R
index b83c6d2b..3b7c9734 100644
--- a/tests/testthat/test-abtestbayesian.R
+++ b/tests/testthat/test-abtestbayesian.R
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ test_that("Descriptives table results match", {
options$y1 <- "y1"
options$n2 <- "n2"
options$y2 <- "y2"
- options$descriptives <- TRUE
+ options$descriptivesTable <- TRUE
results <- jaspTools::runAnalysis("ABTestBayesian", "ab_data.csv", options)
table <- results[["results"]][["abTestBayesianDescriptivesTable"]][["data"]]
@@ -57,10 +57,10 @@ test_that("Main table results, log odds neq 0", {
options$y1 <- "y1"
options$n2 <- "n2"
options$y2 <- "y2"
- options$orEqualTo1Prob <- 0.495
- options$orGreaterThan1Prob <- 0.168
- options$orLessThan1Prob <- 0.168
- options$orNotEqualTo1Prob <- 0.168
+ options$priorModelProbabilityEqual <- 0.495
+ options$priorModelProbabilityGreater <- 0.168
+ options$priorModelProbabilityLess <- 0.168
+ options$priorModelProbabilityTwoSided <- 0.168
results <- jaspTools::runAnalysis("ABTestBayesian", "ab_data.csv", options)
table <- results[["results"]][["abTestBayesianTable"]][["data"]]
@@ -82,10 +82,10 @@ test_that("Main table results, only 2 hypotheses", {
options$y1 <- "y1"
options$n2 <- "n2"
options$y2 <- "y2"
- options$orEqualTo1Prob <- 0.5
- options$orGreaterThan1Prob <- 0.5
- options$orLessThan1Prob <- 0
- options$orNotEqualTo1Prob <- 0
+ options$priorModelProbabilityEqual <- 0.5
+ options$priorModelProbabilityGreater <- 0.5
+ options$priorModelProbabilityLess <- 0
+ options$priorModelProbabilityTwoSided <- 0
results <- jaspTools::runAnalysis("ABTestBayesian", "ab_data.csv", options)
table <- results[["results"]][["abTestBayesianTable"]][["data"]]
@@ -101,11 +101,12 @@ test_that("Prior plot matches", {
options <- jaspTools::analysisOptions("ABTestBayesian")
- options$orEqualTo1Prob <- 0.5
- options$orGreaterThan1Prob <- 0.5
- options$orLessThan1Prob <- 0
- options$orNotEqualTo1Prob <- 0
- options$plotPriorOnly <- TRUE
+ options$priorModelProbabilityEqual <- 0.5
+ options$priorModelProbabilityGreater <- 0.5
+ options$priorModelProbabilityLess <- 0
+ options$priorModelProbabilityTwoSided <- 0
+ options$priorPlot <- TRUE
+ options$priorPlotType <- "logOddsRatio"
results <- jaspTools::runAnalysis("ABTestBayesian", "ab_data.csv", options)
testPlot <- results[["state"]][["figures"]][[1]][["obj"]]
@@ -123,11 +124,12 @@ test_that("Posterior plot matches", {
options$y1 <- "y1"
options$n2 <- "n2"
options$y2 <- "y2"
- options$orEqualTo1Prob <- 0.5
- options$orGreaterThan1Prob <- 0.5
- options$orLessThan1Prob <- 0
- options$orNotEqualTo1Prob <- 0
- options$plotPriorAndPosterior <- TRUE
+ options$priorModelProbabilityEqual <- 0.5
+ options$priorModelProbabilityGreater <- 0.5
+ options$priorModelProbabilityLess <- 0
+ options$priorModelProbabilityTwoSided <- 0
+ options$priorPosteriorPlot <- TRUE
+ options$priorPosteriorPlotType <- "logOddsRatio"
results <- jaspTools::runAnalysis("ABTestBayesian", "ab_data.csv", options)
testPlot <- results[["state"]][["figures"]][[1]]
@@ -144,11 +146,11 @@ test_that("Sequential plot matches", {
options$y1 <- "y1"
options$n2 <- "n2"
options$y2 <- "y2"
- options$orEqualTo1Prob <- 0.5
- options$orGreaterThan1Prob <- 0.5
- options$orLessThan1Prob <- 0
- options$orNotEqualTo1Prob <- 0
- options$plotSequentialAnalysis <- TRUE
+ options$priorModelProbabilityEqual <- 0.5
+ options$priorModelProbabilityGreater <- 0.5
+ options$priorModelProbabilityLess <- 0
+ options$priorModelProbabilityTwoSided <- 0
+ options$bfSequentialPlot <- TRUE
results <- jaspTools::runAnalysis("ABTestBayesian", "ab_data.csv", options)
testPlot <- results[["state"]][["figures"]][[1]][["obj"]]
@@ -166,11 +168,11 @@ test_that("plotRobustness plot matches", {
options$y1 <- "y1"
options$n2 <- "n2"
options$y2 <- "y2"
- options$orEqualTo1Prob <- 0.5
- options$orGreaterThan1Prob <- 0.5
- options$orLessThan1Prob <- 0
- options$orNotEqualTo1Prob <- 0
- options$plotRobustness <- TRUE
+ options$priorModelProbabilityEqual <- 0.5
+ options$priorModelProbabilityGreater <- 0.5
+ options$priorModelProbabilityLess <- 0
+ options$priorModelProbabilityTwoSided <- 0
+ options$bfRobustnessPlot <- TRUE
results <- jaspTools::runAnalysis("ABTestBayesian", "ab_data.csv", options)
testPlot <- results[["state"]][["figures"]][[1]]
diff --git a/tests/testthat/test-binomialtest.R b/tests/testthat/test-binomialtest.R
index a67141f5..e8ee0e5e 100644
--- a/tests/testthat/test-binomialtest.R
+++ b/tests/testthat/test-binomialtest.R
@@ -4,9 +4,9 @@ test_that("Main table results match", {
options <- jaspTools::analysisOptions("BinomialTest")
options$variables <- "contBinom"
options$testValue <- 0.6
- options$hypothesis <- "greaterThanTestValue"
- options$confidenceInterval <- TRUE
- options$VovkSellkeMPR <- TRUE
+ options$alternative <- "greater"
+ options$ci <- TRUE
+ options$vovkSellke <- TRUE
results <- jaspTools::runAnalysis("BinomialTest", "test.csv", options)
table <- results[["results"]][["binomialTable"]][["data"]]
@@ -19,8 +19,8 @@ test_that("Descriptives plots match", {
skip("This test need to be verified")
options <- jaspTools::analysisOptions("BinomialTest")
options$variables <- "contBinom"
- options$descriptivesPlots <- TRUE
- options$descriptivesPlotsConfidenceInterval <- 0.90
+ options$descriptivesPlot <- TRUE
+ options$descriptivesPlotCiLevel <- 0.90
results <- jaspTools::runAnalysis("BinomialTest", "test.csv", options)
testPlot <- results[["state"]][["figures"]][[1]][["obj"]]
diff --git a/tests/testthat/test-binomialtestbayesian.R b/tests/testthat/test-binomialtestbayesian.R
index fb8451ba..b8905c0e 100644
--- a/tests/testthat/test-binomialtestbayesian.R
+++ b/tests/testthat/test-binomialtestbayesian.R
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ test_that("Main table results match", {
options <- jaspTools::analysisOptions("BinomialTestBayesian")
options$variables <- "contBinom"
options$bayesFactorType <- "BF01"
- options$hypothesis <- "notEqualToTestValue"
+ options$alternative <- "twoSided"
options$priorA <- 1
options$priorB <- 2
options$testValue <- 0.2
@@ -22,8 +22,8 @@ test_that("Prior posterior plots match", {
options$priorB <- 1
options$testValue <- 0.5
options$variables <- "contBinom"
- options$plotPriorAndPosterior <- TRUE
- options$plotPriorAndPosteriorAdditionalInfo <- TRUE
+ options$priorPosteriorPlot <- TRUE
+ options$priorPosteriorPlotAdditionalInfo <- TRUE
results <- jaspTools::runAnalysis("BinomialTestBayesian", "test.csv", options)
testPlot <- results[["state"]][["figures"]][[1]][["obj"]]
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ test_that("Sequential analysis plots match - BF10", {
options$priorB <- 1
options$testValue <- 0.5
options$variables <- "contBinom"
- options$plotSequentialAnalysis <- TRUE
+ options$bfSequentialPlot <- TRUE
results <- jaspTools::runAnalysis("BinomialTestBayesian", "test.csv", options)
testPlot <- results[["state"]][["figures"]][[1]][["obj"]]
@@ -55,13 +55,13 @@ test_that("Sequential analysis plots match - BF01", {
options$priorB <- 1
options$testValue <- 0.5
options$variables <- "contBinom"
- options$plotSequentialAnalysis <- TRUE
+ options$bfSequentialPlot <- TRUE
options$bayesFactorType <- "BF01"
results <- jaspTools::runAnalysis("BinomialTestBayesian", "test.csv", options)
testPlot <- results[["state"]][["figures"]][[1]][["obj"]]
jaspTools::expect_equal_plots(testPlot, "sequential-analysis-3")
testPlot <- results[["state"]][["figures"]][[2]][["obj"]]
jaspTools::expect_equal_plots(testPlot, "sequential-analysis-4")
diff --git a/tests/testthat/test-contingencytables.R b/tests/testthat/test-contingencytables.R
index 02a40dc3..f2015907 100644
--- a/tests/testthat/test-contingencytables.R
+++ b/tests/testthat/test-contingencytables.R
@@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ test_that("Chi-Squared test table results match", {
options$chiSquared <- TRUE
options$chiSquaredContinuityCorrection <- TRUE
options$likelihoodRatio <- TRUE
- options$VovkSellkeMPR <- TRUE
+ options$vovkSellke <- TRUE
results <- jaspTools::runAnalysis("ContingencyTables", "test.csv", options)
table <- results[["results"]][["container_facExperim_contBinom"]][["collection"]][["container_facExperim_contBinom_crossTabChisq"]][["data"]]
@@ -131,7 +131,7 @@ test_that("Log Odds Ratio table results match", {
options$rows <- "facExperim"
options$columns <- "contBinom"
options$oddsRatio <- TRUE
- options$oddsRatioConfidenceIntervalInterval <- 0.90
+ options$oddsRatioCiLevel <- 0.90
results <- jaspTools::runAnalysis("ContingencyTables", "test.csv", options)
table <- results[["results"]][["container_facExperim_contBinom"]][["collection"]][["container_facExperim_contBinom_crossTabLogOdds"]][["data"]]
@@ -158,7 +158,7 @@ test_that("Kendall's Tau table results match", {
options$rows <- "facExperim"
options$columns <- "contBinom"
options$kendallsTauB <- TRUE
- options$VovkSellkeMPR <- TRUE
+ options$vovkSellke <- TRUE
results <- jaspTools::runAnalysis("ContingencyTables", "test.csv", options)
table <- results[["results"]][["container_facExperim_contBinom"]][["collection"]][["container_facExperim_contBinom_crossTabKendallTau"]][["data"]]
diff --git a/tests/testthat/test-contingencytablesbayesian.R b/tests/testthat/test-contingencytablesbayesian.R
index ce07580e..3320df71 100644
--- a/tests/testthat/test-contingencytablesbayesian.R
+++ b/tests/testthat/test-contingencytablesbayesian.R
@@ -79,35 +79,35 @@ test_that("Bayesian Contingency Tables Tests table results match - different hyp
samplingModels <- c("poisson", "jointMultinomial", "independentMultinomialRowsFixed",
- hypotheses <- c("groupsNotEqual", "groupOneGreater", "groupTwoGreater")
+ alternatives <- c("twoSided", "greater", "less")
refTables <- list(
poisson = list(
- groupsNotEqual = list("BF Poisson", "N", 100, 0.523118843924781),
- groupOneGreater = list("BF Poisson", "N", 100, 0.224941102887656),
- groupTwoGreater = list("BF Poisson", "N", 100, 0.818576366973497)),
+ twoSided = list("BF Poisson", "N", 100, 0.523118843924781),
+ greater = list("BF Poisson", "N", 100, 0.224941102887656),
+ less = list("BF Poisson", "N", 100, 0.818576366973497)),
jointMultinomial = list(
- groupsNotEqual = list("BF joint multinomial", "N", 100, 0.440084106793853),
- groupOneGreater = list("BF joint multinomial", "N", 100, 0.181490685641785),
- groupTwoGreater = list("BF joint multinomial", "N", 100, 0.683978718779006)),
+ twoSided = list("BF joint multinomial", "N", 100, 0.440084106793853),
+ greater = list("BF joint multinomial", "N", 100, 0.181490685641785),
+ less = list("BF joint multinomial", "N", 100, 0.683978718779006)),
independentMultinomialRowsFixed = list(
- groupsNotEqual = list("BF independent multinomial", "N", 100, 0.35545254779504),
- groupOneGreater = list("BF independent multinomial", "N", 100, 0.149361160583476),
- groupTwoGreater = list("BF independent multinomial", "N", 100, 0.560761939401455)),
+ twoSided = list("BF independent multinomial", "N", 100, 0.35545254779504),
+ greater = list("BF independent multinomial", "N", 100, 0.149361160583476),
+ less = list("BF independent multinomial", "N", 100, 0.560761939401455)),
independentMultinomialColumnsFixed = list(
- groupsNotEqual = list("BF independent multinomial", "N", 100, 0.364069579256729),
- groupOneGreater = list("BF independent multinomial", "N", 100, 0.153564548530488),
- groupTwoGreater = list("BF independent multinomial", "N", 100, 0.571734867264767))
+ twoSided = list("BF independent multinomial", "N", 100, 0.364069579256729),
+ greater = list("BF independent multinomial", "N", 100, 0.153564548530488),
+ less = list("BF independent multinomial", "N", 100, 0.571734867264767))
for (samplingModel in samplingModels) {
options$samplingModel <- samplingModel
- for(hypothesis in hypotheses) {
- options$hypothesis <- hypothesis
+ for(alternative in alternatives) {
+ options$alternative <- alternative
results <- jaspTools::runAnalysis("ContingencyTablesBayesian", "test.csv", options, view = FALSE)
table <- results[["results"]][["container_facExperim_contBinom"]][["collection"]][["container_facExperim_contBinom_contTabBasBF"]][["data"]]
- jaspTools::expect_equal_tables(table, refTables[[samplingModel]][[hypothesis]], label=paste("Sampling model", samplingModel, "; hypothesis", hypothesis))
+ jaspTools::expect_equal_tables(table, refTables[[samplingModel]][[alternative]], label=paste("Sampling model", samplingModel, "; hypothesis", alternative))
@@ -118,7 +118,7 @@ test_that("Log Odds Ratio table results match", {
options$rows <- "facExperim"
options$columns <- "contBinom"
options$oddsRatio <- TRUE
- options$oddsRatioCredibleIntervalInterval <- 0.90
+ options$oddsRatioCiLevel <- 0.90
results <- jaspTools::runAnalysis("ContingencyTablesBayesian", "test.csv", options)
table <- results[["results"]][["container_facExperim_contBinom"]][["collection"]][["container_facExperim_contBinom_contTabBasLogOdds"]][["data"]]
@@ -131,8 +131,8 @@ test_that("Cramer's V table results match", {
options <- jaspTools::analysisOptions("ContingencyTablesBayesian")
options$rows <- "facExperim"
options$columns <- "contBinom"
- options$effectSize <- TRUE
- options$effectSizeCredibleIntervalInterval <- 0.90
+ options$cramersV <- TRUE
+ options$cramersVCiLevel <- 0.90
results <- jaspTools::runAnalysis("ContingencyTablesBayesian", "test.csv", options)
table <- results[["results"]][["container_facExperim_contBinom"]][["collection"]][["container_facExperim_contBinom_contTabBasCramersV"]][["data"]]
@@ -145,8 +145,8 @@ test_that("Log Odds Ratio Plot matches", {
options <- jaspTools::analysisOptions("ContingencyTablesBayesian")
options$rows <- "facExperim"
options$columns <- "contBinom"
- options$plotPosteriorOddsRatio <- TRUE
- options$plotPosteriorOddsRatioAdditionalInfo <- TRUE
+ options$posteriorOddsRatioPlot <- TRUE
+ options$posteriorOddsRatioPlotAdditionalInfo <- TRUE
results <- jaspTools::runAnalysis("ContingencyTablesBayesian", "test.csv", options)
jaspTools::expect_equal_plots(results[["state"]][["figures"]][[1]][["obj"]], "log-odds-ratio")
diff --git a/tests/testthat/test-multinomialtest.R b/tests/testthat/test-multinomialtest.R
index 2ac87e2e..adf11916 100644
--- a/tests/testthat/test-multinomialtest.R
+++ b/tests/testthat/test-multinomialtest.R
@@ -2,12 +2,12 @@ context("Multinomial Test")
test_that("Main table results match", {
options <- jaspTools::analysisOptions("MultinomialTest")
- options$VovkSellkeMPR <- TRUE
- options$countProp <- "descProps"
- options$descriptives <- TRUE
+ options$vovkSellke <- TRUE
+ options$descriptivesType <- "proportions"
+ options$descriptivesTable <- TRUE
options$factor <- "facOutlier"
- options$hypothesis <- "expectedProbs"
- options$tableWidget <- list(
+ options$testValues <- "custom"
+ options$testValuesCustom <- list(
levels = list("f1", "f2", "f3", "totallyridiculoussuperlongfactorme"),
name = "H1",
@@ -46,8 +46,8 @@ test_that("Descriptives plot matches", {
test_that("Analysis handles errors - Negative Values", {
options <- jaspTools::analysisOptions("MultinomialTest")
options$factor <- "facExperim"
- options$counts <- "contNormal"
- options$tableWidget <- list(
+ options$count <- "contNormal"
+ options$testValuesCustom <- list(
levels = list("control", "experimental"),
name = "H1",
@@ -62,8 +62,8 @@ test_that("Analysis handles errors - Negative Values", {
test_that("Analysis handles errors - wrong levels", {
options <- jaspTools::analysisOptions("MultinomialTest")
options$factor <- "facExperim"
- options$counts <- "debSame"
- options$tableWidget <- list(
+ options$count <- "debSame"
+ options$testValluesCustom <- list(
levels = list("control", "experimental"),
name = "H1",
@@ -78,8 +78,8 @@ test_that("Analysis handles errors - wrong levels", {
test_that("Analysis handles errors - Infinities", {
options <- jaspTools::analysisOptions("MultinomialTest")
options$factor <- "facExperim"
- options$counts <- "debInf"
- options$tableWidget <- list(
+ options$count <- "debInf"
+ options$testValuesCustom <- list(
levels = list("control", "experimental"),
name = "H1",
@@ -89,4 +89,4 @@ test_that("Analysis handles errors - Infinities", {
results <- jaspTools::runAnalysis("MultinomialTest", "test.csv", options)
status <- results[["status"]]
expect_identical(status, "validationError")
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tests/testthat/test-multinomialtestbayesian.R b/tests/testthat/test-multinomialtestbayesian.R
index 10bc1d0c..e325c5f3 100644
--- a/tests/testthat/test-multinomialtestbayesian.R
+++ b/tests/testthat/test-multinomialtestbayesian.R
@@ -2,9 +2,9 @@ context("Multinomial Test Bayesian")
test_that("Main table results match", {
options <- jaspTools::analysisOptions("MultinomialTestBayesian")
- options$factor <- "contBinom"
+ options$factor <- "contBinom"
options$bayesFactorType <- "BF10"
- options$hypothesis <- "multinomialTest"
+ options$testValues <- "equal"
options$priorCounts <- list(list(levels = paste0('level', 1:2),
name = c('Counts'),
values = rep(1, 2)))
@@ -18,10 +18,10 @@ test_that("Main table results match", {
test_that("Descriptives table results match", {
options <- jaspTools::analysisOptions("MultinomialTestBayesian")
options$factor <- "debString"
- options$countProp <- "descProps"
- options$credibleInterval <- TRUE
- options$descriptives <- TRUE
- options$credibleIntervalInterval <- 0.10
+ options$descriptivesType <- "proportions"
+ options$descriptivesTable <- TRUE
+ options$descriptivesTableCi <- TRUE
+ options$descriptivesTableCiLevel <- 0.10
options$priorCounts <- list(list(levels =letters,
name = c('Counts'),
values = rep(1, length(letters))))
@@ -35,8 +35,8 @@ test_that("Descriptives table results match", {
test_that("Descriptives plots match", {
options <- jaspTools::analysisOptions("MultinomialTestBayesian")
options$factor <- "contBinom"
- options$countProp <- "descProps"
- options$credibleInterval <- TRUE
+ options$descriptivesType <- "proportions"
+ options$descriptivesTableCi <- TRUE
options$descriptivesPlot <- TRUE
options$priorCounts <- list(list(levels = c("0", "1"),
name = c('Counts'),
@@ -49,14 +49,14 @@ test_that("Descriptives plots match", {
test_that("Bayesian Multinomial Test table results match in short data format", {
options <- jaspTools::analysisOptions("MultinomialTestBayesian")
options$factor <- "Month"
- options$counts <- "Stress.frequency"
- options$tableWidget <- list(list(levels = c("1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8",
- "9", "10", "11", "12", "13", "14", "15", "16", "17", "18"), name = "H₀ (a)",
- values = c(1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
+ options$count <- "Stress.frequency"
+ options$testValuesCustom <- list(list(levels = c("1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8",
+ "9", "10", "11", "12", "13", "14", "15", "16", "17", "18"), name = "H₀ (a)",
+ values = c(1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
1, 1)))
- options$priorCounts <- list(list(levels = c("1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8",
- "9", "10", "11", "12", "13", "14", "15", "16", "17", "18"), name = "Counts",
- values = c(1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
+ options$priorCounts <- list(list(levels = c("1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8",
+ "9", "10", "11", "12", "13", "14", "15", "16", "17", "18"), name = "Counts",
+ values = c(1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
1, 1)))
results <- jaspTools::runAnalysis("MultinomialTestBayesian", "Memory of Life Stresses.csv", options)
@@ -68,16 +68,16 @@ test_that("Bayesian Multinomial Test table results match in short data format",
test_that("Descriptives table correctly shows reordered factor levels", {
options <- jaspTools::analysisOptions("MultinomialTestBayesian")
options$factor <- "Month"
- options$counts <- "Stress.frequency"
- options$exProbVar <- "Expected.counts"
- options$descriptives <- TRUE
- options$tableWidget <- list(list(levels = c("3", "1", "2", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8",
- "9", "10", "11", "12", "13", "14", "15", "16", "17", "18"), name = "H₀ (a)",
- values = c(1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
+ options$count <- "Stress.frequency"
+ options$expectedCount <- "Expected.counts"
+ options$descriptivesTable <- TRUE
+ options$testValuesCustom <- list(list(levels = c("3", "1", "2", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8",
+ "9", "10", "11", "12", "13", "14", "15", "16", "17", "18"), name = "H₀ (a)",
+ values = c(1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
1, 1)))
- options$priorCounts <- list(list(levels = c("3", "1", "2", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8",
- "9", "10", "11", "12", "13", "14", "15", "16", "17", "18"), name = "Counts",
- values = c(1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
+ options$priorCounts <- list(list(levels = c("3", "1", "2", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8",
+ "9", "10", "11", "12", "13", "14", "15", "16", "17", "18"), name = "Counts",
+ values = c(1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
1, 1)))
results <- jaspTools::runAnalysis("MultinomialTestBayesian", "Memory of Life Stresses.csv", options)
table <- results[["results"]][["multinomialDescriptivesTable"]][["data"]]
diff --git a/tests/testthat/test-regressionloglinear.R b/tests/testthat/test-regressionloglinear.R
index 57f4016d..c7c9d8df 100644
--- a/tests/testthat/test-regressionloglinear.R
+++ b/tests/testthat/test-regressionloglinear.R
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ context("Log-Linear Regression")
test_that("Main table results match", {
options <- jaspTools::analysisOptions("RegressionLogLinear")
- options$counts <- "facFifty"
+ options$count <- "facFifty"
options$factors <- c("contBinom", "facGender")
options$modelTerms <- list(
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ test_that("Main table results match", {
test_that("Coefficients table matches", {
options <- jaspTools::analysisOptions("RegressionLogLinear")
- options$counts <- "facFifty"
+ options$count <- "facFifty"
options$factors <- c("contBinom", "facFive")
options$modelTerms <- list(
@@ -30,8 +30,8 @@ test_that("Coefficients table matches", {
list(components=c("contBinom", "facFive"))
options$regressionCoefficientsEstimates <- TRUE
- options$regressionCoefficientsConfidenceIntervals <- TRUE
- options$regressionCoefficientsConfidenceIntervalsInterval <- 0.95
+ options$regressionCoefficientsCi <- TRUE
+ options$regressionCoefficientsCiLevel <- 0.95
results <- jaspTools::runAnalysis("RegressionLogLinear", "test.csv", options)
table <- results[["results"]][["CoefficientsTable"]][["data"]]
@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ test_that("Coefficients table matches", {
test_that("Analysis handles errors - infinity", {
options <- jaspTools::analysisOptions("RegressionLogLinear")
options$factors <- "facGender"
- options$counts <- "debInf"
+ options$count <- "debInf"
results <- jaspTools::runAnalysis("RegressionLogLinear", "test.csv", options)
status <- results[["status"]]
expect_identical(status, "validationError")
@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ test_that("Analysis handles errors - missing values (factors)", {
test_that("Analysis handles errors - missing values (counts)", {
options <- jaspTools::analysisOptions("RegressionLogLinear")
options$factors <- "contBinom"
- options$counts <- "debMiss30"
+ options$count <- "debMiss30"
results <- jaspTools::runAnalysis("RegressionLogLinear", "test.csv", options)
status <- results[["status"]]
expect_identical(status, "validationError")
@@ -89,8 +89,8 @@ test_that("Analysis handles errors - missing values (counts)", {
test_that("Analysis handles errors - negatives", {
options <- jaspTools::analysisOptions("RegressionLogLinear")
options$factors <- "facGender"
- options$counts <- "contNormal"
+ options$count <- "contNormal"
results <- jaspTools::runAnalysis("RegressionLogLinear", "test.csv", options)
status <- results[["status"]]
expect_identical(status, "validationError")
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tests/testthat/test-regressionloglinearbayesian.R b/tests/testthat/test-regressionloglinearbayesian.R
index 317e8598..6375857b 100644
--- a/tests/testthat/test-regressionloglinearbayesian.R
+++ b/tests/testthat/test-regressionloglinearbayesian.R
@@ -2,15 +2,15 @@ context("Bayesian Log-Linear Regression")
initOpts <- function() {
options <- jaspTools::analysisOptions("RegressionLogLinearBayesian")
- options$sampleMode <- "manual"
- options$fixedSamplesNumber <- 100
+ options$samplingMethod <- "manual"
+ options$samplingMethodManualSamples <- 100
test_that("Main table results match", {
options <- initOpts()
- options$counts <- "facFifty"
+ options$count <- "facFifty"
options$factors <- c("contBinom", "facGender")
options$modelTerms <- list(
@@ -19,8 +19,8 @@ test_that("Main table results match", {
options$priorScale <- 1
options$priorShape <- 0
- options$maxModels <- 2
- options$posteriorProbabilityCutOff <- 0.001
+ options$modelCutOffBestDisplayed <- 2
+ options$modelCutOffPosteriorProbability <- 0.001
results <- jaspTools::runAnalysis("RegressionLogLinearBayesian", "test.csv", options)
table <- results[["results"]][["Container"]][["collection"]][["Container_MainTable"]][["data"]]
@@ -40,8 +40,8 @@ test_that("General summary statistics table matches", {
list(components=c("contBinom", "facFive"))
options$regressionCoefficientsEstimates <- TRUE
- options$regressionCoefficientsCredibleIntervals <- TRUE
- options$regressionCoefficientsCredibleIntervalsInterval <- 0.90
+ options$regressionCoefficientsCi <- TRUE
+ options$regressionCoefficientsCiLevel <- 0.90
results <- jaspTools::runAnalysis("RegressionLogLinearBayesian", "test.csv", options)
table <- results[["results"]][["Container"]][["collection"]][["Container_SummaryTable"]][["data"]]
@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ test_that("Submodel summary statistics table matches", {
list(components=c("contBinom", "facFive"))
options$regressionCoefficientsSubmodel <- TRUE
- options$regressionCoefficientsSubmodelCredibleIntervals <- TRUE
+ options$regressionCoefficientsSubmodelCi <- TRUE
options$regressionCoefficientsSubmodelEstimates <- TRUE
options$regressionCoefficientsSubmodelNo <- 2
results <- jaspTools::runAnalysis("RegressionLogLinearBayesian", "test.csv", options)
@@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ test_that("Analysis handles errors - Infinity", {
options <- initOpts()
options$factors <- c("contBinom", "facFive")
- options$counts <- "debInf"
+ options$count <- "debInf"
results <- jaspTools::runAnalysis("RegressionLogLinearBayesian", "test.csv", options)
status <- results[["status"]]
expect_identical(status, "validationError")
diff --git a/tests/testthat/test-verified-multinomialtest.R b/tests/testthat/test-verified-multinomialtest.R
index 9a166d5c..b446df25 100644
--- a/tests/testthat/test-verified-multinomialtest.R
+++ b/tests/testthat/test-verified-multinomialtest.R
@@ -3,34 +3,34 @@ context("Multinomial Test -- Verification project")
# https://jasp-stats.github.io/jasp-verification-project/frequencies.html#multinomial-test-chi-square-goodness-of-fit-test
test_that("Main table results match R, SPSS, SAS", {
options <- jaspTools::analysisOptions("MultinomialTest")
- options$counts <- "Count"
+ options$count <- "Count"
options$factor <- "Color"
- options$hypothesis <- "Expected"
+ options$testValues <- "custom"
options$descriptivesPlot <- TRUE
- options$tableWidget <- list(
+ options$testValuesCustom <- list(
levels = list("Black", "Red", "White"),
name = "H1",
values = list(4, 3, 3)
results <- jaspTools::runAnalysis("MultinomialTest",
"MNT.csv", options)
# Main table
resultTable <- results$results$chisqTable$data
refTable <- jaspTools:::collapseTestTable(
list(list(case = "H\u2080 (a)",
chisquare = 2.33333333333333,
df = 2,
p = 0.311403223914598))
jaspTools::expect_equal_tables("test"= resultTable, "ref"=refTable)
# TODO(Alexander) Descriptive Plot put in separate tests
resultPlot <- results[["state"]][["figures"]][[1]][["obj"]]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tests/upgrades/0.16.4/bayesian-ab-test.jasp b/tests/upgrades/0.16.4/bayesian-ab-test.jasp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..096e2190
Binary files /dev/null and b/tests/upgrades/0.16.4/bayesian-ab-test.jasp differ
diff --git a/tests/upgrades/0.16.4/bayesian-binomial-test.jasp b/tests/upgrades/0.16.4/bayesian-binomial-test.jasp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..53dce3a0
Binary files /dev/null and b/tests/upgrades/0.16.4/bayesian-binomial-test.jasp differ
diff --git a/tests/upgrades/0.16.4/bayesian-contingency-tables.jasp b/tests/upgrades/0.16.4/bayesian-contingency-tables.jasp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ff274ea0
Binary files /dev/null and b/tests/upgrades/0.16.4/bayesian-contingency-tables.jasp differ
diff --git a/tests/upgrades/0.16.4/bayesian-loglinear-regression.jasp b/tests/upgrades/0.16.4/bayesian-loglinear-regression.jasp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..55fd60a5
Binary files /dev/null and b/tests/upgrades/0.16.4/bayesian-loglinear-regression.jasp differ
diff --git a/tests/upgrades/0.16.4/bayesian-loglinear-regression_aggregated.jasp b/tests/upgrades/0.16.4/bayesian-loglinear-regression_aggregated.jasp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..eb400571
Binary files /dev/null and b/tests/upgrades/0.16.4/bayesian-loglinear-regression_aggregated.jasp differ
diff --git a/tests/upgrades/0.16.4/bayesian-multinomial-test.jasp b/tests/upgrades/0.16.4/bayesian-multinomial-test.jasp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..fc648511
Binary files /dev/null and b/tests/upgrades/0.16.4/bayesian-multinomial-test.jasp differ
diff --git a/tests/upgrades/0.16.4/binomial-test.jasp b/tests/upgrades/0.16.4/binomial-test.jasp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a6e89399
Binary files /dev/null and b/tests/upgrades/0.16.4/binomial-test.jasp differ
diff --git a/tests/upgrades/0.16.4/contingency-tables.jasp b/tests/upgrades/0.16.4/contingency-tables.jasp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a3232ab7
Binary files /dev/null and b/tests/upgrades/0.16.4/contingency-tables.jasp differ
diff --git a/tests/upgrades/0.16.4/loglinear-regression.jasp b/tests/upgrades/0.16.4/loglinear-regression.jasp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6ff0efaf
Binary files /dev/null and b/tests/upgrades/0.16.4/loglinear-regression.jasp differ
diff --git a/tests/upgrades/0.16.4/loglinear-regression_aggregated.jasp b/tests/upgrades/0.16.4/loglinear-regression_aggregated.jasp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1384c074
Binary files /dev/null and b/tests/upgrades/0.16.4/loglinear-regression_aggregated.jasp differ
diff --git a/tests/upgrades/0.16.4/multinomial-test.jasp b/tests/upgrades/0.16.4/multinomial-test.jasp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a6eb3430
Binary files /dev/null and b/tests/upgrades/0.16.4/multinomial-test.jasp differ