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Henne Vogelsang edited this page Oct 5, 2019 · 4 revisions

1.0 Release Notes

Version 1.0 of influxdb-rails includes a couple of backward incompatible changes.

Client Configuration

To simplify the configuration we have separated all of the influxdb-ruby client settings. Please update your configuration accordingly.

0.4.x 1.0.x
influxdb_database client.database
influxdb_username client.username
influxdb_password client.password
influxdb_hosts client.hosts
influxdb_port client.port
async client.async
use_ssl client.use_ssl
retry client.retry
open_timeout client.open_timeout
read_timeout client.read_timeout
max_delay client.max_delay
time_precision client.time_precision


To simplify our code base and in honor to the many Free Software exception trackers (errbit, sentry etc.), who do this job in a much nicer way, we have dropped the exceptions feature completely. So from this version on, we will not output anything into the rails.exceptions measurement anymore. We are sorry if you have relied on this and you now have to migrate to something else for exception tracking, but this was such an invasive code-path. We rather want to concentrate our resources on supporting more ActiveSupport Instrumentation hooks and data instead of this.

Measurement Output

In version 1.0 we switched from emitting eight different measurements based on Active Support Instrumentation hooks to one measurement called rails. We changed this to support easier aggregation across data in the rails measurement, to simplify our configuration and to stay closer to the InfluxDB/Grafana nomenclature.

You will need to update your dashboards, sorry for the inconvenience. Below you find a table of what moved where.

0.4.x 1.0.x (measurement: rails)
measurement: rails.controller tag-key: hook, tag-value: process_action, field-key: controller
measurement: rails.view tag-key: hook, tag-value: process_action, field-key: view
measurement: rails.db tag-key: hook, tag-value: process_action, field-key: db
measurement: rails.render_template tag-key: hook, tag-value: render_template
measurement: rails.render_partial tag-key: hook, tag-value: render_partial
measurement: rails.render_collection tag-key: hook, tag-value: render_collection
measurement: rails.sql tag-key: hook, tag-value: sql
measurement: rails.exceptions Not Available anymore

See the InfluxDB Key Concepts documentation about what measurement, tag-key, tag-value and field-key mean.

Measurement Configuration

As explained above, a couple of configuration variables have changed. There is no need for you to do anything after the update but we list them here for completeness.

The following settings in your initializer don't have an effect anymore, you can remove them.

  • series_name_for_controller_runtimes
  • series_name_for_view_runtimes
  • series_name_for_db_runtimes
  • series_name_for_render_template
  • series_name_for_render_partial
  • series_name_for_render_collection
  • series_name_for_sql
  • series_name_for_exceptions
  • series_name_for_instrumentation

And there are two new variables (with sensible defaults) that you can add to your initializer. You can use measurement_name = 'rails' to influence how the measurement we send is called. To disable measuring some specific hook (setting series_name_for_something = nil in 0.4x) you can use the variable ignored_hooks = ['sql.active_record', 'render_template.action_view']. See for the list of hooks we support.

Other breaking changes

  • Support for Ruby <= 2.2.x has been removed
  • Support for Rails <= 4.1.x has been removed
  • Removed previously deprecated methods, if you still have them in your initializer they will now crash.
    • InfluxDB::Rails::Configuration#reraise_global_exceptions
    • InfluxDB::Rails::Configuration#database_name
    • InfluxDB::Rails::Configuration#application_id