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param dependency out-of-date? #1019

patricktokeeffe opened this issue Feb 3, 2023 · 2 comments

param dependency out-of-date? #1019

patricktokeeffe opened this issue Feb 3, 2023 · 2 comments
type: bug Something isn't working


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I experienced problems using hvPlot versions 0.8.0, 0.8.1 and 0.8.2 and the resolution was to manually update the param module to version 1.12.0. Seems like dependency version is out-of-date:

requires = [
    "param >=1.7.0",
    "pyct >=0.4.4",
    "setuptools >=30.3.0"

ALL software version info

  • WinPython64-3.8.9
  • IPython console
OS Name:                   Microsoft Windows 7 Professional
OS Version:                6.1.7601 Service Pack 1 Build 7601
System Type:               x64-based PC
Processor(s):              1 Processor(s) Installed.
                           [01]: Intel64 Family 6 Model 42 Stepping 7 GenuineIntel ~1581 Mhz
`pip list` (after discovering the issue)
Package                       Version
----------------------------- ----------------
affine                        2.3.0
aiofiles                      0.6.0
aiohttp                       3.7.4.post0
aiosqlite                     0.17.0
alabaster                     0.7.12
altair                        4.1.0
altair-data-server            0.4.1
altair-transform              0.2.0
altair-widgets                0.2.2
altgraph                      0.17
amply                         0.1.4
aniso8601                     9.0.1
ansiwrap                      0.8.4
anyio                         2.2.0
appdirs                       1.4.4
argon2-cffi                   20.1.0
arrow                         1.0.3
asciitree                     0.3.3
asgi-csrf                     0.6.1
asgiref                       3.3.4
asteval                       0.9.23
astroid                       2.5.3
astroML                       1.0.1
astropy                       4.2.1
async-generator               1.10
async-timeout                 3.0.1
atomicwrites                  1.4.0
attrs                         20.3.0
autopep8                      1.5.5
Babel                         2.9.0
backcall                      0.2.0
backports-abc                 0.5
baresql                       0.7.6
bcrypt                        3.1.7
beautifulsoup4                4.9.3
binaryornot                   0.4.4
black                         20.8b1
bleach                        3.3.0
blinker                       1.4
blosc                         1.10.2
bloscpack                     0.16.0
bokeh                         2.4.3
botorch                       0.4.0
Bottleneck                    1.3.2
bqplot                        0.12.25
branca                        0.4.2
brewer2mpl                    1.4.1
Brotli                        1.0.9
cachelib                      0.1.1
Cartopy                       0.18.0
certifi                       2020.12.5
cffi                          1.14.5
cftime                        1.4.1
chardet                       4.0.0
click                         7.1.2
click-default-group           1.2.2
click-plugins                 1.1.1
cligj                         0.7.1
cloudpickle                   1.6.0
clrmagic                      0.0.1a2
colorama                      0.4.4
colorcet                      2.0.6
cookiecutter                  1.7.2
coverage                      5.5
cryptography                  3.4.7
cvxopt                        1.2.6
cvxpy                         1.1.12
cx-Freeze                     6.5.3
cycler                        0.10.0
Cython                        0.29.23
cytoolz                       0.11.0
dask                          2021.4.0
dask-glm                      0.2.0
dask-labextension             5.0.1
dask-ml                       1.8.0
dask-searchcv                 0.2.0
databases                     0.4.1
datasette                     0.56
datashader                    0.12.1
datashape                     0.5.2                         0.5.4b1
decorator                     4.4.2
defusedxml                    0.7.1
Deprecated                    1.2.12
deprecation                   2.1.0
descartes                     1.1.0
diff-match-patch              20200713
distlib                       0.3.1
distributed                   2021.4.0
docopt                        0.6.2
docrepr                       0.1.1
docutils                      0.16
ecos                          2.0.7.post1
emcee                         3.0.2
entrypoints                   0.3
et-xmlfile                    1.0.1
fast-histogram                0.9
fastapi                       0.63.0
fasteners                     0.16
fastparquet                   0.5.0
feather-format                0.4.1
filelock                      3.0.12
Fiona                         1.8.19
flake8                        3.8.4
Flask                         1.1.2
flask-accepts                 0.17.7
Flask-Mail                    0.9.1
flask-restx                   0.3.0
Flask-Session                 0.3.2
Flask-SQLAlchemy              2.5.1
flaskerize                    0.14.0
flit                          3.2.0
flit-core                     3.2.0
folium                        0.12.1
formlayout                    2.0.0a0
fs                            2.4.13
fsspec                        0.8.7
future                        0.18.2
fuzzywuzzy                    0.18.0
GDAL                          3.2.2
geographiclib                 1.50
geopandas                     0.9.0
geopy                         2.1.0
geoviews                      1.9.1
gitdb                         4.0.7
GitPython                     3.1.14
gmpy2                         2.0.8
gpytorch                      1.4.0
great-expectations            0.13.12
greenlet                      1.0.0
guidata                       1.7.9
guiqwt                        3.0.6
h11                           0.12.0
h2                            4.0.0
h5py                          2.10.0
HeapDict                      1.0.1
holoviews                     1.14.3
hpack                         4.0.0
html5lib                      1.1
httpcore                      0.12.3
httpie                        2.4.0
httpx                         0.17.1
hupper                        1.10.2
husl                          4.0.3
hvplot                        0.8.0
Hypercorn                     0.11.2
hyperframe                    6.0.0
hypothesis                    6.9.2
ibis-framework                1.4.0
idlex                         1.18
idna                          2.10
imageio                       2.9.0
imageio-ffmpeg                0.4.2
imagesize                     1.2.0
imbalanced-learn              0.8.0
importlib-metadata            3.10.1
inflection                    0.5.1
iniconfig                     1.1.1
intake                        0.6.2
intervaltree                  3.0.2
ipycanvas                     0.8.2
ipykernel                     5.5.3
ipyleaflet                    0.13.6
ipympl                        0.7.0
ipython                       7.22.0
ipython-genutils              0.2.0
ipython-sql                   0.4.1b1
ipywidgets                    7.6.3
isort                         5.8.0
itsdangerous                  1.1.0
janus                         0.6.1
jedi                          0.17.2
Jinja2                        2.11.3
jinja2-time                   0.2.0
joblib                        1.0.1
json5                         0.9.5
jsonpatch                     1.32
jsonpointer                   2.1
jsonschema                    3.2.0
julia                         0.5.6
jupyter                       1.0.0
jupyter-bokeh                 3.0.0
jupyter-client                6.2.0
jupyter-console               6.4.0
jupyter-core                  4.7.1
jupyter-lsp                   1.1.4
jupyter-packaging             0.9.1
jupyter-server                1.6.2
jupyter-server-mathjax        0.2.2
jupyter-server-proxy          3.0.2
jupyter-sphinx                0.3.2
jupyterlab                    3.0.14
jupyterlab-git                0.30.0
jupyterlab-launcher           0.13.1
jupyterlab-lsp                3.5.0
jupyterlab-pygments           0.1.2
jupyterlab-server             2.4.0
jupyterlab-widgets            1.0.0
keyring                       23.0.1
kiwisolver                    1.3.1
lazy-object-proxy             1.6.0
llvmlite                      0.36.0
lmfit                         1.0.2
locket                        0.2.1
loky                          2.9.0
lxml                          4.6.3
lz4                           3.1.3
Markdown                      3.3.4
MarkupSafe                    1.1.1
marshmallow                   3.10.0
matplotlib                    3.4.1
mccabe                        0.6.1
mercantile                    1.1.6
mergedeep                     1.3.4
metakernel                    0.27.5
mistune                       0.8.4
mizani                        0.7.3
mkl-service                   2.3.0
mlxtend                       0.18.0
moviepy                       1.0.3
mpl-scatter-density           0.7
mpld3                         0.5.2
mpldatacursor                 0.7.1
mpmath                        1.2.1
msgpack                       1.0.2
msvc-runtime                  14.28.29910
multidict                     5.1.0
multipledispatch              0.6.0
munch                         2.5.0
mypy                          0.812
mypy-extensions               0.4.3
mysql-connector-python        8.0.21
nbclassic                     0.2.7
nbclient                      0.5.3
nbconvert                     6.0.7
nbconvert-reportlab           0.2
nbdime                        3.0.0
nbformat                      5.1.3
nbval                         0.9.6
nest-asyncio                  1.5.1
netCDF4                       1.5.6
networkx                      2.5.1
NLopt                         2.7.0
nltk                          3.6.1
notebook                      6.3.0
numba                         0.53.1
numcodecs                     0.7.3
numdifftools                  0.9.39
numexpr                       2.7.3
numpy                         1.20.2+mkl
numpydoc                      1.1.0
oct2py                        5.2.0
octave-kernel                 0.32.0
onnxruntime                   1.7.0
openpyxl                      3.0.7
orjson                        3.4.6
osqp                          0.6.2.post0
outcome                       1.1.0
packaging                     20.9
palettable                    3.3.0
pandas                        1.2.4
pandas-datareader             0.9.0
pandocfilters                 1.4.3
panel                         0.11.3
papermill                     2.3.3
param                         1.10.1
parambokeh                    0.2.3
paramiko                      2.7.2
paramnb                       2.0.4
parso                         0.7.0
partd                         1.2.0
pathspec                      0.8.0
patsy                         0.5.1
pdfrw                         0.4
pdvega                        0.2.1.dev0
pefile                        2019.4.18
pep8                          1.7.1
pexpect                       4.8.0
pg8000                        1.16.5
pickleshare                   0.7.5
Pillow                        8.2.0
Pint                          0.17
pip                           21.1.dev0
pipdeptree                    2.0.0
pkginfo                       1.7.0
plotly                        4.14.3
plotnine                      0.8.0
pluggy                        0.13.1
ply                           3.11
portpicker                    1.3.1
poyo                          0.5.0
ppci                          0.5.8
prettytable                   2.1.0
priority                      1.3.0
proglog                       0.1.9
prometheus-client             0.10.1
prompt-toolkit                3.0.18
protobuf                      4.0.0rc1
psutil                        5.8.0
ptpython                      3.0.17
ptyprocess                    0.7.0
PuLP                          2.3
py                            1.10.0
pyaml                         20.4.0
pyarrow                       3.0.0
PyAudio                       0.2.11
pybars3                       0.9.7
pybind11                      2.6.2
pycodestyle                   2.6.0
pycosat                       0.6.3
pycparser                     2.20
pyct                          0.4.8
pydantic                      1.8.1
pydeck                        0.6.2
pydocstyle                    6.0.0
pyepsg                        0.4.0
pyerfa                        1.7.2
pyflakes                      2.2.0
pyflux                        0.4.17
pygame                        2.0.1
pygbm                         0.1.0
Pygments                      2.8.1
pyhdf                         0.10.2
pyinstaller                   4.2
pyinstaller-hooks-contrib     2021.1
pylint                        2.7.4
pyls-black                    0.4.6
pyls-spyder                   0.3.2
pymc                          2.3.8
PyMeta3                       0.5.1
pymongo                       3.11.3
PyNaCl                        1.4.0
pynndescent                   0.5.2
pyodbc                        4.0.30
PyOpenGL                      3.1.5
pypandoc                      1.5
pyparsing                     2.4.7
pyproj                        3.0.1
PyQt5                         5.15.1
PyQt5-sip                     12.8.1
pyqtgraph                     0.12.1
PyQtWebEngine                 5.15.1
pyrsistent                    0.17.3
pyserial                      3.5
pyshp                         2.1.3
PySocks                       1.7.1
pystache                      0.5.4
pytest                        6.2.3
python-baseconv               1.2.2
python-dateutil               2.8.1
python-dotenv                 0.17.0
python-hdf4                   0.10.0+dummy
python-jsonrpc-server         0.4.0
python-language-server        0.36.2
python-Levenshtein            0.12.2
python-slugify                4.0.1
python-snappy                 0.6.0
pythonnet                     2.5.2
PythonQwt                     0.9.0
pytz                          2021.1
pyviz-comms                   2.0.1
PyWavelets                    1.1.1
pywin32                       300
pywin32-ctypes                0.2.0
pywinpty                      0.5.7
pywinusb                      0.4.2
PyYAML                        5.4.1
pyzmq                         22.0.3
pyzo                          4.11.2
QDarkStyle                    3.0.2
qdldl                         0.1.5.post0
qpsolvers                     1.6.1
qstylizer                     0.1.10
QtAwesome                     1.0.2
qtconsole                     5.0.3
QtPy                          1.10.0.dev0
quadprog                      0.1.8
quantecon                     0.4.8
Quart                         0.14.1
rasterio                      1.2.3
readme-renderer               29.0
redis                         3.5.3
regex                         2021.4.4
reportlab                     3.5.67
requests                      2.25.1
requests-toolbelt             0.9.1
retrying                      1.3.3
rfc3986                       1.4.0
rise                          5.7.1
rope                          0.18.0
rpy2                          3.4.0.dev0
Rtree                         0.9.7
ruamel.yaml                   0.17.4
ruamel.yaml.clib              0.2.2
Rx                            3.1.1
scikit-fuzzy                  0.4.1
scikit-image                  0.18.1
scikit-learn                  0.24.1
scikit-optimize               0.8.1
scilab2py                     0.6.2
scipy                         1.6.2
scramp                        1.2.0
scs                           2.1.3
seaborn                       0.11.1
Send2Trash                    1.5.0
setuptools                    56.0.0
shap                          0.39.0
Shapely                       1.7.1
simpervisor                   0.4
simplegeneric                 0.8.1
simplejson                    3.17.2
simpy                         4.0.1
six                           1.15.0
sklearn-contrib-lightning     0.6.0
slicer                        0.0.7
smmap                         4.0.0
snakeviz                      2.1.0
sniffio                       1.2.0
snowballstemmer               2.1.0
snuggs                        1.4.7
sortedcontainers              2.3.0
sounddevice                   0.4.1
soupsieve                     2.2.1
Sphinx                        3.5.4
sphinx-rtd-theme              0.5.1
sphinxcontrib-applehelp       1.0.2
sphinxcontrib-devhelp         1.0.2
sphinxcontrib-htmlhelp        1.0.3
sphinxcontrib-jsmath          1.0.1
sphinxcontrib-qthelp          1.0.3
sphinxcontrib-serializinghtml 1.1.4
spyder                        5.0.1
spyder-kernels                2.0.1
SQLAlchemy                    1.4.8
sqlite-bro                    0.9.1
sqlparse                      0.4.1
starlette                     0.13.6
statsmodels                   0.12.2
streamz                       0.6.2
supersmoother                 0.4
sympy                         1.8
tables                        3.6.1
tblib                         1.7.0
tenacity                      7.0.0
termcolor                     1.1.0
terminado                     0.9.3
testpath                      0.4.4
text-unidecode                1.3
textdistance                  4.2.1
textwrap3                     0.9.2
threadpoolctl                 2.1.0
three-merge                   0.1.1
thrift                        0.13.0
tifffile                      2021.4.8
tinycss                       0.4
toml                          0.10.2
tomlkit                       0.7.0
toolz                         0.11.1
torch                         1.8.1+cpu
torchaudio                    0.8.1
torchvision                   0.9.1+cpu
tornado                       6.1
tqdm                          4.59.0
traitlets                     5.0.5
traittypes                    0.2.1
tranquilizer                  0.5.0+1.gff8dd5f
trio                          0.18.0
trio-asyncio                  0.12.0
twine                         3.4.1
twitter                       1.18.0
typed-ast                     1.4.3
typing-extensions             4.4.0
tzlocal                       2.1
ujson                         4.0.2
umap-learn                    0.5.1
uncertainties                 3.1.5
urllib3                       1.26.4
uvicorn                       0.13.4
vega                          3.4.0
vega-datasets                 0.9.0
virtualenv                    20.4.3
ViTables                      3.0.2
voila                         0.2.9
voila-gridstack               0.2.0
wasmer                        1.0.0
wasmer-compiler-cranelift     1.0.0
wasmer-compiler-singlepass    1.0.0
watchdog                      1.0.2
wcwidth                       0.2.5
webencodings                  0.5.1
Werkzeug                      1.0.1
wheel                         0.36.2
widgetsnbextension            3.5.1
winpython                     4.1.20210417
winrt                         1.0.21033.1
wordcloud                     1.8.1
wrapt                         1.12.1
wsproto                       1.0.0
xarray                        0.17.0
XlsxWriter                    1.3.9
xlwings                       0.23.0
yapf                          0.31.0
yarl                          1.6.3
zarr                          2.7.1
zict                          2.0.0
zipp                          3.4.1
zstandard                     0.15.2
`pip list` (after upgrade to 0.8.1)
Package                       Version
----------------------------- ----------------
affine                        2.3.0
aiofiles                      0.6.0
aiohttp                       3.7.4.post0
aiosqlite                     0.17.0
alabaster                     0.7.12
altair                        4.1.0
altair-data-server            0.4.1
altair-transform              0.2.0
altair-widgets                0.2.2
altgraph                      0.17
amply                         0.1.4
aniso8601                     9.0.1
ansiwrap                      0.8.4
anyio                         2.2.0
appdirs                       1.4.4
argon2-cffi                   20.1.0
arrow                         1.0.3
asciitree                     0.3.3
asgi-csrf                     0.6.1
asgiref                       3.3.4
asteval                       0.9.23
astroid                       2.5.3
astroML                       1.0.1
astropy                       4.2.1
async-generator               1.10
async-timeout                 3.0.1
atomicwrites                  1.4.0
attrs                         20.3.0
autopep8                      1.5.5
Babel                         2.9.0
backcall                      0.2.0
backports-abc                 0.5
baresql                       0.7.6
bcrypt                        3.1.7
beautifulsoup4                4.9.3
binaryornot                   0.4.4
black                         20.8b1
bleach                        3.3.0
blinker                       1.4
blosc                         1.10.2
bloscpack                     0.16.0
bokeh                         2.3.3
botorch                       0.4.0
Bottleneck                    1.3.2
bqplot                        0.12.25
branca                        0.4.2
brewer2mpl                    1.4.1
Brotli                        1.0.9
cachelib                      0.1.1
Cartopy                       0.18.0
certifi                       2020.12.5
cffi                          1.14.5
cftime                        1.4.1
chardet                       4.0.0
click                         7.1.2
click-default-group           1.2.2
click-plugins                 1.1.1
cligj                         0.7.1
cloudpickle                   1.6.0
clrmagic                      0.0.1a2
colorama                      0.4.4
colorcet                      2.0.6
cookiecutter                  1.7.2
coverage                      5.5
cryptography                  3.4.7
cvxopt                        1.2.6
cvxpy                         1.1.12
cx-Freeze                     6.5.3
cycler                        0.10.0
Cython                        0.29.23
cytoolz                       0.11.0
dask                          2021.4.0
dask-glm                      0.2.0
dask-labextension             5.0.1
dask-ml                       1.8.0
dask-searchcv                 0.2.0
databases                     0.4.1
datasette                     0.56
datashader                    0.12.1
datashape                     0.5.2                         0.5.4b1
decorator                     4.4.2
defusedxml                    0.7.1
Deprecated                    1.2.12
deprecation                   2.1.0
descartes                     1.1.0
diff-match-patch              20200713
distlib                       0.3.1
distributed                   2021.4.0
docopt                        0.6.2
docrepr                       0.1.1
docutils                      0.16
ecos                          2.0.7.post1
emcee                         3.0.2
entrypoints                   0.3
et-xmlfile                    1.0.1
fast-histogram                0.9
fastapi                       0.63.0
fasteners                     0.16
fastparquet                   0.5.0
feather-format                0.4.1
filelock                      3.0.12
Fiona                         1.8.19
flake8                        3.8.4
Flask                         1.1.2
flask-accepts                 0.17.7
Flask-Mail                    0.9.1
flask-restx                   0.3.0
Flask-Session                 0.3.2
Flask-SQLAlchemy              2.5.1
flaskerize                    0.14.0
flit                          3.2.0
flit-core                     3.2.0
folium                        0.12.1
formlayout                    2.0.0a0
fs                            2.4.13
fsspec                        0.8.7
future                        0.18.2
fuzzywuzzy                    0.18.0
GDAL                          3.2.2
geographiclib                 1.50
geopandas                     0.9.0
geopy                         2.1.0
geoviews                      1.9.1
gitdb                         4.0.7
GitPython                     3.1.14
gmpy2                         2.0.8
gpytorch                      1.4.0
great-expectations            0.13.12
greenlet                      1.0.0
guidata                       1.7.9
guiqwt                        3.0.6
h11                           0.12.0
h2                            4.0.0
h5py                          2.10.0
HeapDict                      1.0.1
holoviews                     1.14.3
hpack                         4.0.0
html5lib                      1.1
httpcore                      0.12.3
httpie                        2.4.0
httpx                         0.17.1
hupper                        1.10.2
husl                          4.0.3
hvplot                        0.8.1
Hypercorn                     0.11.2
hyperframe                    6.0.0
hypothesis                    6.9.2
ibis-framework                1.4.0
idlex                         1.18
idna                          2.10
imageio                       2.9.0
imageio-ffmpeg                0.4.2
imagesize                     1.2.0
imbalanced-learn              0.8.0
importlib-metadata            3.10.1
inflection                    0.5.1
iniconfig                     1.1.1
intake                        0.6.2
intervaltree                  3.0.2
ipycanvas                     0.8.2
ipykernel                     5.5.3
ipyleaflet                    0.13.6
ipympl                        0.7.0
ipython                       7.22.0
ipython-genutils              0.2.0
ipython-sql                   0.4.1b1
ipywidgets                    7.6.3
isort                         5.8.0
itsdangerous                  1.1.0
janus                         0.6.1
jedi                          0.17.2
Jinja2                        2.11.3
jinja2-time                   0.2.0
joblib                        1.0.1
json5                         0.9.5
jsonpatch                     1.32
jsonpointer                   2.1
jsonschema                    3.2.0
julia                         0.5.6
jupyter                       1.0.0
jupyter-bokeh                 3.0.0
jupyter-client                6.2.0
jupyter-console               6.4.0
jupyter-core                  4.7.1
jupyter-lsp                   1.1.4
jupyter-packaging             0.9.1
jupyter-server                1.6.2
jupyter-server-mathjax        0.2.2
jupyter-server-proxy          3.0.2
jupyter-sphinx                0.3.2
jupyterlab                    3.0.14
jupyterlab-git                0.30.0
jupyterlab-launcher           0.13.1
jupyterlab-lsp                3.5.0
jupyterlab-pygments           0.1.2
jupyterlab-server             2.4.0
jupyterlab-widgets            1.0.0
keyring                       23.0.1
kiwisolver                    1.3.1
lazy-object-proxy             1.6.0
llvmlite                      0.36.0
lmfit                         1.0.2
locket                        0.2.1
loky                          2.9.0
lxml                          4.6.3
lz4                           3.1.3
Markdown                      3.3.4
MarkupSafe                    1.1.1
marshmallow                   3.10.0
matplotlib                    3.4.1
mccabe                        0.6.1
mercantile                    1.1.6
mergedeep                     1.3.4
metakernel                    0.27.5
mistune                       0.8.4
mizani                        0.7.3
mkl-service                   2.3.0
mlxtend                       0.18.0
moviepy                       1.0.3
mpl-scatter-density           0.7
mpld3                         0.5.2
mpldatacursor                 0.7.1
mpmath                        1.2.1
msgpack                       1.0.2
msvc-runtime                  14.28.29910
multidict                     5.1.0
multipledispatch              0.6.0
munch                         2.5.0
mypy                          0.812
mypy-extensions               0.4.3
mysql-connector-python        8.0.21
nbclassic                     0.2.7
nbclient                      0.5.3
nbconvert                     6.0.7
nbconvert-reportlab           0.2
nbdime                        3.0.0
nbformat                      5.1.3
nbval                         0.9.6
nest-asyncio                  1.5.1
netCDF4                       1.5.6
networkx                      2.5.1
NLopt                         2.7.0
nltk                          3.6.1
notebook                      6.3.0
numba                         0.53.1
numcodecs                     0.7.3
numdifftools                  0.9.39
numexpr                       2.7.3
numpy                         1.20.2+mkl
numpydoc                      1.1.0
oct2py                        5.2.0
octave-kernel                 0.32.0
onnxruntime                   1.7.0
openpyxl                      3.0.7
orjson                        3.4.6
osqp                          0.6.2.post0
outcome                       1.1.0
packaging                     20.9
palettable                    3.3.0
pandas                        1.2.4
pandas-datareader             0.9.0
pandocfilters                 1.4.3
panel                         0.11.3
papermill                     2.3.3
param                         1.10.1
parambokeh                    0.2.3
paramiko                      2.7.2
paramnb                       2.0.4
parso                         0.7.0
partd                         1.2.0
pathspec                      0.8.0
patsy                         0.5.1
pdfrw                         0.4
pdvega                        0.2.1.dev0
pefile                        2019.4.18
pep8                          1.7.1
pexpect                       4.8.0
pg8000                        1.16.5
pickleshare                   0.7.5
Pillow                        8.2.0
Pint                          0.17
pip                           21.1.dev0
pipdeptree                    2.0.0
pkginfo                       1.7.0
plotly                        4.14.3
plotnine                      0.8.0
pluggy                        0.13.1
ply                           3.11
portpicker                    1.3.1
poyo                          0.5.0
ppci                          0.5.8
prettytable                   2.1.0
priority                      1.3.0
proglog                       0.1.9
prometheus-client             0.10.1
prompt-toolkit                3.0.18
protobuf                      4.0.0rc1
psutil                        5.8.0
ptpython                      3.0.17
ptyprocess                    0.7.0
PuLP                          2.3
py                            1.10.0
pyaml                         20.4.0
pyarrow                       3.0.0
PyAudio                       0.2.11
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pybind11                      2.6.2
pycodestyle                   2.6.0
pycosat                       0.6.3
pycparser                     2.20
pyct                          0.4.8
pydantic                      1.8.1
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pyepsg                        0.4.0
pyerfa                        1.7.2
pyflakes                      2.2.0
pyflux                        0.4.17
pygame                        2.0.1
pygbm                         0.1.0
Pygments                      2.8.1
pyhdf                         0.10.2
pyinstaller                   4.2
pyinstaller-hooks-contrib     2021.1
pylint                        2.7.4
pyls-black                    0.4.6
pyls-spyder                   0.3.2
pymc                          2.3.8
PyMeta3                       0.5.1
pymongo                       3.11.3
PyNaCl                        1.4.0
pynndescent                   0.5.2
pyodbc                        4.0.30
PyOpenGL                      3.1.5
pypandoc                      1.5
pyparsing                     2.4.7
pyproj                        3.0.1
PyQt5                         5.15.1
PyQt5-sip                     12.8.1
pyqtgraph                     0.12.1
PyQtWebEngine                 5.15.1
pyrsistent                    0.17.3
pyserial                      3.5
pyshp                         2.1.3
PySocks                       1.7.1
pystache                      0.5.4
pytest                        6.2.3
python-baseconv               1.2.2
python-dateutil               2.8.1
python-dotenv                 0.17.0
python-hdf4                   0.10.0+dummy
python-jsonrpc-server         0.4.0
python-language-server        0.36.2
python-Levenshtein            0.12.2
python-slugify                4.0.1
python-snappy                 0.6.0
pythonnet                     2.5.2
PythonQwt                     0.9.0
pytz                          2021.1
pyviz-comms                   2.0.1
PyWavelets                    1.1.1
pywin32                       300
pywin32-ctypes                0.2.0
pywinpty                      0.5.7
pywinusb                      0.4.2
PyYAML                        5.4.1
pyzmq                         22.0.3
pyzo                          4.11.2
QDarkStyle                    3.0.2
qdldl                         0.1.5.post0
qpsolvers                     1.6.1
qstylizer                     0.1.10
QtAwesome                     1.0.2
qtconsole                     5.0.3
QtPy                          1.10.0.dev0
quadprog                      0.1.8
quantecon                     0.4.8
Quart                         0.14.1
rasterio                      1.2.3
readme-renderer               29.0
redis                         3.5.3
regex                         2021.4.4
reportlab                     3.5.67
requests                      2.25.1
requests-toolbelt             0.9.1
retrying                      1.3.3
rfc3986                       1.4.0
rise                          5.7.1
rope                          0.18.0
rpy2                          3.4.0.dev0
Rtree                         0.9.7
ruamel.yaml                   0.17.4
ruamel.yaml.clib              0.2.2
Rx                            3.1.1
scikit-fuzzy                  0.4.1
scikit-image                  0.18.1
scikit-learn                  0.24.1
scikit-optimize               0.8.1
scilab2py                     0.6.2
scipy                         1.6.2
scramp                        1.2.0
scs                           2.1.3
seaborn                       0.11.1
Send2Trash                    1.5.0
setuptools                    56.0.0
shap                          0.39.0
Shapely                       1.7.1
simpervisor                   0.4
simplegeneric                 0.8.1
simplejson                    3.17.2
simpy                         4.0.1
six                           1.15.0
sklearn-contrib-lightning     0.6.0
slicer                        0.0.7
smmap                         4.0.0
snakeviz                      2.1.0
sniffio                       1.2.0
snowballstemmer               2.1.0
snuggs                        1.4.7
sortedcontainers              2.3.0
sounddevice                   0.4.1
soupsieve                     2.2.1
Sphinx                        3.5.4
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sphinxcontrib-devhelp         1.0.2
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SQLAlchemy                    1.4.8
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sqlparse                      0.4.1
starlette                     0.13.6
statsmodels                   0.12.2
streamz                       0.6.2
supersmoother                 0.4
sympy                         1.8
tables                        3.6.1
tblib                         1.7.0
tenacity                      7.0.0
termcolor                     1.1.0
terminado                     0.9.3
testpath                      0.4.4
text-unidecode                1.3
textdistance                  4.2.1
textwrap3                     0.9.2
threadpoolctl                 2.1.0
three-merge                   0.1.1
thrift                        0.13.0
tifffile                      2021.4.8
tinycss                       0.4
toml                          0.10.2
tomlkit                       0.7.0
toolz                         0.11.1
torch                         1.8.1+cpu
torchaudio                    0.8.1
torchvision                   0.9.1+cpu
tornado                       6.1
tqdm                          4.59.0
traitlets                     5.0.5
traittypes                    0.2.1
tranquilizer                  0.5.0+1.gff8dd5f
trio                          0.18.0
trio-asyncio                  0.12.0
twine                         3.4.1
twitter                       1.18.0
typed-ast                     1.4.3
typing-extensions             4.4.0
tzlocal                       2.1
ujson                         4.0.2
umap-learn                    0.5.1
uncertainties                 3.1.5
urllib3                       1.26.4
uvicorn                       0.13.4
vega                          3.4.0
vega-datasets                 0.9.0
virtualenv                    20.4.3
ViTables                      3.0.2
voila                         0.2.9
voila-gridstack               0.2.0
wasmer                        1.0.0
wasmer-compiler-cranelift     1.0.0
wasmer-compiler-singlepass    1.0.0
watchdog                      1.0.2
wcwidth                       0.2.5
webencodings                  0.5.1
Werkzeug                      1.0.1
wheel                         0.36.2
widgetsnbextension            3.5.1
winpython                     4.1.20210417
winrt                         1.0.21033.1
wordcloud                     1.8.1
wrapt                         1.12.1
wsproto                       1.0.0
xarray                        0.17.0
XlsxWriter                    1.3.9
xlwings                       0.23.0
yapf                          0.31.0
yarl                          1.6.3
zarr                          2.7.1
zict                          2.0.0
zipp                          3.4.1
zstandard                     0.15.2

Description of expected behavior and the observed behavior

My system is older but I wanted to try out the data explorer. I upgraded to the minimum version specified in the documentation

The Explorer has been added to hvPlot in version 0.8.0, and improved and documented in version 0.8.1. [...]

pip install hvplot==0.8.0

This resulted in an AttributeError. So I upgraded to 0.8.1 instead and received a completely different error.

pip install hvplot==0.8.1

So then I upgraded to the latest version, but I continue to receive a strange error.

pip install hvplot --upgrade
C:\Users\pokeeffe\WPy64-3890\scripts>pip install hvplot --upgrade
Requirement already satisfied: hvplot in c:\users\pokeeffe\wpy64-3890\python-3.8
.9.amd64\lib\site-packages (0.8.1)
Collecting hvplot
  Downloading hvplot-0.8.2-py2.py3-none-any.whl (3.2 MB)
     ---------------------------------------- 3.2/3.2 MB 2.7 MB/s eta 0:00:00
Requirement already satisfied: bokeh>=1.0.0 in c:\users\pokeeffe\wpy64-3890\python-3.8.9.amd64\lib\site-packages (from hvplot) (2.3.3)
Requirement already satisfied: panel>=0.11.0 in c:\users\pokeeffe\wpy64-3890\python-3.8.9.amd64\lib\site-packages (from hvplot) (0.11.3)
Requirement already satisfied: packaging in c:\users\pokeeffe\wpy64-3890\python-3.8.9.amd64\lib\site-packages (from hvplot) (20.9)
Requirement already satisfied: pandas in c:\users\pokeeffe\wpy64-3890\python-3.8.9.amd64\lib\site-packages (from hvplot) (1.2.4)
Requirement already satisfied: colorcet>=2 in c:\users\pokeeffe\wpy64-3890\python-3.8.9.amd64\lib\site-packages (from hvplot) (2.0.6)
Requirement already satisfied: numpy>=1.15 in c:\users\pokeeffe\wpy64-3890\python-3.8.9.amd64\lib\site-packages (from hvplot) (1.20.2+mkl)
Requirement already satisfied: holoviews>=1.11.0 in c:\users\pokeeffe\wpy64-3890\python-3.8.9.amd64\lib\site-packages (from hvplot) (1.14.3)
Requirement already satisfied: Jinja2>=2.9 in c:\users\pokeeffe\wpy64-3890\python-3.8.9.amd64\lib\site-packages (from bokeh>=1.0.0->hvplot) (2.11.3)
Requirement already satisfied: PyYAML>=3.10 in c:\users\pokeeffe\wpy64-3890\python-3.8.9.amd64\lib\site-packages (from bokeh>=1.0.0->hvplot) (5.4.1)
Requirement already satisfied: python-dateutil>=2.1 in c:\users\pokeeffe\wpy64-3890\python-3.8.9.amd64\lib\site-packages (from bokeh>=1.0.0->hvplot) (2.8.1)
Requirement already satisfied: typing-extensions>=3.7.4 in c:\users\pokeeffe\wpy64-3890\python-3.8.9.amd64\lib\site-packages (from bokeh>=1.0.0->hvplot) (4.4.0)
Requirement already satisfied: pillow>=7.1.0 in c:\users\pokeeffe\wpy64-3890\python-3.8.9.amd64\lib\site-packages (from bokeh>=1.0.0->hvplot) (8.2.0)
Requirement already satisfied: tornado>=5.1 in c:\users\pokeeffe\wpy64-3890\python-3.8.9.amd64\lib\site-packages (from bokeh>=1.0.0->hvplot) (6.1)
Requirement already satisfied: pyct>=0.4.4 in c:\users\pokeeffe\wpy64-3890\python-3.8.9.amd64\lib\site-packages (from colorcet>=2->hvplot) (0.4.8)
Requirement already satisfied: param>=1.7.0 in c:\users\pokeeffe\wpy64-3890\python-3.8.9.amd64\lib\site-packages (from colorcet>=2->hvplot) (1.10.1)
Requirement already satisfied: pyviz-comms>=0.7.4 in c:\users\pokeeffe\wpy64-3890\python-3.8.9.amd64\lib\site-packages (from holoviews>=1.11.0->hvplot) (2.0.1)
Requirement already satisfied: pyparsing>=2.0.2 in c:\users\pokeeffe\wpy64-3890\python-3.8.9.amd64\lib\site-packages (from packaging->hvplot) (2.4.7)
Requirement already satisfied: tqdm in c:\users\pokeeffe\wpy64-3890\python-3.8.9.amd64\lib\site-packages (from panel>=0.11.0->hvplot) (4.59.0)
Requirement already satisfied: requests in c:\users\pokeeffe\wpy64-3890\python-3.8.9.amd64\lib\site-packages (from panel>=0.11.0->hvplot) (2.25.1)
Requirement already satisfied: markdown in c:\users\pokeeffe\wpy64-3890\python-3.8.9.amd64\lib\site-packages (from panel>=0.11.0->hvplot) (3.3.4)
Requirement already satisfied: pytz>=2017.3 in c:\users\pokeeffe\wpy64-3890\python-3.8.9.amd64\lib\site-packages (from pandas->hvplot) (2021.1)
Requirement already satisfied: MarkupSafe>=0.23 in c:\users\pokeeffe\wpy64-3890\python-3.8.9.amd64\lib\site-packages (from Jinja2>=2.9->bokeh>=1.0.0->hvplot) (1.1.1)
Requirement already satisfied: six>=1.5 in c:\users\pokeeffe\wpy64-3890\python-3.8.9.amd64\lib\site-packages (from python-dateutil>=2.1->bokeh>=1.0.0->hvplot) (1.15.0)
Requirement already satisfied: certifi>=2017.4.17 in c:\users\pokeeffe\wpy64-3890\python-3.8.9.amd64\lib\site-packages (from requests->panel>=0.11.0->hvplot) (2020.12.5)
Requirement already satisfied: idna<3,>=2.5 in c:\users\pokeeffe\wpy64-3890\python-3.8.9.amd64\lib\site-packages (from requests->panel>=0.11.0->hvplot) (2.10)
Requirement already satisfied: urllib3<1.27,>=1.21.1 in c:\users\pokeeffe\wpy64-3890\python-3.8.9.amd64\lib\site-packages (from requests->panel>=0.11.0->hvplot) (1.26.4)
Requirement already satisfied: chardet<5,>=3.0.2 in c:\users\pokeeffe\wpy64-3890\python-3.8.9.amd64\lib\site-packages (from requests->panel>=0.11.0->hvplot) (4.0.0)
Installing collected packages: hvplot
  Attempting uninstall: hvplot
    Found existing installation: hvplot 0.8.1
    Uninstalling hvplot-0.8.1:
      Successfully uninstalled hvplot-0.8.1
Successfully installed hvplot-0.8.2

However, searching online turned up this holoviz Discourse comment, which had the resolution: update param to 1.12.0.

I progressively tried each of the major release version of param: 1.11.0, 1.11.1, 1.12.0 and determined 1.12.0 is the minimum required.

Complete, minimal, self-contained example code that reproduces the issue

version 0.8.0
import hvplot.pandas
In [11]: exp = hvplot.explorer(df)
Traceback (most recent call last):

  File "<ipython-input-11-382b45c2e2c1>", line 1, in <module>
    exp = hvplot.explorer(df)

AttributeError: module 'hvplot' has no attribute 'explorer'

In [12]: hvplot.__version__
Out[12]: '0.8.0'
In [13]: dir(hvplot)

In [14]:  
version 0.8.1
Python 3.8.9 (tags/v3.8.9:a743f81, Apr  2 2021, 11:10:41) [MSC v.1928 64 bit (AMD64)]
Type "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.

IPython 7.22.0 -- An enhanced Interactive Python.

Restarting kernel... 


In [1]: import hvplot.pandas
Traceback (most recent call last):

  File "<ipython-input-1-d0834c846347>", line 1, in <module>
    import hvplot.pandas

  File "C:\Users\pokeeffe\WPy64-3890\python-3.8.9.amd64\lib\site-packages\hvplot\", line 72, in <module>
    from .ui import explorer  # noqa

  File "C:\Users\pokeeffe\WPy64-3890\python-3.8.9.amd64\lib\site-packages\hvplot\", line 198, in <module>
    class Geo(Controls):

  File "C:\Users\pokeeffe\WPy64-3890\python-3.8.9.amd64\lib\site-packages\hvplot\", line 230, in Geo
    def _update_crs(self):

  File "C:\Users\pokeeffe\WPy64-3890\python-3.8.9.amd64\lib\site-packages\param\", line 290, in <lambda>
    return lambda actual_f: f(actual_f, *args, **kwargs)

  File "C:\Users\pokeeffe\WPy64-3890\python-3.8.9.amd64\lib\site-packages\param\", line 359, in depends
    raise ValueError('The depends decorator only accepts string '

ValueError: The depends decorator only accepts string types referencing a parameter or parameter instances, found bool type instead.

In [2]: hvplot.__version__
Traceback (most recent call last):

  File "<ipython-input-2-fadb93a786cf>", line 1, in <module>

NameError: name 'hvplot' is not defined
version 0.8.2
Python 3.8.9 (tags/v3.8.9:a743f81, Apr  2 2021, 11:10:41) [MSC v.1928 64 bit (AMD64)]
Type "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.

IPython 7.22.0 -- An enhanced Interactive Python.

Restarting kernel... 

In [1]: import hvplot
Traceback (most recent call last):

  File "<ipython-input-1-5d62e345fd68>", line 1, in <module>
    import hvplot

  File "C:\Users\pokeeffe\WPy64-3890\python-3.8.9.amd64\lib\site-packages\hvplot\", line 71, in <module>
    from .ui import explorer  # noqa

  File "C:\Users\pokeeffe\WPy64-3890\python-3.8.9.amd64\lib\site-packages\hvplot\", line 229, in <module>
    class Geo(Controls):

  File "C:\Users\pokeeffe\WPy64-3890\python-3.8.9.amd64\lib\site-packages\hvplot\", line 261, in Geo
    def _update_crs(self):

  File "C:\Users\pokeeffe\WPy64-3890\python-3.8.9.amd64\lib\site-packages\param\", line 290, in <lambda>
    return lambda actual_f: f(actual_f, *args, **kwargs)

  File "C:\Users\pokeeffe\WPy64-3890\python-3.8.9.amd64\lib\site-packages\param\", line 359, in depends
    raise ValueError('The depends decorator only accepts string '

ValueError: The depends decorator only accepts string types referencing a parameter or parameter instances, found bool type instead.

In [2]: 
version 0.8.2 + param==1.11.0 (next major version)
Python 3.8.9 (tags/v3.8.9:a743f81, Apr  2 2021, 11:10:41) [MSC v.1928 64 bit (AMD64)]
Type "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.

IPython 7.22.0 -- An enhanced Interactive Python.

Restarting kernel... 


In [1]: import hvplot
Traceback (most recent call last):

  File "<ipython-input-1-5d62e345fd68>", line 1, in <module>
    import hvplot

  File "C:\Users\pokeeffe\WPy64-3890\python-3.8.9.amd64\lib\site-packages\hvplot\", line 64, in <module>
    import panel as _pn

  File "C:\Users\pokeeffe\WPy64-3890\python-3.8.9.amd64\lib\site-packages\panel\", line 1, in <module>
    from . import layout # noqa

  File "C:\Users\pokeeffe\WPy64-3890\python-3.8.9.amd64\lib\site-packages\panel\layout\", line 1, in <module>
    from .accordion import Accordion # noqa

  File "C:\Users\pokeeffe\WPy64-3890\python-3.8.9.amd64\lib\site-packages\panel\layout\", line 5, in <module>
    from .base import NamedListPanel

  File "C:\Users\pokeeffe\WPy64-3890\python-3.8.9.amd64\lib\site-packages\panel\layout\", line 13, in <module>
    from ..reactive import Reactive

  File "C:\Users\pokeeffe\WPy64-3890\python-3.8.9.amd64\lib\site-packages\panel\", line 27, in <module>
    from .viewable import Renderable, Viewable

  File "C:\Users\pokeeffe\WPy64-3890\python-3.8.9.amd64\lib\site-packages\panel\", line 38, in <module>
    class Layoutable(param.Parameterized):

  File "C:\Users\pokeeffe\WPy64-3890\python-3.8.9.amd64\lib\site-packages\panel\", line 62, in Layoutable
    css_classes = param.List(default=None, doc="""

  File "C:\Users\pokeeffe\WPy64-3890\python-3.8.9.amd64\lib\site-packages\param\", line 1390, in __init__

  File "C:\Users\pokeeffe\WPy64-3890\python-3.8.9.amd64\lib\site-packages\param\", line 1398, in _validate
    self._validate_bounds(val, self.bounds)

  File "C:\Users\pokeeffe\WPy64-3890\python-3.8.9.amd64\lib\site-packages\param\", line 1406, in _validate_bounds
    l = len(val)

TypeError: object of type 'NoneType' has no len()

In [2]: 
version 0.8.2 + param==1.11.1
Python 3.8.9 (tags/v3.8.9:a743f81, Apr  2 2021, 11:10:41) [MSC v.1928 64 bit (AMD64)]
Type "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.

IPython 7.22.0 -- An enhanced Interactive Python.

Restarting kernel... 


In [1]: import hvplot
Traceback (most recent call last):

  File "<ipython-input-1-5d62e345fd68>", line 1, in <module>
    import hvplot

  File "C:\Users\pokeeffe\WPy64-3890\python-3.8.9.amd64\lib\site-packages\hvplot\", line 71, in <module>
    from .ui import explorer  # noqa

  File "C:\Users\pokeeffe\WPy64-3890\python-3.8.9.amd64\lib\site-packages\hvplot\", line 229, in <module>
    class Geo(Controls):

  File "C:\Users\pokeeffe\WPy64-3890\python-3.8.9.amd64\lib\site-packages\hvplot\", line 261, in Geo
    def _update_crs(self):

  File "C:\Users\pokeeffe\WPy64-3890\python-3.8.9.amd64\lib\site-packages\param\", line 290, in <lambda>
    return lambda actual_f: f(actual_f, *args, **kwargs)

  File "C:\Users\pokeeffe\WPy64-3890\python-3.8.9.amd64\lib\site-packages\param\", line 359, in depends
    raise ValueError('The depends decorator only accepts string '

ValueError: The depends decorator only accepts string types referencing a parameter or parameter instances, found bool type instead.

In [2]: 
version 0.8.2 + param=1.12.0
Python 3.8.9 (tags/v3.8.9:a743f81, Apr  2 2021, 11:10:41) [MSC v.1928 64 bit (AMD64)]
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In [1]: import param

In [2]: param.__version__
Out[2]: '1.12.0'

In [3]: import hvplot.pandas

In [4]: 

Stack traceback and/or browser JavaScript console output

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@maximlt maximlt added the type: bug Something isn't working label Feb 10, 2023
@maximlt maximlt added this to the 0.8.3 milestone Feb 10, 2023
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maximlt commented Feb 10, 2023

Hi @patricktokeeffe ! Thanks for this nice bug report, appreciate the work you put in there 👍

You're right, the minimum version of Param should be 1.12.0. The error message is not quite right though, you are seeing this error as depends has now a on_init argument that is used in some places by hvPlot, older versions of Param don't like that much.

I have seen that you attempted to make a Pull Request. However, you seem to have pointed it to your own fork rather than to this repository. On the image below, it shouldn't be into main but instead into holoviz:main. You may have to close your PR and reopen it to target it to this repository (I'm not sure :) ).


Also your PR is updating the build dependencies, while it should update the runtime dependencies. Let me give you some more context. Param is one of the build dependencies as it has a version module that is used to set the package version from git tags. This is similar to projects like setuptools-scm. No code is executed while building Param, so no change is required wrt the build dependencies. However we want to make sure that when you install hvPlot the right version of Param is installed. For that we have to make sure the runtime dependencies are well defined, these are the packages declared here:


Lines 30 to 38 in 5129d1f

install_requires = [
'bokeh >=1.0.0',
'colorcet >=2',
'holoviews >=1.11.0',
'panel >=0.11.0',

As you can see Param is not in this list, which is an oversight as it is effectively a direct dependency of hvPlot (it gets anyway installed because it's a dependency of Panel and HoloViews). So to fix this issue you would need to add "param >=1.12.0" to that list.

Let us know if you are still interested in fixing that :)

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maximlt commented Mar 24, 2024

Fixed by #1227

@maximlt maximlt closed this as completed Mar 24, 2024
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