From e8d2709d6c0bd9e0c1047646306731f6ca2d71da Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: =?UTF-8?q?Henrik=20Bostr=C3=B6m?=
Date: Tue, 16 May 2023 15:36:46 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] 0.4.0

 src/crepes/ | 419 -----------------------------------------
 1 file changed, 419 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 src/crepes/

diff --git a/src/crepes/ b/src/crepes/
deleted file mode 100644
index 7d53b1e..0000000
--- a/src/crepes/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,419 +0,0 @@
-"""Conformal regressors and predictive systems (crepes) fillings
-Helper class and functions to generate difficulty estimates, with and
-without out-of-bag predictions, and Mondrian categories (bins) for
-conformal regressors and conformal predictive systems.
-Author: Henrik Boström (
-Copyright 2023 Henrik Boström
-License: BSD 3 clause
-import numpy as np
-import pandas as pd
-from sklearn.neighbors import NearestNeighbors
-from sklearn.preprocessing import MinMaxScaler
-class DifficultyEstimator():
-    """
-    A difficulty estimator outputs scores for objects to be used by 
-    normalized conformal regressors and predictive systems.
-    """
-    def __repr__(self):
-        if self.fitted and self.estimator_type == "knn":
-            return (f"DifficultyEstimator(fitted={self.fitted}, "
-                    f"type={self.estimator_type}, "
-                    f"k={self.k}, "
-                    f"target={self.target_type}, "
-                    f"scaler={self.scaler}, "                    
-                    f"beta={self.beta}, "
-                    f"oob={self.oob}"             
-                    ")")
-        elif self.fitted and self.estimator_type == "variance":
-            return (f"DifficultyEstimator(fitted={self.fitted}, "
-                    f"type={self.estimator_type}, "
-                    f"scaler={self.scaler}, "                    
-                    f"beta={self.beta}, "
-                    f"oob={self.oob}"             
-                    ")")
-        else:
-            return f"DifficultyEstimator(fitted={self.fitted})"
-    def fit(self, X=None, y=None, residuals=None, learner=None, k=25, 
-            scaler=False, beta=0.01, oob=False):
-        """
-        Fit difficulty estimator.
-        Parameters
-        ----------
-        X : array-like of shape (n_samples, n_features), default=None
-           set of objects
-        y : array-like of shape (n_values,), default=None
-            target values
-        residuals : array-like of shape (n_values,), default=None
-            true target values - predicted values
-        learner : an object with attribute ``learner.estimators_``, default=None
-           an ensemble model where each model m in ``learner.estimators_`` has a
-           method ``m.predict``
-        k: int, default=25
-           number of neighbors (used only if learner=None)
-        scaler : bool, default=True
-           use min-max-scaler on the difficulty estimates
-        beta : int or float, default=0.01 
-           value to add to the difficulty estimates (after scaling)
-        oob : bool, default=False
-           use out-of-bag estimation
-        Returns
-        -------
-        self : object
-            Fitted DifficultyEstimator.
-        Examples
-        --------
-        Assuming that ``X_prop_train`` is a proper training set, 
-        then a difficulty estimator using the distances to the k 
-        nearest neighbors can be formed in the following way 
-        (here using the default ``k=25``):
-        .. code-block:: python
-           from crepes.fillings import DifficultyEstimator
-           de_knn_dist = DifficultyEstimator() 
-        Assuming that ``y_prop_train`` is a vector with target values 
-        for the proper training set, then a difficulty estimator using 
-        standard deviation of the targets of the k nearest neighbors 
-        is formed by: 
-        .. code-block:: python
-           de_knn_std = DifficultyEstimator() 
- , y=y_prop_train)
-        Assuming that ``X_prop_res`` is a vector with residuals 
-        for the proper training set, then a difficulty estimator using 
-        the mean of the absolute residuals of the k nearest neighbors 
-        is formed by: 
-        .. code-block:: python
-           de_knn_res = DifficultyEstimator() 
- , residuals=X_prop_res)
-        Assuming that ``learner_prop`` is a trained model for which
-        ``learner.estimators_`` is a collection of base models, each 
-        implementing the ``predict`` method; this holds e.g., for 
-        ``RandomForestRegressor``, a difficulty estimator using the variance
-        of the predictions of the constituent models is formed by: 
-        .. code-block:: python
-           de_var = DifficultyEstimator() 
-        The difficulty estimates may be normalized (using min-max scaling) by
-        setting ``scaler=True``. It should be noted that this comes with a 
-        computational cost; for estimators based on the k-nearest neighbor, 
-        a leave-one-out protocol is employed to find the minimum and maximum 
-        distances that are used by the scaler. This also requires that a set 
-        of objects is provided for the variance-based approach (to allow for 
-        finding the minimum and maximum values). Hence, if normalization is to
-        be employed for the latter, objects have to be included:
-        .. code-block:: python
-           de_var = DifficultyEstimator() 
- , learner=learner_prop, scaler=True)
-        The ``DifficultyEstimator`` can also support the construction of conformal
-        regressors and predictive systems that employ out-of-bag calibration. 
-        For the k-nearest neighbor approaches, the difficulty of each object 
-        in the provided training set will be computed using a leave-one-out 
-        procedure, while for the variance-based approach the out-of-bag predictions 
-        will be employed. This is enabled by setting ``oob=True`` when calling the 
-        ``fit`` method, which also requires the (full) training set (``X_train``),
-        and for the variance-based approach a corresponding trained model 
-        (``learner_full``) to be provided: 
-        .. code-block:: python
-           de_var_oob = DifficultyEstimator() 
- , learner=learner_full, scaler=True, oob=True)
-        A small value (beta) is added to the difficulty estimates. The default 
-        is ``beta=0.01``. In order to make the beta value have the same effect 
-        across different estimators, you may consider normalizing the difficulty 
-        estimates (using min-max scaling) by setting ``scaler=True``. Note that 
-        beta is added after the normalization, which means that the range of
-        scores after normalization will be [0+beta, 1+beta]. Below, we use 
-        ``beta=0.001`` together with 10 neighbors (``k=10``):
-        .. code-block:: python
-           de_knn_mod = DifficultyEstimator() 
- , k=10, beta=0.001, scaler=True)
-        Note
-        ----
-        The use of out-of-bag calibration, as enabled by ``oob=True``, 
-        does not come with the theoretical validity guarantees of the regular
-        (inductive) conformal regressors and predictive systems, due to that 
-        calibration and test instances are not handled in exactly the same way.
-        """
-        self.y = y
-        self.residuals = residuals
-        self.learner = learner
-        self.k = k
-        self.beta = beta
-        self.scaler = scaler
-        self.oob = oob
-        if self.learner is None:
-            self.estimator_type = "knn"
-            if self.residuals is None:
-                if self.y is None:
-                    self.target_type = "none"
-                else:
-                    self.target_type = "labels"
-            else:
-                self.target_type = "residuals"
-        else:
-            self.estimator_type = "variance"
-            try:
-                self.learner.estimators_
-            except:
-                raise ValueError(
-                    "learner is missing the attribute estimators_")
-            if self.oob:
-                try:
-                    self.learner.estimators_[0].random_state
-                except:
-                    raise ValueError(
-                        ("learner.estimators_ is missing the attribute "
-                         "random_state"))
-        if self.estimator_type == "knn":
-            if X is None:
-                raise ValueError("X=None is not allowed for k-nearest"
-                                 " neighbor estimators")
-            nn = NearestNeighbors(n_neighbors=self.k, n_jobs=-1)
-            nn_scaler = MinMaxScaler(clip=True)
-            X_scaled = nn_scaler.transform(X)
-            self.nn = nn
-            self.nn_scaler = nn_scaler
-            if self.oob or self.scaler:
-                if self.target_type == "none":
-                    distances, neighbor_indexes = nn.kneighbors(
-                        return_distance=True)
-                    sigmas = np.array([np.sum(distances[i])
-                                       for i in range(len(distances))]) 
-                elif self.target_type == "labels":
-                    neighbor_indexes = nn.kneighbors(return_distance=False)
-                    sigmas = np.array([np.std(y[indexes])
-                                       for indexes in neighbor_indexes])
-                else: # self.target_type == "residuals"
-                    neighbor_indexes = nn.kneighbors(return_distance=False)
-                    sigmas = np.array([np.mean(np.abs(residuals[indexes]))
-                                       for indexes in neighbor_indexes])
-                if self.scaler:
-                    sigma_scaler = MinMaxScaler(clip=True)
-          [:,None])
-                    self.sigma_scaler = sigma_scaler
-                    sigmas = self.sigma_scaler.transform(sigmas[:,None])[:,0]
-                if self.oob:
-                    self.sigmas = sigmas
-        else: # self.estimator_type == "variance":
-            if X is None and (self.oob or self.scaler):
-                raise ValueError("X=None is allowed only if oob=False and "
-                                 "scaler=False for variance estimator")
-            if self.oob or self.scaler:
-                predictions = np.array([model.predict(X)
-                                        for model in self.learner.estimators_])
-                oob_masks = np.array([
-                    get_oob(self.learner.estimators_[i].random_state, len(X))
-                    for i in range(len(self.learner.estimators_))])
-                sigmas = np.array([np.var(predictions[oob_masks[:,i],i])
-                                   for i in range(len(X))])
-            if self.scaler:
-                sigma_scaler = MinMaxScaler(clip=True)
-      [:,None])
-                self.sigma_scaler = sigma_scaler
-                sigmas = self.sigma_scaler.transform(sigmas[:,None])[:,0] 
-            if self.oob:
-                    self.sigmas = sigmas
-        self.fitted = True
-        return self
-    def apply(self, X=None):
-        """
-        Apply difficulty estimator.
-        Parameters
-        ----------
-        X : array-like of shape (n_samples, n_features), default=None
-           set of objects
-        Returns
-        -------
-        sigmas : array-like of shape (n_samples,)
-            difficulty estimates 
-        Examples
-        --------
-        Assuming ``de`` to be a fitted ``DifficultyEstimator``, i.e., for which
-        the ``fit`` method has earlier been successfully called, then difficulty
-        estimates for a set of objects ``X`` is obtained by:
-        .. code-block:: python
-           difficulty_estimates = de.apply(X)
-        If ``de_oob`` is a ``DifficultyEstimator`` that has been fitted with
-        the option ``oob=True`` and a training set, then a call to the ``apply`` 
-        method without any objects will return the estimates for the training 
-        set:
-        .. code-block:: python
-           oob_difficulty_estimates = de.apply()
-        For a difficulty estimator employing any of the k-nearest neighbor 
-        approaches, the above will return an estimate for the difficulty 
-        of each object in the training set computed using a leave-one-out 
-        procedure, while for the variance-based approach the out-of-bag 
-        predictions will instead be used. 
-        """
-        if X is None:
-            if not self.oob:
-                raise ValueError("X=None is allowed only if oob=True")
-            sigmas = self.sigmas
-        elif self.estimator_type == "knn":
-            X_scaled = self.nn_scaler.transform(X)
-            if self.target_type == "none":
-                distances, neighbor_indexes = self.nn.kneighbors(
-                    X_scaled, return_distance=True)
-                sigmas = np.array([np.sum(distances[i])
-                                   for i in range(len(distances))])
-            elif self.target_type == "labels":
-                neighbor_indexes = self.nn.kneighbors(X_scaled,
-                                                      return_distance=False)
-                sigmas = np.array([np.std(self.y[indexes])
-                                   for indexes in neighbor_indexes])
-            else: # self.target_type == "residuals"
-                neighbor_indexes = self.nn.kneighbors(X_scaled,
-                                                      return_distance=False)
-                sigmas = np.array([np.mean(np.abs(self.residuals[indexes]))
-                                   for indexes in neighbor_indexes])
-            if self.scaler:
-                sigmas = self.sigma_scaler.transform(sigmas[:,None])[:,0]
-        else: # self.estimator_type == "variance"
-            if self.oob:
-                predictions = np.array([model.predict(X)
-                                        for model in self.learner.estimators_])
-                oob_masks = np.array([
-                    get_oob(self.learner.estimators_[i].random_state, len(X))
-                    for i in range(len(self.learner.estimators_))])
-                sigmas = np.array([np.var(predictions[oob_masks[:,i],i])
-                                   for i in range(len(X))])
-            else:    
-                sigmas = np.var([model.predict(X) for
-                                 model in self.learner.estimators_],
-                            axis=0)
-            if self.scaler:
-                sigmas = self.sigma_scaler.transform(sigmas[:,None])[:,0]            
-        return sigmas + self.beta
-def get_oob(seed, n_samples):
-    """
-    Provides out-of-bag samples from a random seed and sample size.
-    Parameters
-    ----------
-    seed : int
-        random seed
-    n_samples : int
-        sample size
-    Returns
-    -------
-    oob : array-like of shape (n_samples,)
-        binary vector indicating which samples are out-of-bag and not 
-    """
-    return np.bincount(np.random.RandomState(seed).randint(0, n_samples,
-                                                           n_samples),
-                       minlength=n_samples) == 0
-def binning(values=None, bins=10):
-    """
-    Provides bins for a set of values.
-    Parameters
-    ----------
-    values : array-like of shape (n_samples,), default=None
-        set of values
-    bins : int or array-like of shape (n_bins,), default=10
-        number of bins to use for equal-sized binning or threshold values 
-        to use for binning
-    Returns
-    -------
-    assigned_bins : array-like of shape (n_samples,)
-        bins to which values have been assigned
-    boundaries : array-like of shape (bins+1,)
-        threshold values for the bins; the first is always -np.inf and
-        the last is np.inf. Returned only if bins is an int.
-    Examples
-    --------
-    Assuming that ``sigmas`` is a vector with difficulty estimates,
-    then Mondrian categories (bins) can be formed by finding thresholds
-    for 20 equal-sized bins by:
-    .. code-block:: python
-       from crepes.fillings import binning
-       bins, bin_thresholds = binning(values=sigmas, bins=20)
-    The above will result in that ``bins`` is assigned a vector
-    of the same length as ``sigmas`` with label names (integers
-    from 0 to 19), while ``bin_thresholds`` define the boundaries
-    for the bins. The latter can be used to assign bin labels
-    to another vector, e.g., ``sigmas_test``, by providing the thresholds 
-    as input to ``binning``:
-    .. code-block:: python
-       test_bins  = binning(values=sigmas_test, bins=bin_thresholds)
-    Here the output is just a vector ``test_bins`` with label names
-    of the same length as ``sigmas_test``.
-    Note
-    ----
-    A very small random number is added to each value when forming bins
-    for the purpose of tie-breaking.
-    """
-    mod_values = values+np.random.rand(len(values))*1e-9
-    # Adding a very small random number, which a.s. avoids ties
-    # without affecting performance
-    if type(bins) == int:
-        assigned_bins, bin_boundaries = pd.qcut(mod_values,bins,
-                                                labels=False,retbins=True,
-                                                duplicates="drop",
-                                                precision=12)
-        bin_boundaries[0] = -np.inf
-        bin_boundaries[-1] = np.inf
-        return assigned_bins, bin_boundaries
-    else:
-        assigned_bins = pd.cut(mod_values,bins,labels=False,retbins=False)
-        return assigned_bins