- Support adjusting the default reporting interval of 2s (set STATSD_INTERVAL_SECONDS env var) (PR #54)
- New metric:
- the number of requests served since the last report (PR #55) - Improved documentation in the README
- Support puma 6 (PR #46)
- Support the origin detection over UDP from Datadog via DD_ENTITY_ID env var (PR #42)
- Support communicating with the Datadog agent via a UNIX socket (set STATSD_SOCKET_PATH env var) (PR #38)
- Adds support for Datadog unified service tagging (env, service, version) (PR #37)
- Require puma 5 or better
- Split DD_TAGS environment variable by commas or spaces (PR #31)
- Gracefully handle unexpected errors when submitting to statsd (like DNS resolution failures) (PR #35)
- Remove json from the gemspec
- New metrics: old_workers (PR #21) and requests_count (PR #28)
- Require json at runtime to be extra sure we don't load the wrong version before bundler has initialised the LOAD_PATH
- Assume localhost for statsd host (PR #20)
- Added option to specify arbitrary datadog tags (PR #18)
- Support puma 5.x
- Added option to prefix stats metric (via STATSD_METRIC_PREFIX env var)
- The statsd port is now configurable
- Support puma 4.x
Initial Release