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File metadata and controls

88 lines (48 loc) · 4.19 KB


This repository provides a minimal Neovim configuration template written in Lua. It covers key areas such as Global Options, Autocommands, Colorscheme setup, and a few example plugins (like Treesitter and Dashboard). Use this as a starting point to create your own custom Neovim configuration.


  • Global Options: Configures basic editor behavior including leader keys, line numbering, tab settings, clipboard, and more.

  • Autocommands: Automatically triggers actions on events (e.g., formatting on save, reloading changed files).

  • Colorscheme Section: Loads your preferred colorscheme with a fallback if it’s unavailable.

  • Plugin Examples: Provides example configurations for popular plugins:

  • Treesitter: For advanced syntax highlighting and code understanding.

  • Dashboard: A startup dashboard offering quick access to common actions.

  • Moonfly Colorscheme: An example colorscheme plugin.

Repository Structure

  • Contains the annotated configuration template with detailed explanations and code snippets.

  • (This file) Provides an overview and instructions on how to use the configuration template.

  • init.lua: The main configuration file that makes possible.

How to Use This Template

1. Clone the Repository

Clone this repository to your local machine:

git clone ~/.config/nvim

2. Review the Template

Open to see the detailed configuration sections. Each section includes:

  • Description: Explains what the configuration does.

  • Code: The Lua code you can copy or modify for your setup. 3. Customize Your Configuration

  • Global Options: Adjust basic settings like leader keys, number settings, and indentation.

  • Autocommands: Modify or add autocommands to suit your workflow.

  • Colorscheme: Change the preferred colorscheme.

  • Plugins: Add or remove plugins based on your needs. You can use Lazy.nvim, Packer.nvim, or your preferred plugin manager.

3. Split the Configuration

Although this template uses a single Markdown file for demonstration, you can split your configuration into separate Lua files (e.g., options.lua, autocmds.lua, plugins.lua) and source them from your init.lua.

4. Further Customization

Expand the template by adding new sections such as key mappings, LSP configurations, and other custom utilities. Each section in the template includes detailed notations to guide you.

5. Logging & Debugging

The template uses a simple logging function that writes to a log file in your Neovim cache directory (~/.cache/nvim/plugin_manager.log). Adjust the global log level by setting _G.LOG_LEVEL in your configuration (default is set to vim.log.levels.ERROR).


Contributions, suggestions, and bug reports are welcome. Feel free to open an issue or submit a pull request to improve this template.


I'd been considering a single init file for quite a while, but then I saw OXY2DEV's post on Reddit about The thing that most appealed to me about this idea was that I could keep notes and separate configuration options in the markdown file.

My attempt at init.lua got a little out of control for several reasons.

  1. I wanted it to work with more than one package manager so that if something else comes along, I had the structure to easily add it.
  2. I wanted Lazy to install if there was no package manager so that the init could start from scratch.
  3. I've always hated forced-restarts after installs. I figured Neovim should be able to install everything in one go.
  4. I've been transitioning from Homebrew to NixOS/nix-darwin on my Mac. I started this process because I found the DietPi project and enjoyed its declarative setup options.
  5. I kept running into edge cases where detecting fenced lua code blocks wasn't enough.
  6. I like logging. Maybe too much.

This is my first public project.


This project is licensed under the MIT License.