This document tracks the implementation progress of the BigDecimal library, inspired by the bignumber.js implementation but focused on decimal arithmetic with arbitrary precision.
- Basic BigDecimal class structure
- Constructor supporting multiple input types (string, number, bigint, BigDecimal)
- Internal value representation using bigint
- Scale (decimal places) management
- Sign handling
- Addition (plus)
- Subtraction (minus)
- Multiplication (times)
- Division (div)
- Power (pow)
- Square root (sqrt) - basic implementation
- Negation (negate)
- Absolute value (abs)
- Comparison methods (compareTo)
- Value validation (isValid)
- Zero checks (isZero)
- Sign checks (isPositive, isNegative)
- toString() implementation
- toFixed() for decimal place formatting
- valueOf() for primitive conversion
- Symbol.toPrimitive implementation
- Basic rounding implementation (round)
- Modulo operation (mod)
- Integer division (idiv)
- Enhanced sqrt implementation with Newton's method
- Exponential function (exp)
- Natural logarithm (ln)
- Trigonometric functions (sin, cos, tan)
- Multiple rounding modes:
- Precision management
- Significant digits handling
- Global configuration system
- Decimal places settings
- Rounding mode settings
- Exponential notation settings
- Format settings
- fromString with exponential notation
- Scientific notation support
- Custom formatting options
- Locale-aware formatting
- Binary/Octal/Hex conversion
- Enhanced error messages
- Custom error types
- Error handling configuration
- Caching mechanism
- Lazy evaluation
- Memory usage optimizations
- Algorithm improvements
- Comprehensive unit tests
- Performance benchmarks
- API documentation
- Usage examples
- TypeScript type improvements
- BigDecimal.random() implementation
- Matrix operations
- Complex number support
- Interval arithmetic
- Financial calculations (compound interest, etc.)
- Browser bundle optimization
- Node.js optimizations
- WebAssembly implementation
- Worker thread support
- IEEE 754 compliance
- Decimal128 support
- Standard decimal arithmetic specification
- Basic arithmetic operations
- Core functionality
- Essential formatting
- Enhanced rounding modes
- Improved error handling
- Additional arithmetic operations
- Configuration system
- Advanced formatting options
- Performance optimizations
- Advanced mathematical functions
- Complete IEEE 754 compliance
- Comprehensive documentation
Please feel free to contribute to any of the planned features or suggest new ones. Follow these steps:
- Check the feature isn't already being worked on
- Open an issue to discuss the implementation
- Submit a pull request with tests and documentation