Only maintainers can do this.
The process is based on the java_client
release process.
- JDK 17
- Maven
Sign up through Sonatype JIRA if you don't have an account already.
File a Publishing Support ticket (example) to gain access to the io.prometheus
group in the Sonatype OSSRH.
The same login will be used for the repository.
Verify that you can log into OSSRH. The CloudWatch Exporter is at io.prometheus.cloudwatch.
Set up Maven publishing, specifically the <server>
block in ~/.m2/settings.xml
A minimal config:
<settings xmlns=""
The project setup is already done.
To push a snapshot, check out the latest main branch and run
mvn clean deploy
This should succeed.
To prepare a release:
mvn release:clean release:prepare
This will
- prompt for the version
- update
with this version - create and push a git tag
- build everything
- GPG-sign the artifacts
To actually release:
mvn release:perform
This will upload everything to OSSRH into a staging repository.
To locate it, log into Sonatype OSS, then open Staging Repositories.
If it spins forever, open the main page and log in first.
If nothing shows up, you probably forgot to mvn release:perform
Press "Close" to promote the release.
The staging repository will show "Activity: Operation in progress" for a few seconds. Refresh or check the Activity tab to see what's going on.
Once closing is done, the "Release" button unlocks. Press it.
This runs for a while, and the new version should become available on OSSRH. It usually appears immediately after the release process is done, but can take a few hours to show up.
As part of the release process, mvn
will create the git tag.
This tag is picked up by CircleCI, which builds and pushes the Docker images.
Create a new GitHub release. Select the tag for this version that Maven pushed.
Use the format A.B.C / YYYY-MM-DD
as the release title.
Summarize the changes.
The release files and signatures are available in target/checkout/target/
Upload the .jar
and .jar.asc
files to the GitHub release.
Publish the release.
Announce the changes to prometheus-announce, linking to OSSRH and the GitHub release.