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193 lines (129 loc) · 3.79 KB

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193 lines (129 loc) · 3.79 KB


  • Hashing
  • Hashset
  • Two pointers
  • prefix and sufix
  • Kadane's Algorithm
  • sorted - binary search

dp Recursion -> Memoization -> Tabulation -> Space Optimization

Memoization (recursion) = Top-down = main problem -> base case


  1. create dp[n+1] array initialized to -1
  2. if(dp[n] != -1) -> return dp[n] // value is already computed
  3. else -> use recursive relation to compute dp[n] -> at the end, store the result

Tabulation = Bottom-up = base case -> main problem


  1. declare dp[n+1] array
  2. initialize the base case -> dp[0] and/or dp[1]
  3. traverse array -> every index -> dp[i] = dp[i-1] + dp[i-2]

Space Optimization


  1. If additional space is not required, use variables dp[i-1] -> prev1 dp[i-2] -> prev2


  1. selection sort - find min and swap
  2. bubble sort - swap locally by moving largest element to the end
  3. quick sort - pivot (partition) -> 1st element; i -> more than pivot; j -> less than pivot; swap
  4. Merge sort - merge two sorted array
  5. insertion sort - 1st element is sorted; every time 1 element is inserted into sorted arr
  6. heap sort -
  7. selection sort


  1. linear search
  2. binary search - low, mid, high

Linked List:

  • Use pointers
  • Use dummy nodes


  1. dfs - stack
  2. bfs - queue (Shortest Path)
  3. directed acyclic graph (DAG) - topological sorting - dfs -> reverse pop

adjacent matrix adjacent list - for every vertex - all edges

shortest path in graph single source shortest path

tree: Solve by recursion

  1. binary tree (1 parent - 2 child) hieght: max(height(left), height(right)) + 1 count number of edges node to leaf depth = level = node to root

BT -> Heap BST -> AVL -> BTT -> 2-3 tree (B Tree)


  • Balanced BST
  • Balancing Factor (BF) = Height of Left Subtree - Height of Right Subtree
  • AVL is balanced if BF = 0, 1 or -1

Insertion of node Deletion of node

Spanning Tree - Convert Graph -> Tree

Preoder - root, left, right Inorder - left, root, right Postorder - left, right, root

Travelling Salesman Problem (TSP) Knapsack Problem Job Assignment Problem Divide and Conquer Decrease and Conquer - divide into two; discard one piece Fake Coin Problem

heap - find kth smallest elem

  • tree (complete BT)
  • parental domination p -> left child = 2p+1; right child = 2p+2 last parent -> (n/2)-1 ; n = # nodes min heap; max heap

Floyd Warshall Algo

  • All pair shortest path
  • Generate shortestPathMatrix
  • Intermediate node - k
For k = 0 to n – 1 
    For i = 0 to n – 1 
        For j = 0 to n – 1 
            Distance[i, j] = min(Distance[i, j], Distance[i, k] + Distance[k, j])
where i = source Node, j = Destination Node, k = Intermediate Node

---- BD

Dijkstra's Algo

  • Single source shortest path
  • Unweighted graph
  • Greedy method
  • Create shortest path tree (SPT) with given source as root
  • maintain 2 set one set contains vertices included in SPT another set contains vertices not included in SPT
  • {0 INF INF INF INF INF} -> update this with weight
  • {0 ... } -> SPT

Bellman Ford

  • Single source shortest path
  • Weight graph / Detect Negative edges
  • distance array and edges list
  • A -> B = 3 ; d(A) + 3 = d(B)
  • Iterate thro all the edges (v-1) times
  • if relaxation for vth time is possible then negative weight cycle is detected

Minimum Spanning Tree (PK)

  • Prim's Algo
  1. pick any start vertex
  2. identify fringe vertex (vertex connected to the cur vertex)
  3. pick the smallest edge
  4. add to the tree if it does not form cycle
  • Kruskal's Algo
  1. sort the edges

  2. pick smallest edge if no cycle, then add the edge

  3. (v-1) edges

  4. Count Number of Islands

  5. Word Search - Backtracking

  6. All the paths from source to destination = dfs + backtracking