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iVAN edited this page Mar 16, 2022 · 18 revisions

Welcome to the AM-application-manager wiki!

Here I will try to explain the installation script's workflow for a program to be better managed by "AM", trying to use a language that is as simple and elementary as possible.

Each script is written exclusively for "AM" (and is structured in such a way that even "AppMan", the non-root version of "AM", can modify it to manage programs locally).

We can divide the stages of an installation's process as follows:

  1. Creating the main folder of the program in /opt, as already suggested by the Linux Standard Base (LSB);
  2. Creating a script named "remove", needed to uninstall averything (this must be the first one to be created, in order to quickly resolve any aborted/brocken installations using the -r option);
  3. Download and/or compile the program (this operation varies depending on how the program is distributed);
  4. Creating a link in $PATH (usually /usr/local/bin, but also /usr/bin, /usr/games or /usr/local/games);
  5. Creating a script named "AM-updater", which is a kind of "copy" of step "4" (see above) that may include options to recognize newer versions of the program. NOTE that if you intend to create a script for the fixed version of a program, you can also skip this step;
  6. Create a launcher and download an icon. Note that if you intend to create a script for a command line utility, you can also skip this step;
  7. Change the permissions in the program folder, so you can use the update function (step 5) without using "sudo" privileges.