diff --git a/ray4/craig/README.md b/ray4/craig/README.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 7ee3ad3..0000000
--- a/ray4/craig/README.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
-Mark Craig Contributions
-NOTE: To convert ray4 image files to SUN rasterfile, you need the PBM graphics package - See below
-for info.
-`run` and `run2` are sample scripts that can be used to run ray4 in the background. For example
-`run dots` will raytrace the dots.r4 input file in the background redirecting all screen output to
-the file `temp` and saving the ray4 image file as `dots.icube`.
-To convert ray4 image data files to MTV format, use `r4tomtv`. r4tomtv uses the same command line
-arguments as r4tosgi. It will create MTV files whose name is of the form:
- slice_(data file prefix)_(zplane)
-For example: `slice_dots_0` would be the 0 zplane slice of the `dots.icube` file.
-To convert an individual MTV file to SUN rasterfile, use `mtvtorast`. For example: `mtvtorast
-slice_dots_0` will create the SUN rasterfile named `slice_dots_0.ras`. `screenload slice_dots_0.ras`
-will display the image on a SUN.
-`convert` will convert all slice MTV files to SUN rasterfile automatically. It also will delete all
-MTV slice files if the user responds with "y" to the delete files prompt.
-To display an individual MTV file on a SUN screen without saving to a SUN rasterfile, use `display`.
-For example: `display slice_dots_0` will convert and display the slice.
-Additional information (I don't know if the email addresses are still valid):
-**MTV** --
- MTV RAYTRACER written by Mark Terrence VandeWettering (markv@cs.uoregon.edu)
-**PBM** --
- Extended Portable Bitmap Toolkit written by Jef Poskanzer (pokey@well.sf.ca.us)
- `{ucbvax, lll-crg, sun!pacbell, apple, hplabs}!well!pokey`
-Both available at many anonymous FTP sites.
-Mark R. Craig
Florida Institute of Technology
diff --git a/ray4/craig/convert b/ray4/craig/convert
deleted file mode 100644
index d709a70..0000000
--- a/ray4/craig/convert
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-files=`ls slice_*`
-for i in $files
- echo
- echo $i:
- mtvtorast $i
-echo "Delete data files: (y/n): "
-read del
-if test "$del" = y
- for i in $files
- do
- rm -i $i
- done
diff --git a/ray4/craig/craig.sh b/ray4/craig/craig.sh
deleted file mode 100644
index 337d611..0000000
--- a/ray4/craig/craig.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,563 +0,0 @@
-#! /bin/sh
-# This is a shell archive, meaning:
-# 1. Remove everything above the #! /bin/sh line.
-# 2. Save the resulting text in a file.
-# 3. Execute the file with /bin/sh (not csh) to create:
-# convert
-# display
-# mtvtorast
-# r4tomtv.c
-# run
-# run2
-# This archive created: Tue Nov 19 13:51:19 1991
-export PATH; PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:$PATH
-if test -f 'README'
- echo shar: "will not over-write existing file 'README'"
-cat << \SHAR_EOF > 'README'
- NOTE: To convert ray4 image files to SUN rasterfile, you need the
-PBM graphics package - See below for info.
- run and run2 are sample scripts that can be used to run ray4 in the
-background. For example "run dots" will raytrace the dots.r4 input file
-in the background redirecting all screen output to the file "temp" and
-saving the ray4 image file as "dots.icube".
- To convert ray4 image data files to MTV format, use "r4tomtv". r4tomtv
-uses the same command line arguments as r4tosgi. It will create MTV files
-whose name is of the form:
- slice_(data file prefix)_(zplane)
-for example: slice_dots_0 would be the 0 zplane slice of the dots.icube
- To convert an individual MTV file to SUN rasterfile, use mtvtorast.
-for example: "mtvtorast slice_dots_0" will create the SUN rasterfile
-named "slice_dots_0.ras". "screenload slice_dots_0.ras" will display the
-image on a SUN.
- convert will convert all slice MTV files to SUN rasterfile automatically.
-It also will delete all MTV slice files if the user responds with "y" to
-the delete files prompt.
- To display an individual MTV file on a SUN screen without saving to
-a SUN rasterfile, use "display". For example: "display slice_dots_0"
-will convert and display the slice.
-Additional information:
-(I don't know if the email addresses are still valid)...
-MTV RAYTRACER written by Mark Terrence VandeWettering (markv@cs.uoregon.edu)
-Extended Portable Bitmap Toolkit written by Jef Poskanzer (pokey@well.sf.ca.us)
- {ucbvax, lll-crg, sun!pacbell, apple, hplabs}!well!pokey
-both available at many anonymous ftp sites.
- Mark R. Craig
- Florida Institute of Technology
- mark@zach.fit.edu
-if test -f 'convert'
- echo shar: "will not over-write existing file 'convert'"
-cat << \SHAR_EOF > 'convert'
-files=`ls slice_*`
-for i in $files
- echo
- echo $i:
- mtvtorast $i
-echo "Delete data files: (y/n): "
-read del
-if test "$del" = y
- for i in $files
- do
- rm -i $i
- done
-if test -f 'display'
- echo shar: "will not over-write existing file 'display'"
-cat << \SHAR_EOF > 'display'
-mtvtoppm $1 | ppmquant 256 | pnmtorast | screenload
-if test -f 'mtvtorast'
- echo shar: "will not over-write existing file 'mtvtorast'"
-cat << \SHAR_EOF > 'mtvtorast'
-mtvtoppm $1 | ppmquant 256 | pnmtorast > $1.ras
-if test -f 'r4tomtv.c'
- echo shar: "will not over-write existing file 'r4tomtv.c'"
-cat << \SHAR_EOF > 'r4tomtv.c'
-** "r4tosgi" is Copyright (c) 1991 by Steve R. Hollasch.
-** All rights reserved. This software may be freely copied, modified
-** and redistributed, provided that this copyright notice is preserved
-** in all copies. This software is provided "as is", without express
-** or implied warranty. You may not include this software in a program
-** or other software product without also supplying the source, or
-** without informing the end-user that the source is available for no
-** extra charge. If you modify this software, please include a notice
-** detailing the author, date and purpose of the modification.
-** File: r4tomtv.c
-** This program reads an output file from the Ray4 raytracer and outputs
-** mtv raytracer format files (1 file per slice).
-** Assumptions:
-** Images are no larger than 32767 x 32767 in size.
-** Revisions:
-** 0.03 14-Nov-1991 Mark R. Craig (mark@zach.fit.edu)
-** Modified r4tosgi.c to output MTV format image files.
-** 0.02 15-Jul-1991 Hollasch, Marty Ryan
-** Removed inclusion of unix.h. Also keyed typedefs of uchar,
-** ushort and ulong off of _AIX.
-** 0.01 04-Mar-1991 Hollasch
-** Source code mods (r4image.h --> r4_image.h), no steve.h.
-** 0.00 26-Nov-1990 Steve R. Hollasch
-** Preliminary version.
-#include "r4_image.h"
- /*********************/
- /*** Debug Flags ***/
- /*********************/
-#define DB_ARGS 1 /* Dump Command Options */
-#define DB_MISC 1 /* Miscellaneous Output */
-#define DB_HEADER 1 /* Dump Image Header Fields */
- /**********************************/
- /*** Usage & Version Messages ***/
- /**********************************/
-char notice[] = "\
-r4tomtv Version 0.00 14-Nov-1991 (C) 1991 Steven R. Hollasch, Mark R. Craig\n\
-char usage[] = "\
-r4tomtv: Convert Ray4 output images to MTV format image files.\n\
-usage : r4tomtv [-t] [-z ] \n\
- -t: Tiled display. Process all image slices (output MTV image files)\n\
- starting at the plane given with the -z option (0 by default).\n\
- -z: Image plane to process, or starting image plane with -t option.\n\
- /***************************/
- /*** Macro Definitions ***/
- /***************************/
-#define XMAXSCREEN 1151
-#define YMAXSCREEN 899
-#define DISPWIDTH (XMAXSCREEN+1) /* Max Display Width */
-#define DISPHEIGHT (YMAXSCREEN+1) /* Max Display Height */
-#define true 1
-#define false 0
-#define nil 0
-#ifdef _STDC_
-# define ARGS(list) list /* Function Argument List */
-# define ARGS(list) ()
-#define print(string) fputs(string,stdout)
- /**************************/
- /*** Type Definitions ***/
- /**************************/
-#ifndef _AIX
- typedef unsigned char uchar;
- typedef unsigned short ushort;
- typedef unsigned long ulong;
- /*******************************/
- /*** Function Declarations ***/
- /*******************************/
-void main ARGS((int, char**));
-void ParseArgs ARGS((int, char**));
-void Halt ARGS((char*, char*));
-void ImagePrep ARGS((void));
-void DisplayImage ARGS((ushort, short, short));
- /**************************/
- /*** Global Variables ***/
- /**************************/
-typedef uchar RGBvalue;
-typedef int Boolean;
-ImageHdr image; /* Image Record */
-long imgstart; /* Image Data Start Position */
-long imgsize; /* Image Slice Size */
-short indata; /* Input Data Slot */
-char *infile; /* Input Ray4 Image File */
-FILE *instream; /* Image File Input Stream */
-RGBvalue *red, *blu, *grn; /* RGB Scanline Buffers */
-ushort resx, resy; /* Image Resoulution */
-ulong scanlsize; /* Scanline Buffer Size */
-uchar *scanbuff; /* Scanline Buffer */
-Boolean tile = false; /* Tiling Option Switch */
-ushort zplane; /* Image Plane */
-int num;
-FILE *outstream;
-char filename[180];
-char outfile[80];
-** The main entry procedure.
-void main (argc, argv)
- int argc; /* Command Line Argument Count */
- char *argv[]; /* Command Line Argument Array */
- print (notice);
- ParseArgs (argc, argv);
- ImagePrep ();
-while (zplane <= image.last[2])
- {
- sprintf(filename,"slice_%s_%d",outfile,zplane);
- if ((outstream=fopen(filename,"w"))==NULL)
- {
- Halt("Can't open %s\n",filename);
- }
- fprintf(outstream,"%d %d\n",resx,resy);
- printf("z: %d\n",zplane);
- DisplayImage (zplane);
- num++;
- fclose(outstream);
- if (!tile) break;
- ++zplane;
- }
- Halt (nil, nil);
-** This function is the exit point of the program. It prints an optional
-** termination message and then frees program resources and halts the
-** program.
-void Halt (msg, arg)
- char *msg; /* Termination Message */
- char *arg; /* Optional Message String Argument */
- if (instream) fclose (instream);
- if (scanbuff) free (scanbuff);
- if (red) free (red);
- if (grn) free (grn);
- if (blu) free (blu);
- if (msg)
- { print ("r4tomtv: ");
- printf (msg, arg);
- print ("\n\n");
- exit (1);
- }
- exit (0);
-** This procedure parses the command line arguments and switches.
-void ParseArgs (argc, argv)
- int argc; /* Command Line Argument Count */
- char *argv[]; /* Command Line Argument Array */
- register int argi; /* Argument Array Index */
- int i;
- if (argc < 2)
- { print (usage);
- Halt (nil, nil);
- }
- for (argi=1; argi < argc; ++argi)
- {
- if (*argv[argi] != '-')
- infile = argv[argi];
- else switch (argv[argi][1])
- {
- case 't':
- tile = true;
- break;
- case 'z':
- if (argv[argi][2])
- zplane = atoi (argv[argi]+2);
- else
- zplane = atoi (argv[++argi]);
- break;
- default:
- Halt ("Invalid option (%s).", argv[argi]);
- break;
- }
- }
-for (i=0;i image.last[2]))
- { printf("r4tomtv: Z plane (%u) is out of range [%u,%u].\n",
- zplane, image.first[2], image.last[2]);
- Halt ("Aborting.", nil);
- }
- /* Ensure that we can display the full image. */
- if (resx > DISPWIDTH)
- Halt ("Image too wide to display.", nil);
- if (resy > DISPHEIGHT)
- Halt ("Image too tall to display.", nil);
- /* Calculate the starting file position of the image plane. */
- scanlsize = (ulong)(resx) * 3L;
- if (image.bitsperpixel == 12)
- { if (scanlsize & 1) ++scanlsize;
- scanlsize >>= 1;
- }
- else if (image.bitsperpixel != 24)
- { printf ("r4tomtv: This image has %u bits per pixel.\n",
- image.bitsperpixel);
- Halt ("Can't handle this file format.", nil);
- }
- if (!(scanbuff = (uchar*) malloc ((unsigned)scanlsize)))
- Halt ("Out of memory.", nil);
- imgstart = sizeof (ImageHdr);
- imgsize = (long)resy * scanlsize;
- red = (RGBvalue*) malloc ((unsigned)(sizeof(RGBvalue)*resx));
- grn = (RGBvalue*) malloc ((unsigned)(sizeof(RGBvalue)*resx));
- blu = (RGBvalue*) malloc ((unsigned)(sizeof(RGBvalue)*resx));
- if (!red || !grn || !blu)
- Halt ("Out of memory.", nil);
-# if DB_MISC
- printf ("resx = %u\n", resx);
- printf ("resy = %u\n", resy);
- printf ("scanlsize = %lu\n", scanlsize);
- print ("\n");
-# endif
-** This procedure outputs an image slice.
-void DisplayImage (plane)
- ushort plane; /* Image Plane to Display */
- auto Boolean ebflag; /* Even-Byte Boundary Flag */
- auto uchar *ptr; /* Scanline Buffer Point */
- auto RGBvalue *Vr, *Vg, *Vb; /* Color Array Pointers */
- auto short xx, yy; /* Pixel Position */
- fseek (instream, imgstart + (imgsize * (long)(plane-image.first[2])), 0);
- for (yy=image.first[1]; yy <= image.last[1]; ++yy)
- {
- /* Read in the next scanline. */
- if (1 != fread (scanbuff, scanlsize, 1, instream))
- Halt ("Read error on image file (%s).", infile);
- ebflag = true;
- ptr = scanbuff;
- Vr = red;
- Vg = grn;
- Vb = blu;
- for (xx=image.first[0]; xx <= image.last[0]; ++xx)
- {
- if (image.bitsperpixel == 24)
- { *Vr = *ptr++;
- *Vg = *ptr++;
- *Vb = *ptr++;
- }
- else if (ebflag)
- { *Vr = *ptr & 0xF0;
- *Vg = *ptr++ << 4;
- *Vb = *ptr & 0xF0;
- ebflag = false;
- }
- else
- { *Vr = *ptr++ << 4;
- *Vg = *ptr & 0xF0;
- *Vb = *ptr++ << 4;
- ebflag = true;
- }
- fputc(*Vr,outstream);
- fputc(*Vg,outstream);
- fputc(*Vb,outstream);
- }
- }
-if test -f 'run'
- echo shar: "will not over-write existing file 'run'"
-cat << \SHAR_EOF > 'run'
-nohup ray4 -r254:254:12 -i $1.r4 -o $1.icube > temp &
-if test -f 'run2'
- echo shar: "will not over-write existing file 'run2'"
-cat << \SHAR_EOF > 'run2'
-nohup ray4 -a4:4:33 -r200:190:20 -i $1.r4 -o $1.icube > temp &
-exit 0
-# End of shell archive
diff --git a/ray4/craig/display b/ray4/craig/display
deleted file mode 100644
index afdea5a..0000000
--- a/ray4/craig/display
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-mtvtoppm $1 | ppmquant 256 | pnmtorast | screenload
diff --git a/ray4/craig/mtvtorast b/ray4/craig/mtvtorast
deleted file mode 100644
index 72b7883..0000000
--- a/ray4/craig/mtvtorast
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-mtvtoppm $1 | ppmquant 256 | pnmtorast > $1.ras
diff --git a/ray4/craig/r4tomtv.c b/ray4/craig/r4tomtv.c
deleted file mode 100644
index a4e21a9..0000000
--- a/ray4/craig/r4tomtv.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,426 +0,0 @@
-** "r4tosgi" is Copyright (c) 1991 by Steve R. Hollasch.
-** All rights reserved. This software may be freely copied, modified
-** and redistributed, provided that this copyright notice is preserved
-** in all copies. This software is provided "as is", without express
-** or implied warranty. You may not include this software in a program
-** or other software product without also supplying the source, or
-** without informing the end-user that the source is available for no
-** extra charge. If you modify this software, please include a notice
-** detailing the author, date and purpose of the modification.
-** File: r4tomtv.c
-** This program reads an output file from the Ray4 raytracer and outputs
-** mtv raytracer format files (1 file per slice).
-** Assumptions:
-** Images are no larger than 32767 x 32767 in size.
-** Revisions:
-** 0.03 14-Nov-1991 Mark R. Craig (mark@zach.fit.edu)
-** Modified r4tosgi.c to output MTV format image files.
-** 0.02 15-Jul-1991 Hollasch, Marty Ryan
-** Removed inclusion of unix.h. Also keyed typedefs of uchar,
-** ushort and ulong off of _AIX.
-** 0.01 04-Mar-1991 Hollasch
-** Source code mods (r4image.h --> r4_image.h), no steve.h.
-** 0.00 26-Nov-1990 Steve R. Hollasch
-** Preliminary version.
-#include "r4_image.h"
- /*********************/
- /*** Debug Flags ***/
- /*********************/
-#define DB_ARGS 1 /* Dump Command Options */
-#define DB_MISC 1 /* Miscellaneous Output */
-#define DB_HEADER 1 /* Dump Image Header Fields */
- /**********************************/
- /*** Usage & Version Messages ***/
- /**********************************/
-char notice[] = "\
-r4tomtv Version 0.00 14-Nov-1991 (C) 1991 Steven R. Hollasch, Mark R. Craig\n\
-char usage[] = "\
-r4tomtv: Convert Ray4 output images to MTV format image files.\n\
-usage : r4tomtv [-t] [-z ] \n\
- -t: Tiled display. Process all image slices (output MTV image files)\n\
- starting at the plane given with the -z option (0 by default).\n\
- -z: Image plane to process, or starting image plane with -t option.\n\
- /***************************/
- /*** Macro Definitions ***/
- /***************************/
-#define XMAXSCREEN 1151
-#define YMAXSCREEN 899
-#define DISPWIDTH (XMAXSCREEN+1) /* Max Display Width */
-#define DISPHEIGHT (YMAXSCREEN+1) /* Max Display Height */
-#define true 1
-#define false 0
-#define nil 0
-#ifdef _STDC_
-# define ARGS(list) list /* Function Argument List */
-# define ARGS(list) ()
-#define print(string) fputs(string,stdout)
- /**************************/
- /*** Type Definitions ***/
- /**************************/
-#ifndef _AIX
- typedef unsigned char uchar;
- typedef unsigned short ushort;
- typedef unsigned long ulong;
- /*******************************/
- /*** Function Declarations ***/
- /*******************************/
-void main ARGS((int, char**));
-void ParseArgs ARGS((int, char**));
-void Halt ARGS((char*, char*));
-void ImagePrep ARGS((void));
-void DisplayImage ARGS((ushort, short, short));
- /**************************/
- /*** Global Variables ***/
- /**************************/
-typedef uchar RGBvalue;
-typedef int Boolean;
-ImageHdr image; /* Image Record */
-long imgstart; /* Image Data Start Position */
-long imgsize; /* Image Slice Size */
-short indata; /* Input Data Slot */
-char *infile; /* Input Ray4 Image File */
-FILE *instream; /* Image File Input Stream */
-RGBvalue *red, *blu, *grn; /* RGB Scanline Buffers */
-ushort resx, resy; /* Image Resoulution */
-ulong scanlsize; /* Scanline Buffer Size */
-uchar *scanbuff; /* Scanline Buffer */
-Boolean tile = false; /* Tiling Option Switch */
-ushort zplane; /* Image Plane */
-int num;
-FILE *outstream;
-char filename[180];
-char outfile[80];
-** The main entry procedure.
-void main (argc, argv)
- int argc; /* Command Line Argument Count */
- char *argv[]; /* Command Line Argument Array */
- print (notice);
- ParseArgs (argc, argv);
- ImagePrep ();
- while (zplane <= image.last[2])
- {
- sprintf(filename,"slice_%s_%d",outfile,zplane);
- if ((outstream=fopen(filename,"w"))==NULL)
- { Halt("Can't open %s\n",filename);
- }
- fprintf(outstream,"%d %d\n",resx,resy);
- printf("z: %d\n",zplane);
- DisplayImage (zplane);
- num++;
- fclose(outstream);
- if (!tile) break;
- ++zplane;
- }
- Halt (nil, nil);
-** This function is the exit point of the program. It prints an optional
-** termination message and then frees program resources and halts the
-** program.
-void Halt (msg, arg)
- char *msg; /* Termination Message */
- char *arg; /* Optional Message String Argument */
- if (instream) fclose (instream);
- if (scanbuff) free (scanbuff);
- if (red) free (red);
- if (grn) free (grn);
- if (blu) free (blu);
- if (msg)
- { print ("r4tomtv: ");
- printf (msg, arg);
- print ("\n\n");
- exit (1);
- }
- exit (0);
-** This procedure parses the command line arguments and switches.
-void ParseArgs (argc, argv)
- int argc; /* Command Line Argument Count */
- char *argv[]; /* Command Line Argument Array */
- register int argi; /* Argument Array Index */
- int i;
- if (argc < 2)
- { print (usage);
- Halt (nil, nil);
- }
- for (argi=1; argi < argc; ++argi)
- {
- if (*argv[argi] != '-')
- infile = argv[argi];
- else switch (argv[argi][1])
- {
- case 't':
- tile = true;
- break;
- case 'z':
- if (argv[argi][2])
- zplane = atoi (argv[argi]+2);
- else
- zplane = atoi (argv[++argi]);
- break;
- default:
- Halt ("Invalid option (%s).", argv[argi]);
- break;
- }
- }
- strcpy(outfile,infile);
- for (i=0;i image.last[2]))
- { printf("r4tomtv: Z plane (%u) is out of range [%u,%u].\n",
- zplane, image.first[2], image.last[2]);
- Halt ("Aborting.", nil);
- }
- /* Ensure that we can display the full image. */
- if (resx > DISPWIDTH)
- Halt ("Image too wide to display.", nil);
- if (resy > DISPHEIGHT)
- Halt ("Image too tall to display.", nil);
- /* Calculate the starting file position of the image plane. */
- scanlsize = (ulong)(resx) * 3L;
- if (image.bitsperpixel == 12)
- { if (scanlsize & 1) ++scanlsize;
- scanlsize >>= 1;
- }
- else if (image.bitsperpixel != 24)
- { printf ("r4tomtv: This image has %u bits per pixel.\n",
- image.bitsperpixel);
- Halt ("Can't handle this file format.", nil);
- }
- if (!(scanbuff = (uchar*) malloc ((unsigned)scanlsize)))
- Halt ("Out of memory.", nil);
- imgstart = sizeof (ImageHdr);
- imgsize = (long)resy * scanlsize;
- red = (RGBvalue*) malloc ((unsigned)(sizeof(RGBvalue)*resx));
- grn = (RGBvalue*) malloc ((unsigned)(sizeof(RGBvalue)*resx));
- blu = (RGBvalue*) malloc ((unsigned)(sizeof(RGBvalue)*resx));
- if (!red || !grn || !blu)
- Halt ("Out of memory.", nil);
-# if DB_MISC
- printf ("resx = %u\n", resx);
- printf ("resy = %u\n", resy);
- printf ("scanlsize = %lu\n", scanlsize);
- print ("\n");
-# endif
-** This procedure outputs an image slice.
-void DisplayImage (plane)
- ushort plane; /* Image Plane to Display */
- auto Boolean ebflag; /* Even-Byte Boundary Flag */
- auto uchar *ptr; /* Scanline Buffer Point */
- auto RGBvalue *Vr, *Vg, *Vb; /* Color Array Pointers */
- auto short xx, yy; /* Pixel Position */
- fseek (instream, imgstart + (imgsize * (long)(plane-image.first[2])), 0);
- for (yy=image.first[1]; yy <= image.last[1]; ++yy)
- {
- /* Read in the next scanline. */
- if (1 != fread (scanbuff, scanlsize, 1, instream))
- Halt ("Read error on image file (%s).", infile);
- ebflag = true;
- ptr = scanbuff;
- Vr = red;
- Vg = grn;
- Vb = blu;
- for (xx=image.first[0]; xx <= image.last[0]; ++xx)
- {
- if (image.bitsperpixel == 24)
- { *Vr = *ptr++;
- *Vg = *ptr++;
- *Vb = *ptr++;
- }
- else if (ebflag)
- { *Vr = *ptr & 0xF0;
- *Vg = *ptr++ << 4;
- *Vb = *ptr & 0xF0;
- ebflag = false;
- }
- else
- { *Vr = *ptr++ << 4;
- *Vg = *ptr & 0xF0;
- *Vb = *ptr++ << 4;
- ebflag = true;
- }
- fputc(*Vr,outstream);
- fputc(*Vg,outstream);
- fputc(*Vb,outstream);
- }
- }
diff --git a/ray4/craig/run b/ray4/craig/run
deleted file mode 100644
index 3af6122..0000000
--- a/ray4/craig/run
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-nohup ray4 -r254:254:12 -i $1.r4 -o $1.icube > temp &
diff --git a/ray4/craig/run2 b/ray4/craig/run2
deleted file mode 100644
index 2e9915c..0000000
--- a/ray4/craig/run2
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-nohup ray4 -a4:4:33 -r200:190:20 -i $1.r4 -o $1.icube > temp &