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hpm sdk release v1.3.0
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Main changes since 1.2.0

Tested Segger Embedded Studio Version: 7.32

- Changed:
  - boards: hpm6200evk/hpm6300evk: delete unwanted clock_ahb div set
  - boards: hpm6750xxx: switch dcdc work mode to dcm mode
  - docs: sdk: boards: hpm6750evk2: add pps pin information
  - component: wm8960: support sysclk pre-divider
  - components: serial_nor: add serial nor flash.
  - openocd: probes: ft2232: remove trst and srst config.
  - ip: cam:remove 0x5c MAX_WN_CYCLE register in regs.h
  - driver: cam: remove invalid register
  - drivers: i2s: update API
  - drivers: adc: adc12/adc16: rename adc16_get_busywait to adc16_is_nonblocking_mode
  - drivers: adc: adc12/adc16: update adcx_init API
  - drivers: pllctrl: update pllctrl drivers
  - drivers: spi : add spi enable and disable datamerge
  - drivers: spi : add spi_set_address_len API
  - drivers: pdgo Add missing APIs
  - drivers: uart: update uart rx idle flag process and fifo control
  - soc: delete_unnecessary_ppor_reset_bit_field
  - soc: hpm_gpiom_soc_drv.h: delete gpiom_gpio_t soc name
  - soc: delete DMA_SOC_BUS_NUM Macro
  - soc: pcfg: update pcfg SCG_CTRL related drivers
  - soc: hpm6750:startup Enable LMM1 clock before access to LMM1
  - soc: gcc ld: add memory used size check
  - middleware: cherryusb: update to v0.10.1
  - middleware: guix: demo adapts to 800 * 480 resolution
  - middleware: guix: improve demo display performance
  - middleware: cherryusb: update for midi descriptor define
  - middleware: cherryusb: update for midi
  - samples: drivers: adc: adc12/adc16: speed optimization for oneshot reading
  - samples: drivers: adc: adc12/adc16: update API call used for nonblocking judgement
  - samples: drivers: adc: adc12/adc16: update API call related to blocking setting in oneshot mode
  - samples: drivers: adc: adc12/adc16: reduce the input parameters of init_trigger_target function
  - samples: drivers: adc: adc12/adc16: update init_oneshot_config
  - samples: drivers: adc: adc12/adc16: optimization for clearing interrupt status
  - samples: drivers: pwm: Add pwm clock jitter demo
  - samples: cherryusb: hid host: separate mouse and keyboard urb
  - samples: hrpwm: Add demo for updating hrpwm frequency
  - samples: drivers:mcan Add CAN error handling and refined logic.
  - samples: mbx: move dualcore mbx sample to multicore folder
  - samples: cherryusb: update for v0.10.1
  - samples: motor_ctrl: bldc smc: gcc toolcahin enable fpu.
  - samples: lwip: lwip_tcpecho_freertos: optimization in a thread-safety way
  - samples: qeo: update qeo abz frequency configuration
  - samples: gptmr: add sent_signal sample.
  - samples: lwip: lwip_ptp: remove the dependency on pps0 pinout
  - samples: dma_manager: update for use dma_mgr_setup_channel()
  - samples: drivers: gptmr: pwm_measure: support use dma
  - samples: lwip: lwip_httpsrv/lwip_https_server: rename project names for uniform naming
  - samples: multicore: lvgl_coremark: delete custom linker files and using andes toolchain
  - samples: flash_algo: update device size.
  - samples: cherryusb: host: hid: use ep_mps to fill urb

- Added:
  - cmake: ses: support specify custom openocd board cfg file.
  - cmake: support specifying minimum sdk version in app.yaml.
  - boards: add hpm5300evk
  - components: eeprom_emulation: add hpm nor-flash support
  - components: eeprom_emulation: add eeprom emulation component
  - soc: add APIs for get or set sysctl resource status
  - drivers: common: add HPM_ALIGN_DOWN and HPM_ALIGN_UP define
  - drivers: adc: ad12/adc16: add adcx_set_blocking_read/adcx_set_nonblocking_read
  - drivers: add encoder position driver
  - drivers: lcdc: add enable/disable background in alpha blender.
  - drivers: usb: add api to set dp/dm pin pulldown resistance
  - drivers: spi: add spi_get_rx_fifo_valid_data_size and  spi_get_tx_fifo_valid_data_size APIs
  - drivers: spi: add directIO function APIs
  - drivers: enet: add rx resume API
  - drivers: adc16: add resolution setting in adc16_get_default_config API
  - drivers:rtc Add rtc_get_timeval API.
  - drivers:mcan Add mcan_transmit_via_txfifo_nonblocking API.
  - drivers: usb: add usb_hcd_set_power_ctrl_polarity() API
  - drivers: plb: add plb drivers
  - drivers: linv2: add linv2 driver
  - drivers: sei: add sei driver
  - drivers: dmav2: add dmav2 driver
  - drivers: qeo: add qeo driver
  - drivers: qeiv2: add qeiv2 driver
  - drivers: mmc: add mmc driver
  - drivers: rdc: add rdc driver
  - drivers: add opamp driver
  - drivers: bgpr: add related APIs for bgpr
  - middleware: FreeRTOS: add xPortIsInsideInterrupt() API
  - middleware: threadx: add definition automatically when enable traceX
  - middleware: freeRTOS: add use gptmr to generate interrupt
  - middleware: hpm_mcl: add hfi
  - samples: drivers: adc: adc12/adc16: add wdog feature
  - samples: add opamp demo
  - samples: cherryusb: rndis: host: add iperf sample.
  - samples: cherryusb: rndis: host: add ping sample.
  - samples: drivers: adc: adc12/adc16: add hw trigger configuration in sequence mode
  - samples: eeprom_emulation: add eeprom emulation perf test sample
  - samples: eeprom_emulation: add base api demo
  - samples: tracex: add demo for traceX usage
  - samples: cherryusb: add audio_v1_mic_speaker_midi sample
  - samples: cherryusb: add midi device sample
  - samples: drivers: sei: add sei samples
  - samples: drivers: plb: add plb demo
  - samples: drivers: mmc: add mmc demo
  - samples: drivers: qeiv2: add qeiv2 demo
  - samples: drivers: qeo: add qeo demo
  - samples: drivers: dmav2: add dmav2 demo
  - samples: drivers: linv2: add linv2 demo
  - samples: drivers: rdc: add rdc demo
  - samples: drivers: pdgo Add PDGO samples
  - samples: drivers: ewdg Add EWDG sample
  - samples: lwip: add a lwip_tcpecho_multi_ports sample
  - samples: motor_ctrl: add hfi

- Fixed:
  - cmake: fix segger default heap and stack size config
  - cmake: fix add_subdirectory_ifdef arg processing.
  - doc: boards: hpm6300evk: fix acmp pin info.
  - boards: hpm6750evkmini: fix board_init_rgb_pwm_pins() problem
  - boards: hpm6200evk: fix BOARD_G_GPIO_CTRL defined in wrong position
  - openocd: hpm6750-dual-core: fix expression warning.
  - component: wm8960: fix clock tolerance process
  - soc: toolchains: segger: block tls add with fixed order
  - soc: toolchain: gcc: fix Thread-Local Storage problem
  - soc: segger linker files: fix heap and ctors initialize
  - soc: fix interrupt complete operation
  - soc: pcfg: fix DCDC_PROT[OVERLOAD_LP] bit access
  - soc: ip: adc12: fix ADC12 threshold setting
  - soc: HPM6750: fix clock setting and frequency obatining error
  - soc: HPM6360: fix clock source definitions for ADC16
  - soc: HPM6280: fix clock source definitions for ADC16
  - soc: HPM6360: fix obtaining clock source error for DAC
  - soc: HPM6280: fix obtaining clock source for DAC
  - drivers: adc16: add bus mode enable control APIs
  - drivers: adc16: fix ahb setting
  - drivers: cam: clear the status of CAM should not affect other bits
  - drivers: trgmux: filter function can't work.
  - drivers: src: adc16: fix end count setting
  - drivers: adc/dac: fix interrupt status clearing
  - drivers: adc16: fix DMA access format
  - drivers: sdm: fix over sample rate and signal sync problem
  - drivers: pwm: fix pwm xcmp enable setting
  - drivers: pwm: correct external fault polarity setting.
  - drivers: pwm: add update hrpwm reload shadow api
  - drivers: spi: fix  can't  set change data_bits use  spi_set_data_bits API
  - drivers: ptpc: fix ptpc_clear_irq_status API issue.
  - drivers: i2c: fix i2c_clear_status API issue.
  - drivers: gptmr: fix gptmr_clear_status API issue.
  - middleware: erpc: rpmsg_lite: fix platform_in_isr() error
  - middleware:hpm_sdmmc Fix the issue sdsc cards are not supported.
  - middleware: threadx: fix D extend asm code error
  - samples: usbx: add multi devices and hot plug support
  - samples: motor_ctrl: fix adc trig invalidate.
  - samples: lwip: fix TCP reception error when size over 2KB
  - samples: lwip: DHCP failure in lwip_tcpecho_freertos
  - samples: drivers: adc: adc12: fix the status flag judgement in isr process
  - samples: rgb_led: fix cmp shadow error
  - samples: gptmr: pwm_generate: fix inaccurate duty in high frequency
  - samples: lwip: low_level_input: fix the network storm issue
  - samples: timer_basic: fix inconsistent use of defines
  - samples: drivers: adc: adc16: fix the bit of interrupt status clearing in sequence mode
  - samples: power_mode_switch: trigger system lowpower for standby mode
  - samples: touch_panel: fix error data when 5 fingers touch screen at same time.
  - samples: jpeg: jpeg_decode: fixed lcd display is tore when decoder is running
  - samples: jpeg: jpeg_decode: malloc out of memory on gcc
  - samples: drivers:can Fix abnormal behavior on can error sample.
  - samples: segger_rtt: call board_init_clock.
  - samples: drivers: acmp: fix one toggle value but multi toggle pulses
  - samples: lwip_tcpecho_freerstos: fix code stuck with gcc toolchain
  - samples: jpeg: fix JPEG_USE_UDISK compile error
  - samples: bldc_foc: fix input value range.
  - samples: cherryusb: rndis: udp_echo: fix echo extra char
  - samples: usbx: fix global var placement
  - samples: power_mode_switch: set to preset_1 after exiting wait mode.
  - samples: pla: fix pla first pulse abnormal.
  - samples: plb: fix the first pulse is abnormal

Signed-off-by: Ryan QIAN <[email protected]>
  • Loading branch information
jhqian committed Sep 28, 2023
1 parent 2d5e67a commit b612c6f
Show file tree
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Showing 1,132 changed files with 195,445 additions and 24,316 deletions.
177 changes: 177 additions & 0 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,5 +1,182 @@
# Change Log

## [1.3.0] - 2023-09-28:

Main changes since 1.2.0

Tested Segger Embedded Studio Version: 7.32

### Changed:
- boards: hpm6200evk/hpm6300evk: delete unwanted clock_ahb div set
- boards: hpm6750xxx: switch dcdc work mode to dcm mode
- docs: sdk: boards: hpm6750evk2: add pps pin information
- component: wm8960: support sysclk pre-divider
- components: serial_nor: add serial nor flash.
- openocd: probes: ft2232: remove trst and srst config.
- ip: cam:remove 0x5c MAX_WN_CYCLE register in regs.h
- driver: cam: remove invalid register
- drivers: i2s: update API
- drivers: adc: adc12/adc16: rename adc16_get_busywait to adc16_is_nonblocking_mode
- drivers: adc: adc12/adc16: update adcx_init API
- drivers: pllctrl: update pllctrl drivers
- drivers: spi : add spi enable and disable datamerge
- drivers: spi : add spi_set_address_len API
- drivers: pdgo Add missing APIs
- drivers: uart: update uart rx idle flag process and fifo control
- soc: delete_unnecessary_ppor_reset_bit_field
- soc: hpm_gpiom_soc_drv.h: delete gpiom_gpio_t soc name
- soc: delete DMA_SOC_BUS_NUM Macro
- soc: pcfg: update pcfg SCG_CTRL related drivers
- soc: hpm6750:startup Enable LMM1 clock before access to LMM1
- soc: gcc ld: add memory used size check
- middleware: cherryusb: update to v0.10.1
- middleware: guix: demo adapts to 800 * 480 resolution
- middleware: guix: improve demo display performance
- middleware: cherryusb: update for midi descriptor define
- middleware: cherryusb: update for midi
- samples: drivers: adc: adc12/adc16: speed optimization for oneshot reading
- samples: drivers: adc: adc12/adc16: update API call used for nonblocking judgement
- samples: drivers: adc: adc12/adc16: update API call related to blocking setting in oneshot mode
- samples: drivers: adc: adc12/adc16: reduce the input parameters of init_trigger_target function
- samples: drivers: adc: adc12/adc16: update init_oneshot_config
- samples: drivers: adc: adc12/adc16: optimization for clearing interrupt status
- samples: drivers: pwm: Add pwm clock jitter demo
- samples: cherryusb: hid host: separate mouse and keyboard urb
- samples: hrpwm: Add demo for updating hrpwm frequency
- samples: drivers:mcan Add CAN error handling and refined logic.
- samples: mbx: move dualcore mbx sample to multicore folder
- samples: cherryusb: update for v0.10.1
- samples: motor_ctrl: bldc smc: gcc toolcahin enable fpu.
- samples: lwip: lwip_tcpecho_freertos: optimization in a thread-safety way
- samples: qeo: update qeo abz frequency configuration
- samples: gptmr: add sent_signal sample.
- samples: lwip: lwip_ptp: remove the dependency on pps0 pinout
- samples: dma_manager: update for use dma_mgr_setup_channel()
- samples: drivers: gptmr: pwm_measure: support use dma
- samples: lwip: lwip_httpsrv/lwip_https_server: rename project names for uniform naming
- samples: multicore: lvgl_coremark: delete custom linker files and using andes toolchain
- samples: flash_algo: update device size.
- samples: cherryusb: host: hid: use ep_mps to fill urb

### Added:
- cmake: ses: support specify custom openocd board cfg file.
- cmake: support specifying minimum sdk version in app.yaml.
- boards: add hpm5300evk
- components: eeprom_emulation: add hpm nor-flash support
- components: eeprom_emulation: add eeprom emulation component
- soc: add APIs for get or set sysctl resource status
- drivers: common: add HPM_ALIGN_DOWN and HPM_ALIGN_UP define
- drivers: adc: ad12/adc16: add adcx_set_blocking_read/adcx_set_nonblocking_read
- drivers: add encoder position driver
- drivers: lcdc: add enable/disable background in alpha blender.
- drivers: usb: add api to set dp/dm pin pulldown resistance
- drivers: spi: add spi_get_rx_fifo_valid_data_size and spi_get_tx_fifo_valid_data_size APIs
- drivers: spi: add directIO function APIs
- drivers: enet: add rx resume API
- drivers: adc16: add resolution setting in adc16_get_default_config API
- drivers:rtc Add rtc_get_timeval API.
- drivers:mcan Add mcan_transmit_via_txfifo_nonblocking API.
- drivers: usb: add usb_hcd_set_power_ctrl_polarity() API
- drivers: plb: add plb drivers
- drivers: linv2: add linv2 driver
- drivers: sei: add sei driver
- drivers: dmav2: add dmav2 driver
- drivers: qeo: add qeo driver
- drivers: qeiv2: add qeiv2 driver
- drivers: mmc: add mmc driver
- drivers: rdc: add rdc driver
- drivers: add opamp driver
- drivers: bgpr: add related APIs for bgpr
- middleware: FreeRTOS: add xPortIsInsideInterrupt() API
- middleware: threadx: add definition automatically when enable traceX
- middleware: freeRTOS: add use gptmr to generate interrupt
- middleware: hpm_mcl: add hfi
- samples: drivers: adc: adc12/adc16: add wdog feature
- samples: add opamp demo
- samples: cherryusb: rndis: host: add iperf sample.
- samples: cherryusb: rndis: host: add ping sample.
- samples: drivers: adc: adc12/adc16: add hw trigger configuration in sequence mode
- samples: eeprom_emulation: add eeprom emulation perf test sample
- samples: eeprom_emulation: add base api demo
- samples: tracex: add demo for traceX usage
- samples: cherryusb: add audio_v1_mic_speaker_midi sample
- samples: cherryusb: add midi device sample
- samples: drivers: sei: add sei samples
- samples: drivers: plb: add plb demo
- samples: drivers: mmc: add mmc demo
- samples: drivers: qeiv2: add qeiv2 demo
- samples: drivers: qeo: add qeo demo
- samples: drivers: dmav2: add dmav2 demo
- samples: drivers: linv2: add linv2 demo
- samples: drivers: rdc: add rdc demo
- samples: drivers: pdgo Add PDGO samples
- samples: drivers: ewdg Add EWDG sample
- samples: lwip: add a lwip_tcpecho_multi_ports sample
- samples: motor_ctrl: add hfi

### Fixed:
- cmake: fix segger default heap and stack size config
- cmake: fix add_subdirectory_ifdef arg processing.
- doc: boards: hpm6300evk: fix acmp pin info.
- boards: hpm6750evkmini: fix board_init_rgb_pwm_pins() problem
- boards: hpm6200evk: fix BOARD_G_GPIO_CTRL defined in wrong position
- openocd: hpm6750-dual-core: fix expression warning.
- component: wm8960: fix clock tolerance process
- soc: toolchains: segger: block tls add with fixed order
- soc: toolchain: gcc: fix Thread-Local Storage problem
- soc: segger linker files: fix heap and ctors initialize
- soc: fix interrupt complete operation
- soc: pcfg: fix DCDC_PROT[OVERLOAD_LP] bit access
- soc: ip: adc12: fix ADC12 threshold setting
- soc: HPM6750: fix clock setting and frequency obatining error
- soc: HPM6360: fix clock source definitions for ADC16
- soc: HPM6280: fix clock source definitions for ADC16
- soc: HPM6360: fix obtaining clock source error for DAC
- soc: HPM6280: fix obtaining clock source for DAC
- drivers: adc16: add bus mode enable control APIs
- drivers: adc16: fix ahb setting
- drivers: cam: clear the status of CAM should not affect other bits
- drivers: trgmux: filter function can't work.
- drivers: src: adc16: fix end count setting
- drivers: adc/dac: fix interrupt status clearing
- drivers: adc16: fix DMA access format
- drivers: sdm: fix over sample rate and signal sync problem
- drivers: pwm: fix pwm xcmp enable setting
- drivers: pwm: correct external fault polarity setting.
- drivers: pwm: add update hrpwm reload shadow api
- drivers: spi: fix can't set change data_bits use spi_set_data_bits API
- drivers: ptpc: fix ptpc_clear_irq_status API issue.
- drivers: i2c: fix i2c_clear_status API issue.
- drivers: gptmr: fix gptmr_clear_status API issue.
- middleware: erpc: rpmsg_lite: fix platform_in_isr() error
- middleware:hpm_sdmmc Fix the issue sdsc cards are not supported.
- middleware: threadx: fix D extend asm code error
- samples: usbx: add multi devices and hot plug support
- samples: motor_ctrl: fix adc trig invalidate.
- samples: lwip: fix TCP reception error when size over 2KB
- samples: lwip: DHCP failure in lwip_tcpecho_freertos
- samples: drivers: adc: adc12: fix the status flag judgement in isr process
- samples: rgb_led: fix cmp shadow error
- samples: gptmr: pwm_generate: fix inaccurate duty in high frequency
- samples: lwip: low_level_input: fix the network storm issue
- samples: timer_basic: fix inconsistent use of defines
- samples: drivers: adc: adc16: fix the bit of interrupt status clearing in sequence mode
- samples: power_mode_switch: trigger system lowpower for standby mode
- samples: touch_panel: fix error data when 5 fingers touch screen at same time.
- samples: jpeg: jpeg_decode: fixed lcd display is tore when decoder is running
- samples: jpeg: jpeg_decode: malloc out of memory on gcc
- samples: drivers:can Fix abnormal behavior on can error sample.
- samples: segger_rtt: call board_init_clock.
- samples: drivers: acmp: fix one toggle value but multi toggle pulses
- samples: lwip_tcpecho_freerstos: fix code stuck with gcc toolchain
- samples: jpeg: fix JPEG_USE_UDISK compile error
- samples: bldc_foc: fix input value range.
- samples: cherryusb: rndis: udp_echo: fix echo extra char
- samples: usbx: fix global var placement
- samples: power_mode_switch: set to preset_1 after exiting wait mode.
- samples: pla: fix pla first pulse abnormal.
- samples: plb: fix the first pulse is abnormal.

## [1.2.0] - 2023-06-30:

Main changes since 1.1.0
Expand Down
34 changes: 7 additions & 27 deletions CMakeLists.txt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -15,9 +15,6 @@ if(extram_size)


string(TOLOWER ${CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE} build_type)
string(FIND ${build_type} "release" found)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -81,7 +78,7 @@ if(NOT ${CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE} STREQUAL "")

string(FIND ${build_type} "sec_core_img" found)
if(${found} GREATER_EQUAL 0)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -155,16 +152,17 @@ endif()
sdk_ld_options("-T ${LINKER_SCRIPT}")

set(generated_file_path "${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/generated")
# prepare dummy file
set(EMPTY_FILE ${generated_file_path}/misc/empty.c)
file(WRITE ${EMPTY_FILE} "")

add_executable(${APP_ELF_NAME} ${EMPTY_FILE})

# generate SDK version file
-P ${HPM_SDK_BASE}/cmake/gen_version_h.cmake
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -197,21 +195,3 @@ else()



set(SEC_CORE_IMG_C_ARRAY_OUTPUT "sec_core_img.c")
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -167,7 +167,7 @@ HPM SDK项目是基于HPMicro 公司的MCU编写的软件开发包,支持多

- 使用GNU GCC工具链编译示例应用:
做完尚书步骤之后, 就可以构建编译SDK示例工程. 以下步骤描述了如何编译hello_world:
做完上述步骤之后, 就可以构建编译SDK示例工程. 以下步骤描述了如何编译hello_world:
1. 切换到示例应用目录:

Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion VERSION
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
7 changes: 7 additions & 0 deletions boards/hpm5300evk/CMakeLists.txt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
# Copyright (c) 2021 HPMicro
# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause


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