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How to submit new models to Matbench Discovery

🔨   Installation

Clone the repo and install matbench_discovery into your Python environment (--config-settings editable-mode=compat helps the VS Code Python extension resolve matbench_discovery imports):

git clone --depth 1
pip install -e ./matbench-discovery --config-settings editable-mode=compat

There's also a PyPI package for faster installation if you don't need the latest code changes (unlikely if you're planning to submit a model since the benchmark is under active development).

✨   How to submit a new model

To submit a new model to this benchmark and add it to our leaderboard, please create a pull request to the main branch that includes the 3 required items:

  1. You should share your model's predictions through a cloud storage service (we recommend Figshare) and include the download links in your PR description. Your cloud storage directory should contain files in a compressed format with the following naming convention: <arch-name>/<model-variant>/<yyyy-mm-dd>-<eval-task>.{csv.gz|json.gz}. For example, a in the case of MACE-MP-0, the file paths would be:

    • geometry optimization: mace/mace-mp-0/2023-12-11-wbm-IS2RE-FIRE.jsonl.gz (use JSON Lines format for fast loading of small numbers of structures with pandas.read_json(lines=True, nrows=100) for inspection)
    • discovery: mace/mace-mp-0/2023-12-11-wbm-IS2RE.csv.gz
    • phonons: mace/mace-mp-0/2024-11-09-kappa-103-FIRE-dist=0.01-fmax=1e-4-symprec=1e-5.json.gz

    The files should contain the following information:

    1. <arch-name>/<model-variant>/<yyyy-mm-dd>-wbm-geo-opt-<optimizer>.json.gz: The model's relaxed structures as compressed JSON containing:

      • Final relaxed structures (as ASE Atoms or pymatgen Structures)
      • Final energies (eV), forces (eV/Å), stress (eV/ų) and volume (ų)
      • Material IDs matching the WBM test set
    2. <arch-name>/<model-variant>/<yyyy-mm-dd>-wbm-IS2RE.csv.gz: A compressed CSV file with:

      • Material IDs matching the WBM test set
      • Final formation energies per atom (eV/atom)
    3. <arch-name>/<model-variant>/<yyyy-mm-dd>-kappa-103-FIRE-<values-of-dist|fmax|symprec>.json.gz: A compressed JSON file with:

      • Material IDs matching the WBM test set
      • Predicted thermal conductivity (κ) values (W/mK)

    Optionally you can also share the complete relaxation trajectories. Having the forces and stresses at each relaxation step also allows analyzing any pathological behavior for structures where relaxation failed or went haywire.

    Example of how to record these quantities for a single structure with ASE:

    from collections import defaultdict
    import pandas as pd
    from ase.atoms import Atoms
    from ase.optimize import FIRE
    from mace.calculators import mace_mp
    trajectory = defaultdict(list)
    batio3 = Atoms(
          (0, 0, 0), (0.5, 0.5, 0.5), (0.5, 0, 0.5), (0, 0.5, 0.5), (0.5, 0.5, 0)
       cell=[4] * 3,
    batio3.calc = mace_mp(model_name="medium", default_dtype="float64")
    def callback() -> None:
       """Record energy, forces, stress and volume at each step."""
       trajectory["energy"] += [batio3.get_potential_energy()]
       trajectory["forces"] += [batio3.get_forces()]
       trajectory["stress"] += [batio3.get_stress()]
       trajectory["volume"] += [batio3.get_volume()]
       # Optionally save structure at each step (results in much larger files)
       trajectory["atoms"] += [batio3.copy()]
    opt = FIRE(batio3)
    opt.attach(callback) # register callback, steps=500)  # optimize geometry
    df_traj = pd.DataFrame(trajectory) = "step"
    df_traj.to_csv("trajectory.csv.gz")  # Save final structure and trajectory data
  2. test_<model_name> The Python script that generated the WBM final energy predictions given the initial (unrelaxed) DFT structures. Ideally, this file should have comments explaining at a high level what the code is doing and how the model works so others can understand and reproduce your results. If the model deployed on this benchmark was trained specifically for this purpose (i.e. if you wrote any training/fine-tuning code while preparing your PR), please also include it as train_<model_name>.py.

  3. <model_name.yml>: A file to record all relevant metadata of your algorithm like model name and version, authors, package requirements, links to publications, notes, etc. Here's a template:

    model_name: My new model # required (this must match the model's label which is the 3rd arg in the matbench_discovery.preds.Model enum)
    model_key: my-new-model # this should match the name of the YAML file and determines the URL /models/<model_key> on which details of the model are displayed on the website
    model_version: 1.0.0
    matbench_discovery_version: 1.0
    date_added: "2023-01-01"
    date_published: "2022-12-05"
      - name: John Doe
        affiliation: Some University, Some National Lab
        email: [email protected]
        corresponding: true
        role: Model & PR
      - name: Jane Doe
        affiliation: Some National Lab
        email: [email protected]
        role: Model
    url: https://<model-docs-or-similar>.org
    openness: OSOD # see `Open` enum in matbench_discovery/
    train_task: S2EFS # see `Task` enum in matbench_discovery/
    test_task: IS2RE-SR # see `Task` enum in matbench_discovery/
    targets: EFS_G # see `Targets` enum in matbench_discovery/
    model_type: UIP # see `ModelType` enum in matbench_discovery/
    model_params: 3000000
    trained_for_benchmark: true
    n_estimators: 1
    hyperparams: # strongly recommended to list relaxation hyperparams
       max_force: 0.05
       max_steps: 500
       ase_optimizer: FIRE
       optimizer: Adam
       ... # additional hyperparameters describing training
    requirements: # strongly recommended
      torch: 1.13.0
      torch-geometric: 2.0.9
    training_set: [MPtrj] # list of keys from data/training-sets.yml
    notes: # notes can have any key, be multiline and support markdown.
      description: This is how my model works...
      steps: |
       Optional *free-form* [markdown]( notes.
          pred_file: models/<model_dir>/<yyyy-mm-dd>-kappa-103-<values-of-dist|fmax|symprec>.json.gz
      geo_opt: # only applicable if the model performed structure relaxation
        pred_file: models/<model_dir>/<yyyy-mm-dd>-wbm-geo-opt-<optimizer>.json.gz # should contain the models relaxed structures as ASE Atoms or pymatgen Structures, and separate columns for material_id and energies/forces/stresses at each relaxation step
        struct_col: <column_name_of_material_ids_in_relaxed_structures>
        pred_file: models/<model_dir>/<yyyy-mm-dd>-<model_name>-wbm-IS2RE.csv.gz # should contain the models energy predictions for the WBM test set
        pred_col: e_form_per_atom_<model_name>

    Arbitrary other keys can be added as needed. The above keys will be schema-validated with pre-commit (if installed) with errors for missing keys.

Please see any of the subdirectories in models/ for example submissions. More detailed step-by-step instructions below.

Step 1: Clone the repo

git clone --depth 1
cd matbench-discovery
git checkout -b model-name-you-want-to-add

Tip: --depth 1 only clones the latest commit, not the full git history which is faster if a repo contains large data files that changed over time.

Step 2: Commit model metadata and train/test scripts to the repo

Create a new folder

mkdir models/<model_name>

and place the above-listed files there. The file structure should look like this:

└── models
    └── <model_name>
        ├── <model_name>.yml
        ├── test_<model_name>
        ├──  # optional
        └── train_<model_name>.py  # optional

You can include arbitrary other supporting files like metadata and model features (below 10MB total to keep git clone time low) if they are needed to run the model or help others reproduce your results. For larger files, please upload to Figshare or similar and share the link in your PR description.

Add the model to the Model enum in matbench_discovery/ pointing to the correct metadata file.

Step 3: Upload results files to Zenodo

Upload the files for the predictions, optimized geometries and phonons to Zenodo and share the links in your PR description.

Step 4: Open a PR to the Matbench Discovery repo

Commit your files to the repo on a branch called <model_name> and create a pull request (PR) to the Matbench repository.

git add -a models/<model_name>
git commit -m 'add <model_name> to Matbench Discovery leaderboard'

And you're done! Once tests pass and the PR is merged, your model will be added to the leaderboard! 🎉

Step 5 (optional): Copy WandB runs into our project

Weights and Biases is a tool for logging training and test runs of ML models. It's free, (partly) open source and offers a special plan for academics. It auto-collects metadata like

  • what hardware the model is running on
  • and for how long,
  • what the CPU, GPU and network utilization was over that period,
  • the exact code in the script that launched the run, and
  • which versions of dependencies were installed in the environment your model ran in.

This information can be useful for others looking to reproduce your results or compare their model to yours i.t.o. computational cost. We therefore strongly recommend tracking all runs that went into a model submission with WandB so that the runs can be copied over to our WandB project at for everyone to inspect. This also allows us to include your model in more detailed analysis (see the SI in the preprint).

😵‍💫   Troubleshooting

Having problems? Please open an issue on GitHub. We're happy to help! 😊