Two most common Apache, Microsoft IIS
nikto -h [target ip/hostname]
nikto -h [target ip/hostname] -p 80,88,443
nikto -h [target ip/hostname -p 80-88
nikto -h [target] -C all
Run early, its slow but good
Look at robots.txt
Look in the webpage for comments
Is the site not rendering right? (check dns /etc/hosts)
Comes with a default word list
Dirb [url target host] [wordlist]
will stop the scan on current dir and move to the next
stops the running scan and saves the current state
will return the remaining scan statistics
To run, set the target to the target url, set the number of threads, select a word list and hit the start button.
Much faster because its multi threaded
We can grab the banner of the web service running on the target host:
Enter this HTTP request on the next line
To retrieve the top level page on the webserver we can use the following command:
Another good web application scanner.
gobuster dir -u http://magic.uploadvulns.thm -w /usr/share/wordlists/dirb/big.txt
to run it in directory enumeration mode
followed by the url
to specify a wordlist
-> Directory/File Brute force mode
-> DNS brute forcing mode
-> Flag for extentions to be tested against
-> Sets a wordlist to be used
-> Set username for basic authentication (if required by the directory)
-> Set password for basic authentication
-> Set the status codes gobuster will recognize as valid
-> Skip ssl certificate validation
-> Set a user agent string
-> Specify and HTTP header
-> Set the url to brute force
-> Location of the wordlists
dirb -w /usr/share/wordlists/dirbuster/directory-list-2.3-medium.txt -X .txt
This command tests the /secret/ directory
It specifies to use the wordlist directory-list-2.3-medium.txt
With the -x
flag it sets gobuster to test for .txt
file extensions i.e. admin.txt, secret.txt
Gobuster Sub-Domain Enumeration
gobuster vhost -u http://horizontall.htb -w /usr/share/seclists/Discovery/DNS/subdomains-top1million-110000.txt -t 150
Found: api-prod.horizontall.htb (Status: 200) [Size: 413]
dirsearch -u -t 16 -r -e ticket -f -w /usr/share/wordlists/dirbuster/directory-list-2.3-medium.txt
if you have a wordpress server check below URI as if it is enabled, you can get alot of information.
wpscan --url http://backdoor.htb --plugins-detection aggressive --detection-mode aggressive -e ap -o loot/wpscan-out
Ideal for wordpress sites to find their vulnerable plugins, users, and themes.
Default scan runs non intrusive checks which means no accounts will be brute forced and themes and plugins will be enumerated passively.
wpscan --update
wpscan --url [target url]
wpscan --url http://x.x.x.x --enumerate u,p,t
Active enumeration
->scans popular plugins only
->scans vulnerable these only
->scans all themes
Full command:
wpscan --url [url] --enumerate [p/vp/ap/t/vt/at]
The following command will test a target for all popular plugins:
wpscan --url [url] --enumerate p --plugins-detection aggressive
To scan a wordpress installation only for vulnerable plugins we can run the following command:
wpscan --url [url] --enumerate vp --plugins-detection aggressive
Scan for all plugins in the WPScan database run the enumerate option with ap:
wpscan --url [url] --enumerate ap --plugins-detection aggressive
wpscan --url [target url] --enumerate u
can brute force with wpscan
however this tool works great
./ -c -u -H X-Forwarded-For -l admin -P /usr/share/seclists/rockyou.txt
[+] Plugin seems to be not installed, or the source IP or username is in whitelist.
./ --exploit --url --header X-Forwarded-For --login admin --passwordlist /usr/share/seclists/rockyou.txt --quiet
./ --exploit --url --header X-Forwarded-For --login admin --passwordlist ../../
git clone
sudo python3 install
Find backup files on the website/application
bfac --url http://$ip/ --level 4
If you manage to download a backupfile, grep for users - might be a password as well
Set Foxy Proxy to 8080 and enable it
Turn off intercept
Refresh the page you want to spider
Navigate to Target/Site Map
in Burp Suite