Worked on implementing and finishing the mobile styles and function of the nav bar component.
- Adjusted nav link items font size and added hover effect
- Styled cart preview buttons
- Styled and implemented transition effect for mobile menu toggle button
Next Steps: Begin implementing store page and API functions. Build itemCard component.
Begin building store page, API function, and ItemCard.
- Emplemented API fetching using useEffect
- Laid out basic skeletion of store page with filters panel and item grid
- Began basic structure and style of ItemCard.
Next Steps: Continue building out store page and item cards. Add ability to add item to cart.
Built out item cards and integrated cart functions
- Implemented styling for item cards
- Implemented ability to add to, remove from, and change quantity of items in cart
- Implemented minor style change to item cards to prevent line breaks below 200px in width
Next Steps: Build out filtering ability for store page
Added total items in cart counter to cart button in navigation
- Implemented state mangagement for total items count
- Used useEffect to update total items count each time the cart was updated
Next Steps: Build out filtering ability for store page
Added filtering ability based on item categories
- Built and styled category filters panel
- Built and styled category selectors
- Implemented state management for unique categories and active category
- Implemented conditional rendering for items based on active category
- Added loading animation to store page (credit:
Next Steps: Build cart preview panel
Built cart preview panel.
- Added cart preview structure and style.
- Refactored item cards to work in app outlet with react router and without.
- Added content to home page.