GitHub Team memberships and repository access are based on the following groups. If this file is in error, please notify the project/SIG lead or [email protected]
- Lead - Christopher "CRob" Robinson
- Co-Lead -
- Backlog Warden -
- "*" denotes a project/SIG lead
- Arnaud J Le Hors, IBM
- Avishay Balter, Microsoft
- Christine Abernathy*, F5
- Daniel Applequist*, Snyk
- David Edelsohn
- Georg Kunz, Ericsson
- Glenn ten Cate*, OWASP/SKF
- Jay White, Microsoft
- Jonathan Leitschuh*, Dan Kaminsky Fellowship @ Human Security
- Judy Kelly, Red Hat
- Marta Rybczynska, Syslinbit
- Noam Dotan, Legit Security
- Randall T. Vasquez*, Gentoo/Homebrew
- Roberth Strand, Amesto Fortytwo / Cloud Native Norway
- Sal Kimmich, EscherCloud
- Thomas Nyman*, Ericsson
- Yotam Perkal, Rezilion
- Chris de Almeida, IBM
- Emily Fox
- Jeffrey Borek, IBM
- Jeff Mendoza, Google
- Ixchel Ruiz, jfrog
- Laurent Simon*, Google/Scorecard
- Matt Rutkowski, IBM
- Riccardo ten Cate, SKF
- Spyros Gasteratos*, OWASP/CRE
- Andrea Frittoli, IBM
- Arnaud Le Hors, IBM
- Behan Webster, The Linux Foundation
- Brandon Mitchell, IBM
- Brian Behlendorf, The Linux Foundation
- Brian Wagner, IBM
- Christopher "CRob" Robinson, Intel
- Daniel Appelquist, Synk
- David A Wheeler, LF/OSSF
- Georg Kunz, Ericsson
- Jacques Chester, independent
- Jay White, Microsoft
- Jeff Borek, IBM
- Jon Meadows, Citi
- Josh Clements, Analog Devices
- Joshua Lock, Verizon
- Kris Borchers, independent
- Marcela Melara, Intel
- Matt Rutkowski, IBM
- Melba Lopez, IBM
- Michael Leiberman, Kusari
- Phil Estes, AWS
- Ryan Ware, Intel
- Sal Kimmich, EscherCloud AI
- Sarah Evans, Dell
- Steve Taylor, Deployhub/Ortelius/Pyrsia
- Tom Hennen, Google
- Tracy Ragan, Deployhub/Ortelius/CDEvents
Former BEST contributors that are always welcome!
- Aeva Black, Microsoft
- Björn Kimminich
- Azeem Shaikh, Google/Scorecard
- Dan Lorenc
- Eric Tice, WiPro
- Eva Sarafianou
- Federico
- Harimohan Rajamohanan, Wipro
- Jory Burson, Linux Foundation
- Maya Kaczorowski
- Kara Olive, Google
- Patricia Tarro, Dell
- Rosaria Carr, Indeed
- Sami Guirguis, TELUS
- Xavier René-Corail, GitHub
- VM Brasseur, WiPro