Next.js AI Chatbot is a sophisticated web application that combines the power of Google's Gemini AI with Next.js and Firebase authentication. Users can engage in intelligent conversations, generate content, and manage their chat history in a secure environment.
- Secure Firebase Authentication
- Email/Password and Anonymous login options
- User profile management
- Protected routes and API endpoints
- Powered by Google's Gemini AI
- Intelligent conversation capabilities
- Content generation features
- Real-time response streaming
- Dark/Light theme support
- Responsive design
- Real-time chat interface
- Message history persistence
- Loading states and error handling

Secure login interface with email/password authentication

User registration with Firebase Authentication

Firebase Authentication Dashboard showing user management

Initial chat interface for non-authenticated users

Dark mode chat interface showing AI responses

Interactive chat session with AI responses

AI processing and generating responses

Detailed AI-generated content with formatting

Code generation and technical responses
Clone the repository: ```bash git clone ```
Install dependencies: ```bash npm install ```
Set up environment variables in `.env.local`: ```env NEXT_PUBLIC_FIREBASE_API_KEY=your_firebase_api_key NEXT_PUBLIC_FIREBASE_AUTH_DOMAIN=your_firebase_auth_domain NEXT_PUBLIC_FIREBASE_PROJECT_ID=your_project_id GEMINI_API_KEY=your_gemini_api_key ```
Run the development server: ```bash npm run dev ```
Feel free to reach out for questions or collaboration:
- GitHub: @jamalihassan0307
- LinkedIn: Jamali Hassan
Special thanks to:
- Google Cloud team for Gemini AI
- Firebase team for Authentication services
- Vercel for hosting and deployment
- The open-source community