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ArangoDB REST API Methods

List of ArangoDB REST API Methods

Here is the list of all methods provided by the ArangoDB REST API.

The list is taken from ArangoDB version 3.2.7

The status column shows the status of the implementation for the low level API in the rincon_client lib. The different entries and their meanings are:

  • Ready : method is implemented and available in the code base
  • M.x : method is planned to be implemented for milestone x
  • an empty status means that a method is not planned to be implemented
  • crossed out methods are deprecated by Arango

Administration [M.1, M.2]

Status Rust method struct REST API method Description
Ready GetTargetVersion GET /_admin/database/target-version Return the required version of the database
M.2 GET /_admin/echo Return current request
POST /_admin/execute Execute program
GET /_admin/log Read global logs from the server
GET /_admin/log/level Return the current server loglevel
PUT /_admin/log/level Modify and return the current server loglevel
GET /_admin/long_echo Return current request and continues
POST /_admin/routing/reload Reloads the routing information
M.2 GET /_admin/server/id Return id of a server in a cluster
M.2 GET /_admin/server/role Return role of a server in a cluster
DELETE /_admin/shutdown Initiate shutdown sequence
GET /_admin/sleep Sleep for a specified amount of seconds
GET /_admin/statistics Read the statistics
GET /_admin/statistics-description Statistics description
POST /_admin/test Runs tests on server
GET /_admin/time Return system time
M.2 GET /_api/cluster/endpoints Get information about all coordinator endpoints
GET /_api/endpoint Return list of all endpoints
M.2 GET /_api/engine Return server database engine type
POST /_api/tasks creates a task
GET /_api/tasks/ Fetch all tasks or one task
DELETE /_api/tasks/{id} deletes the task with id
GET /_api/tasks/{id} Fetch one task with id
PUT /_api/tasks/{id} creates a task with id
Ready GetVersion GET /_api/version Return server version

AQL [M.1, M.3]

Status Rust method struct REST API method Description
M.3 GET /_api/aqlfunction Return registered AQL user functions
M.3 POST /_api/aqlfunction Create AQL user function
M.3 DELETE /_api/aqlfunction/{name} Remove existing AQL user function
Ready ExplainQuery POST /_api/explain Explain an AQL query
Ready ParseQuery POST /_api/query Parse an AQL query
M.3 DELETE /_api/query-cache Clears any results in the AQL query cache
GET /_api/query-cache/properties Returns the global properties for the AQL query cache
PUT /_api/query-cache/properties Globally adjusts the AQL query result cache properties
GET /_api/query/current Returns the currently running AQL queries
GET /_api/query/properties Returns the properties for the AQL query tracking
PUT /_api/query/properties Changes the properties for the AQL query tracking
M.3 DELETE /_api/query/slow Clears the list of slow AQL queries
M.3 GET /_api/query/slow Returns the list of slow AQL queries
M.3 DELETE /_api/query/{query-id} Kills a running AQL query

Bulk [M.2]

Status Rust method struct REST API method Description
M.2 POST /_api/batch executes a batch request
M.2 POST /_api/export Create export cursor
M.2 POST /_api/import#document imports document values
M.2 POST /_api/import#json imports documents from JSON

Cluster [not planned]

Status Rust method struct REST API method Description
DELETE /_admin/cluster-test Delete cluster roundtrip
GET /_admin/cluster-test Execute cluster roundtrip
HEAD /_admin/cluster-test Execute cluster roundtrip
PATCH /_admin/cluster-test Update cluster roundtrip
POST /_admin/cluster-test Execute cluster roundtrip
PUT /_admin/cluster-test Execute cluster roundtrip
GET /_admin/clusterCheckPort Check port
GET /_admin/clusterStatistics Queries statistics of DBserver

Collections [M.1, M.2]

Status Rust method struct REST API method Description
Ready ListCollections GET /_api/collection reads all collections
Ready CreateCollection POST /_api/collection Create collection
Ready DropCollection DELETE /_api/collection/{collection-name} Drops a collection
Ready GetCollection GET /_api/collection/{collection-name} Return information about a collection
M.2 GET /_api/collection/{collection-name}/checksum Return checksum for the collection
M.2 GET /_api/collection/{collection-name}/count Return number of documents in a collection
M.2 GET /_api/collection/{collection-name}/figures Return statistics for a collection
M.2 PUT /_api/collection/{collection-name}/load Load collection
M.2 PUT /_api/collection/{collection-name}/loadIndexesIntoMemory Load Indexes into Memory
Ready GetCollectionProperties GET /_api/collection/{collection-name}/properties Read properties of a collection
Ready ChangeCollectionProperties PUT /_api/collection/{collection-name}/properties Change properties of a collection
Ready RenameCollection PUT /_api/collection/{collection-name}/rename Rename collection
Ready GetCollectionRevision GET /_api/collection/{collection-name}/revision Return collection revision id
M.2 PUT /_api/collection/{collection-name}/rotate Rotate journal of a collection
M.2 PUT /_api/collection/{collection-name}/truncate Truncate collection
M.2 PUT /_api/collection/{collection-name}/unload Unload collection

Cursors [M.1]

Status Rust method struct REST API method Description
Ready CreateCursor POST /_api/cursor Create cursor
Ready DeleteCursor DELETE /_api/cursor/{cursor-identifier} Delete cursor
Ready ReadNextBatchFromCursor PUT /_api/cursor/{cursor-identifier} Read next batch from cursor

Database [M.1]

Status Rust method struct REST API method Description
Ready ListDatabases GET /_api/database List of databases
Ready CreateDatabase POST /_api/database Create database
Ready GetCurrentDatabase GET /_api/database/current Information of the database
Ready ListAccessibleDatabases GET /_api/database/user List of accessible databases
Ready DropDatabase DELETE /_api/database/{database-name} Drop database

Documents [M.1, M.2]

Status Rust method struct REST API method Description
Ready DeleteDocuments, DeleteDocumentsReturnOld DELETE /_api/document/{collection} Removes multiple documents
Ready ModifyDocuments PATCH /_api/document/{collection} Update documents
Ready InsertDocument, InsertDocumentReturnNew, InsertDocuments, InsertDocumentsReturnNew POST /_api/document/{collection} Create document
Ready ReplaceDocuments PUT /_api/document/{collection} Replace documents
Ready DeleteDocument, DeleteDocumentReturnOld DELETE /_api/document/{document-handle} Removes a document
Ready GetDocument GET /_api/document/{document-handle} Read document
M.2 GetDocumentHeader HEAD /_api/document/{document-handle} Read document header
Ready ModifyDocument PATCH /_api/document/{document-handle} Update document
Ready ReplaceDocument PUT /_api/document/{document-handle} Replace document
PUT /_api/simple/all-keys Read all documents

Foxx [not planned]

Status Rust method struct REST API method Description
GET /_api/foxx List installed services
POST /_api/foxx Install new service
POST /_api/foxx/commit Commit local service state
GET /_api/foxx/configuration Get configuration options
PATCH /_api/foxx/configuration Update configuration options
PUT /_api/foxx/configuration Replace configuration options
GET /_api/foxx/dependencies Get dependency options
PATCH /_api/foxx/dependencies Update dependencies options
PUT /_api/foxx/dependencies Replace dependencies options
DELETE /_api/foxx/development Disable development mode
POST /_api/foxx/development Enable development mode
POST /_api/foxx/download Download service bundle
GET /_api/foxx/readme Service README
GET /_api/foxx/scripts List service scripts
POST /_api/foxx/scripts/{name} Run service script
DELETE /_api/foxx/service Uninstall service
GET /_api/foxx/service Service description
PATCH /_api/foxx/service Upgrade service
PUT /_api/foxx/service Replace service
GET /_api/foxx/swagger Swagger description
POST /_api/foxx/tests Run service tests

Graph [M.1]

Status Rust method struct REST API method Description
Ready ListGraphs GET /_api/gharial List all graphs
Ready CreateGraph POST /_api/gharial Create a graph
Ready DropGraph DELETE /_api/gharial/{graph-name} Drop a graph
Ready GetGraph GET /_api/gharial/{graph-name} Get a graph
Ready ListEdgeDefinitions GET /_api/gharial/{graph-name}/edge List edge definitions
Ready AddEdgeDefinition POST /_api/gharial/{graph-name}/edge Add edge definition
Ready InsertEdge POST /_api/gharial/{graph-name}/edge/{collection-name} Create an edge
Ready RemoveEdge DELETE /_api/gharial/{graph-name}/edge/{collection-name}/{edge-key} Remove an edge
Ready GetEdge GET /_api/gharial/{graph-name}/edge/{collection-name}/{edge-key} Get an edge
Ready ModifyEdge PATCH /_api/gharial/{graph-name}/edge/{collection-name}/{edge-key} Modify an edge
Ready ReplaceEdge PUT /_api/gharial/{graph-name}/edge/{collection-name}/{edge-key} Replace an edge
Ready RemoveEdgeDefinition DELETE /_api/gharial/{graph-name}/edge/{definition-name} Remove an edge definition from the graph
Ready ReplaceEdgeDefinition PUT /_api/gharial/{graph-name}/edge/{definition-name} Replace an edge definition
Ready ListVertexCollections GET /_api/gharial/{graph-name}/vertex List vertex collections
Ready AddVertexCollection POST /_api/gharial/{graph-name}/vertex Add vertex collection
Ready RemoveVertexCollection DELETE /_api/gharial/{graph-name}/vertex/{collection-name} Remove vertex collection
Ready InsertVertex POST /_api/gharial/{graph-name}/vertex/{collection-name} Create a vertex
Ready RemoveVertex DELETE /_api/gharial/{graph-name}/vertex/{collection-name}/{vertex-key} Remove a vertex
Ready GetVertex GET /_api/gharial/{graph-name}/vertex/{collection-name}/{vertex-key} Get a vertex
Ready ModifyVertex PATCH /_api/gharial/{graph-name}/vertex/{collection-name}/{vertex-key} Modify a vertex
Ready ReplaceVertex PUT /_api/gharial/{graph-name}/vertex/{collection-name}/{vertex-key} Replace a vertex

Graph edges [M.2]

Status Rust method struct REST API method Description
M.2 GET /_api/edges/{collection-id} Read in- or outbound edges

Graph Traversal [M.2]

Status Rust method struct REST API method Description
M.2 POST /_api/traversal executes a traversal

Indexes [M.1]

Status Rust method struct REST API method Description
Ready GetIndexList GET /_api/index Read all indexes of a collection
Ready CreateIndex POST /_api/index#fulltext Create fulltext index
Ready CreateIndex POST /_api/index#general Create index
Ready CreateIndex POST /_api/index#geo Create geo-spatial index
Ready CreateIndex POST /_api/index#hash Create hash index
Ready CreateIndex POST /_api/index#persistent Create a persistent index
Ready CreateIndex POST /_api/index#skiplist Create skip list
Ready DeleteIndex DELETE /_api/index/{index-handle} Delete index
Ready GetIndex GET /_api/index/{index-handle} Read index

job [not planned]

Status Rust method struct REST API method Description
GET /_api/job/{job-id} Returns async job
PUT /_api/job/{job-id} Return result of an async job
PUT /_api/job/{job-id}/cancel Cancel async job
DELETE /_api/job/{type} Deletes async job
GET /_api/job/{type} Returns list of async jobs

Replication [not planned]

Status Rust method struct REST API method Description
GET /_api/replication/applier-config Return configuration of replication applier
PUT /_api/replication/applier-config Adjust configuration of replication applier
PUT /_api/replication/applier-start Start replication applier
GET /_api/replication/applier-state State of the replication applier
PUT /_api/replication/applier-stop Stop replication applier
POST /_api/replication/batch Create new dump batch
DELETE /_api/replication/batch/{id} Deletes an existing dump batch
PUT /_api/replication/batch/{id} Prolong existing dump batch
GET /_api/replication/clusterInventory Return cluster inventory of collections and indexes
GET /_api/replication/dump Return data of a collection
GET /_api/replication/inventory Return inventory of collections and indexes
GET /_api/replication/logger-first-tick Returns the first available tick value
GET /_api/replication/logger-follow Returns log entries
GET /_api/replication/logger-state Return replication logger state
GET /_api/replication/logger-tick-ranges Return the tick ranges available in the WAL logfiles
PUT /_api/replication/make-slave Turn the server into a slave of another
GET /_api/replication/server-id Return server id
PUT /_api/replication/sync Synchronize data from a remote endpoint

Simple Queries [deprecated]

Status Rust method struct REST API method Description
PUT /_api/simple/all Return all documents
PUT /_api/simple/any Return a random document
PUT /_api/simple/by-example Simple query by-example
PUT /_api/simple/first-example Find documents matching an example
PUT /_api/simple/fulltext Fulltext index query
PUT /_api/simple/lookup-by-keys Find documents by their keys
PUT /_api/simple/near Returns documents near a coordinate
PUT /_api/simple/range Simple range query
PUT /_api/simple/remove-by-example Remove documents by example
PUT /_api/simple/remove-by-keys Remove documents by their keys
PUT /_api/simple/replace-by-example Replace documents by example
PUT /_api/simple/update-by-example Update documents by example
PUT /_api/simple/within Find documents within a radius around a coordinate
PUT /_api/simple/within-rectangle Within rectangle query

Transactions [M.2]

Status Rust method struct REST API method Description
M.2 POST /_api/transaction Execute transaction

User Management [M.1]

Status Rust method struct REST API method Description
Ready CreateUser POST /_api/user Create User
Ready ListUsers GET /_api/user/ List available Users
Ready DeleteUser DELETE /_api/user/{user} Remove User
Ready GetUser GET /_api/user/{user} Fetch User
Ready ModifyUser PATCH /_api/user/{user} Modify User
Ready ReplaceUser PUT /_api/user/{user} Replace User
Ready ListDatabasesForUser GET /_api/user/{user}/database/ List the accessible databases for a user
Ready GetDatabaseAccessLevel GET /_api/user/{user}/database/{database} Get the database access level
Ready GetCollectionAccessLevel GET /_api/user/{user}/database/{database}/{collection} Get the specific collection access level
Ready ResetDatabaseAccessLevel DELETE /_api/user/{user}/database/{dbname} Clear the database access level
Ready SetDatabaseAccessLevel PUT /_api/user/{user}/database/{dbname} Set the database access level
Ready ResetCollectionAccessLevel DELETE /_api/user/{user}/database/{dbname}/{collection} Clear the collection access level
Ready SetCollectionAccessLevel PUT /_api/user/{user}/database/{dbname}/{collection} Set the collection access level

wal [not planned]

Status Rust method struct REST API method Description
PUT /_admin/wal/flush Flushes the write-ahead log
GET /_admin/wal/properties Retrieves the configuration of the write-ahead log
PUT /_admin/wal/properties Configures the write-ahead log
GET /_admin/wal/transactions Returns information about the currently running transactions