- with a packet capture you can map client probe requests.
- this can be useful if conducting an Evil-Twin attack
- Before using Airgraph-ng you need to process your libpcap file into a compatible format
airodump-ng -r client-probe.pcap -w CUST
- you will have a file called
- feel that into Airgraph-ng
airgraph-ng -i CUST-01.csv -o cpb.png -g CPG
- open the resulting .png with firefox
firefox cpb.png
Ensure you add a --old-pcap
switch to convert the kismetdb to old school pcap, not pcap-ng, which is not supported by airodump-ng.
sudo kismetdb_to_pcap --old-pcap -i Kismet-20240829-01-41-41-1.kismet -o out.pcap