All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.
1.8.3 (2020-02-19)
1.8.2 (2020-01-24)
- #119 run animation when slide changes; (zh) 滚动页面时候执行动画 (796a5e1)
- #124 (c8bc04b)
- #130 (8c6056f)
- #131 (51f21d7)
- #132 #134 (be2d3eb)
- #133 (cda6d96)
- do not generate page uuid and set uuid from api (edea576)
- upload video (2e6cd48)
1.8.1 (2020-01-12)
1.8.0 (2020-01-11)
- build engine if front-end build (d5142a3)
- could not replace localhost:1337 if coverUrl is null (942ad39)
- serve editor(front-end) with strapi(koa-static) (1f9f1ab)
1.7.4 (2020-01-04)
- #121 (18bbe16)
- do not set editingElement null if change tab(not background) (3e068da)
- form stat api 500; (zh) 修正表单统计接口无法获取数据 (bd620f1)
- remove localhost:1337 temporarily in cover url (5933eed)
- typo: animation delay (47bd979)
- remove 0 on canvas (90e6fa6)
- plugin: background music (e0f5359)
1.7.3 (2019-12-21)
- #118 (425e44d)
- add landing page host (79ec52a)
- engine: add $message function to display message (fad25b8)
- engine: click the next or prev not working; (zh) 修正预览弹窗中,点击上一页和下一页失败的问题 (3eab119)
- plugin:submit-button: add disabled prop to disable submit form in edit mode (230d5bb)
- #113 (a2fb4ac)
- #62 display a message if user delete the page if only one page; (bbe623b)
- show form stat results; (zh) 显示表单统计结果 (f5e1385)
- docs: use strapi documentation plugin to generate api your documentation(swagger ui); 使用strapi document plugin 自动生成API 文档(由swagger ui 驱动) (cb6cf47)
- preview: set page title for released page; (zh) 为发布的作品设置页面标题 (e8e0117)
1.7.2 (2019-12-08)
- replace with new tab to aviod could not save and preview the work when create the work (cf953c2)
- build: set publicURL to index (abfb167)
- editor: update mutation type for undo-redo (0f4a2cb)
- preview: show qrcode in preview dialog if open from work list (8c62271)
1.7.1 (2019-11-30)
- update (3cf794b)
- plugin: clone the default items for slide,radio group, checkbox group (141036f)
- #105 (35965ff)
- text: set default border radius: 0 (f21bf35)
- install: add one click install script for Ubuntu18.04 (2e123b6)
1.7.0 (2019-11-23)
- load plugins from npm (0d765ed)
1.6.1 (2019-11-03)
- local dev: fix #92 (b8f89c8)
- fix #98 (8635c9f)
- fix the object will be copied is not passed to the clone function & set a default value for zindex (2de1aa8)
- pick image from pixabay gallery (8adfef6)
- import luban components from npm (b6b27d3)
1.6.0 (2019-10-13)
1.5.0 (2019-10-10)
- pick image from image gallery (33db8e9)
1.4.1 (2019-09-18)
- i18n for editor (78858b6)
1.4.0 (2019-09-15)
- set collapse as accordion (e7b6ed0)
- set proxy for html2canvas (bd486ce)
- set router-link-active for active link (d5366ff)
- set z-index for element (0208a79)
- show avaiable animation list (28a7203)
- animation: run animations in edit mode (58d0048)
- animation: run animations in preview mode (65311e9)
- animation: support duration, delay, interation-count and infinite (9e04d09)
1.3.0 (2019-09-06)
- set up cover when saving work (bc747db)
1.2.0 (2019-09-01)
- correct the type for undo-redo plugin (e3d7ccc)
1.1.0 (2019-08-25)
- support work template (3d455d7)
- editor: import Element in core editor (5501cc6)
- plugin: config picture source url (c3f516f)
- amend resize point position (5f737f8)
- plugin: do not auto-fill default placeholder if user delete it manually (07f47fc)
- plugin: show icon for text-align component (e08c514)
- preview: preview elements in corrent position (a7875cb)
- shape: add style for shape (42c972b)
- change element zindex on edit canvas (f6ceedd)
- check element property before clone (a43ae78)
- generate style with pluginProps and defaultProps (f40c302)
- redirect to work list page when click my-work (a6920bb)
- remove debugger (2e5cd15)
- set isRem false (8989234)
- set uuid for data-uuid to submit the input value (50f4ebc)
- use flex.js to adjust mobile page (10cf678)
- use rem for font-size (c532b50)
- #30: collect and show form data (0252319), closes #30
- #35: fixed toolbar (26985a0)
- api: add api for editor (3b27192)
- background-guideline: support guideline (f8b613d)
- editor: mixin custom component for plugin props into editor (9e8e89f)
- editor: support move plugin on cawqnvas(zh: 画布上元素支持移动) (eecd655)
- editor: support undo-redo && first version (8c099bb)
- page: support copy, delete page (c784e56)
- plugin: add picture (bb26980)
- support copy plugin on canvas (9e44e40)
- plugin: support form input (e5aefaf)
- add page manager (9c78361)
- add preview mode and register plugin globally for adding script later (98ffdd6)
- add the right-click menu, step1: just show menu (a4b13f8)
- add work list page (0d45399)
- preview: add preview modal (0bd2342)
- preview: build preview engine (39d9f8f)
- shape: add outline for active element (bbd4ab8)
- support delete element on canvas (59aaaad)
- text plugin (7fd014b)