请看: 中文介绍
You can own a enterprise web just listen to me! You just need install golang environment(ask for google help).Under developing...
Go1.9+ Must!
Just do this:
go get -v github.com/hunterhug/rabbit
git clone https://www.github.com/hunterhug/rabbit
mkdir -p %GOPATH%/src/github.com/hunterhug
mv rabbit %GOPATH%/src/github.com/hunterhug
this %GOPATH%
is your GOPATH
Then build our web
go build
Before run, Please config the db set in conf/app.conf
, use Mysql.
# you can set it into prod when in production environment
runmode = dev
httpport = 8080
db_host =
db_port = 3306
db_user = root
db_pass = 123456789
db_name = tuzi
db_type = mysql
EnableGzip = true
httpport = 80
db_host =
db_port = 3306
db_user = root
db_pass = 123456789
db_name = tuzi
db_type = mysql
How to install Mysql
git clone https://github.com/hunterhug/GoSpider-docker
cd GoSpider-docker
chomd 777 build.sh
sudo docker exec -it GoSpider-mysqldb mysql -uroot -p123456789
> create database tuzi default character set utf8mb4 collate utf8mb4_unicode_ci;
sudo docker exec -it GoSpider-redis redis-cli -a 123456789
> KEYS *
And init our database:
./rabbit -db=1
Last run it:
Ok, you can open
, Login to edit the website:
, User: admin
, Password:admin
if upload file error please make a new dir names file
under this project:
# if in linux
mkdir file
chmod 777 file
----conf config module
----app.conf app config file
----local_**.ini internationalization file
----controllers controllers module
----admin back-end
----blog blog-edit(category/paper) module
----rbac authority module
----home front end
----rbac.go router authority filtering
-----lib public Library
-----file upload file keep in here
-----models ORM module
----admin RBAC database operation
----AdminInit.go admin data fill by this
----blog blog database operation
----routers url router
----static static file such as css/js
---admin back-end js/css
---home front-end js/css
---amazi Meizi UI(China)
---boostrap Most Niubi UI
---tool some tool js
---diy our diy js/css
----views template views
----admin back-end
----default defaule theme
----home front-end
----default default theme
----front can use for vue/angular... preparing
---data JSON data
---help help yu init db
--- init.sql important data
--- ngnix-tuzi.conf Nginx config
We have already implement basic RBAC module and Blog module(Article and Album equal to enterprise News and Production), And have a Dashboard back-end UI, The UI can accelerated development.
- Role-Based Access Control
- Amaze UI v2.7.0(little back-end)和jQuery EasyUI v1.4.2(back-end table CRUD)、Bootstrap v3.3.5(front-end)mixed
- Prepare use Vue.js v2.2.6 to separate back-end and front-end(Maybe), back-end just offer REST JSON API, and front-end can first test Off-line then if no problem, docking! when ajax call JSON must pay attention across-domain rule(see rht dir front), why use this way due to can reduce the back-end burden~~ and more fast develop...
- RBAC function must put in
folder.Front-end controllers put incontrollers/home
folder, other put incontrollers/admin
.URL router useM/C/A
ways, such routerrbac/public/index
(three)must authorize. - Login:you can logout after login, support cookie remember login. when enter back-end, check session, if not exist session then check cookie. if user is activated, add the session, record login times、login IP etcd. When remember login, will add cookie(cooke bind by ip and encrypted password for hijacking prevention).
- System time default timezone UTC/GMT+08:00 China BeiJin, you can change in
. - Back-end template in
, front-end inviews/home
, the sub folder is theme, which default is default... can change inapp.conf
. - All config in
, support internationalization, can use chinese/english by browser suchAccept-Language:en-US,en;q=0.5
- All data initialization can define in
, I will change it all in english. - All js/css such static file must put in
- Website home can be change by this(just ignore it...waiting for explanation)
Every add routers and permissions in models/admin/AdminInit.go
, please rebuild rbac:
./rabbit -rbac=1
debug you can use bee run
First install Nginx(ask for google...), Ubuntu do this: sudo apt-get install nginx
Enter /etc/nginx/conf.d
, put our doc/sh/ngnix-tuzi.conf
under it, which config ngnix-tuzi.conf
, server_name
is your domain, access_log
is the log path(you must make dir first)
listen 80;
server_name tuzi.lenggirl.com;
charset utf-8;
access_log /data/logs/nginx/tuzi.lenggirl.com.log;
#error_log /data/logs/nginx/tuzi.lenggirl.com.err;
location / {
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
proxy_set_header Host $http_host;
proxy_redirect off;
proxy_pass http://localhost:8080;
proxy_set_header X-Real-Ip $remote_addr;
nginx -t
nginx -s reload
curl tuzi.lenggirl.com
Just for debug home!
go run main.go -config=conf/tuzi.conf -home=home/first
Copyright 2017 by rabbit author: [email protected].
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License
Welcome Add PR/issues.
For questions, please email: [email protected].