This is a GitHub repository for ME 69700 – Nonlinear Wave Mechanics 🌊, an advanced graduate special topics course at Purdue University, as taught by Prof. Ivan C. Christov. The repository mainly consists of Jupyter notebooks used for hands-on demos in lectures, continuous knowledge acquisition, problem-set solutions, and enrichment activities.
The notebooks are unlikely to be robust and may require updates to run on different platforms, and as underlying Python libraries evolve.
Some resources for getting started:
- Google Colaboratory lets open Jupyter notebooks from GitHub and run them in the cloud from your browser:
- Check out PY4E – Python for Everybody – for free materials for learning how to program in Python.
- See the getting started with Markdown guide for how to write nice discussion between your computational cells in the Jupyter notebook.
- More advanced programmers may find the following links useful: Introduction to Git in VS Code, Jupyter Notebooks in VS Code.
- For all your math typesetting needs: D. F. Griffiths and D. J. Higham, Learning LaTeX, 2nd ed, SIAM.
Fun facts:
- Prof. Christov received the Graduate Teaching Award 🏆 from the School of Mechanical Engineering, in recognition for excellence in graduate classroom instruction, upon nomination from students in ME 69700 – Nonlinear Wave Mechanics (Spring 2021).