This Ansible Role installs java (OpenJDK in a Debian/Ubuntu or CentOS environment.
These instructions will get you a copy of the role for your Ansible playbook.
Once launched, it will install Java using Debian or RHEL packages.
To use this role as dependency in your playbook, prerequisites below:
Ansible >=2.9.0 version installed. Inventory destination should be a Debian/Ubuntu or CentOS environment.
For testing purposes you will need Python 3.7+, Pipenv.
Create or add to your roles dependency file (e.g requirements.yml):
- src:
scm: git
version: 7.0.0
name: java
or using Ansible Galaxy as origin if you prefer:
- src: idealista.java_role
version: 7.0.0
name: java
Alternatively you could find tagged Docker images for Debian Stretch and Buster, Ubuntu Xenial, Bionic and Focal, and CentOS 7 and 8 in Docker Hub.
Install the role with ansible-galaxy command:
$ ansible-galaxy install -p roles -r requirements.yml -f
Use in a playbook:
- hosts: someserver
- java
We publish every role version as a Docker image in Docker Hub:
You can pull our images by executing:
docker pull idealista/jdk:${JDK_VERSION}-${DOCKER_IMAGE_BASE}-${JDK_VENDOR}headless)
Preferred JDK version.
: Currently supporting: stretch
to select between Debian versions, xenial
to select between Ubuntu versions, and 7
to select a CentOS version.
: Currently supporting openjdk
/ adoptopenjdk
For instance:
docker pull idealista/jdk:8u191-xenial-openjdk-headless
List of versions (tags) can be checked on Docker Hub
A specific OpenJDK version should be selected overriding java_open_jdk_version_major
variable using group vars/host vars:
Operative System | OpenJDK major release |
Debian Stretch | 8 (default) |
Debian Stretch | 11 |
Debian Buster | 11 (default) |
Debian Bullseye | 17 |
Debian Bullseye | 11 (default) |
Ubuntu Xenial | 8 |
Ubuntu Xenial | 9 (default) |
Ubuntu Bionic | 8 |
Ubuntu Bionic | 11 (default) |
Ubuntu Focal | 8 |
Ubuntu Focal | 11 |
Ubuntu Focal | 13 |
Ubuntu Focal | 14 (default) |
CentOS 7 | 1.6.0 |
CentOS 7 | 1.7.0 |
CentOS 7 | 1.8.0 |
CentOS 7 | 11 (default) |
CentOS 8 | 1.8.0 |
CentOS 8 | 11 (default) |
Other OpenJDK implementations out of GNU/Linux distributions streams are not officially supported, but it's easy use this role too adding extra repositories (see vars/ in AdoptOpenJDK and Corretto directories).
$ pipenv sync
$ DOCKER_IMAGE_BASE=(debian:stretch-slim|debian:buster-slim|debian_bullseye-slim|amd64/ubuntu:xenial|amd64/ubuntu:bionic|amd64/ubuntu:focal|centos:7|centos:8) JDK_VENDOR=(`java_jdk_version` openjdk|adoptopenjdk|corretto) JDK_MAJOR=(`java_open_jdk_version_major` see [.travis.yml](.travis.yml) file to check supported versions) JDK_VERSION=(`java_open_jdk_version` see [.travis.yml](.travis.yml) file to check supported versions) pipenv run molecule test
Note: JDK_VENDOR is an optional parameter, if not defined this role will use openjdk. Note: JDK_VERSION is an optional parameter, if not defined this role will install the latest available package for the selected Java major release. Note: debian9 (Debian Stretch) will be used as default linux distro if none is provided.
See molecule directory to check possible testing platforms.
For the versions available, see the tags on this repository.
Additionaly you can see what change in each version in the file.
- Idealista - Work with - idealista
See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.
This project is licensed under the Apache 2.0 license - see the LICENSE file for details.
Please read for details on our code of conduct, and the process for submitting pull requests to us.