dev(C3W2 ugl3 and assignment): remove note about fallback
dev(C3W2 ugl3 and assignment): remove note about fallback
fix(C4W3 assignment): rename class for grader
fix(C4W3 assignment): rename class for grader
dev(C4 W3 ugl): add note till coursera ivq is enabled
dev(C4 W3 ugl): add note till coursera ivq is enabled
dev(C4W3 assignment): update to tf2.18
dev(C4W3 assignment): update to tf2.18
dev(C4W3 ugl1): update to tf2.18
dev(C4W3 ugl1): update to tf2.18
C4 W2 Assignment - Updated model's filename
C4 W2 Assignment - Updated model's filename
C4 W2 Assignment - Updated to latest version
C4 W2 Assignment - Updated to latest version
C3 W3 Assignment - TF 2.18 compat
C3 W3 Assignment - TF 2.18 compat
dev(C4W4 ugl3): replace alpha in LeakyReLU
dev(C4W4 ugl3): replace alpha in LeakyReLU
dev(C4W3 labs): add temporary note about using the fallback
dev(C4W3 labs): add temporary note about using the fallback
dev(C4W2 ugls): do minor refactor for tf2.18
dev(C4W2 ugls): do minor refactor for tf2.18
dev(C3W4 labs): remove fallback dependency
dev(C3W4 labs): remove fallback dependency
dev(C3W2 ugl2, w3 ugl3): fix typo, pin protobuf
dev(C3W2 ugl2, w3 ugl3): fix typo, pin protobuf
fix(C3W4 assignment): add note to use the fallback
fix(C3W4 assignment): add note to use the fallback
fix(C3W3 ugl2): rearrange download cell, add note
fix(C3W3 ugl2): rearrange download cell, add note
fix(C3W2 assignment): add note to use the fallback
fix(C3W2 assignment): add note to use the fallback
fix(C3W2 ugl3): add note to use the fallback
fix(C3W2 ugl3): add note to use the fallback