- Added a setting to enable or disable the demon breakdown
- Fixed a bug where the demon breakdown's numbers would be shifted
- Switched back to the spreadsheet, fixing a few bugs and removing the refresh button
- Added node IDs to the quick search popup and demon breakdown
- Redesigned the mod logo
- Updated the gallery to include the demon breakdown
- Added back demon refresh button in the level info page
- Fixed enjoyment rating not showing up in the demon info popup
- Fixed some crashes related to exiting menus too quickly
- Fixed difficulties disappearing on failed requests
- Fixed constant reloading of the demon difficulties
- Altered dynamic loading as to not break compatibility with other mods
- Fixed level browsers not working
- Fixed the demon info button in the level info page not working
- Added detailed demon breakdown to the main menu profile page
- Switched to dynamic loading for the demon difficulties
- Fixed BetterInfo buttons in the quick search menu
- Fixed an incompatibility with the mod "Overcharged Main Levels" by Firee
- Ported to Geode v4.0.0-beta.1
- Added auto-refreshing for the demon difficulties in the level info page
- Ported to Geometry Dash v2.207
- Attempted to fix that Android crash again
- (Possibly) Fixed a bug where the game would sometimes crash when clicking on the demon info button on Android
- Fixed a bug where the demon difficulty would show if the main level was locked
- Fixed some GDPS conflicts with main level ratings
- Added mythic textures, for when a level is rated mythic
- Removed the GodlikeFaces requirement for the legendary and mythic textures, replacing it with settings
- Added a setting to enable or disable the additional demon difficulties
- Fixed legendary demons being offset by slight amounts
- Fixed a bug where demons would be offset by one tier due to flooring instead of rounding
- Added main level support for the new demon difficulties
- Added decimal support for the demon info button in the level info page
- Added GDDP Integration override setting
- Moved the demon info button in the level info page to the left side of the page
- Tweaked the quick search popup
- Fixed a bug where the demon's original difficulty would be displayed as "Extreme Demon" in the demon info popup
- Reduced cache refresh time from 7 days to 2 days
- Moved the cache refresh button to a new demon info button in the level info page
- Added cache refreshing for a level's demon difficulty under the refresh button in the level info page
- Added some compatibility with the mod "GodlikeFaces" by adyagmd
- The last update actually didn't fix the main menu crash lmfaooooo
- Updated to use the GDDL spreadsheet, so that the mod doesn't crash the API like it did before
- Added caching for the GDDL spreadsheet, so that the mod doesn't have to download it every time it's opened
- Fixed a main menu crash
- Changed sorting of levels in the quick search
- Added a quick search popup to the level search menu
- Added an image of the popup to the about page
- Prepared for v1.1.0
- Fixed a bug where the difficulties would not load if the main menu was exited too quickly
- Finalized the release of v1.0.5
- Fixed a few things
- Fixed the alignment of the "Bizarre Demon" difficulty sprite
- Ported to Geometry Dash v2.206
- Fixed the alignment of the "Tricky Demon" difficulty sprite
- Fixed incompatibility with the mod "GDDP Integration" by Minemaker0430
- Fixed the alignment of the difficulty sprites
- Initial release