- With a logged in Discord account, go to the developer portal
- Select 'New Application' and enter a name
- On the left hand side select 'bot' and select 'add bot'
- You will be prompted to accept converting this to a bot user, this is fine
- On the bot page, select 'Click to Reveal Token'
- Take note of this token, it will be your .env file
- Take note of this token, it will be your .env file
- Move over to the OAuth2 on the left hand side
- Select the following scopes
- bot
- application.commands
- Select the following permissions
- Administrator (//TODO not be so sloppy 🤪)
- You will be given a URL to copy in the scope section of the page
- Copy this URL and paste it into your browser
- You will be prompted which server you wish to add this bot
- Note: you can only add bots to servers you own
- Your bot should then be added to your server 🎉