The code of conduct applies to everyone at the event; attendees, facilitators, sponsors and steering group members are all expected to abide by its terms. We will draw attention to the code of conduct at the beginning of the event, during the opening presentation, and we will explicitly state what the expectations are of people's behaviour, and what actions we will take if a complaint is made.
'As it happens' means as soon as we are notified of an incident, while the event is in progress, and at any time up until the end of the event.
'After the fact' means as soon as we are notified of an incident, after the event has officially finished.
'Complainant' is the person who reports that they have been harrassed, or who we are informed has been harrassed. They do not need to be involved with the event - we expect venue staff, other users of the building and passers by to be treated with the same level of respect.
'Harasser' is the person we have been informed is harassing another person at the event.
- check to see if the complainant needs support of any kind - this can include privacy, safe space, medical attention, police to be called etc
- identify the harasser and establish if they are still at the event
- inform the harasser that there has been a complaint about their behaviour, and that the behaviour needs to stop. If they refuse, inform them that their access to the event has been revoked and they need to leave immediately.
- let the complainant know what the resolution is
- find the complainant and see if they need support of any kind (as above)
- carry on with steps as above
- find the complainant and see if they need support of any kind (as above)
- carry on with steps as above
- check to see if the complainant needs support of any kind
- contact the harasser and inform them that there has been a complaint about their behaviour
- remind the harasser of the code of conduct and that they must agree to abide by it if they attend any future Local Gov Digital events
- inform the harasser that any future complaints will result in them being banned from further Local Gov Digital events
... does this need an email template? ...
- acknowledge the complaint by email and set out the steps we will take
- contact the harasser and inform them that there has been a complaint about their behaviour
- remind the harasser of the code of conduct and that they must agree to abide by it if they attend any future Local Gov Digital events
- inform the harasser that any future complaints will result in them being banned from further Local Gov Digital events
... same as by emali I think - template Slack DM to complainant, and one for harasser? ...