Command | Description |
ASSERT_OUTPUT [arg] | If the output from the previous command does not match, then throw an error |
COMMENT [arg] | Comment to pass through to the ShutIt script |
CONFIG [name_arg] [default_value] | A config item that can be defaulted to default_value (optional), with the name name_arg. Can be referred to elsewhere in the module with {{ shutit.name_arg }}. For example, if you have a line 'CONFIG foo bar' then you could have another line such as: 'RUN rm {{ }}' which would be run as: 'RUN rm bar'. If no default is given, it is requested from the user. |
CONFIG_SECRET [name_arg] [default_value] | Same as CONFIG, but inputs the command interactively without echoing. |
DELIVERY [arg] | ShutIt delivery type (bash, docker) |
DEPENDS [arg] | Stipulate a dependency on a MODULE_ID |
DESCRIPTION [arg] | A description of the module |
ELIF_NOT [condition] [arg] | Start an ELSE block that runs commands if the condition is met (see conditions) |
ELIF [condition] [arg] | Start else ELSE block that runs commands if the if the condition is met (see conditions) |
ELSE | else block for an IF block |
ENDIF | end the IF block |
ENV [name]=[value] | Exports a variable in the local build context |
EXPECT [arg] | Continue if the specified regexp is seen in the output |
EXPECT_MULTI ['[name1]=[value1]','[name2]=[value2]',...] | A series of name-value pairs. If the 'name' is seen as a prompt, then SEND the value. eg EXPECT_MULTI ['sername=myuser','assword=mypass'] The name need not be seen in the output to continue successfully. |
EXPECT_REACT ['[name1]=[value1]','[name2]=[value2]',...] | A series of name-value pairs. If the 'name' is seen in the previous SEND's output, then SEND the value. eg EXPECT_REACT ['ERROR=echo ERROR > /tmp/res','OK=echo OK /tmp/res'] |
GET_PASSWORD [arg] | Get a password from the user where appropriate. Only allowed after a LOGIN or USER line. [arg] is the prompt the user sees eg 'Input the password for the machine x' |
IF [condition] [arg] | Start an IF block that runs commands if the condition is met (see conditions) |
IF_NOT [condition] [arg] | Start an IF block that runs commands if the condition is met (see conditions) |
INSTALL [arg] | Install a package. Figures out local package manager |
LOG [arg] | Set the log level to [arg], which can be one of: DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR, CRITICAL |
LOGIN [arg] | Log in to a fresh shell with the given command (eg 'ssh user@host', or just 'bash'). Must be matched by a LOGOUT within the same section. See also LOGOUT, USER, GET_PASSWORD |
LOGOUT | Log out from a LOGIN/USER command |
MAINTAINER [arg] | Maintainer of the ShutIt module that is created |
MODULE_ID [arg] | A unique identifying string for this module, eg com.mycorp.myproject.mymodule |
PAUSE_POINT [arg] | Pause the build and give the user a shell to interact with. [arg] is the message the user sees eg 'Check all is ok' |
QUIT [arg] | Exit the run with a message [arg]. |
REMOVE [arg] | Remove a package. Figures out local package manager |
REPLACE_LINE ['filename=[filename]','line=[new line]','pattern=[regexp]'] | Replace the line matched by pattern in filename with the newline |
RUN [arg] | See SEND |
SCRIPT_BEGIN | The lines following this directive are run as a shell script. See also SCRIPT_END |
SCRIPT_END | The termination of a SCRIPT section. See also SCRIPT_BEGIN |
SEND [arg] | String to input at terminal |
UNTIL [arg] | Send the previous command until the specified regexp is seen in the output |
USER [arg] | Become user specified (with su -). See also LOGIN, GET_PASSWORD, LOGOUT. Must be matched by a LOGOUT within the same section |
VAGRANT_LOGIN [arg] | Log into vagrant machine specified as root |
VAGRANT_LOGOUT | Log out of vagrant machine |
WORKDIR [arg] | Change directory during build |
Condition | Description |
FILE_EXISTS [arg] | Conditional argument hinging on whether file (or directory) exists |
RUN [arg] | Conditional argument hinging on whether the command returned successfully |
INSTALL_TYPE [arg] | Conditional argument hinging on the type of installs in this env (eg apt, yum, emerge et al) |
Create a file if it does not exist:
IF_NOT FILE_EXISTS /tmp/mytmpfolder
RUN mkdir /tmp/mytmpfolder
If wget not installed, create a file to mark that:
IF_NOT RUN wget --version
RUN touch /tmp/no_wget
The following are only usable when 'DELIVERY docker' line is included, and are as per the Dockerfile syntax. ShutIt-specific notes are made here.
Command | Description |
FROM | See Docker docs. |
EXPOSE | See Docker docs. |
CMD | See Docker docs. |
ADD | See Docker docs. |
COPY | See Docker docs. |
VOLUME | See Docker docs. |
COMMIT | Commit the container at this point. is the repository name, eg myrepo_name:mytag |
PUSH | Push the image with the tag |
This is advanced, and optional functionality.
If not specified, then it is assumed we are in a 'BUILD' section.
Command | Description |
BUILD_BEGIN / BUILD_END | Build section (the default). This is the body of the run. |
TEST_BEGIN / TEST_END | Test section. After all the modules' build sections are run, these sections are run. If any commands in these TEST sections fail, the entire run is deemed a failure. |